Obomination: Gas Prices Rise To $4 In Los Angeles...


But Americans love to pay high prices for petro.

They are always electing warmongers to the presidency , they love their commander-in-chief to act macho an invade every oil producing country. They love to elect dumb asses who allow the enviro-nazis to dictate whether or not Oil companies can drill for oil domestically. And they love to elect politicians who are willing to put them in harms way in order to finance and protect the Jewish State.


Oh, it's a Jew thang... who knew?

I guess that depends on where you choose to get your source of information from. Ask any liberal, and they will convince you the world is about to end if we don't shut down anything that uses electricity or gas. Ask the people who were pitching the Keystone pipeline, and they will tell you it was 100% safe in every capacity.

At the end of the day - it doesn't matter. We need energy to survive, and there is a certain amount of risk that goes with harvesting energy. Deal with it. A spill in the ocean killing a 1,000 starfish is exponentially more acceptable than the deaths of a 10 people who are unable to heat their homes.

The enviro-wackos will have your head for making that comment.

No doubt - but that's exactly what makes them "wacko's". *Their belief that people should die but it's not acceptable for animals to die is as irrational as it gets.

I think there is nothing both funnier and more tragic than the fact that liberals have managed to implement law that says it is completely acceptable to kill a baby, but just TOUCHING the egg of the bald eagle is a felony.

Listen, I love animals. *I have several pets, I've never hunted in my life and never would, I feed the dear where I live (love watching dear - beautiful graceful animals) - but people need to survive. *Accidents happen, instead of being irrational spazs like the liberal animal lovers are, they need to take a deep breath, relax, and realize it's not the end of the world if there is an oil spill. *Clean it up, do what you can to save the animals, and then move on.

One last thing of note - this is yet another issue where the liberals prove they are the party of profound hypocrisy. *I know several die-hard "tree-huggers" that denounce all things mankind, yet each of them lives in a comfortable house with heating and A/C, AND they drive SUV's!!! *Al Gore screams "end of the planet", yet owns several homes exceeding 8,000 square feet that are heated/cooled at all times and eating up electricity at all times, even though no one is there. *In addition, he travels around the planet in a private jets - which produces more emissions than anything else. *The liberal idiot believes that THEY are entitled to the good life - everyone ELSE needs to "sacrifice". *It's why Obama is a millionaire while denouncing wealth, it's why Al Gore has a larger carbon footprint than any human in the world, while denouncing pollution, it's why my over-the-top tree-hugging acquaintances live like kings while denouncing living like that. *Like Margaret Thatcher said, "Socialism is for the people, NOT the Socialist"...*

Yet again a person that thinks all libs are one in the same. Do all conservatives go to the same church and never practice abortion? I think not.

But Americans love to pay high prices for petro.

They are always electing warmongers to the presidency , they love their commander-in-chief to act macho an invade every oil producing country. They love to elect dumb asses who allow the enviro-nazis to dictate whether or not Oil companies can drill for oil domestically. And they love to elect politicians who are willing to put them in harms way in order to finance and protect the Jewish State.


Oh, it's a Jew thang... who knew?


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1bm2GPoFfg"]What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't [/ame]

Just in time for Presidents Day: get ready for the long holiday weekend's highest prices ever in Southern California as $4 gasoline is expected to arrive in Los Angeles, Long Beach, and probably Orange County, too.

That's what energy analysts are predicting as the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area reached $3.996 a gallon overnight, up nearly 2 cents since Thursday. That was also a jump of 15.9 cents a gallon since last week.

That's according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report, a daily record of credit card receipts compiled from more than 100,000 service stations around the U.S. by the Oil Price Information Service in New Jersey and by Wright Express.

Not far behind the L.A. area: San Diego is also on the brink at $3.992 a gallon, up 16.2 cents since last week, according to the report. Orange County was also on the cusp, rising 16.2 cents a gallon in the past week to an average of $3.989 a gallon...

California's average stands at $3.956 a gallon, which is also a record for Feb. 17, breaking the old mark set last year by a whopping 45.3 cents a gallon.

$4 a gallon gasoline likely to hit L.A. this weekend - latimes.com

Things are expensive as fuck in California, I thought the gas was already over $4.
Every day is one less day we have to put up with obama. Gas prices will rise along with the price of everything else. If we are lucky that it, if we aren't lucky we won't have any gas at all. If we are REALLY lucky, Iran will attack either Israel or America. If we are moderately lucky, this summer the occupiers will tantrum and start burning down cities.

All will be welcome if it gets obama out of office.

You think Iran attacking us or Israel is a good thing? thats crazy talk.:eusa_hand:
cool... another mentally ill obama deranged thread. :thup:

Cool another I love Obama post. Defend Obama at all costs:eusa_eh: Give us something substantive

the thread didn't rate anything "of substance". and if "I love Obama" is what you got from my post, it explains why you're never correct about anything. :thup:

I'm not? Was i correct in considering you a friend? my problem with you is you mostly make hit and run posts thats my problem with your posting.

But Americans love to pay high prices for petro.

They are always electing warmongers to the presidency , they love their commander-in-chief to act macho an invade every oil producing country. They love to elect dumb asses who allow the enviro-nazis to dictate whether or not Oil companies can drill for oil domestically. And they love to elect politicians who are willing to put them in harms way in order to finance and protect the Jewish State.


You have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about. Do me a favor... check the global prices of "petro" and get back to me. We have subsidized the price of gas in this country for decades. PS...don't forget... other countries charge by the Liter, not the gallon.. so add that into your calculations.
Gas prices are all the Republicans have left.

Pretty lame.

Come on. You and I both know that isn't true. We have 3+ years of failed policies.

If Obama's record is so great, why are you on the left trying to run on birth control?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Tmi_fpUHs]Obama Supports High Gas Prices If They're Gradually Hiked - YouTube[/ame]

But Americans love to pay high prices for petro.

They are always electing warmongers to the presidency , they love their commander-in-chief to act macho an invade every oil producing country. They love to elect dumb asses who allow the enviro-nazis to dictate whether or not Oil companies can drill for oil domestically. And they love to elect politicians who are willing to put them in harms way in order to finance and protect the Jewish State.


You have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about. Do me a favor... check the global prices of "petro" and get back to me. We have subsidized the price of gas in this country for decades. PS...don't forget... other countries charge by the Liter, not the gallon.. so add that into your calculations.

Subsidized "prices"? Got a link?
If you state oil company subsidies, you'd be wrong.
Global prices? All one has to do is check the New York Mercantile Exchange. There you will find wholesale market prices for gas oil, natural gas heating oil and other futures.
If you are referring to retail pump prices, those are influenced by the amount of taxes placed on a gallon of gas.
In this link find a chart which illustrates the actual price vs the retail with taxes included. Some EU nations tax their fuel heavily. Norway leads with nearly 75% of the retail pump price being taxes.
One of the issues preventing such confiscatory taxation here is our reliance on vehicles for every aspect of our lives. We value our freedom to travel. Taxation would jeopardize our freedoms. We do business with vehicles.
Another issue if EU nations have far more mass transit per capita than we do in the states. And how do EU countries afford to build mega rail and bus systems? You got it..Taxes.
Plus, riders of mass transit are heavily subsidized by taxes as well. If a typical train passenger had to pay the actual cost per mile for his ride, he'd be unable to afford that ride.
In any event, those wishing for European type gas prices will have to go on wishing. Those levels of taxes on fuel would cripple US Commerce...Or send consumer prices skyward.
Travel and tourism would come to a halt. Air travel would be a luxury for only the very wealthy.
But Americans love to pay high prices for petro.

They are always electing warmongers to the presidency , they love their commander-in-chief to act macho an invade every oil producing country. They love to elect dumb asses who allow the enviro-nazis to dictate whether or not Oil companies can drill for oil domestically. And they love to elect politicians who are willing to put them in harms way in order to finance and protect the Jewish State.


You have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about. Do me a favor... check the global prices of "petro" and get back to me. We have subsidized the price of gas in this country for decades. PS...don't forget... other countries charge by the Liter, not the gallon.. so add that into your calculations.

Subsidized "prices"? Got a link?
If you state oil company subsidies, you'd be wrong.
Global prices? All one has to do is check the New York Mercantile Exchange. There you will find wholesale market prices for gas oil, natural gas heating oil and other futures.
If you are referring to retail pump prices, those are influenced by the amount of taxes placed on a gallon of gas.
In this link find a chart which illustrates the actual price vs the retail with taxes included. Some EU nations tax their fuel heavily. Norway leads with nearly 75% of the retail pump price being taxes.
One of the issues preventing such confiscatory taxation here is our reliance on vehicles for every aspect of our lives. We value our freedom to travel. Taxation would jeopardize our freedoms. We do business with vehicles.
Another issue if EU nations have far more mass transit per capita than we do in the states. And how do EU countries afford to build mega rail and bus systems? You got it..Taxes.
Plus, riders of mass transit are heavily subsidized by taxes as well. If a typical train passenger had to pay the actual cost per mile for his ride, he'd be unable to afford that ride.
In any event, those wishing for European type gas prices will have to go on wishing. Those levels of taxes on fuel would cripple US Commerce...Or send consumer prices skyward.
Travel and tourism would come to a halt. Air travel would be a luxury for only the very wealthy.

Really? Why is it then that whenever I go on Vacation, I see folks from abroad in places like Las Vegas, Disneyworld, New York City and other places I have been? Do you ever take the time to talk to anyone when you are traveling? I do. When I hear a foreign accent, I will strike up a conversation. Some of the people I talked to were pretty wealthy, but most were just average people that do average jobs. Let me ask you this, slick... how many average people with average jobs get to travel across the ocean to see European Culture for a vacation? Funny how they can afford to come here, but we can't really afford to go over there. Why is that, if it's as you say... that only the very wealthy would be able afford to travel under the European gas prices?

I think you listen to too much AM radio and don't spend enough time living life and learning from real people instead of talking heads.
Obama-Bot translation: High Gas Prices under DA BOOOOOSH = BAAAAD! High Gas Prices under the Dear Leader = GOOOD! What a buch of nutter bots.
You have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about. Do me a favor... check the global prices of "petro" and get back to me. We have subsidized the price of gas in this country for decades. PS...don't forget... other countries charge by the Liter, not the gallon.. so add that into your calculations.

Subsidized "prices"? Got a link?
If you state oil company subsidies, you'd be wrong.
Global prices? All one has to do is check the New York Mercantile Exchange. There you will find wholesale market prices for gas oil, natural gas heating oil and other futures.
If you are referring to retail pump prices, those are influenced by the amount of taxes placed on a gallon of gas.
In this link find a chart which illustrates the actual price vs the retail with taxes included. Some EU nations tax their fuel heavily. Norway leads with nearly 75% of the retail pump price being taxes.
One of the issues preventing such confiscatory taxation here is our reliance on vehicles for every aspect of our lives. We value our freedom to travel. Taxation would jeopardize our freedoms. We do business with vehicles.
Another issue if EU nations have far more mass transit per capita than we do in the states. And how do EU countries afford to build mega rail and bus systems? You got it..Taxes.
Plus, riders of mass transit are heavily subsidized by taxes as well. If a typical train passenger had to pay the actual cost per mile for his ride, he'd be unable to afford that ride.
In any event, those wishing for European type gas prices will have to go on wishing. Those levels of taxes on fuel would cripple US Commerce...Or send consumer prices skyward.
Travel and tourism would come to a halt. Air travel would be a luxury for only the very wealthy.

Really? Why is it then that whenever I go on Vacation, I see folks from abroad in places like Las Vegas, Disneyworld, New York City and other places I have been? Do you ever take the time to talk to anyone when you are traveling? I do. When I hear a foreign accent, I will strike up a conversation. Some of the people I talked to were pretty wealthy, but most were just average people that do average jobs. Let me ask you this, slick... how many average people with average jobs get to travel across the ocean to see European Culture for a vacation? Funny how they can afford to come here, but we can't really afford to go over there. Why is that, if it's as you say... that only the very wealthy would be able afford to travel under the European gas prices?

I think you listen to too much AM radio and don't spend enough time living life and learning from real people instead of talking heads.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mCDZMWVWuc]Lewis Black on Broadway talking about how America ISN'T #1 - YouTube[/ame]​

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