Obama's wingman eric holder viciously attacks Bill Barr for launnching massive investigation into sp


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Holder is a criminal...he ran guns into Mexico knowing they would be used to kill....he wanted those weapons to be tracked back to American gun stores in an attempt to sway public opinion on gun stores....it failed thank God...but he has blood on his hands and will one day face justice....
Obama's 'Wingman' Eric Holder Viciously Attacks Bill Barr For Launching Massive Investigation Into Spygate, "He is Not Fit to Lead DOJ"
Barack Obama’s corrupt officials are all lashing out at Attorney General Bill Barr because he launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.

Awww the little bitch is getting called out and nobody is hiding their lies awww poor little bitch keep whining you deep state whores aren't as protected as you were.

They'll all be howling that very thing as they're led away in handcuffs next year.
Obama's 'Wingman' Eric Holder Viciously Attacks Bill Barr For Launching Massive Investigation Into Spygate, "He is Not Fit to Lead DOJ"
Barack Obama’s corrupt officials are all lashing out at Attorney General Bill Barr because he launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.
Awww the little bitch is getting called out and nobody is hiding their lies awww poor little bitch keep whining you deep state whores aren't as protected as you were.

Yep. Holder is shitting himself what Barr might find out! And Holder is right in the middle of a lot of it.
Holder is a criminal...he ran guns into Mexico knowing they would be used to kill....he wanted those weapons to be tracked back to American gun stores in an attempt to sway public opinion on gun stores....it failed thank God...but he has blood on his hands and will one day face justice....

No he is not a criminal.
Obama's 'Wingman' Eric Holder Viciously Attacks Bill Barr For Launching Massive Investigation Into Spygate, "He is Not Fit to Lead DOJ"
Barack Obama’s corrupt officials are all lashing out at Attorney General Bill Barr because he launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.

Awww the little bitch is getting called out and nobody is hiding their lies awww poor little bitch keep whining you deep state whores aren't as protected as you were.
Shoot it was just with words? What a disappointment.
The most senior official cited by Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report was Lanny Breuer, head of the justice department's criminal division.

Operation Fast and Furious
  • Began in October 2009
  • Officials hoped to follow the guns to drug cartel leaders
  • But weapons were lost after being transferred from buyers to smugglers who brought them to Mexico
  • Congressional report showed at least 122 weapons recovered at crime scenes in Mexico were linked to the sting
  • About 1,400 have yet to be recovered
  • The operation has produced charges against 20 gun traffickers, 14 have pleaded guilty
Mr Breuer was criticised for not alerting his superiors in 2010 to flaws in a similar programme, known as Operation Wide Receiver, which started under former President George W Bush.

A "series of misguided strategies, tactics, [and] errors in judgment" all contributed to the failure of Fast And Furious and Wide Receiver, the report said.

The problems dated back to 2006 but current senior officials were criticised for failing to question the tactics used during Fast and Furious.
US-Mexico gun-running 'misguided'
He is right, Barr is not fit for office as AG.

This coming from a guy who sold weapons to Mexican Gang members and got a Border Patrol agent Killed, with the guns he authorized to be sold to them. Dems forget their misdeeds so quickly. Voters won't. Holder should be in jail he's just a mouthpiece with no credibility!
Holder is a criminal...he ran guns into Mexico knowing they would be used to kill....he wanted those weapons to be tracked back to American gun stores in an attempt to sway public opinion on gun stores....it failed thank God...but he has blood on his hands and will one day face justice....

No he is not a criminal.
So if I sell guns to Drug traffickers and someone is killed by that gun by the traffickers purchased from me I have no Culpability. He knowingly and recklessly without regard for the law sold guns to Drug traffickers how is that not criminal. All you can rebut. is "He's not a Criminal"! I think the families of the people killed by his recklessness would disagree!
Holder is a criminal...he ran guns into Mexico knowing they would be used to kill....he wanted those weapons to be tracked back to American gun stores in an attempt to sway public opinion on gun stores....it failed thank God...but he has blood on his hands and will one day face justice....

No he is not a criminal.
So if I sell guns to Drug traffickers and someone is killed by that gun by the traffickers purchased from me I have no Culpability. He knowingly and recklessly without regard for the law sold guns to Drug traffickers how is that not criminal. All you can rebut. is "He's not a Criminal"! I think the families of the people killed by his recklessness would disagree!

What can you expect, she is a zombie liberal.
Notice how the ones who are the most corrupt are the ones yelling the loudest? Those are the ones Barr should focus on the most.
He is right, Barr is not fit for office as AG.

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