Obama's warrantless wiretaps

So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 17,387

I somehow doubt that in any of the posts you made while Bush was in office you complained one bit about warrantless wiretaps.

Go back and check little sheep.

I have never been a fan of GWB. Never voted for him either.

Oh and thank you for proving my point that you are a 2 dimensional thinker and mindless ovine.

Its certainly not your fault you weren't old enough back then. But I doubt I'd find a post by you complaining about his warrantless wiretaps.
So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?

I am extremely pissed about warrantless searches and wiretaps. There simply is no excuse for them.

I have been angry since before the ink on the Patriot Act was even dry.

The johnny-come-latelies are only angry because they have been told by their masters to be angry at Obama all the time, no matter what. This faux love of the Constitution is just a cover. This is about Obama, not the Constitution. The boneheads are not actually informed on any issue, much less the Patriot Act, or warrantless wiretaps, or the Constitution, or they would have been angry for far longer.

The repubs had a good reason to support warrantless wiretaps and the Patriot act.

1. Liberals opposed it and republicans laughed at "losing rights"
2. They were told to be scared and they were. So their rights went the same place their backbone did. Out the window
Bush's warrantless wiretaps had certain criteria. The call had to be between a phone in the US and originiation or be placed to a number overseas and already on a watch list. Warrantless wiretaps wholly within the United States were limited to roving wiretaps. A wiretap authorized by a judge in one jurisdiction would be authorized in another jurisdiction without a new warrant.

obama's wiretaps are based on how he feels.


There is a difference between a wiretap and a pen register.

Bush searched tens of millions of Americans' phone records without a warrant. This is similar to placing a pen register on tens of millions of phones.

A pen register only notes what phone numbers were called from a particular phone. So Bush searched your, mine, and tens of millions of other Americans' phone logs to see who we called.

If you called a number on the watchlist, you became a subject of interest. The FBI could then go to your local library, say, and get the record of all the books you have read. They would then give the librarian a non-disclosure letter (NDL) forbidding the librarian from informing you the FBI is sniffing around your life. And if you happened to have checked out How I Learned To Love Islam, then you were fucked. Your property and personal papers, emails, and whatnot would then be searched while you were out.

All without a warrant.

Then, if you called a friend overseas, the FBI could listen in. This is the wiretap part of the scheme.

All this without any judicial oversight whatsoever.

When the searching of tens of millions of phone records came to light, there were people who were prepared to sue the phone companies for turning those records over to the Department of Fatherland Security. So the Republican Congress then swung into action and gave all of them retroactive immunity from prosecution or civil lawsuits.

Meanwhile, all the present day rabid dog idiots like yourself slept through all of this. Only now do they rise up in faux moral outrage over what has been happening for over a decade.

Exactly. With Bushii, one of the concerns by the press was that they couldn't talk to foreign sources without being tapped, and the sources certainly didn't want to be tapped, esp if they were giving info on things like afghan or pak .... or iran, and esp Iraq. Whether the bushii admin's intention was to prevent stories that could hurt them politically, that was the effect.

Holder obviously overstepped, and he'll be lucky to keep his job, but a little context would be nice. The secret at issue here was the story that NK would supposedly not be deterred by harsher sanctions. That too has a political aspect. The gop can call Obama soft, but practically can we use attacks to remove NK's nuclear capaicity without their response being to level Seoul with regular artillary? So, obviously Obama's admin would like to silence the story. Of course, like all admin's they don't like leaks in general.
200,000 million? Really?

No not really.

The population of the entire United States is only 311 million people. Bush did not ask for the phone records of every single person in the country. obama on the other hand is a great believer in data mining. He's used it in both his elections. Not only phone records, but every other kind of record.
That was a typo.

I meant 200 million.
"Oh, wait, wut? You mean the new guy from the opposite party is doing the same thing our guy did all those years? OUTRAGEOUS! HE'S A NAZI! IMPEACH! IMPEACH! IMPEACH!"
I somehow doubt that in any of the posts you made while Bush was in office you complained one bit about warrantless wiretaps.

Go back and check little sheep.

I have never been a fan of GWB. Never voted for him either.

Oh and thank you for proving my point that you are a 2 dimensional thinker and mindless ovine.

Its certainly not your fault you weren't old enough back then. But I doubt I'd find a post by you complaining about his warrantless wiretaps.

I was old enough Idiot.

Go ahead and look you'll find plenty of criticism of GW from me.

Run along now little lamb chop.
So you bicker over which idiot president violated out rights the least rather than being righteously pissed off that a "warrantless" wiretap is even allowed.

Man you sheep have really fell for it haven't you?

I am extremely pissed about warrantless searches and wiretaps. There simply is no excuse for them.

I have been angry since before the ink on the Patriot Act was even dry.

The johnny-come-latelies are only angry because they have been told by their masters to be angry at Obama all the time, no matter what. This faux love of the Constitution is just a cover. This is about Obama, not the Constitution. The boneheads are not actually informed on any issue, much less the Patriot Act, or warrantless wiretaps, or the Constitution, or they would have been angry for far longer.

The repubs had a good reason to support warrantless wiretaps and the Patriot act.

1. Liberals opposed it and republicans laughed at "losing rights"
2. They were told to be scared and they were. So their rights went the same place their backbone did. Out the window

There is no reason good enough to support the Patriot Act
Let's all thank the Patriot Act. Like all patriotic Americans we allow our government to monitor everything we do to keep us safe from evil terrorists

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