Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

How much do we spend on band and art and debate club?

Very little compared to all the sports.
And less on band if they did not travel with the football team and such.

And how much money do they bring in to the school? How many thousands of people come out to watch them and support the school and strengthen the community? But don't worry, I still think it's a good idea to have those things, and to include as many students as are interested in participating to whatever extent is pracitcal.

In their hundred million dollar sports stadium paid for with tax dollars?

and yes we need to break the cycle of school sports addiction.
What facet of our lives will the feds take over next?. States need to put down their foot and say education is nowhere mentioned in the constitution and so, by the tenth amendment, ed is a state issue.!!

Disabled students must be given sports, says Education Dept. - U.S. News

Jan 25, 2013

The feds are ordering schools across the country to make "reasonable" changes to sports programs so that disabled students can play — or else create separate teams for them.
The new guidance from the Education Department issued Friday was hailed by advocates for the disabled but denounced by a conservative think-tank that said it could cost big bucks for cash-strapped schools.

The new order from the Education Department says athletics is also a civil right for the disabled and schools that don’t protect it could lose federal funding.
Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage

I posted a thread about this awhile back and no one said anything.

The truth is that this is a bunch of hooey. Sports programs in our public schools are already required to provide accommodations for the special needs. IE, if I dropped my son off at their track after school, they would have to take him. He'd lose every race, but they'd still have to take him. If a kid is deaf, he can already compete in the school track team, the just drop a flag or something instead of shooting a gun, or do both at the same time. "Accommodation" is the word. Apparently Obama wants expensive lights instead. Guess he has a friend in the lighting business.

On the other side, The Special Olympics will also take "regular" people to compete with the special needs. The idea is to allow people in the same family or friends to compete against each other. There are special heats where special needs kids run against regular kids.

I don't think it should be hailed or denounced. The whole thing is redundant and should be ignored.
Yes it was. Slave labor was an economic benefit, killing Native Americans for land allowed us to grow, and treating African Americans like they were beneath white people was a mainstay that existed until the 1960's. Are you forgetting that we segregated black people until just a few decades ago?

If you think this country is great, you need to see a therapist.

This country began great and has become greater because it was founded on principles that are stronger than the horrible and shameful stains we have taken too long to clean up. Over time we have only become a more perfect union because we are always trying to correct our flaws while retaining our principles. We will never be perfect, we make mistakes, and we don't always more forward in a straight line, but we remain the greatest nation the world has ever known and we are only going to get better from here.

If you don't think this country is great, you don't understand, appreciate, or deserve it and you need to get the fuck out immediately.

So you admit that you're wrong.

Obviously not. Go back and read what I posted if you are really that fucking stupid. Read quickly and then get the fuck out of my country.
We are not the greatest country on earth.

How many times do I have to tell you this, asshole? GET THE FUCK OUT. I'm sure you can find some country where they will put up with you for a little while. If not, fuck you, learn to tread water.
So you admit that you're wrong.

Obviously not. Go back and read what I posted if you are really that fucking stupid. Read quickly and then get the fuck out of my country.

"Than the horrible stains we have taken too long to clean up".

^ That's what you wrote, so you obviously agree these things happened. Try harder next time kid.

I was right, you ARE too stupid to understand what I wrote. Get the fuck out, dimwit.
So you admit that you're wrong. That we were founded on slavery, genocide, and the lesser treatment of racial minorities? Great.

We are not the greatest country on earth. We lag behind in every endeavor of human advancement, in everything. From gay rights, to women's rights, to healthcare, the United States comes in dead last. Yet you have the idiocy to claim we're great.

I was correct, you DO need to see a therapist.

We were founded on a series of documents that made us the most free nation on Earth. A nation which embraced people from all nations and provided a standard of living second to none. As a blueprint for the world, we are now entering a phase where others have caught up in many regards. You confuse human advancement with gay rights. You ignore how shamefully women are treated in most countries of the world. Most healthcare advancements are made in this country. We are far from last in healthcare in the world. You flat out lie.
You guys are hilarious.

If a disabled kid tries out for whatever sport and makes the team, that's great and good for him or her.


Is Obama trying to force schools to put whatever disabled kid on the team no matter what?

No. There will not be kids with disabilities playing football. Are you insane?

I would think that would depend on their disability. Do you think a person who is deaf shouldn't be able to play football? Do you think a person who is not as intelligent as his classmates shouldn't be able to play football? I agree a kid in wheelchair shouldn't be playing football unless it's with the special Olympics. But as for the rest, I see no reason why they can't try out for the team and if they win a spot, good for them.
Not angry, just a realist.

They don't belong on the football field, the wrestling mat, or the baseball field with other kids who are not challenged. They will get hurt and only silly people want to legislate their vision of "fairness".

I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.

I would say that depends on their challenge. If they try out for the team and make it, let them play, and BTW, there is already a law to that effect.
Very little compared to all the sports.
And less on band if they did not travel with the football team and such.

And how much money do they bring in to the school? How many thousands of people come out to watch them and support the school and strengthen the community? But don't worry, I still think it's a good idea to have those things, and to include as many students as are interested in participating to whatever extent is pracitcal.

In their hundred million dollar sports stadium paid for with tax dollars?

and yes we need to break the cycle of school sports addiction.

In a facility that contributes to the betterment of the community? You can find a lot of worse uses of tax dollars than that. Look, I'm sorry you were a frail, uncoordinated, social misfit when you were younger, but you need to try and understand the culture. You also need to try and overcome your debilitating inferiority complex.
OP- total fear mongering Pubcrappe. This is GUIDELINES, not mandatory, and is about having lights to start deaf runners, one hand finishes for swimmers with one arm. Just HORRIBLe, dupes...
The disabled kids already have an opportunity to compete. They just can't do it. Like i don't have the ability to play in the NBA. Next obozo will force schools to have special athletic programs for short kids or fat kids!! KICK THE FEDS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS. Fed involvement in schools is unconstitutional.

Disabled kids are not being given special treatment, they are being treated like every other able bodied student.

That's not to say that some of the able bodied students may be unhappy with having a disabled kid in their sporting team.
The disabled kids already have an opportunity to compete. They just can't do it. Like i don't have the ability to play in the NBA. Next obozo will force schools to have special athletic programs for short kids or fat kids!! KICK THE FEDS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS. Fed involvement in schools is unconstitutional.

Clearly you have very little knowledge of US public schools.

Gerald Ford signed into Federal Law IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), only after voicing his concern about how it would be funded.

There are many Federal Laws that are not in the consitution.

The Constitution says nothing about education; It certainly doesn't say the Federal Government cannot enact laws to control education. Therefore IDEA is not unconstitutional.

Public schools are funded by THE PUBLIC. This is mostly done through local and state funding. At any rate, since the disabled are part of The Public, then they must have access to all educational services that any other member of The Public enjoys.

The main debate concerns the fact that while IDEA is enforced, the Feds do not fully fund it. In fact, Ford's initial concern has turned into a blood sucking monstrosity, costing local and state governments much more than anyone could ever have imagined.

Each district gets additional monies for each special needs child, depending on their needs. When my son was in 3rd grade, the school district received an extra $7800 a year because he had a health impairment. That was 21 years ago, I imagine they get a lot more now. I hate when schools whine that they don't get enough money because they have to provide for the special needs and never mention all the extra money that goes to the district, not the school, not the classroom, but the district the special needs child is in. I never could find out where all that money went. It sure as hell didn't go to my son, for what they received for my son, I could have put him in a private school that specialized in ADHD kids and have a private bus pick him up and bring him home.

Before I found out about the addition money, I remember speaking to a member of our board of education. She was complaining about the money spent on special needs so they didn't have money to spend on the regular ed kids. Her example was a ramp they built at a local elementary school for a girl in a wheelchair that cost them $14,000. Well, the girl in the wheelchair, the got an extra $7800 a year for her, she paid for that ramp in two years and it's still there and is available for other special needs kids. If I'd known about the extra money at the time, I really would have been all over that school board member. They hate it when we're educated.
The disabled kids already have an opportunity to compete. They just can't do it. Like i don't have the ability to play in the NBA. Next obozo will force schools to have special athletic programs for short kids or fat kids!! KICK THE FEDS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS. Fed involvement in schools is unconstitutional.

Disabled kids are not being given special treatment, they are being treated like every other able bodied student.

That's not to say that some of the able bodied students may be unhappy with having a disabled kid in their sporting team.

No Noomi. they expect "reasonable" acoomodations to be made, if not, a separate team will be formed to allow them to participate. Its all in the article at the center of the debate. The feds are basically using the separate but equal concept.
OP- total fear mongering Pubcrappe. This is GUIDELINES, not mandatory, and is about having lights to start deaf runners, one hand finishes for swimmers with one arm. Just HORRIBLe, dupes...

I see this idiot still hasn't improved his English.
We were founded on a series of documents that made us the most free nation on Earth. A nation which embraced people from all nations and provided a standard of living second to none. As a blueprint for the world, we are now entering a phase where others have caught up in many regards. You confuse human advancement with gay rights. You ignore how shamefully women are treated in most countries of the world. Most healthcare advancements are made in this country. We are far from last in healthcare in the world. You flat out lie.

Free nation on earth...at the time. Which isn't so anymore.

Doubtful the standard of living was second to none, compared to European countries.

Gay rights are human rights, after all, are gay people not human?

Most first-world countries have a better track record of women's rights than we ever did, including modern times. I don't deny women are treated shamefully, where did I say that?

Ah yes, most healthcare advancements are made in a country where almost 50,000 people a year die from lack of healthcare. Ironic isn't?

If you check the United States world healthcare ranking, we're 38, and right behind Costa Rica. Most first-world nations are ahead of us.

Thanks for admiting to several of your lies and inaccurate statements. Now work on the ones you continued in the above post.
Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie

Not the least bit surprised that a dishonorable slag like you supports blackmail.
We were founded on a series of documents that made us the most free nation on Earth. A nation which embraced people from all nations and provided a standard of living second to none. As a blueprint for the world, we are now entering a phase where others have caught up in many regards. You confuse human advancement with gay rights. You ignore how shamefully women are treated in most countries of the world. Most healthcare advancements are made in this country. We are far from last in healthcare in the world. You flat out lie.

Free nation on earth...at the time. Which isn't so anymore.

It is so now more than ever before (depite the best efforts of politicians).

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