OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Hillary Posts Instructions IN SPANISH For Illegal Aliens to Evade ICE

if America is as racist, horrible, and bigoted as the left says it is, why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

As a country we are not racist and bigoted. The right wing is, but they don't represent the spirit of the country, or the majority of it's citizens.
let's see

Trump Rally: 30K to 100k
Biden rally: 300
Hillary Rally: her blood relatives & HUMA

K means thousand by the way
if America is as racist, horrible, and bigoted as the left says it is, why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

As a country we are not racist and bigoted. The right wing is, but they don't represent the spirit of the country, or the majority of it's citizens.

They lawfully did in the 2016 election, loser.
Since the DEMOCRATS seem to think it's A-OK to blatantly DEFY FEDERAL LAW, I think it's time ALL AMERICANS join together in a day of LAWLESSNESS. Just pick a law, any law, that you DISAGREE WITH and DISOBEY IT. Hell if entire CITY GOVERNMENTS can do it, then we simple CITIZENS can too... right?

Wanna rob a bank? HAVE AT IT. Wanna SPEED? GO FOR IT. Let's all just PICK AND CHOOSE what laws we want to follow, and if we're arrested, we can plead that CITY GOVERNMENTS get away with it, so WHY SHOULDN'T WE?

Enough of this shit is enough. At some point their going to have to be tried for TREASON, seriously, or Americans are going to have to have a day of LAWLESSNESS. Let's see who they allow to pick and choose the laws they want to follow and who not, and if they treat others differently, WHY?

There's a civil war coming, I swear to God... people are getting fed up with this shit.
if America is as racist, horrible, and bigoted as the left says it is, why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

As a country we are not racist and bigoted. The right wing is, but they don't represent the spirit of the country, or the majority of it's citizens.
We have LAWS, DUMBASS. Quit with the SJW BULL SHIT. You sound like a complete jackass.

And the only people you're speaking for are the OPEN BORDERS RADICAL DEMOCRATS, and I GUARANTEE YOU, that is NOT the "majority of American citizens." How STUPID can you be.
Since the DEMOCRATS seem to think it's A-OK to blatantly DEFY FEDERAL LAW, I think it's time ALL AMERICANS join together in a day of LAWLESSNESS. Just pick a law, any law, that you DISAGREE WITH and DISOBEY IT. Hell if entire CITIES GOVERNMENTS can do, then we simple CITIZENS can too... right?

Wanna rob a bank? HAVE AT IT. Wanna SPEED? GO FOR IT. Let's all just PICK AND CHOOSE what laws we want to follow, and if we're arrested, we can plead that CITY GOVERNMENTS get away with it, so WHY SHOULDN'T WE?

Enough of this shit is enough. At some point their going to have to be tried for TREASON, seriously, or Americans are going to have to have a day of LAWLESSNESS. Let's see who they allow to pick and choose the laws they want to follow and who not, and if they treat others differently, WHY?

There's a civil war coming, I swear to God... people are getting fed up with this shit.

A civil war is only indefinite days of lawlessness strung together.
Democrats are pushing for it.
A civil war is only indefinite days of lawlessness strung together.
Democrats are pushing for it.

How one party has become so RABIDLY ANTI AMERICAN is hard to understand, but that is the radical democrat party of today.
Lock her up! This just proves she's 100% in support of the destruction of the United States using the Cloward-Piven Act. Just think what this country would be like right now if she was president. White-Genocide would be in full effect like in South Africa.

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Crooked Hillary Posts Instructions IN SPANISH For Illegal Aliens to Evade ICE Agents

Everyone is America is stopping these raids. You're going to have to lock up the entire country. The Mayor of New Orleans has said that ICE will not be allowed into her City this weekend, because she fears people will die in the hurricane and not evacuate for fear they will be deported.

ICE and DHS staff are "leaking" information on the raids, to help people escape. This is not going to go well for Trump. And the image of American families being torn apart, will be horrific.
Yeah......I'm sure it's Trump's people leaking stuff.
Not former Obama officials still in the agency.

The first person to say there were going to be ICE raids, two weeks ago was Donald Trump. Yes, he is just that stupid. Or clever. If his goal was to frighten people and intimmidate people, it worked. Families are on edge, and the children are terrified.
read my lips:

equal. justice. under. the. law.

let me say that again to you:

The rule of law matters to Trump. that's why he's doing this. not all this garbadge people are saying.
The rule of law matters to Trump. that's why he's doing this. not all this garbadge people are saying.
Speaking of Rule Of Law......AOC gets her argument blown up during hearing.....

Former ICE Director Tom Homan Leaves Ocasio-Cortez Speechless On Immigration

Homan schlonged her.
But that was E-Z!
Did she say she actually went to college??? Economics major???
No wonder she ended up being a bartender.
If illegals will die in the hurricane it is a good thing and saves the cost of deportation.

You're a sick little crazy, aren't you?

Taxpayers are justified at being tired of continuing to pay for these lawbreakers.

If conservatives didn't lie, they'd having nothing to say.

When Trump tells you how much the illegals consume in social services, does he tell you how much they contribute to GDP, and taxes? Haven't you ever wondered why the Republican Party has refused to even discuss immigration reform since Ronald Reagan was President? Why all of the deportation prior to Trump have taken place under Democratic Presidents, and Republicans stopped immigration enforcement?

Probably not, but I'm going to give you the answer anyway. Illegal immigrants contribute more to the US economy, than they cost the taxpayers.

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Here's a little report on how Trump removed all talk of tax contributions by refugees from his own report because they showed that refugees contributed more to the economy than they cost the taxpayers.

Trump Administration Rejects Study Showing Positive Impact of Refugees

When the truth doesn't confirm his narrative, Trump just lies.
If illegals will die in the hurricane it is a good thing and saves the cost of deportation.

You're a sick little crazy, aren't you?

Taxpayers are justified at being tired of continuing to pay for these lawbreakers.

If conservatives didn't lie, they'd having nothing to say.

When Trump tells you how much the illegals consume in social services, does he tell you how much they contribute to GDP, and taxes. Haven't you ever wondered why the Republican Party has refused to even discuss immigration reform since Ronald Reagan was President? Why all of the deportation prior to Trump have taken place under Democratic Presidents, and Republicans stopped immigration enforcement?

Probably not, but I'm going to give you the answer anyway. Illegal immigrants contribute more to the US economy, than they cost the taxpayers.

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy
When you don't have a social security number or a job you don't pay much in taxes.
Mostly what illegals do is send money back to their home countries....which is roughly 30% of their home countries GDP....so the country that benefits the most isn't the US.
Illegals used to contribute cheap labor....but now they're not working and getting paid to sneak into the country and demand asylum.
The Democrats have lost their treasonous 'Domestic Enemy' minds!

Pelosi, in public, was trying to teach illegals how to resist US law enforcement officers from enforcing US Law / judicial deportation orders / how to resist arrest.

Schumer declared enforcing US immigration law was brute force intimidation ... of criminals here illegally...

Hillary, who everyone knows is already guilty as hell of Obstruction was aiding and abetting illegal alien fugitives who are on the run...

The Socialist Democras' 2020 election focus solely on what they / the govt can do for and what they can give foreign invaders...Democrats gave made illegals a higher priority that the very voters whose votes they need ...

While promising US Citizens they will raise their taxes, drive their jobs away, eliminate their higher wages / raises / bonuses, making owning private health insurance illegal, putting millions back on welfare / food stamps / unemployment, Dems are promising to give illegals 'free' food, housing, health care, education, etc...

...and Millionaire Democrats want the middle class to pay for all of it....

Democrats want the Middle Class who have never owned slaves to pay for REPARATIONS to blacks who have never been slaves...

Democrats want the Middle Class to pay for their health care AND pay a fine if they can't afford it ... AND pay for health care for illegals...

Harris owns a gun...but she wants to make sure YOU don't...

Bernie makes millions of dollars .... but wants to make sure YOU don't...

AOC wants to fly on private planes and be driven around ... but she wants YOU to take solar powered high speed trains or ride bicycles...

The Democrats have chosen to stand with and serve illegals over US citizens while elevating themselves above the law...
This creepsister has no scruples. They need to detain her while they are awaiting the results of her false dossier she had people write up to con Steele into giving it to the FBI Comey, who then leaked it to the press and leaked it to the press again and... who knows what else he did but spread the salacious parts of this piece of fiction in order to bring President Trump down.

I hope Hillary gets some hard time for treason. She's a crawling rat with a long nose. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
if America is as racist, horrible, and bigoted as the left says it is, why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

As a country we are not racist and bigoted. The right wing is, but they don't represent the spirit of the country, or the majority of it's citizens.
let's see

Trump Rally: 30K to 100k
Biden rally: 300
Hillary Rally: her blood relatives & HUMA

K means thousand by the way

Big deal. Out of the 138,000,000 who voted in 2016, that 100k is less than 1/10 of a percent. Circuses often have high attendance, and he was outvoted by 3,000,000 votes after all. Hell, I even went to one of his rallies to see if it was as crazy as I had heard. You don't think I'm one of his supporters, do you?

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