Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students


Likewise. I have a wheelchair bound step daughter. Its not her fault she was born with CP.

The op can go fuck himself. Or junp in front of A SPEEDING car

It's not my fault either - but you want me to pay for your kid's special treatment.

No one cares what you say anyway since you called for the legalization of drunk driving.

Likewise. I have a wheelchair bound step daughter. Its not her fault she was born with CP.

The op can go fuck himself. Or junp in front of A SPEEDING car

It's not my fault either - but you want me to pay for your kid's special treatment.

No one cares what you say anyway since you called for the legalization of drunk driving.

Negged for lying AGAIN douche bag.
Here's the solution. Just get all organized sports our of school. I can see phys ed classes but no more sports competition for anyone in school. School is for learning.
Looks like we have another idiot. Why shouldn't they have special treatment?

This is something I could never understand about idiot conservatives, they're just idiots. If you want to know why they should be given special treatment, look at the children born with crippling diseases or disabilities.

Saying they have the same opportunity for sports means nothing, they don't have the same capacity as someone without a disability to perform, therefore change in curriculum is required.

My God, it feels like I'm talking to a 6-year old child.

And then what about the kid who's healthy but skinny and can't make the football team?. Does he also get special treatment at taxpayer expense? . Or the shortie who can't make the basketball team? You libs never think these things thru.
Education certainly was available at the time the Constitution was written. Strange how no amendment or specific federal power was given. As we all know, the federal government is limited to specified powers granted by the Constitution.

Absolutely but even "conservative" parents think others should pay to educate their children.

For the most part, education is funded by local taxes. Some equalization happens, thanks to the government declaring fairness is necessary. Interesting how local money needs federal control.

As a conservative parent, I paid local taxes for school, while my kids atended private school. No vouchers. So your statement is crap.

My statement is not crap. Do you pay school taxes to cover the total cost of your child or childrens education/s?
Looks like we have another idiot. Why shouldn't they have special treatment?

This is something I could never understand about idiot conservatives, they're just idiots. If you want to know why they should be given special treatment, look at the children born with crippling diseases or disabilities.

Saying they have the same opportunity for sports means nothing, they don't have the same capacity as someone without a disability to perform, therefore change in curriculum is required.

My God, it feels like I'm talking to a 6-year old child.

And then what about the kid who's healthy but skinny and can't make the football team?. Does he also get special treatment at taxpayer expense? . Or the shortie who can't make the basketball team? You libs never think these things thru.

You're seriously comparing someone who can't make the football team to someone who needs a reform because of a crippling disability? Stupidity should be painful.

That's just idiotic and apples to oranges. One can't make the football team because he doesn't pass the mark, one can't pass P.E. class because he can't fucking stand up or walk on his own. That's the result of your idiocy.

I'm not a liberal, why did you say I was? Are you that stupid that anyone with common sense you label a liberal? Nevermind, it's like arguing with a 5-year old.

That is not what was being discussed in the legsilation moron. You're deflecting which is not debating, but simple arguing. Most people with a crippling disability would not be good candidates for sport activities which risk their already poor health idiot.
That is not what was being discussed in the legsilation moron. You're deflecting which is not debating, but simple arguing. Most people with a crippling disability would not be good candidates for sport activities which risk their already poor health idiot.

Did I say that's what was being discussed legislatively? No? I didn't think so. Go cry some more child.

No you chose to deflect as I mentioned. Do you care to address the OP or just stand there looking ignorant?
Apparently tonight is all about making one's self feel better. Thanks.

Is there any other reason to be here? We post because we enjoy it. Stop being such a douche bag. Neg or don't but please remove the pedestal from your ass.

You don't seem to be enjoying yourself. :eusa_angel:

Correct assessment. This thread is tough because it hits so close to home. I'm done playing Monkey with Poo

I should have known better than to click on one of Speeders threads.
Did I say that's what was being discussed legislatively? No? I didn't think so. Go cry some more child.

No you chose to deflect as I mentioned. Do you care to address the OP or just stand there looking ignorant?

I didn't deflect anything. He wants to know why children with disabilities should be treated with more preferential treatment, and I told him why. He rebutted, albeit idiotically, and I did the same.

If you took a reading comprehension class, it would do wonders.

This is a nation built on equal treatment of its citizens. By your own admission, this is preferential treatment. Further, that treatment creates economic hardships on others. What we need is a hand up, not a handout as this program represents.
Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie

Nailed it. If you want the money, you got to do what the federal law wants. You don't want to follow the federal rules? Then no money for you.

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