Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie

Nailed it. If you want the money, you got to do what the federal law wants. You don't want to follow the federal rules? Then no money for you.

The federal government doesn't fund sports in schools idiot. Yet, they want fit young people. A contradiction in terms.
School is to educate and prepare children for life in our society.
To teach a disabled child they can play in sports when after school life they cannot is not preparing them.
They need to be prepared for the best life they can manage considering their disabilities.
For some it will be a desk job, for some a vocational type job, for some the service industry and for some high mental types of acievements in the sciences or business arts.

all people cannot achieve the same goals, even without apparent disabilities.
Good thing or we would just be a bunch of CEO' or Lawyers or doctors or scientists with no one doing the more menial tasks.
And then what about the kid who's healthy but skinny and can't make the football team?. Does he also get special treatment at taxpayer expense? . Or the shortie who can't make the basketball team? You libs never think these things thru.

You're seriously comparing someone who can't make the football team to someone who needs a reform because of a crippling disability? Stupidity should be painful.

Slippery slope. That's what always happens when the feds get involved. A small and reasonable program always turns into a monster. Look at how giving equal rights to blacks turned into a million affirmative action programs that give them special treatment.
Nailed it. If you want the money, you got to do what the federal law wants. You don't want to follow the federal rules? Then no money for you.

That's BS. The feds TOOK the money from us in the first place. You act like the feds earned the money and the citizens are asking for a handout!!!! Get your butt outta your head.
How much money do we spend on sports in schools each year?

How much do we spend on band and art and debate club?

Very little compared to all the sports.
And less on band if they did not travel with the football team and such.

And how much money do they bring in to the school? How many thousands of people come out to watch them and support the school and strengthen the community? But don't worry, I still think it's a good idea to have those things, and to include as many students as are interested in participating to whatever extent is pracitcal.
I didn't deflect anything. He wants to know why children with disabilities should be treated with more preferential treatment, and I told him why. He rebutted, albeit idiotically, and I did the same.

If you took a reading comprehension class, it would do wonders.

This is a nation built on equal treatment of its citizens. By your own admission, this is preferential treatment. Further, that treatment creates economic hardships on others. What we need is a hand up, not a handout as this program represents.

This nation was also built on slavery, genocide, and thinking that a black person was 3/4ths of a person.

This would not cause economic hardship. Public schools make changes to curriculum routinely. Giving a little more to students with disabilities to perform in some level of physical education is not a massive and costly overhaul, that's just foolish thinking. Nor is this a "handout".

Its not physical education, its sports programs. You can't take a regular bus now, it has to be a handicapped onw or a second bus. That all costs money. You are a fool to think it will not increase costs dramatically. As I said earlier, kids adapt to the programs, not the other way around. If the rules need to be amended, its not the same game now is it? Think this through instead of being a knee jerk reactionary.
This would not cause economic hardship. Public schools make changes to curriculum routinely. Giving a little more to students with disabilities to perform in some level of physical education is not a massive and costly overhaul, that's just foolish thinking. Nor is this a "handout".

It won't be a little. It's never a little when the feds are involved. Look at how the idea of helping blacks turned into the monstrous affirmative action racket.
How much money do we spend on sports in schools each year?

How much do we spend on band and art and debate club?

Band and art and debate are, like sports, just entertainment and have no place in school. Schools are for turning out people with technical skills - engineers and scientists.

Of course they have a place in school. You are too stupid to understand the first thing about education, you idiot.

So, is your advanced degree in science, or engineering? You seem to have dodged this question about 100,000,000 times so far. Come on, don't be shy.
School is to educate and prepare children for life in our society.
To teach a disabled child they can play in sports when after school life they cannot is not preparing them.
They need to be prepared for the best life they can manage considering their disabilities.
For some it will be a desk job, for some a vocational type job, for some the service industry and for some high mental types of acievements in the sciences or business arts.

all people cannot achieve the same goals, even without apparent disabilities.
Good thing or we would just be a bunch of CEO' or Lawyers or doctors or scientists with no one doing the more menial tasks.

I would not deny a student the right to try and adapt to a sport. Jim Abott was a role model for the person I mentioned earlier. Likewise they can pitch baseball and play basketball very well. It made this person feel normal and accomplished, which they were. Changing the sport is just going to leave many feeling resentment toward the child and they really aren't playing the same sport any more.
I didn't deflect anything. He wants to know why children with disabilities should be treated with more preferential treatment, and I told him why. He rebutted, albeit idiotically, and I did the same.

If you took a reading comprehension class, it would do wonders.

This is a nation built on equal treatment of its citizens. By your own admission, this is preferential treatment. Further, that treatment creates economic hardships on others. What we need is a hand up, not a handout as this program represents.

This nation was also built on slavery, genocide, and thinking that a black person was 3/4ths of a person.

No, it was not. This nation became great despite those blights.
This nation was also built on slavery, genocide, and thinking that a black person was 3/4ths of a person.

This would not cause economic hardship. Public schools make changes to curriculum routinely. Giving a little more to students with disabilities to perform in some level of physical education is not a massive and costly overhaul, that's just foolish thinking. Nor is this a "handout".

Its not physical education, its sports programs. You can't take a regular bus now, it has to be a handicapped onw or a second bus. That all costs money. You are a fool to think it will not increase costs dramatically. As I said earlier, kids adapt to the programs, not the other way around. If the rules need to be amended, its not the same game now is it? Think this through instead of being a knee jerk reactionary.

Sports programs* my apologies.

I'm beginning to believe you have less intelligence than the OP. It won't cost drastic amounts of money to tweak existing programs. That's one of the many idiotic things I've heard. Knee-jerk reactionary? Oh lawd.

Let's keep the math simple then idiot. You send one bus, now you need two. Any argument that is twice the cost? Most sports programs are on life support as is right now. How many times you want to be proven wrong tonight? I have the time.
This nation was also built on slavery, genocide, and thinking that a black person was 3/4ths of a person.

No, it was not. This nation became great despite those blights.

Yes it was. Slave labor was an economic benefit, killing Native Americans for land allowed us to grow, and treating African Americans like they were beneath white people was a mainstay that existed until the 1960's. Are you forgetting that we segregated black people until just a few decades ago?

If you think this country is great, you need to see a therapist.

So now we are killing the handicapped for their land? Is it segregation to allow students to play a sport under current rules? Seems like changing the rules is an acknowledgment they don't have the same skills. Creating different teams as the legislation suggests be done is actually the segregation in this case.
9 fucking pages of Who's on First.

I have to say, bashing the handicapped, this is a new fringe.

So, if they'll still in the womb, you'll fight tooth and nail for their 'rights', but if they come out and can't walk right, then you'll be damned if they get to play on the same field as your kids.

Biggest fucking hypocrites ever.
Yes it was. Slave labor was an economic benefit, killing Native Americans for land allowed us to grow, and treating African Americans like they were beneath white people was a mainstay that existed until the 1960's. Are you forgetting that we segregated black people until just a few decades ago?

If you think this country is great, you need to see a therapist.

So now we are killing the handicapped for their land? Is it segregation to allow students to play a sport under current rules? Seems like changing the rules is an acknowledgment they don't have the same skills. Creating different teams as the legislation suggests be done is actually the segregation in this case.

Now you're just dipping below the pathetic argument line. Idiocy never stops astounding me.

Keep mirrors and recorders out of your house then.

Can't fight the logic I see. You lose.
9 fucking pages of Who's on First.

I have to say, bashing the handicapped, this is a new fringe.

So, if they'll still in the womb, you'll fight tooth and nail for their 'rights', but if they come out and can't walk right, then you'll be damned if they get to play on the same field as your kids.

Biggest fucking hypocrites ever.

Nothing hypocritcal about allowing all kids to play by the same rules in a sport. You folks want to change the rules and spend money for what? A false sense of accomplishment?
This nation was also built on slavery, genocide, and thinking that a black person was 3/4ths of a person.

No, it was not. This nation became great despite those blights.

Yes it was. Slave labor was an economic benefit, killing Native Americans for land allowed us to grow, and treating African Americans like they were beneath white people was a mainstay that existed until the 1960's. Are you forgetting that we segregated black people until just a few decades ago?

If you think this country is great, you need to see a therapist.

This country began great and has become greater because it was founded on principles that are stronger than the horrible and shameful stains we have taken too long to clean up. Over time we have only become a more perfect union because we are always trying to correct our flaws while retaining our principles. We will never be perfect, we make mistakes, and we don't always more forward in a straight line, but we remain the greatest nation the world has ever known and we are only going to get better from here.

If you don't think this country is great, you don't understand, appreciate, or deserve it and you need to get the fuck out immediately.
Sports programs* my apologies.

I'm beginning to believe you have less intelligence than the OP. It won't cost drastic amounts of money to tweak existing programs. That's one of the many idiotic things I've heard. Knee-jerk reactionary? Oh lawd.

Let's keep the math simple then idiot. You send one bus, now you need two. Any argument that is twice the cost? Most sports programs are on life support as is right now. How many times you want to be proven wrong tonight? I have the time.

Buses aren't a requirement for school sports. It's optional transportation to and from games between different schools.

You speak from obvious ignorance.
Now you're just dipping below the pathetic argument line. Idiocy never stops astounding me.

Keep mirrors and recorders out of your house then.

Can't fight the logic I see. You lose.

Ah yes, the old diversion then escape trick. Very well, I "lose".

Where did I go again? Your denial of bus transportation to sports events was both amusing and telling all at once. Wrong all night moron. Please continue.

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