Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

Show me one school district that has "banned" disabled students from participating in sports. Has the 'able-boded' kid who just isn't good enough to make the team been "banned" or "discriminated against"? I'm all for making accomodations to allow disabled students to participate, but competition is still competition, and talk of "discrimination" is self-defeating hyperbole.

What they're talking about is what most schools already do with disabled students. They're given support and encouragement, allowed to suit up, come to practice, and participate in game/meets when safe to do so.

If modifications can be made within a safe reasonable manner so the student can participate, then great!!

Seriously, the far-righties have a problem with his because...?? Who knows??

I've seen one-armed pitchers strike out the side.

I've seen wrestlers with no legs pin someone.

I've seen autistic kids walk out with the team captains for the coin toss.

There is nothing more humbling or inspiring than seeing a person with disabilities excel.

What a great thing for young athletes to invite a mentally challenged person out to practice and spend five-minutes showing them how to throw shot-put, dive in a poor, or swing a bat. These experiences are almost more important for the non-disabled students. You stop taking the little things for granted.

Hey moron, try to understand that the kids you speak of adapted to the sport, NOT the sport to the kid. I happen to know a gifted one-armed athlete. His Mom works with me. The kid would never ask that the sports he loves be changed for him.

Little details like that confuse experts who were raised on the belief that everyone is empowered by the government to be equal.
I'll hold off until you show me evidence that Western European governments have approved Sharia Law.

You need me to teach you how to google something?

You stated, the burden of proof is on you to prove it.

...and when I do, then what? You going to leave the board permanently? I want something in return. By approving Sharia Law, I don't mean full acceptance of all their laws, but a recognition of them in court.
So, you don't have evidence that Western European governments allow Sharia Law? You could have just told me.

Not what I said now is it liar? Most of us here have had this discussion already. Your lack of knowledge is showing, please continue. Maybe its wrong of me to let people walk around stupid like you, but it is amusing. Probably a personality flaw on my part.

your ignorance is noted. Your simplistic explanation of Sharia law in European countries is designed to garner sympathy by playing to people's emotions.

Sharia law in European countries is not like in Muslim countries. It is for minor instances. Also, BOTH parties have to agree to use it. ie, two Muslims want an issue settled they BOTH have to agree with Sharia law. If only one does, then normal arbitration applies.

As for those Western countries in Europe (and I'd include Aussie and NZ) here, being more free than the US, I'd say most are. Not all, but most...

Don't know why this is in this thread, but if you are a woman growing up in a Sharia Law family, you're not going to have a chance to choose not to have a Sharia Law court. The threat of death will be hanging over your head. Only an idiot would think a woman that is in such a situation where she is completely controlled by the males in her household will ever have a chance to voice her own opinion.
This thread hurt your feelings? Tough fucking shot. The new regulations require schools to chose between common sense and cutting sports for qualified students.

Before you post again in this thread, I command you to read the article in the OP.

Or be forever known, as Idiot Who Posts Before Reading.

Get to work, and report back when you're don.


Dingleberry, I posted this yesterday, maybe you should read before you start pretending you are smarter than that roach that is crawling in your hair.

Free nation on earth...at the time. Which isn't so anymore.

It is so now more than ever before (depite the best efforts of politicians).

We're not more free than most countries in Western Europe, a quick fact check will find that.

I know you like to say things like "child" and all that, but it is pretty obvious that you are an ignorant young person who doesn't know what the hell he is trying to talk about. Check the 'freedom' of speech in most of Europe, freedom of religion, the freedom to take a risk and win or lose on your own merits. There is more to reality than what professor Doonesberry whispers in your ear at night, dope.
I'm beginning to believe you have less intelligence than the OP. It won't cost drastic amounts of money to tweak existing programs. That's one of the many idiotic things I've heard. Knee-jerk reactionary? Oh lawd.

Tweak?? HAHAHA. Obozo iwants to create a massive Dept of Americans with Disabilities with a $50 billion annual budget. That's what libs always do!!!

Yep. That's because if we don't fight for our kids, they don't succeed. You ask the school district what the most successful special needs kids have in common and they'll tell you a really thick file on obnoxious parents that don't give in or give up.

Your idea of fighting for your kids is forcing everyone else to fork over tons of money to give your kids special treatment. All libs are like that and real americans are sick of this "for the kids" crapola.
We're not more free than most countries in Western Europe, a quick fact check will find that.

I know you like to say things like "child" and all that, but it is pretty obvious that you are an ignorant young person who doesn't know what the hell he is trying to talk about. Check the 'freedom' of speech in most of Europe, freedom of religion, the freedom to take a risk and win or lose on your own merits. There is more to reality than what professor Doonesberry whispers in your ear at night, dope.

You have freedom of speech and religion in most European countries. And to win and lose on your own merits. You mean if I move to France I have convert to Christianity? There are no entrepreneurs in Italy, or Denmark, or the UK or Spain? Wow...

You aren't up to speed at all. How can you be this backward. You really have not been coming up to pace.

Yep. That's because if we don't fight for our kids, they don't succeed. You ask the school district what the most successful special needs kids have in common and they'll tell you a really thick file on obnoxious parents that don't give in or give up.

Your idea of fighting for your kids is forcing everyone else to fork over tons of money to give your kids special treatment. All libs are like that and real americans are sick of this "for the kids" crapola.

Sure, so many real americans got so sick of this right wing "it's for the billionaires and corporation and Israel" crapola that they reelected Obama. Leave it to the right wing to go after the disabled now.
We're not more free than most countries in Western Europe, a quick fact check will find that.

I know you like to say things like "child" and all that, but it is pretty obvious that you are an ignorant young person who doesn't know what the hell he is trying to talk about. Check the 'freedom' of speech in most of Europe, freedom of religion, the freedom to take a risk and win or lose on your own merits. There is more to reality than what professor Doonesberry whispers in your ear at night, dope.

You have freedom of speech and religion in most European countries. . ...

Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin - Telegraph


The destruction of free speech: Europe's auto-immune disease | Mail Online

Hell, the UK not only doesn't have a Bill of Rights, it doesn't even have a written Constitution!

Troubled European Economies Stifle Entrepreneurship

Fear of failure discourages European entrepreneurs
You have freedom of speech and religion in most European countries. ..

Tell that to all the germans and austrians sent to prison for merely QUESTIONING the official conspiracy story on the holohoax.

oh great, I'm dealing with an anti-semite. Brilliant :cuckoo:....

Are you surprised? He's a well-known idiot and coward. That's the messy part of freedom of speech; even fucking useless, cowardly offenses to human life itself like Shitshimself are allowed to have their say - no matter how asinine. He only squeaks up here, because he knows what would happen if he ever opened his filthy little cockhole in the real world, but the point stands, however distasteful.
After 30 years of Pub tax rates and policy, upward mobility in the EU is better than here.

"Here"? Then why don't you ask Mommy and Daddy to help you move 'there,' punk? Maybe you can find someone to finally teach you English.
Not angry, just a realist.

They don't belong on the football filed, the wrestling mat, or the baseball field with other kids who are not challenged. They will get hurt and only silly people want to legislate their vision of "fairness".

I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

Absolutely. Participation in individual and team sports enhance life skills such as working with others, dealing with adversity, and also builds self esteem when victorious, All school kids should have access to programs that help in building those skill sets.
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Yep. That's because if we don't fight for our kids, they don't succeed. You ask the school district what the most successful special needs kids have in common and they'll tell you a really thick file on obnoxious parents that don't give in or give up.

Your idea of fighting for your kids is forcing everyone else to fork over tons of money to give your kids special treatment. All libs are like that and real americans are sick of this "for the kids" crapola.

Special needs kids already generate massive amounts of money for their school district. I don't know what it is today but 21 years ago, they got an extra $2,000 for kids with learning disabilities, $7800 for kids with health impairments and $6,000 for kids with behavioral problems. This is above and beyond what they get for every other kids in the district. Unfortunately that money goes to the district, not the kids school, not his classroom, not his teacher, the district decides how that money is spent. You have problems, talk to them. The only way we get that money spent on our kids is by fighting for it and even then the district baulks at spending the money on the kids it's suppose to go to. I had to tell them how to order a dynovox (a mechanical device that can help autistic and other kids communicate by pressing pictures and having it talk) for free from the local college. They got it for two weeks. My idea was that they use it on my son for two weeks and see if it worked. Their idea and what they actually did was use it on my son for 1/2 an hour, say it didn't work for him and the shipped it all over the district for other kids to try. If my son had gotten that machine, it's quite possible he could be using it to communicate by now. But they refused to let him try it long enough to find out if it would work. And the sure as hell refused to pay the $5,000 it cost even though, being Autistic, they received and extra $7800 a year for him.

I fought for them to institute the TEACH program to help autistic kids learn to communicate when my son was in 2nd grade, they claimed it was experimental and finally instituted it when he was in 10th grade, a little late for my son, though he did get into the program for his final 3 years in high school.

Those of you with Autistic kids today, yeah it's a challenge, but trust me, you have it easy compared to those of us who had them in the early 80's. We had to fight tooth and nail for everything we got. They sent my son to Children's for an evaluation and the evaluation came back with a recommendation of 2 hours of speech therapy a week. I fought tooth and nail to get one hour.

You don't like that I fought to force the schools to do what the law required them to do, too bad. They still made out like a bandit on my kids. IMO, there should be a law tying that money directly to the child. We shouldn't have to fight to get them to spend it on the kids for which it was provided in the first place.

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