Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

Mainstreaming the retarded into the classroom was one of the worst ideas ever.

Depends on your definition of "mainstreaming". My low functioning autistic child was mainstreamed for art and PE. And aid went with him. It hardly caused any problems in the classroom. In fact, when my son drew a stick figure on the board and wrote his name under it for the first time, the entire class cheered. We would meet the children from the regular classroom when we were out in the community and they would always come up to Andrew and say "hello" even though they knew he problem wouldn't say anything back.

I agree, they should only be mainstreamed for those classes in which they aren't a problem and where they don't cause a disruption for the class. Although some would say spontaneous cheering for a stick figure and a name is a disruption, I think it's a good disruption.
Mainstreaming the retarded into the classroom was one of the worst ideas ever.

Depends on your definition of "mainstreaming". My low functioning autistic child was mainstreamed for art and PE. And aid went with him. It hardly caused any problems in the classroom. In fact, when my son drew a stick figure on the board and wrote his name under it for the first time, the entire class cheered. We would meet the children from the regular classroom when we were out in the community and they would always come up to Andrew and say "hello" even though they knew he problem wouldn't say anything back.

I agree, they should only be mainstreamed for those classes in which they aren't a problem and where they don't cause a disruption for the class. Although some would say spontaneous cheering for a stick figure and a name is a disruption, I think it's a good disruption.

.and this is a great thing. I appreciate the blessings I have received in health, intellect and life, when I see these folks. I also see how they work through their problems and it inspires me to try harder. They also can bring joy to those around them.
Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie

Just like they weren't forced when Title IX passed.
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I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

This thread hurt your feelings? Tough fucking shot. The new regulations require schools to chose between common sense and cutting sports for qualified students.
Imagine, the Federal Government intervening in local schools!

Next, they will have forced integration!

The battle has already been fought, guys. Since schools take Federal money, they have to accept certain standards. Remember the fifties? Little Rock? Selma?

If only you had a brain, if you did you might understand that no school was receiving federal funding in the days you are talking about.
That's not based on government. That's based on culture. Once again, I said Western European countries, not cultural communities within the country.

The government allowed Sharia Law idiot.

Which government? Idiot. When I say Western European countries, rebuttal with "the government allowed it" doesn't help.

Your lack of awarenesss as to what several WESTERN EUROPEAN nations have done is noted.
You guys are hilarious.

If a disabled kid tries out for whatever sport and makes the team, that's great and good for him or her.


Is Obama trying to force schools to put whatever disabled kid on the team no matter what?

No. There will not be kids with disabilities playing football. Are you insane?

Except, of course, if they want to, then the schools will have to figure out a way to accommodate them.
Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie


No one is being ‘forced’ to do anything.

In fact it’s a very conservative approach: take personal responsibility for disabled students in your state, or suffer the consequences.

I love the delusions that statists live under. Telling schools do this or else is not using force, it is asking them to take personal responsibility.

Newsflash, schools are not responsible for kids, parents are.
I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

Likewise. I have a wheelchair bound step daughter. Its not her fault she was born with CP.

The op can go fuck himself. Or junp in front of A SPEEDING car

Her school needs to provide the means for her and her chair to participate in sports or she is, beyond a doubt, being discriminated against.

I don't get what there is not to get about that.

Regards from Rosie

What's wrong with The Special Olympics? Our district has that, don't all school districts have that? Are they talking about something other than the Special Olympics, or simple accommodations?

I don't know how you can provide accommodations for a race for someone in a wheelchair. I'm the first to say that the deaf and blind can be in a race, but someone without legs? How? Why do you think The Special Olympics was invented? If the school district doesn't provide it, I'm sure you can find it provided by the city, although in our city, the city provides it for the adults and the school district provides it for the kids in school.
This thread hurt your feelings? Tough fucking shot. The new regulations require schools to chose between common sense and cutting sports for qualified students.

Before you post again in this thread, I command you to read the article in the OP.

Or be forever known, as Idiot Who Posts Before Reading.

Get to work, and report back when you're don.

Imagine, the Federal Government intervening in local schools!

Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.

The Constitution authorizes no such thing.
Mind presenting evidence for that?

I do since google is available so readily. Thanks for admiting a lack of information. Try to educate your ass next time.

So, you don't have evidence that Western European governments allow Sharia Law? You could have just told me.

Not what I said now is it liar? Most of us here have had this discussion already. Your lack of knowledge is showing, please continue. Maybe its wrong of me to let people walk around stupid like you, but it is amusing. Probably a personality flaw on my part.
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So, you don't have evidence that Western European governments allow Sharia Law? You could have just told me.

Not what I said now is it liar? Most of us here have had this discussion already. Your lack of knowledge is showing, please continue.

I'll hold off until you show me evidence that Western European governments have approved Sharia Law.

You need me to teach you how to google something?
Yep, my problem is selfish self centered bastards that treat the truly handicapped as second class citizens. No one is demanding that these children be utilized as linebackers on a highschool football team. That is nothing more than a dumb strawman argument.
And if you can't find reason in this scenario and realize that these kids need to feel included in life then you too can join him on the highway :)

Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

the parents of special needs children are notorious for being unreasonably demanding and bullies.

Yep. That's because if we don't fight for our kids, they don't succeed. You ask the school district what the most successful special needs kids have in common and they'll tell you a really thick file on obnoxious parents that don't give in or give up.
I mean by eliminating them from sports participation altogether. That is saying you must be able bodied or sports are closed to you.

There are now beeping baseballs, softballs and tennis balls. Blind kids can hear to play. Most schools could not be bothered to make accommodations. Banning kids that you don' t have to is discrimination.

One of my favorite memories is taking a blind class rollerskating. The kids were awesome and their teacher was the best teacher I have ever seen. Hats off to Mrs. Bingham.

Regards from Rosie

Show me one school district that has "banned" disabled students from participating in sports. Has the 'able-boded' kid who just isn't good enough to make the team been "banned" or "discriminated against"? I'm all for making accomodations to allow disabled students to participate, but competition is still competition, and talk of "discrimination" is self-defeating hyperbole.

What they're talking about is what most schools already do with disabled students. They're given support and encouragement, allowed to suit up, come to practice, and participate in game/meets when safe to do so.

If modifications can be made within a safe reasonable manner so the student can participate, then great!!

Seriously, the far-righties have a problem with his because...?? Who knows??

I've seen one-armed pitchers strike out the side.

I've seen wrestlers with no legs pin someone.

I've seen autistic kids walk out with the team captains for the coin toss.

There is nothing more humbling or inspiring than seeing a person with disabilities excel.

What a great thing for young athletes to invite a mentally challenged person out to practice and spend five-minutes showing them how to throw shot-put, dive in a poor, or swing a bat. These experiences are almost more important for the non-disabled students. You stop taking the little things for granted.

Fuck off, if you want to discuss anything with me do it in public.
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