Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students


Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!
Hazlmoron, did you bother to actually read the whole thing where schools MUST create sports teams, if playing the real sport is not reasonable? To the point of regional teams, which would have huge financial costs. How reasonable is that?

Reasonable cost has nothing to do with anything the government does.

Why should Special Education be any different?

In fact, why shouldn't Special Education take precedence over most other costs of government?

according to federal law, school districts must find a way to comply with IDEA cost be damned
You want sympathy for someone, yet seek the death of others. You have a problem.

Yep, my problem is selfish self centered bastards that treat the truly handicapped as second class citizens. No one is demanding that these children be utilized as linebackers on a highschool football team. That is nothing more than a dumb strawman argument.
And if you can't find reason in this scenario and realize that these kids need to feel included in life then you too can join him on the highway :)

Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

Evaluating the capabilities and needs of the child easily avoids the scenario you just described. And I have no needs per this discussion other than to inject some perspective from the side of the disabled.

The Constitution says nothing about education; It certainly doesn't say the Federal Government cannot enact laws to control education. Therefore IDEA is not unconstitutional.

Have someone read you the tenth amendment and get back with us. ALL federal laws regarding education are obviously unconstitutional. If you don't like it then amend the constitution!!!

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

trust me it's the law.

who will pay? the taxpayers

other sports programs will be dropped if there are separate programs, starting with male sports programs.
Yep, my problem is selfish self centered bastards that treat the truly handicapped as second class citizens. No one is demanding that these children be utilized as linebackers on a highschool football team. That is nothing more than a dumb strawman argument.
And if you can't find reason in this scenario and realize that these kids need to feel included in life then you too can join him on the highway :)

Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

Evaluating the capabilities and needs of the child easily avoids the scenario you just described. And I have no needs per this discussion other than to inject some perspective from the side of the disabled.

I mentioned that prespective as well. You are ignoring your plea for equal treatment and by that funding for said programs. You do have needs and you made that clear.
Yep, my problem is selfish self centered bastards that treat the truly handicapped as second class citizens. No one is demanding that these children be utilized as linebackers on a highschool football team. That is nothing more than a dumb strawman argument.
And if you can't find reason in this scenario and realize that these kids need to feel included in life then you too can join him on the highway :)

Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

the parents of special needs children are notorious for being unreasonably demanding and bullies.

The bullies are the ones who choose to use a handicapped individual as a tool to score political points.

Through her life I have met MANY parents of just such children and they are among the most caring and involved parents you will find.

Where is the constitutional justification for such intervention?


South Dakota v. Dole (1987).

The Constitution authorizes Congress to use its spending powers to achieve Federal objectives indirectly, such as providing access to sports for disabled children, by withholding Federal funds.

HAHAHA. The Supreme Court cannot amend the constitution!!!! You need 3/4 of the states. THINK
Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

the parents of special needs children are notorious for being unreasonably demanding and bullies.

The bullies are the ones who choose to use a handicapped individual as a tool to score political points.

Through her life I have met MANY parents of just such children and they are among the most caring and involved parents you will find.

some of them yes.

But most of them have an entitlement complex.
Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

Evaluating the capabilities and needs of the child easily avoids the scenario you just described. And I have no needs per this discussion other than to inject some perspective from the side of the disabled.

I mentioned that prespective as well. You are ignoring your plea for equal treatment and by that funding for said programs. You do have needs and you made that clear.

I have kids regularly knocking on my door selling candy or coupons to support their teams sports.
Why is it that superstar Johnny is worthy of having money spent on him so he can PLAY a game but its not ok for Kenny who's got some type of dissability?
Education certainly was available at the time the Constitution was written. Strange how no amendment or specific federal power was given. As we all know, the federal government is limited to specified powers granted by the Constitution.
Jesus H Mary and Fucking Joseph Christ.

Will the fringe-righties please read the article.

"Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage."

The straw man bullshit is getting old, real old.

Stop repeating what Faux News tells your and use the brain God gave you to think, Goddamnit!! THINK!!

For instance, a visual aid instead of a starter pistol for the deaf runner would be easy to implement, while adding a fifth base to a baseball field to shorten running distances would be considered too big a change.

If alterations to a traditional team aren't feasible, schools must create a sports program that is open to disabled students, the order says. If there aren't enough students, schools should seek to create district-wide, regional or mixed-gender programs.

This already goes on in every district I know.

It's wrong if it's not going on in your district.

Every high school track team has "Special" kids on it. And they get one race per meet with the Special kids from the other school.

The fans love it, the kids on the team love it, and why the fuck anyone would have a problem with this....

Wait a minute, wait a minute.... If your son got struck out by the one-armed pitcher or pinned by the wrestler with no legs, I bet some of the fringies here would scream "FOUL. It's not fair. The wrestler with no legs has stronger arms and has compensated in other ways that make it unfair." Is that what this is all about? Did some of your sons not make the Varsity team and you're just pissed that the Down Syndrome boy gets one play at the end of the homecoming game. A play where the QB spikes the ball to run out the clock.

Is that what this is all about, Jr. got beat by a handicap kid??
the parents of special needs children are notorious for being unreasonably demanding and bullies.

The bullies are the ones who choose to use a handicapped individual as a tool to score political points.

Through her life I have met MANY parents of just such children and they are among the most caring and involved parents you will find.

some of them yes.

But most of them have an entitlement complex.

I would say the majority of them. But there are selfish bullies in all walks of life.
Not angry, just a realist.

They don't belong on the football field, the wrestling mat, or the baseball field with other kids who are not challenged. They will get hurt and only silly people want to legislate their vision of "fairness".

'They' sure as hell do belong there if they are able to compete there. I provided an example earlier on this thread of a young man born with one leg who won the NCAA DIV 1 National Wrestling Championship.

And that's how it should be. That kid didn't demand special treatment. He competed with the regular wrestlers. No one has a problem with that.
Education certainly was available at the time the Constitution was written. Strange how no amendment or specific federal power was given. As we all know, the federal government is limited to specified powers granted by the Constitution.

Absolutely but even "conservative" parents think others should pay to educate their children.
I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

Don't take this personal. If it were offered by bush, they would have loved it.

That's really the bottom line, isn't it?? None of the bat crap crazy opinions are really based on the topic at hand. It's always about President Obama in the end.
Education certainly was available at the time the Constitution was written. Strange how no amendment or specific federal power was given. As we all know, the federal government is limited to specified powers granted by the Constitution.

Absolutely but even "conservative" parents think others should pay to educate their children.

For the most part, education is funded by local taxes. Some equalization happens, thanks to the government declaring fairness is necessary. Interesting how local money needs federal control.

As a conservative parent, I paid local taxes for school, while my kids atended private school. No vouchers. So your statement is crap.
Yep, my problem is selfish self centered bastards that treat the truly handicapped as second class citizens. No one is demanding that these children be utilized as linebackers on a highschool football team. That is nothing more than a dumb strawman argument.
And if you can't find reason in this scenario and realize that these kids need to feel included in life then you too can join him on the highway :)

Being included as the handicapped person to be pitied is far different than the handicapped person who overcomes and inspires. You are the self centered person who wants everyone else to bend to your needs here.

the parents of special needs children are notorious for being unreasonably demanding and bullies.

Good for them.

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