President Trump solved the problem. Threaten to withhold aid plus threaten sanctions on the nation which is the origin of the problem.

So, making conditions _worse_ in the country of origin will mean _less_ refugees.

Yep, Trump supporter logic.

"Top Democrats are circulating a poll showing that one of the House's most progressive members — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — has become a definitional face for the party with a crucial group of swing voters.

Why it matters: These Democrats are sounding the alarm that swing voters know and dislike socialism, warning it could cost them the House and the presidency. The poll is making the rounds of some of the most influential Democrats in America.

  • "If all voters hear about is AOC, it could put the [House] majority at risk," said a top Democrat who is involved in 2020 congressional races. "he's getting all the news and defining everyone else’s races."

The poll — taken in May, before Speaker Pelosi's latest run-in with AOC and the three other liberal House freshmen known as "The Squad" — included 1,003 likely general-election voters who are white and have two years or less of college education.

  • These are the "white, non-college voters" who embraced Donald Trump in 2016 but are needed by Democrats in swing House districts.
  • The group that took the poll shared the results with Axios on the condition that it not be named, because the group has to work with all parts of the party.
The findings:

  • Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view.
  • Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view.
Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%.

This old ADS thread is still running? Some people really need lives.

You're back?

So what happened to all your "AOC's chief-of-staff embezzled a million dollars!" whimpering? Is she in jail yet?


You are such a sucker for every bit of conspiracy idiocy you get fed.

And I get to laugh at you about it, over and over, and watch as you flail and cry. Life is good. Given how often you've been suckered, you'd think you'd figure out you're being suckered. But you never learn. It's as if you enjoy the humiliation. Hence, you should thank me for dealing it out.

"Report: Ocasio-Cortez’s Former Chief Of Staff Faces Campaign Finance Investigation
He suddenly resigned last Friday and was a continual source of controversy


The Federal Election Commission is investigating Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's (D., N.Y.) former chief of staff for potential campaign finance violations accordingto a report from The New York Post. The investigation into Saikat Chakrabarti, who abruptly resigned last Friday, concerns two political action committees co-founded by Chakrabarti."
Ocasio-Cortez's Former Chief Of Staff Faces Campaign Finance Investigation

"Ocasio-Cortez Distances Herself From Former Chief Of Staff

The New York Democrat insisted Chakrabarti’s abrupt departure from her office Friday had nothing to do with his controversial tweet.
Chakrabarti’s departure comes as the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is investigating alleged campaign financed violations involving him and two political action committess that funneled over $1 million into an LLC he controlled during the 2018 midterm elections.

Ocasio-Cortez served on the board of one of Chakrabarti’s PACs, Justice Democrats, from late 2017 to July 2018, while it was simultaneously supporting her primary campaign. She never reported her affiliation with the PAC to the FEC, the Daily Caller News Foundation first reported."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Distances Herself From Former Chief Of Staff
"Ocasio-Cortez’s Known Donors From Her Own District Are Nearly Non-Existent, FEC Records Show
Ocasio-Cortez has outraised all other freshmen representatives so far in 2019, but nearly all of her reported contributors to her reelection campaign live outside her congressional district, a Daily Caller News Foundation analysis of Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings found.

Ocasio-Cortez’s reelection campaign has reported receiving contributions from just 10 individuals living within her district in the first half of 2019, according to its Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings."

Ocasio-Cortez’s Known Donors From Her Own District Are Nearly Non-Existent, FEC Records Show
Ya' gotta see this....from an AOC global warming function...

"WATCH: “We need to eat babies” to solve the climate crisis, says hysterical woman at AOC event

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez held a town hall in Corona, New York on Thursday, where she was confronted by a hysterical woman who suggested the only way to deal with the climate crisis is to start eating babies.

The woman, who was wearing a shirt that read, “Save the planet, eat the children”, warned Ocasio-Cortez that politicians aren’t acting quick enough to combat increasing CO2 levels.

“Even if we would bomb Russia, we still have too many people. Too much pollution,” the woman said. “So, we have to get rid of the babies. That’s a big problem. Just stopping having babies is not enough, we need to eat the babies. This is very serious.”
WATCH: "We need to eat babies" to solve the climate crisis, says hysterical woman at AOC event · Caldron Pool

This is your stereotypical Democrat supporter...... Ocasio nodding in agreement in the background.

Last edited:
"Bernie Sanders: 'If Elected, I Will Put AOC In Charge Of Math'
November 20th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Bernie Sanders has promised that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will play a key role in his White House if he's elected, saying he will put her in charge of math.

Sanders said he will create a Department of Math that will make sure everyone knows math and figure out ways to bend mathematical realities to conform to his socialist ideas.

"I'm gonna have Alexandria here run all the numbers and make sure everything adds up," Sanders said in a campaign speech, waving his hands around as though he were on a desert island signaling for help from a passing ship. "Every great socialist has a great math guy---or girl---running the numbers. She can approve the math textbooks, figure out the tax stuff, and count the number of people in the breadlines."

Sanders said he realized none of his plans made any mathematical sense, but he could just have Ocasio-Cortez crunch the numbers again if buying everyone internet, food, housing, and medical care doesn't work out. "I'll just wave my hand and say, 'Hey, run them again.' And she'll run them again and it will all add up."

Ocasio-Cortez said she was flattered by his comments. "I'm real good at math. Things like adding, subtracting. Numbers, I do numbers. I can carry numbers in the division stuff, but I don't like to do it much. They get heavy. Oh, and when you need to figure out a tip, you just double the tax. Doubling is when you divide something by 2. No, wait---"
Bernie Sanders: 'If Elected, I Will Put AOC In Charge Of Math'
OMG She's got a degree in economics and worked as a bar tender.

Math?? I think I'll stand over here and LMFAO
"Bernie Sanders: 'If Elected, I Will Put AOC In Charge Of Math'
November 20th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Bernie Sanders has promised that Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will play a key role in his White House if he's elected, saying he will put her in charge of math.

Sanders said he will create a Department of Math that will make sure everyone knows math and figure out ways to bend mathematical realities to conform to his socialist ideas.

"I'm gonna have Alexandria here run all the numbers and make sure everything adds up," Sanders said in a campaign speech, waving his hands around as though he were on a desert island signaling for help from a passing ship. "Every great socialist has a great math guy---or girl---running the numbers. She can approve the math textbooks, figure out the tax stuff, and count the number of people in the breadlines."

Sanders said he realized none of his plans made any mathematical sense, but he could just have Ocasio-Cortez crunch the numbers again if buying everyone internet, food, housing, and medical care doesn't work out. "I'll just wave my hand and say, 'Hey, run them again.' And she'll run them again and it will all add up."

Ocasio-Cortez said she was flattered by his comments. "I'm real good at math. Things like adding, subtracting. Numbers, I do numbers. I can carry numbers in the division stuff, but I don't like to do it much. They get heavy. Oh, and when you need to figure out a tip, you just double the tax. Doubling is when you divide something by 2. No, wait---"
Bernie Sanders: 'If Elected, I Will Put AOC In Charge Of Math'

Great article, it is almost believable.
"AOC Declares Stalin Was Actually Center-Right
January 22nd, 2020

U.S.—Addressing a crowd earlier this week, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared that Joseph Stalin was actually a conservative or at least a center-right kind of guy.

"Nobody was actually on the left in Soviet Russia -- Stalin was center or center-conservative," she said. "Did Stalin have a Green New Deal? I don't think so. And he referred to people with binary pronouns, not to mention the lack of drag queen story hours in the gulags."

Ocasio-Cortez also criticized the Soviet Union's lack of free broadband internet and Obamaphones, blaming the society's deficiencies on Stalin "being such an ignorant, bigoted right-winger." "All historians agree that the Soviets were held back from becoming a leftist utopia by Stalin's conservative policies."

One interviewer pointed out that Stalin was general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, but Ocasio-Cortez would not be mansplained to. "Stop catcalling me," she said, snapping her fingers in a Z formation. "I am a brave, strong, woman of color, and any criticism of me is just because of white male fragility." The interviewer was a black woman.

She said a more leftist leader could have been chosen, but the country's elections were meddled with by Putin."
AOC Declares Stalin Was Actually Center-Right

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