Obama's warrantless wiretaps


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
N'Awlins Mid-City
Obama's warrantless wiretaps

Isn't it funny how the things that the right is accusing Obama of doing that is supposedly just like Bush's warrantless wiretaps either weren't warrantless - weren't wiretaps - or weren't either?

The DOJ subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters from the private businesses that own those records - but they didn't tap their actual conversations, merely records of when calls were made and to what number. Its not really any different than digging a phone bill out of the trash.

The DOJ got Google to hand over Rosen's private emails - but they had a warrant.

So how come Obama's warrantless wiretaps aren't warrantless wiretaps?
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Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.
Bush asked for the phone records of over 200 million American's.

That's a little more than your stated "criteria".
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Obama's warrantless wiretaps

Isn't it funny how the things that the right is accusing Obama of doing that is supposedly just like Bush's warrantless wiretaps either weren't warrantless - weren't wiretaps - or weren't either?

The DOJ subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters from the private businesses that own those records - but they didn't tap their actual conversations, merely records of when calls were made and to what number. Its not really any different than digging a phone bill out of the trash.

The DOJ got Google to hand over Rosen's private emails - but they had a warrant.

So how come Obama's warrantless wiretaps aren't warrantless wiretaps?

what's not funny, is you were probably screeching your head over Bush, now you must bring up Bush as some sort of excuse for you DEAR LEADER..you are sad
Obama's warrantless wiretaps

Isn't it funny how the things that the right is accusing Obama of doing that is supposedly just like Bush's warrantless wiretaps either weren't warrantless - weren't wiretaps - or weren't either?

The DOJ subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters from the private businesses that own those records - but they didn't tap their actual conversations, merely records of when calls were made and to what number. Its not really any different than digging a phone bill out of the trash.

The DOJ got Google to hand over Rosen's private emails - but they had a warrant.

So how come Obama's warrantless wiretaps aren't warrantless wiretaps?
When it comes to warrantless wiretaps, Obama is worse than Bush.

It's all about the benchmarks being set. If their was no whining during the Bush era over things done on his watch which Obama is now doing, then that is sheer hypocrisy which suggests the complaints are actually partisan, and the faux love of the Constitution is just a patina of bullshit used to conceal the true motives.
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels

I bolded the lying parts
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels

I bolded the lying parts

are we suppose to care just because you say it's lie?
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.
Bush asked for the phone records of over 200,000 million American's.

That's a little more than your stated "criteria".
I didn't know that there were 200,000 million Americans! Wow, the Census was way off.
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.


There is a difference between a wiretap and a pen register.

Bush searched tens of millions of Americans' phone records without a warrant. This is similar to placing a pen register on tens of millions of phones.

A pen register only notes what phone numbers were called from a particular phone. So Bush searched your, mine, and tens of millions of other Americans' phone logs to see who we called.

If you called a number on the watchlist, you became a subject of interest. The FBI could then go to your local library, say, and get the record of all the books you have read. They would then give the librarian a non-disclosure letter (NDL) forbidding the librarian from informing you the FBI is sniffing around your life. And if you happened to have checked out How I Learned To Love Islam, then you were fucked. Your property and personal papers, emails, and whatnot would then be searched while you were out.

All without a warrant.

Then, if you called a friend overseas, the FBI could listen in. This is the wiretap part of the scheme.

All this without any judicial oversight whatsoever.

When the searching of tens of millions of phone records came to light, there were people who were prepared to sue the phone companies for turning those records over to the Department of Fatherland Security. So the Republican Congress then swung into action and gave all of them retroactive immunity from prosecution or civil lawsuits.

Meanwhile, all the present day rabid dog idiots like yourself slept through all of this. Only now do they rise up in faux moral outrage over what has been happening for over a decade.
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OK, you Hussein defenders can play with legal terms but you aren't as good at it as the A.G. An eavesdropping warrant to monitor private E-mail is generally called a wiretap. There are hundreds of federal judges who would gladly sign anything the Obama administration put in front of them without asking about probable cause. Everybody on the right and left agrees that James Rosen is an honorable man and it is ludicrous to accuse him or any other reporter of committing a crime when they are working on a story. The invasion of Rosen's privacy is clearly a direct affront to the 1st Amendment. Even J. Edgar Hoover in the darkest days of the FDR administration would not investigate the media the way the Hussein Administration did. You almost gotta laugh when the president's best defense is incompetence.
So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.
Bush asked for the phone records of over 200,000 million American's.

That's a little more than your stated "criteria".

200,000 million? Really?

No not really.

The population of the entire United States is only 311 million people. Bush did not ask for the phone records of every single person in the country. obama on the other hand is a great believer in data mining. He's used it in both his elections. Not only phone records, but every other kind of record.
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels

I bolded the lying parts

Surely. You're a democrat. Everyone now knows democrats can't be trusted.
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.

You're such a hypocrite
Obama's warrantless wiretaps

Isn't it funny how the things that the right is accusing Obama of doing that is supposedly just like Bush's warrantless wiretaps either weren't warrantless - weren't wiretaps - or weren't either?

The DOJ subpoenaed phone records of AP reporters from the private businesses that own those records - but they didn't tap their actual conversations, merely records of when calls were made and to what number. Its not really any different than digging a phone bill out of the trash.

The DOJ got Google to hand over Rosen's private emails - but they had a warrant.

So how come Obama's warrantless wiretaps aren't warrantless wiretaps?
When it comes to warrantless wiretaps, Obama is worse than Bush.

Except that OBama's "warrantless wiretaps" either have a warrant, or aren't a wiretap - or aren't either.
So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 17,387

I somehow doubt that in any of the posts you made while Bush was in office you complained one bit about warrantless wiretaps.
So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 17,387

I somehow doubt that in any of the posts you made while Bush was in office you complained one bit about warrantless wiretaps.

Go back and check little sheep.

I have never been a fan of GWB. Never voted for him either.

Oh and thank you for proving my point that you are a 2 dimensional thinker and mindless ovine.

So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?

I am extremely pissed about warrantless searches and wiretaps. There simply is no excuse for them.

I have been angry since before the ink on the Patriot Act was even dry.

The johnny-come-latelies are only angry because they have been told by their masters to be angry at Obama all the time, no matter what. This faux love of the Constitution is just a cover. This is about Obama, not the Constitution. The boneheads are not actually informed on any issue, much less the Patriot Act, or warrantless wiretaps, or the Constitution, or they would have been angry for far longer.
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