Obozo forcing schools to give special treatment to disabled students

i'm sick of all those disabled people ruining everything for those of us who can do everything they can't do. fucking asshole disabled people. they're obviously second-class, subhumans.

Yes indeed. We need to do all we can for the disabled. I don't care if it bankrupts america.

show me where we're spending even ten percent on programs for people with disabilities that we spend on defense. that is the dumbest straw man argument EVER. holy fuck you're an idiot.
How many of you in this thread think that these rules mean that a disabled kid that tries out for the football team has to put on the team because he's disabled,

whether he makes the team or not under the standard criteria for competing for a spot on the team?

I'm guessing about half of you, based on the posts here.

I know, it's almost as if they didn't bother to read the policy and understand it.

They just jumped on the latest Con-Fringe talking point about Obama.

It very clearly says the rules of any sport will not be changed, but reasonable minor tweaks (special starting pistol), or forming a special district team for a specific sport. In my experience, it's always the upperclassmen students who volunteer after school to come out and coach these special teams and run the games. There's a faculty member to oversee, but it's the students that make these programs work.
I can't take statements like Sheila's seriously. She is the mother of a disabled child and her statements are solely concerned with the benefit to her child. If you were to hear from the parent of a normal child in a class with a disabled child, you would hear something entirely different. You would hear about how the disabled child had a bad day and took up the whole of the teacher's attention. They never got to open that science or geography book. The cost of accommodating the disabled goes beyond dollars and cents.

If costs are a concern, I direct you to the law that mandated strip clubs have stages to accommodate the dancers who are in wheel chairs.
Business | Strip Club Told To Open Stage To Dancers In Wheelchairs | Seattle Times Newspaper

Whether or not there are nude dancers in wheel chairs is immaterial. The stage must at least offer accommodation. Maybe the time will come when strip clubs MUST hire nude dancers in wheelchairs or even paraplegic dancers to comply with the law.

No, you wouldn't, because if that was happening than the special needs child isn't getting what he/she needs either. My youngest son was mainstreamed for art and PE and he came WITH an aid. He wasn't a disruption to the regular ed class but IMO an addition to their education. Those children would come up to us at the mall and talk to Andrew even though they knew he couldn't talk back. That's not a sign of kids that aren't getting anything from a special needs kid in their class. If a special needs is in a regular ed class, they are provided an accommodation. For many this means an aid, which takes that child out of the classroom if they become disruptive. If your scenario ever happened, then that school was not providing reasonable accommodations for the special needs child and everybody is a loser.

My oldest son is not as severely handicapped and I did hear about when he had a bad day. Seems he was being teased very badly. He went to his teacher for help and was ignored. He went to the lunchroom supervisor for help and was ignored. He went to the playground supervisor and was ignored. He went to the office staff for help and was ignored. He finally yelled at them and left the elementary school and came home. I got a call from the school saying my son yelled at the office staff and left campus for no reason. Since I was den leader for cub scouts, there were several other students in the school that knew my son personally. One of them went home and told his mother, without being asked, what had happened to my son and she called me. When I went into school to have a meeting with them, I called them on their "no reason". They admitted the fact that David had been teased excessively and they did nothing about it but allowed it to continue all day saying they just don't have time to stop everyone from teasing other kids. Good grief. All kids should have a degree of safety in school INCLUDING protection from harassment and if they go to an adult for help that adult should damn well help them. I don't care who they are. This led up to worse and worse incidents for my son until I finally took him out of school and home schooled him. The school tried to fight my homeschooling my son, even asking if I'd allow a behavioral specialist into my home to critique my parenting skills. I said sure, I didn't have anything to hide. After visiting my home several times and watching me with my child and my family together, we had the meeting with the district in which I announced I was pulling them out of their school which couldn't protect him from teasing and the behavior therapist took my side. She was an independent contractor, poor lady and she never worked for our district again. They sure didn't want to lose the money for my son. Yeah, David was high functioning, they provided very little for him. Couldn't even have the IEP meeting after school because they'd have to pay someone overtime.

My son had a bad day and he couldn't get ANYONE's attention, not even his teachers. I have a hard time believing one special needs child gets ALL the teachers attention.

A side note, after homeschooling David for a few months, his speech therapist came to visit from the school, by law he's still entitled to services from the school even if he's being home schooled. His speech therapist said she couldn't believe the difference in him and that home schooling him, to her, was the best thing I could have done for him at that time. He was learning, he stopped stuttering, and he was well behaved. In fact, she only visited him 3 times at home before determining speech therapy wasn't needed for him anymore. I imagine they got all 7800 for him that year even though I was homeschooling him and the speech therapist saw him only 3 times. The school district was probably upset she stopped seeing him as they couldn't get funds for him the following year when he was completely homeschooled.
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But but doncha know that $7,800 to educate a special needs kid will bankrupt America?? <rolls eyes>

Any district that won' t accommodate kids for school sports can do without Federal monies. They must be rich on local tax revenues, huh?

Regards from Rosie
i'm sick of all those disabled people ruining everything for those of us who can do everything they can't do. fucking asshole disabled people. they're obviously second-class, subhumans.

Yes indeed. We need to do all we can for the disabled. I don't care if it bankrupts america.

show me where we're spending even ten percent on programs for people with disabilities that we spend on defense. that is the dumbest straw man argument EVER. holy fuck you're an idiot.

How the hell did you make the leap from education and sports to defense?
As a side note, I'd preferred the title of this thread to read, "Obama forcing schools to give special treatment to physically challenged students." I find them challenged, but do not think many are unable. Changing the President's name is just partisanship.

They aren't challenged, they are disabled. Putting a politically correct label on it won't give them ability.

Disabled implies the person is not capable at all. Challenged, acknowledges it is difficult, but not impossible. I know a person who can pitch baseball and play basketball at a high level with one arm and another to his mid forearm. Similiar to Jim Abott.

Again these children will not be on the same field as typical kids. That would be completely insane. I am 100% in favor supporting sports for the disabled. Can I get some help from the pro-life crowd? Should we not fully support children that share this world with us regardless of their capability?

So you want separate but equal programs for the disabled kids? And who's gonna pay for this?

I'm also still waiting for any of you libs to give us the constitutional authorization for the feds meddling in education!!

I think it depends on what you think the purpose of sports programs are.

If it to get kids active, build team spirit, etc... then, yes, we should create programs where everyone participates.

If it's just to create a clique of jocks who win games and get the school's name in the paper, and generates a bit of extra revenue for the school, that's another issue. But as Sheila pointed out, the schools already get a lot of extra money for kids with disabilities...

Isn't that what PE is for? Wait, they stopped PE because kids were getting laughed at in the showers.
Communities expect winning sports teams. They pay for the best attempt at winning sports teams. Your turning it into someting its not, nor should sports be about playing to the lowest levels possible. You want a noncompetitive leagues, fine form them, leave the current system alone. These noncompetitive leagues should net jeopardize existing sports programs.

Again, I think that if schools are putting more emphasis on having that "winning sports team" than actually teaching kids the skills they are going to need to succeed in life, we've kind of missed the point of public education.
Communities expect winning sports teams. They pay for the best attempt at winning sports teams. Your turning it into someting its not, nor should sports be about playing to the lowest levels possible. You want a noncompetitive leagues, fine form them, leave the current system alone. These noncompetitive leagues should net jeopardize existing sports programs.

Again, I think that if schools are putting more emphasis on having that "winning sports team" than actually teaching kids the skills they are going to need to succeed in life, we've kind of missed the point of public education.

Since every school in the country has a no pass, no play policy, I guess we can safely assume you don't have to worry about that.
I was reading an article about Claire Danes mentioning, "It takes a Village", when accepting an award from the Screen Actors Guild:

Boy, is that a true statement.

We can be the best mothers or fathers in the world, and do everything in our power to ensure our children turn out okay, but at the end of the day, there's something much, much bigger than just us.

You don't really get how much credence this statement holds until you have a child of your own. I didn't, at least. And neither did a lot of people I know. I have many friends who bought homes before having kids, and now all of a sudden want to up and leave because the school district is crap, or because the area doesn't feel safe enough. I mean, think back to all the things that influenced you growing up -- it goes way beyond your parents. And there's nothing that can be done to change that.

A million and one things determine the kind of person your child is going to turn out to be: The town or country they live in; the religion they practice, should they have one at all; the school they go to; the sports they play; the people they hang out with; the food they like. It's an endless list. And it's also, perhaps more simply, referred to as living.

We can only do so much when it comes to our babies. We can love them as much as we possibly can; keep them safe; and scrape every last penny to live in a house zoned for a good school district or whatever. But at the end of the day, there's a lot that's out of our hands. We're not the only people or things our kids will encounter on Earth. Nor should we be. That would be weird.

Do you worry how other people/places/things will influence your baby?

Claire Danes' 'It Takes a Village' Comment at SAG Awards Is So True to Moms It Hurts | The Stir

When you think about it, we really are all responsible for how all our kids turn out. We interact with other people's children all the time. Also, we make decisions that affect their futures, right??

Would we be more willing to make positive decisions about disable children if we had one of our own?? Maybe that is how we should think. And also remember that someday they will be in charge of these United States when we are a bunch of old goats!!!
What facet of our lives will the feds take over next?. States need to put down their foot and say education is nowhere mentioned in the constitution and so, by the tenth amendment, ed is a state issue.!!

Disabled students must be given sports, says Education Dept. - U.S. News

Jan 25, 2013

The feds are ordering schools across the country to make "reasonable" changes to sports programs so that disabled students can play — or else create separate teams for them.
The new guidance from the Education Department issued Friday was hailed by advocates for the disabled but denounced by a conservative think-tank that said it could cost big bucks for cash-strapped schools.

The new order from the Education Department says athletics is also a civil right for the disabled and schools that don’t protect it could lose federal funding.
Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage

"reasonable" changes

As opposed to the Republican policy of "let them die".
Keep in mind these are the same rightwing nuts who opposed wheelchair ramps and every other simple accommodation for the disabled.

Apparently conservatives feel the same way about the disabled as they do about the poor, i.e.,

if you're not experiencing the full dosage of pain, suffering, and disadvantage that comes with your condition,

because someone somewhere has done something to make your life easier,

then somehow, according to the conservative madness they call conservative values,

some sort of injustice has been committed.
show me where we're spending even ten percent on programs for people with disabilities that we spend on defense. that is the dumbest straw man argument EVER. holy fuck you're an idiot.

HAHAHAHA What does defense spending have to do with disabled kids spending?? What a stupid thing to say. You libs crack me up.
Keep in mind these are the same rightwing nuts who opposed wheelchair ramps and every other simple accommodation for the disabled.

Apparently conservatives feel the same way about the disabled as they do about the poor, i.e.,

if you're not experiencing the full dosage of pain, suffering, and disadvantage that comes with your condition,

because someone somewhere has done something to make your life easier,

then somehow, according to the conservative madness they call conservative values,

some sort of injustice has been committed.

Absolutely. The disabled are special and we must spend our entire GDP on making life easier for them.
Keep in mind these are the same rightwing nuts who opposed wheelchair ramps and every other simple accommodation for the disabled.

Apparently conservatives feel the same way about the disabled as they do about the poor, i.e.,

if you're not experiencing the full dosage of pain, suffering, and disadvantage that comes with your condition,

because someone somewhere has done something to make your life easier,

then somehow, according to the conservative madness they call conservative values,

some sort of injustice has been committed.

Absolutely. The disabled are special and we must spend our entire GDP on making life easier for them.

Do you consider yourself one of the smarter conservatives on this forum?
What facet of our lives will the feds take over next?. States need to put down their foot and say education is nowhere mentioned in the constitution and so, by the tenth amendment, ed is a state issue.!!

Disabled students must be given sports, says Education Dept. - U.S. News

Jan 25, 2013

The feds are ordering schools across the country to make "reasonable" changes to sports programs so that disabled students can play — or else create separate teams for them.
The new guidance from the Education Department issued Friday was hailed by advocates for the disabled but denounced by a conservative think-tank that said it could cost big bucks for cash-strapped schools.

The new order from the Education Department says athletics is also a civil right for the disabled and schools that don’t protect it could lose federal funding.
Under the latest rules, schools must tweak traditional programs to give qualified disabled students a shot at playing as long as they can do it without fundamentally changing the sport or giving anyone an advantage

"reasonable" changes

As opposed to the Republican policy of "let them die".

Because it is perfectly reasonable to expect people who can see to play baseball with blind kids.
Keep in mind these are the same rightwing nuts who opposed wheelchair ramps and every other simple accommodation for the disabled.

Apparently conservatives feel the same way about the disabled as they do about the poor, i.e.,

if you're not experiencing the full dosage of pain, suffering, and disadvantage that comes with your condition,

because someone somewhere has done something to make your life easier,

then somehow, according to the conservative madness they call conservative values,

some sort of injustice has been committed.

You don't know what you are talking about, as usual.

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