You know it’s funny how this kid is crying about about how people cannot afford anything. Stop raising taxes! Cut taxes for the middle and lower class

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"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

If the Democrats gave up raising taxes, they'd have nothing left to be known for but slavery, eugenics, infanticide, anti-Semitism, and socialism.
what a load of crap, super duper.
How about minimum wage Social Security unemployment Medicare Medicaid civil rights Obama the greatest social reform for working class and poor ever, and if the GOP would stop obstructing living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich their fair share for a change, and an ID card to end illegal immigration?

Soooo......what is your explanation for support of this?

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

You can deny any part of that, but, then folks would recognize that you are lying.

And....did you notice that I avoid the word 'think' when posting to you?

Know why?
Anti-white racism is a joke, socialism is simply always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net not this GOP scam, infanticide is pure garbage propaganda,no evidence that illegals actually vote-they would have to be crazy,and complaining about right-wing a****** Israelis is not anti-semitism. As always you live on an imaginary planet.... Change the channel sometimes read a newspaper get some fresh air super dupe.

BTW......The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
I can't say if I'm smarter than AOC, as she's really bright. That's one reason why the ADS crowd hates her, jealousy.

Proof? You're all the raging dumbasses who fell for an idiot conspiracy theory about how she sent a million dollars to her boyfriend.

Why did you fall for such an obviously faked conspiracy theory? We told you it was faked. We didn't fall for it. That's because we're not retards. You are.

Uh oh......

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the social media star and self-identified democratic socialist, is fairly unpopular around the country.

A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday morning found that 23 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the member of Congress, while 36 percent had an unfavorable view — a -13 overall approval rating. Thirty-eight percent hadn’t heard enough about her to have an informed opinion.

This new poll isn’t a one-off finding. Three prior surveys — one in January from Morning Consult, one in February from Fox, and a third in mid-March from Gallup — all found that more Americans had negative views of AOC than had positive ones. This might surprise a lot of Democrats, who see all of her viral clips and impressive performances in congressional hearings and assume she’s a popular rising star."
Conservative media’s war on AOC is hammering her poll numbers
So she's still not in jail for sending a million dollars of campaign money to her boyfriend?

Why did you fall for such a lie? None of the smart people fell for it. What special retardation caused you to fall for it?
So she's still not in jail for sending a million dollars of campaign money to her boyfriend?

Why did you fall for such a lie? None of the smart people fell for it. What special retardation caused you to fall for it?

Can you quote where it was predicted she would go to jail?

The thread was meant to document how truly stupid and open to mockery she....and you.....are.

And it documents same.

Write soon, y'hear?
So she's still not in jail for sending a million dollars of campaign money to her boyfriend?

Why did you fall for such a lie? None of the smart people fell for it. What special retardation caused you to fall for it?

Glad you brought it up.

And today.....

"AOC-Linked PAC Questioned on Contributions

A political action committee linked to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y) is being questioned on potentially impermissible contributions that it made to a number of Democratic committees last year, according to a letter from the Federal Election Commission.

The FEC sent a request for additional information to the Justice Democrats PAC, a far-left group that helped elect Ocasio-Cortez to Congress, on May 30 after conducting its preliminary review of the PAC's amended July quarterly report from 2018. Ocasio-Cortez was listed as a governor of the group until recently.

... potentially improper contributions from Justice Democrats include: $1,211 to David Clark, who was a Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District; $324 to Greg Edwards, also a former Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania's 7th District; $733 to Sameena Mustafa, who was a candidate in Illinois's 5th District; $384 to Jennifer Marshall, who was a candidate in North Carolina's 5th District; $281 to Ricardo Jose Trevino Jr., who was a candidate in Texas's 23rd District; and $216 to Jimmy Darnell Jones, who ran in Texas's 2nd district; among a handful of others.

Ocasio-Cortez and Saikat Chakrabarti, a co-founder of Justice Democrats who is now her chief of staff, were both listed as governors of the group until March, when they were quietly removed in filings to D.C.'s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs.

At this time, the PAC was facing increased scrutiny over nearly $1 million worth of transfers to limited liability companies started by Chakrabarti, as detailed in a complaint filed to the FEC by the National Legal and Policy Center, which referred to the PAC as a "slush fund."
AOC-Linked PAC Questioned on Contributions
"Ocasio-Cortez: 'Everyone's Pay Should Be Equal, But My Pay Should Be More Equal Than Others''
June 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Speaking to reporters after coming out in support of pay raises for herself and her fellow congresspeople, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she believes everyone's pay should be equal, but that her and her colleagues' pay should be "more equal" than everybody else's.

"I campaigned on equality and lifting up the poor and bringing down the rich," she said. "But after a few months in Washington, it's clear to me now that we need to shift my campaign rhetoric a bit."

She then held up a chart that had her core values on it and crossed out "Everyone's pay should be equal" and replaced it with "Everyone's pay should be equal, but my pay should be more equal than others.'" The representative began leading her supporters gathered in a chant: "Regular Americans good, politicians better! Regular Americans good, politicians better!"

And the reporters looked from Ocasio-Cortez to the other corrupt politicians nearby, and from the other politicians to Ocasio-Cortez again, but already it was impossible to say which was which."
Ocasio-Cortez: 'Everyone's Pay Should Be Equal, But My Pay Should Be More Equal Than Others''
Ocasio-Cortez: 'Mommy and Me'


OC has RW idiots by the short hairs -
Ocasio-Cortez: 'Mommy and Me'


OC has RW idiots by the short hairs -

How dumb must one be not to recognize that the thread mocks AOC and her

Either you are the mental equivalent of a doggy chew-toy, or everyone laughing at you left with no options but to pretend you don't know you're being made a fool of....

...which is it?
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Maybe AOC wants to run BOC out of the country.
You can't make this up.

Socialist Ocasio-Cortez has the lame-brained Green New Deal, the basis of which will require huge taxes to accomplish.

The DailyMail has an interview with the mother of the fresh new face, the economic guru of the Democrats, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Mom is Blanca've gotta read this interview..

Check out this part:

"Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – or BOC as her signature reads – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando.
'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it,' Blanca said in the living-room of her modest but tidy Florida house.

'I worked and prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida'

'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.'

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's mother tells how she hopes her daughter marries her longtime boyfriend | Daily Mail Online

Which brings to mind Rule #2a

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Maybe AOC wants to run BOC out of the country.

There is that Freudian thing about children and parents......

There's lots of material revealing both her stupidity and her hypocrisy......but I had to share her demand for big tax increases with her mom being forced out of her home due to.......

.....wait for it....

.....high taxes!!!

Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here.'"
You do understand that for our self-entitled (to other's cash) lefties 2+2 never equals 4. They just never get it.

OTOH kudos to her Mama for making the personal sacrifices necessary (if true) to give her kids a leg up. In that regard she's my kinda woman.
The Democrat Politicians regard the Taxpayers to be their slaves. That is why they never care how much anything costs.
That is the socialist POV.

Confiscating the often hard-earned wealth of society's most productive people to buy the votes of the least productive makes gov't slaves of the former and dependents of the latter. Socialism is an unsustainable economic model and invariably runs out of OPC (Other Peeps Cash).

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party
“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.
You know it’s funny how this kid is crying about about how people cannot afford anything. Stop raising taxes! Cut taxes for the middle and lower class

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” The Education of President Obama

If the Democrats gave up raising taxes, they'd have nothing left to be known for but slavery, eugenics, infanticide, anti-Semitism, and socialism.
what a load of crap, super duper.
How about minimum wage Social Security unemployment Medicare Medicaid civil rights Obama the greatest social reform for working class and poor ever, and if the GOP would stop obstructing living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college and training and mainly taxing the rich their fair share for a change, and an ID card to end illegal immigration?

You'd think a 6'4", 215 lb superman with 2 degrees could do better than an incoherent run on sentence.
His keyboard has no comma key.
Kudos to AOC for triggering the concentration camp supporters by using historically accurate terminology. It doesn't have to be a death camp to be a concentration camp.

The Japanese internment camps in WW2 were concentration camps. Thousands of people were put behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Trump's internment camps are concentration camps, as thousands of people are now behind barbed wire for reasons of race or ethnicity, without due process.

Though children and adults are dying quite often in Trump's camps, it's not appropriate to call them "death camps", being that death isn't the intent. Thus, "concentration camp" is the correct term.

If that makes Trump cultists uncomfortable, that's good, as it means they still have some sort of vestigial conscience.

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