Obituary for LA

Worse still, conditions in LA today are bordering on the medieval. Anyone visiting some of the most famous districts of urban Los Angeles – notably downtown, Hollywood and Venice Beach – sees clear signs of destitution, including sprawling homeless encampments, vast numbers of people living in vehicles and rampant crime. Last year, a UN official compared conditions on LA’s Skid Row, a poor downtown neighbourhood, to those of Syrian refugee camps. Smash-and-grab thefts at local 7-Elevens and the persistent theft of goods from railyards suggest this is a city that has lost control to the modern version of lawless highwaymen. The fall of Los Angeles
Old and poor with more business and young leaving.....s
I used to live in Huntington Park. Still a lot of fine people there. The lowest pieces of shit in America are Donald Trump and his cohorts that tried to destroy our country on January 6. You right wingers don't know shit from shinola.
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Not off topic and not a load of shit. Maybe you don't understand that Trump tried to destroy this country. Lots of crime in areas like Huntington Park, but a lot of poverty too. This Trump asshole was born with the silver spoon in his mouth and he still tried to destroy our country.
How did Trump deprive you of an income?
Don't mention COVID because that was a GLOBAL event.
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You know what is said about anything the Left gets control of.

I beleive you proved it.
When even Google is putting up warnings and showing the areas where people are actually shitting in the streets (granted that covers pretty much all of LA and San Francisco), you know things have gone from bad to worse.
I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s.

It has gone from a conservative to a woke society.

A liberal African American Congress woman is on track to beat a law-and-order Caucasian businessman to become the next mayor.

Crimes of all kinds (not just the major ones of assault and murder) are occurring more often than ever. The predators have never been this brazen. They know that bleeding heart politicians and the local prosecutor have their backs.

Many cities back East deteriorated very early, starting in the 1960s.

Now it is time for Los Angeles.

It is a very hurtful but a brutal fact that most of the really violent crimes are committed by people of two certain ethnicities.

The United States of America is a-changing.

And not necessarily for the better (as is portrayed in TV commercials).
I spent a few months in the early 1960s living in Van Nuys in the San Fernando Valley. LA then was a great place to live. Safe and mostly clean if you stayed out of the ghetto areas.

Back then California was the Golden State. Thanks to the Democrats it is now a shithole state.

You can thank the filthy Hippies, Limousine Libtards and the Illegals.
Not off topic and not a load of shit. Maybe you don't understand that Trump tried to destroy this country. Lots of crime in areas like Huntington Park, but a lot of poverty too. This Trump asshole was born with the silver spoon in his mouth and he still tried to destroy our country.
Oh shut up. Poverty level fell most under Trump
Not off topic and not a load of shit. Maybe you don't understand that Trump tried to destroy this country. Lots of crime in areas like Huntington Park, but a lot of poverty too. This Trump asshole was born with the silver spoon in his mouth and he still tried to destroy our country.
You are confused Moon Bat. Must be the TDS mental illness.

Trump inherited a little wealth and then significantly grew it. Don't be envious. It makes you look like an asshole.

That is different than these shitheads like Slick Willy, Crooked Hillary and the Biden crime family that sold out their country and got filthy rich.

Trump was the greatest President of modern times. He made the US energy independent, reduced taxes, sealed the border, increased family income, greatly reduced Black and Brown unemployment, strengthen the US military without getting us in another war, reduced onerous regulations and undid a lot of the damage that The Worthless Negro did to this country.

The crime you speak of is caused by the dumbass incompetent Democrat leaders that screw up everything they touch.

Democrats are a disaster for this country and everything they do turns to shit. Just think about the next time you go through the checkout counter at the grocery counter or fill up your vehicle at the gas station.

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