Obama's WAR ON WOMEN--No economic stimulus for them!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Obama spent billions of taxpayer dollars in the economic stimulus bill promising that it would create millions of new jobs. He tried to funnel an economic recovery through road and bridge work and green energy construction--(that was outsourced to China anyway)-but it didn't include one single penny to spur any job growth for women in this country.

Every single job that Obama spent economic stimulus dollars on were for men.

So while our community organizer President is hammering away at women in this country with "who's going to pay for someone else's birth control contraceptives"--we find that many women in this country tend to forget about that 878 billion dollar economic stimulus bill that didn't include them.

And in fact it shows. More women are unemployed than men in this country to the tune of approximately 1 million more--than in 2008.

I still believe that women in this country are more concerned about keeping a roof over their kids heads and food on the table--than what the democrats give them credit for. This again shows the democrat party insulting the intelligence of women in this country.

Women are far more concerned about 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% if you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits. 26 million Americans are either unemployed or underemployed. They are more concerned about 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level--with 46 million Americans on food stamps. And they are really concerned about this 16 trillion in red ink--with another 5 trillion to be added to this bill just in interest over the next decade. And the biggest concern of women in this country--is how their children and grand children are going to fare having to pay $224,000 in just interest alone on this tab--if something is not done now. Gas prices are up--food prices are up and Consumer Confidence is in the tank. These are the real concerns of women in this country.

46 million americans receiving food stamps - Google Search
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012
Consumer confidence - Aug. 28, 2012

On November 6, 2012 I plan to "ABORT" the Barack Obama administration--and I hope that 10's of millions of women in this country join me.


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Women are overrated. You invest hefty sums on the front end, and reap negative returns once they're an acquired asset. Bad investment.
Women are overrated. You invest hefty sums on the front end, and reap negative returns once they're an acquired asset. Bad investment.

I am a woman--and I don't think my husband of 39 years has the same opinion of women as you do---:badgrin:

The fact is--that women in this country today are the largest voting block of it--that is why Barack Obama--as he has been doing through-out his reelection campaign is trying to divide this country between race--class and GENDER to win reelection.

What have NaziCons done for women - other than trying to drive them back into the Dark Ages?

That's a bit extreme, although I think I have the same loathing for Liberals as you... but I don't know what it is about their ideology. Conservatives walk the walk, Liberals prance the prance. Give a conservative a shovel and he'll make money out of a hole in the ground. Give a Liberal a shovel, and he'll dig a hole make it home and bill the government. Fill it with 97 relatives claim unemployment and disability for every one then declare that hole a wetlands and/or a destroyed corn field and collect double. Proclaim it a nuclear free zone

That's a bit extreme, although I think I have the same loathing for Liberals as you... but I don't know what it is about their ideology. Conservatives walk the walk, Liberals prance the prance. Give a conservative a shovel and he'll make money out of a hole in the ground. Give a Liberal a shovel, and he'll dig a hole make it home and bill the government. Fill it with 97 relatives claim unemployment and disability for every one then declare that hole a wetlands and/or a destroyed corn field and collect double. Proclaim it a nuclear free zone

Yep, mine was extreme lol

Now Lakota you know that's a bunch of Horseshit--why do you even bother with these kind of outrageous claims.

You ask what have Republicans done for women in this country. They promote women to high office positions more than 3 to 1 to Democrats doing it. Including Romney--who has continually done it through-out his career.

Democrats just use women--for VOTES--by scaring them into believing a lot of horseshit that isn't true about Republicans. Democrats must believe that women are dumber than dirt.
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Obama spent billions of taxpayer dollars in the economic stimulus bill promising that it would create millions of new jobs. He tried to funnel an economic recovery through road and bridge work and green energy construction--(that was outsourced to China anyway)-but it didn't include one single penny to spur any job growth for women in this country.
Obama's Stimulus Money Spent Overseas, Jobs in China - ABC News

Every single job that Obama spent economic stimulus dollars on were for men.
I ... Uh...

Outside of bearing babies and breast feeding... Exactly what is a woman job?
Women and men equal..period...anyone can do what the fuck they want in life regardless of gender...
OH... I'm pretty sure a man would have hell of a time being a wet nurse or surrogate mother. But honestly that's all I came up with.
The stimuluses are probably the biggest example of how inept Obama is. Anybody that can vote for Obama after he threw away well more than a trillion bucks; is a brain dead idiot.

That's a bit extreme, although I think I have the same loathing for Liberals as you... but I don't know what it is about their ideology. Conservatives walk the walk, Liberals prance the prance. Give a conservative a shovel and he'll make money out of a hole in the ground. Give a Liberal a shovel, and he'll dig a hole make it home and bill the government. Fill it with 97 relatives claim unemployment and disability for every one then declare that hole a wetlands and/or a destroyed corn field and collect double. Proclaim it a nuclear free zone

Yep, mine was extreme lol

I was drunk. Now I'm hung over. Sometimes I type for the sake of typing. Thanks for reading it, though.
That's a bit extreme, although I think I have the same loathing for Liberals as you... but I don't know what it is about their ideology. Conservatives walk the walk, Liberals prance the prance. Give a conservative a shovel and he'll make money out of a hole in the ground. Give a Liberal a shovel, and he'll dig a hole make it home and bill the government. Fill it with 97 relatives claim unemployment and disability for every one then declare that hole a wetlands and/or a destroyed corn field and collect double. Proclaim it a nuclear free zone

Yep, mine was extreme lol

I was drunk. Now I'm hung over. Sometimes I type for the sake of typing. Thanks for reading it, though.

If Obama wins reelection--everyone in this country is going to be drunk 3/4 of the time--:badgrin: Americans who can't find jobs tend to drink.
No such thing as a war on Women, you don't realize that women are the single most privilegd group in western society wether they have a job or not, women are granted many options that are denied to men both socially and legally. Women also now make up more then Half of Breadwinners throughout the United States and men are dropping from jobs like flies and for the record the majority of employed men do more work then the majority of employed women. Do some research before hand next time.

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