Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students


Yep. That's because if we don't fight for our kids, they don't succeed. You ask the school district what the most successful special needs kids have in common and they'll tell you a really thick file on obnoxious parents that don't give in or give up.

Your idea of fighting for your kids is forcing everyone else to fork over tons of money to give your kids special treatment. All libs are like that and real americans are sick of this "for the kids" crapola.

Special needs kids already generate massive amounts of money for their school district. I don't know what it is today but 21 years ago, they got an extra $2,000 for kids with learning disabilities, $7800 for kids with health impairments and $6,000 for kids with behavioral problems. This is above and beyond what they get for every other kids in the district. Unfortunately that money goes to the district, not the kids school, not his classroom, not his teacher, the district decides how that money is spent. You have problems, talk to them. The only way we get that money spent on our kids is by fighting for it and even then the district baulks at spending the money on the kids it's suppose to go to. I had to tell them how to order a dynovox (a mechanical device that can help autistic and other kids communicate by pressing pictures and having it talk) for free from the local college. They got it for two weeks. My idea was that they use it on my son for two weeks and see if it worked. Their idea and what they actually did was use it on my son for 1/2 an hour, say it didn't work for him and the shipped it all over the district for other kids to try. If my son had gotten that machine, it's quite possible he could be using it to communicate by now. But they refused to let him try it long enough to find out if it would work. And the sure as hell refused to pay the $5,000 it cost even though, being Autistic, they received and extra $7800 a year for him.

I fought for them to institute the TEACH program to help autistic kids learn to communicate when my son was in 2nd grade, they claimed it was experimental and finally instituted it when he was in 10th grade, a little late for my son, though he did get into the program for his final 3 years in high school.

Those of you with Autistic kids today, yeah it's a challenge, but trust me, you have it easy compared to those of us who had them in the early 80's. We had to fight tooth and nail for everything we got. They sent my son to Children's for an evaluation and the evaluation came back with a recommendation of 2 hours of speech therapy a week. I fought tooth and nail to get one hour.

You don't like that I fought to force the schools to do what the law required them to do, too bad. They still made out like a bandit on my kids. IMO, there should be a law tying that money directly to the child. We shouldn't have to fight to get them to spend it on the kids for which it was provided in the first place.

sped funding

the speech therapy isn't free
the special transportation isn't free
the special education staff isn't free
the special books and educational materials are not free
the lower student to teacher ratio isn't free
the special self-contained rooms are not free
occupational and physical therapy is not free
transition services not free

the special eduction aid you mentioned earlier makes more than $7500 a year

likely the county loses money on special ed in the end
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Nah, schools are not forced to. The schools must give equal access to sports to the disabled or form special special teams OR give up federal funds.

States can have autobahn.like highways - but if they do they don' t get Federal highway funding any more.

It' s simple for school sports: stop discriminating or do so only on state funding.

$$ is why the states do not 100% control education.

Regards from Rosie

Coercion (pron.: /koʊˈɜrʃən/) is the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats or intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. In law, coercion is codified as the duress crime.
We're not more free than most countries in Western Europe, a quick fact check will find that.

I know you like to say things like "child" and all that, but it is pretty obvious that you are an ignorant young person who doesn't know what the hell he is trying to talk about. Check the 'freedom' of speech in most of Europe, freedom of religion, the freedom to take a risk and win or lose on your own merits. There is more to reality than what professor Doonesberry whispers in your ear at night, dope.

Reality doesn't seem to like you very much, the Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index...Western European countries rank near the top, including Scandinavian countries, The United States is 47.

I wonder how long you're going to keep claiming "America the great" when reality doesn't agree.

Did you read all the posts, drone? Get the fuck out of my country, you worthless cur.
nailed it. If you want the money, you got to do what the federal law wants. You don't want to follow the federal rules? Then no money for you.

that's bs. The feds took the money from us in the first place. You act like the feds earned the money and the citizens are asking for a handout!!!! Get your butt outta your head.

oh dear god, people are paying taxes!

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

I think it depends on what you think the purpose of sports programs are.

If it to get kids active, build team spirit, etc... then, yes, we should create programs where everyone participates.

If it's just to create a clique of jocks who win games and get the school's name in the paper, and generates a bit of extra revenue for the school, that's another issue. But as Sheila pointed out, the schools already get a lot of extra money for kids with disabilities...

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

I think it depends on what you think the purpose of sports programs are.

If it to get kids active, build team spirit, etc... then, yes, we should create programs where everyone participates.

If it's just to create a clique of jocks who win games and get the school's name in the paper, and generates a bit of extra revenue for the school, that's another issue. But as Sheila pointed out, the schools already get a lot of extra money for kids with disabilities...

the ' a lot" of extra money doesn't cover the special services
Just to make the disabled kids feel good about joining teams, we should get rid of all scoring. Otherwise the team with the disabled kids might lose. When some mentally disabled kid has a tantrum, stop practice the same way teachers have to stop teaching to deal with one student's acting out. It's GOOD for the non-disabled child to have this kind of disruption while they get the entertainment value of watching some other kid get the full attention of the coach, teacher, principle or anyone else.

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

I think it depends on what you think the purpose of sports programs are.

If it to get kids active, build team spirit, etc... then, yes, we should create programs where everyone participates.

If it's just to create a clique of jocks who win games and get the school's name in the paper, and generates a bit of extra revenue for the school, that's another issue. But as Sheila pointed out, the schools already get a lot of extra money for kids with disabilities...

Communities expect winning sports teams. They pay for the best attempt at winning sports teams. Your turning it into someting its not, nor should sports be about playing to the lowest levels possible. You want a noncompetitive leagues, fine form them, leave the current system alone. These noncompetitive leagues should net jeopardize existing sports programs.

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

I think it depends on what you think the purpose of sports programs are.

If it to get kids active, build team spirit, etc... then, yes, we should create programs where everyone participates.

If it's just to create a clique of jocks who win games and get the school's name in the paper, and generates a bit of extra revenue for the school, that's another issue. But as Sheila pointed out, the schools already get a lot of extra money for kids with disabilities...

You are overlooking Sheila's statements which pointed out she didn't think the school gave out the value of the dollars raised from the "extra money". Or could it be she wasn't actually considering the full costs associated with the special needs students? May guess is the later. Lifts for buses, ramps, restroom accomodations, extra buses, drivers, aides, benefits, wages, reporting of funds spent, and the like add up very quickly.

Of course, by Sheila's logic, it costs little more to raise a special needs child. I mean, you have feed them and clothe them regardless right? Still run them to school and the doctor's office. Health coverage and all that are needed for all families. Once you put the ramp in, no more expenses. This is not true either, but you must follow the logic through to see the fallacy.
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The Old School
I work with the disabled and find this thread despicable. What about handicap parking? Is that a communist policy that we should ban? What about ramps? I mean they have the opportunity to take the stairs right? If they can't then, well, they should have thought about that before deciding to be handicapped. Right?

Of all the things to be angry about in this world you pick this. I don't get it.
I agree. Just when you think rw's can't sink any lower ..............

I'll bet that every rw who thinks that handicapped kids should be ignored would also object to the woman aborting that fetus.

What the right wants is total government control over others while not having any control over themselves.
I can't take statements like Sheila's seriously. She is the mother of a disabled child and her statements are solely concerned with the benefit to her child. If you were to hear from the parent of a normal child in a class with a disabled child, you would hear something entirely different. You would hear about how the disabled child had a bad day and took up the whole of the teacher's attention. They never got to open that science or geography book. The cost of accommodating the disabled goes beyond dollars and cents.

If costs are a concern, I direct you to the law that mandated strip clubs have stages to accommodate the dancers who are in wheel chairs.

Whether or not there are nude dancers in wheel chairs is immaterial. The stage must at least offer accommodation. Maybe the time will come when strip clubs MUST hire nude dancers in wheelchairs or even paraplegic dancers to comply with the law.
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As a side note, I'd preferred the title of this thread to read, "Obama forcing schools to give special treatment to physically challenged students." I find them challenged, but do not think many are unable. Changing the President's name is just partisanship.
As a side note, I'd preferred the title of this thread to read, "Obama forcing schools to give special treatment to physically challenged students." I find them challenged, but do not think many are unable. Changing the President's name is just partisanship.

They aren't challenged, they are disabled. Putting a politically correct label on it won't give them ability.
How many of you in this thread think that these rules mean that a disabled kid that tries out for the football team has to put on the team because he's disabled,

whether he makes the team or not under the standard criteria for competing for a spot on the team?

I'm guessing about half of you, based on the posts here.
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Are you surprised? He's a well-known idiot and coward. That's the messy part of freedom of speech; even fucking useless, cowardly offenses to human life itself like Shitshimself are allowed to have their say - no matter how asinine. He only squeaks up here, because he knows what would happen if he ever opened his filthy little cockhole in the real world, but the point stands, however distasteful.

HAHAHAHA. More name-calling from the libbies. When will they learn that when they stoop to personal attacks they are conceding defeat.? HAHAHA
i'm sick of all those disabled people ruining everything for those of us who can do everything they can't do. fucking asshole disabled people. they're obviously second-class, subhumans.
i'm sick of all those disabled people ruining everything for those of us who can do everything they can't do. fucking asshole disabled people. they're obviously second-class, subhumans.

Yes indeed. We need to do all we can for the disabled. I don't care if it bankrupts america.

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