Kudos to AOC for triggering the concentration camp supporters by using historically accurate terminology. It doesn't have to be a death camp to be a concentration camp.

The Japanese internment camps in WW2 were concentration camps. Thousands of people were put behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Trump's internment camps are concentration camps, as thousands of people are now behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Though children and adults are dying quite often in Trump's camps, it's not appropriate to call them "death camps", being that death isn't the intent. Thus, "concentration camp" is the correct term.

If that makes Trump cultists uncomfortable, that's good, as it means they still have some sort of vestigial conscience.

What do you propose should be done with the thousands of people attempting to enter the country illegally? How many will you host in your house until they can be processed?
What do you propose should be done with the thousands of people attempting to enter the country illegally? How many will you host in your house until they can be processed?

Oddly, we managed the task without concentration camps before.

As far as new policies go, aid should be given to their host countries, to expedite legal applications, and to make it less likely they'll want to come to the US in the first place. Stop it at the source.
As far as new policies go, aid should be given to their host countries, to expedite legal applications, and to make it less likely they'll want to come to the US in the first place. Stop it at the source.
Who is paying for that “aid”? You? We’re $21 trillion in debt. What part of that do you not understand?

Incidentally, we’ve been sending Mexico “aid” for like the last 70 years now. How is that working out? So much for you theory.
What do you propose should be done with the thousands of people attempting to enter the country illegally? How many will you host in your house until they can be processed?

Oddly, we managed the task without concentration camps before.

As far as new policies go, aid should be given to their host countries, to expedite legal applications, and to make it less likely they'll want to come to the US in the first place. Stop it at the source.

aid should be given to their host countries

We do again I ask what alternative universe do you live in?

As far as new policies go, aid should be given to their host countries, to expedite legal applications, and to make it less likely they'll want to come to the US in the first place. Stop it at the source.
President Trump solved the problem. Threaten to withhold aid plus threaten sanctions on the nation which is the origin of the problem. The greatest president of your life just stopped it at the source.

Mexico deploys massive troop force to stop migrants from crossing the US border
What do you propose should be done with the thousands of people attempting to enter the country illegally? How many will you host in your house until they can be processed?
Oddly, we managed the task without concentration camps before.
We did? Being invaded by 20 million is “managing it” in your mind? :laugh:

Oddly he doesn't remember Obama doing the same thing.

What do you propose should be done with the thousands of people attempting to enter the country illegally? How many will you host in your house until they can be processed?

Oddly, we managed the task without concentration camps before.

As far as new policies go, aid should be given to their host countries, to expedite legal applications, and to make it less likely they'll want to come to the US in the first place. Stop it at the source.

You say we managed without such facilities, can you prove that, or are you just assuming Trump is the first? You do know Obama used cages for illegal immigrant children, right?

And you ignored the question, which is what exactly do you propose to do with captured illegal immigrants awaiting trial?
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Kudos to AOC for triggering the concentration camp supporters by using historically accurate terminology. It doesn't have to be a death camp to be a concentration camp.

The Japanese internment camps in WW2 were concentration camps. Thousands of people were put behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Trump's internment camps are concentration camps, as thousands of people are now behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Though children and adults are dying quite often in Trump's camps, it's not appropriate to call them "death camps", being that death isn't the intent. Thus, "concentration camp" is the correct term.

If that makes Trump cultists uncomfortable, that's good, as it means they still have some sort of vestigial conscience.

So very happy that you don't mind being the object of amusement for so many.

Keep up the good work.
You say we managed without such facilities, can you prove that, or are you just assuming Trump is the first? You do know Obama used cages for illegal immigrant children, right?

Scale, time and intent matter.

Obama did it on a small scale, shut it down, and it wasn't done for political reasons.

Trump is doing it on a large scale, plans to expand it, and is doing it for political reasons.

Hence, very different things. Obama didn't run concentration camps, Trump is running concentration camps.

And you ignored the question, which is what exactly do you propose to do with captured illegal immigrants awaiting trial?

Ankle monitors would work just fine. The cruelty of the concentration camps is pointless, unless the cruelty is the point.
You say we managed without such facilities, can you prove that, or are you just assuming Trump is the first? You do know Obama used cages for illegal immigrant children, right?

Scale, time and intent matter.

Obama did it on a small scale, shut it down, and it wasn't done for political reasons.

Trump is doing it on a large scale, plans to expand it, and is doing it for political reasons.

Hence, very different things. Obama didn't run concentration camps, Trump is running concentration camps.

And you ignored the question, which is what exactly do you propose to do with captured illegal immigrants awaiting trial?

Ankle monitors would work just fine. The cruelty of the concentration camps is pointless, unless the cruelty is the point.

Really, ankle monitors is your solution? They would still be confined to the concentration camp, as you like to refer to them. There would still be walls and locked doors. How would it be better?
Really, ankle monitors is your solution? They would still be confined to the concentration camp, as you like to refer to them

No, they wouldn't. What gave you that crazy idea?

Your "solution" leaves a lot to be desired. Based on what you're saying, you would have thousands upon thousands of people free to wander straight to a friend with a hacksaw who would set them free to vanish into the American landscape. The only way ankle monitors work is if you have a space in which the person is supposed to be contained.

Left-handed, huh?
"AOC: I’m Outraged That Mitch McConnell Killed The House Border Bill I Voted Against!
The outrage never stops with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez. Today she expressed outraged that a House border funding bill did not pass in the Senate. She said this despite the fact that she vocally opposed the same bill and refused to vote for it when it was passed by the House earlier this week."
AOC: I'm outraged that Mitch McConnell killed the House border bill I voted against! (Update: Tapper asks the obvious question)

Earlier this week, Bill O'Reilly posited that this dunce, who knows nothing and is not willing to learn, does't really want to be in Congress, and is actually angling for a TV slot.
Could be.

But....what to say about the demented who vote for simpletons like this?????
President Trump solved the problem. Threaten to withhold aid plus threaten sanctions on the nation which is the origin of the problem.
So, making conditions _worse_ in the country of origin will mean _less_ refugees. Yep, Trump supporter logic.
Yep! It's amazing what people will do for money. It worked too (which is why you're so pissed off right now). Mexico sent their military to the border to help lock down their side and prevent people from passing into the U.S.

Your dream of using foreigners in an election to get Dumbocrats elected just took a MASSIVE step backwards.
"Ocasio-Cortez Claims Border Patrol Agents Turned Her Into A Newt
July 3rd, 2019

TEXAS—In an interview with reporters after a visit to an immigrant detention center, a visibly shaken Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insisted that Border Patrol agents had turned her into a newt.

"How do you know Border Patrol is evil?" a journalist asked.

"Why, they turned me into a newt!" she cried. "I walked into that concentration camp and right away I knew I wasn't safe, because they pulled out their spellbooks and pointy witches' hats and started muttering ancient incantations. The next thing you know, I was a small, semiaquatic, salamander-like creature." She also claimed they all had long, warty noses and hats, though she later admitted she dressed them up like that.

The obvious question came to mind.

"Uh... a newt?" one bewildered reporter asked.

During the few awkward moments of silence that followed, you could "almost" hear the gears in Ocasio-Cortez's head slowly begin to turn, creaking from disuse. She suddenly realized the hole in her story, that she was no longer a newt.

Thinking fast, she replied, "I got better."
Ocasio-Cortez Claims Border Patrol Agents Turned Her Into A Newt

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