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"Occupy" shows true colors, real tactics

Walmart does not "shut down' anyone. Walmart is simply a big general store.
Walmart represents progress.
BTW, we have a Walmart here in town. Not a mile away is a hardware store which is always busy. Why? Because the hardware store sells items not available at Walmart.
Question: Why is it no one on your side of the aisle bitches about Dicks Sporting Goods, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy, HH Gregg, KMart, Sears, JC Penney, Macy's... All big box stores. All essentially non-union...
It's not tyranny. You should look up the definition of the word.
Newsflash...When government is involved, there is no choice. Government relies and requires a captive scenario because the government cannot tolerate competition.

We do... it's all part of the "wal-martization" of America... be it Lowe's or the rest you mentioned.... it's all Wal-Mart to me.

I call you out to prove that Wal-Mart and their ilk haven't shut down small businesses across the country.... C'mon... make me a believer.
"shut down" is not passive. It is an action. Therefore a person or persons must have physically gone to the alleged victim's place of business and locked them out of their businesses.
Now, that is literal. Obviously you are being figurative. Ok, you have the noose around your neck....What you call an unfair shut down, I call progress. No one in business is entitled perpetuity in business.
When you use terms such as "it's all Walmart to me" you lose all credibility.
Your participation in the debate becomes pure emotion and without logic.
Question....is it your premise that the technology and methodology of retail should remain static?

So... big is good.... gotcha.

As to your question... No... it shouldn't stay static... that's ridiculous. However, I don't think that "power Capitalism" works. Let me tell you how Power Capitalism operates. Let's suppose you own a widget shop that sells widgets at a reasonable price. Along comes a huge conglomerate department store that happens to peddle the same widgets you do.

The Huge Conglomerate does some research and finds out that you own your widget shop and it doesn't like the idea of you standing in the way of more sales for them. Because of their size and strength, they undercut your prices...simply because they can afford to take a "break even" stance, or even take a loss until your out of the picture. Even if you try to stay in business by cutting employees' wages and benefits or even laying some off... you're still hosed because they can outlast you.... soon, you're working in their widget department for lowball wages.

Congratulations... you've just been assimilated....or "Wal-Martized".
I noticed you ignored the question. Check and Mate

I re-read your post.. what exactly was the question?

Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.
I re-read your post.. what exactly was the question?

Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.

Really? That's the only point that matters? Who made you God of the threads?

Stay on point? Right wing hyperbole? OK...we'll stay on point. OWS is disorganized and have little direction, Unlike the Conservative Movement... maybe you should let them borrow those Saul Alinsky books that Freedomworks and Heritage.org handed out.
We do... it's all part of the "wal-martization" of America... be it Lowe's or the rest you mentioned.... it's all Wal-Mart to me.

I call you out to prove that Wal-Mart and their ilk haven't shut down small businesses across the country.... C'mon... make me a believer.
"shut down" is not passive. It is an action. Therefore a person or persons must have physically gone to the alleged victim's place of business and locked them out of their businesses.
Now, that is literal. Obviously you are being figurative. Ok, you have the noose around your neck....What you call an unfair shut down, I call progress. No one in business is entitled perpetuity in business.
When you use terms such as "it's all Walmart to me" you lose all credibility.
Your participation in the debate becomes pure emotion and without logic.
Question....is it your premise that the technology and methodology of retail should remain static?

So... big is good.... gotcha.

As to your question... No... it shouldn't stay static... that's ridiculous. However, I don't think that "power Capitalism" works. Let me tell you how Power Capitalism operates. Let's suppose you own a widget shop that sells widgets at a reasonable price. Along comes a huge conglomerate department store that happens to peddle the same widgets you do.

The Huge Conglomerate does some research and finds out that you own your widget shop and it doesn't like the idea of you standing in the way of more sales for them. Because of their size and strength, they undercut your prices...simply because they can afford to take a "break even" stance, or even take a loss until your out of the picture. Even if you try to stay in business by cutting employees' wages and benefits or even laying some off... you're still hosed because they can outlast you.... soon, you're working in their widget department for lowball wages.

Congratulations... you've just been assimilated....or "Wal-Martized".
Show me where I used the words "big is good"..
Please do not try to explain anything on subjects which you are clueless.
I would find another product to sell that the big box store does not sell.
Sort of like the hardware store in my town. Very simple.
Oh, BTW there is also a Lowes 2.5 miles from the in town hardware store. They sell stuff that Lowes carries but is easier to buy at the local place. I go there for specialty items all the time.
It is you who have been assimilated.
Business is business. There is no free lunch and no holidays.
Here's a great example.
Before the federal government deregulated the air carriage industry only the well to do could afford to fly. Small cities had no service. Airlines had protected routes that shielded them from competition. Those carriers should be swimming in cash now ( Southwest is).
But those legacy carriers lost their way and had to compete with lower cost carriers. The bigger airlines have either failed or been merged. Why? Because they refused( with ZERO help from the unions) to adjust. They did not recognize the urgency. SO they died. it is what it is.
Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.

Really? That's the only point that matters? Who made you God of the threads?

Stay on point? Right wing hyperbole? OK...we'll stay on point. OWS is disorganized and have little direction, Unlike the Conservative Movement... maybe you should let them borrow those Saul Alinsky books that Freedomworks and Heritage.org handed out.
I don't permit deflection. That's right. Stay on point.
If you want to discuss another issue, I suggest you start a thread on that subject.
Learn to focus.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.

Really? That's the only point that matters? Who made you God of the threads?

Stay on point? Right wing hyperbole? OK...we'll stay on point. OWS is disorganized and have little direction, Unlike the Conservative Movement... maybe you should let them borrow those Saul Alinsky books that Freedomworks and Heritage.org handed out.
I don't permit deflection. That's right. Stay on point.
If you want to discuss another issue, I suggest you start a thread on that subject.
Learn to focus.

Ummmm... fuck you. Don't tell me what to do.. I'm an Individual with first amendment rights.
Really? That's the only point that matters? Who made you God of the threads?

Stay on point? Right wing hyperbole? OK...we'll stay on point. OWS is disorganized and have little direction, Unlike the Conservative Movement... maybe you should let them borrow those Saul Alinsky books that Freedomworks and Heritage.org handed out.
I don't permit deflection. That's right. Stay on point.
If you want to discuss another issue, I suggest you start a thread on that subject.
Learn to focus.

Ummmm... fuck you. Don't tell me what to do.. I'm an Individual with first amendment rights.

First amendment rights. LOL....
Yer kidding right..
The expletive indicates I hit a nerve. Good.
I see civil discussion and the ability to debate is not on your list of priorities.
Oh well. Too bad for you.
Stop crying and man up. Stay focused.
I don't permit deflection. That's right. Stay on point.
If you want to discuss another issue, I suggest you start a thread on that subject.
Learn to focus.

Ummmm... fuck you. Don't tell me what to do.. I'm an Individual with first amendment rights.

First amendment rights. LOL....
Yer kidding right..
The expletive indicates I hit a nerve. Good.
I see civil discussion and the ability to debate is not on your list of priorities.
Oh well. Too bad for you.
Stop crying and man up. Stay focused.

Reallly? Let's see... a thread entitled "Occupy shows True colors" is one that invites civil discussion? riiiiight. BTW.... I did address my reasoning for OWS's "rambunctiousness".... Because they haven't studied Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals" like the Tea Party has.

In fact, I mentioned it twice.
Nobody has any right to disrupt and stopbthe conducting of normal business,protesting is one thing,but when they start threatening lives,i have a right to defend my family,especially garbage that burns my flag.

You are a horribly mis guided willfully ignorant man. The conducting of "normal business" by Wall street has already robbed you and your family of much of it's potential future and made you much less safe.

If "your flag" was made in China you should probably burn it yourself. But a dumb fuck like you probably shops at wallmart where you personnally do more damage to America than anyone in the street breaking a window.

Thanks for playing...fool.
and Obama has robbed us of even more !!!
So explain to me how ordinary small business owners being forced to close their legitimate businesses by OWS protesters has jack shit impact on the 'evil' Wall Street?

Seems to me the horribly misguided, willfully ignorant one is you.

I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.

Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

You can tell I'm kidding when I use an :lol: Here is a clue for ya Sport. You are a bully. You have always been a bully. You are unhappy ...few people genuinely like or respect you. Me..I like bullies. I've been kicking thier asses since I was in grade school. I do it to get thier attention. Then I hang out with them for a while and point out how they can be happier when they are not such dickheads. I've done it hundreds of times in my life.

I'm not telling you how to be here on the internet but I read some of your posts.

What business was "forced" to close? You sound like the kind of asshole that doesn't have the sense to leave ten minutes earlier for a destination then honks his horn like a buthurt little girl and gives everyone the finger if you wind up running 5 minutes late.

It is clear you don't have a fucking clue who is doing the protesting. Bums? How do you know that? You don't.

I am serious about Walmart..and yes..All retail giants that buy cheap crap overseas and pay rock botttom wages...offer zero benefits and are at war with unions and the middle class.

Minimum wages don't help the economy. They barely help the individuals that work for them. What drives a thriving economy is customers. That means disposable income. People on minimum wage do not have any extra money to be anyones customer.

If you want to discuss my posts and point out our differences I will be happy to reply to you. If you are here to try to bully a 62 year old with more experience dealing with assholes than most I will ignore you.

Oh ya OWS.. It is made up of all kinds of people. They are protesting many problems but mostly accountability in government, media and predatory capitalism.

They are not an organised movement. You cannot blame 99% of the people there for the actions of a handfull of idiots. If 1000 people show up to make some kind of a statement in public which is a specifically protected constitutional right and 10 people infiltrate the gathering with the intention of causing destruction it is not the responsibility of the 1000 to "police" the 10. Disagree with thier point of view..OK...Try to say they are all destructive assholes...?? No sir they are exercising thier constututional rights and it is you that is the anti constitutional asshole.
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I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.

Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

You can tell I'm kidding when I use an :lol: Here is a clue for ya Sport. You are a bully. You have always been a bully. You are unhappy ...few people genuinely like or respect you. Me..I like bullies. I've been kicking thier asses since I was in grade school. I do it to get thier attention. Then I hang out with them for a while and point out how they can be happier when they are such dickheads. I've done it hundreds of times in my life.

I'm not telling you how to be here on the internet but I read some of your posts.

What business was "forced" to close? You sound like the kind of asshole that doesn't have the sense to leave ten minutes earlier for a destination then honks his horn like a buthurt little girl and gives everyone the finger if you wind up running 5 minutes late.

It is clear you don't have a fucking clue who is doing the protesting. Bums? How do you know that? You don't.

I am serious about Walmart..and yes..All retail giants that buy cheap crap overseas and pay rock botttom wages...offer zero benefits and are at war with unions and the middle class.

Minimum wages don't help the economy. They barely help the individuals that work for them. What drives a thriving economy is customers. That means disposable income. People on minimum wage do not have any extra money to be anyones customer.

If you want to discuss my posts and point out our differences I will be happy to reply to you. If you are here to try to bully a 62 year old with more experience dealing with assholes than most I will ignore you.

Oh ya OWS.. It is made up of all kinds of people. They are protesting many problems but mostly accountability in government, media and predatory capitalism.

They are not an organised movement. You cannot blame 99% of the people there for the actions of a handfull of idiots. If 1000 people show up to make some kind of a statement in public which is a specifically protected constitutional right and 10 people infiltrate the gathering with the intention of causing destruction it is not the responsibility of the 1000 to "police" the 10. Disagree with thier point of view..OK...Try to say they are all destructive assholes...?? No sir they are exercising thier constututional rights and it is you that is the anti constitutional asshole.
Sarcasm. Then again, no rational person would post what you did in a serious manner.
A bully? That's an opinion. Fine. I call it not kowtowing to your point of view. A particular manner of thinking you lefties cannot handle. The proof is in your response.
As for your glory days in grade school and beyond, your resume is of no interest to me.
Your chest puffery is a waste of keystrokes.
I "sound"...Newsflash, we've never spoken. Get it right.
Yes, what businesses were "forced to close"? Most small businesses eventually fail. Long term small business exists for two reasons. One is no local competition. Second is the ability to adjust to competition. Again, the hardware store I mentioned earlier.
I love that place. Good selection, helpful people. Competitive prices. Can't ask for anything else in a retailer. BTW, the store is non union. So your "no unions, no benefits, rock bottom wages" argument sets sail with the fart in the wind.
OWS people ARE bums. They are lazy entitled assholes who believe their cause is noble. They believe they have been given the shaft. They are actually close minded people.
They are unproductive. They are just a reprise of the 60's anti-establishment crowd.
Most of whom actually saw the light and joined the real world when they realized no one was going to give them the free ride they wished for.
Minimum or entry level wages are paid to unskilled entry level workers. Workers who show potential are likely to move beyond those low wages. No one who wants to is ever stuck making low wages.
This is an anonymous forum. I had no idea your age. And to be frank, I do not care.
So please don't play the "beating up on an old man" card.
You mentioned government, media and "predatory capitalism"...Hmm..Government with it's insatiable desire to spend more and more of our money in a foolish and wasteful manner is NOT predatory?...Please. I can think of nothing more predatory as an entity that by law and the threat of sanctions can at any time decide to gobble up more of the people's hard earned money. Predation cuts across all fronts.
Umm judging from the behavior of OWS in Washington, Charlotte and of course Oakland, the problem is not just a few bad apples. In fact the violence was not only anticipated but expected. There was no infiltration. If the OWS movement had any credibility it's leaders would have denounced and condemned the actions of the OWS Oakland. Instead we hear deafening silence.
The right of assembly is guaranteed in the US Constitution. Once again that right is not absolute. No person or group of people has the right of assembly if that assembly or actions of a small group in that assembly usurp the rights of others.
The Framers were very careful in defining this.
I re-read your post.. what exactly was the question?

Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.

:clap2: See? Cons will disagree with any tactic used by protestors because they dislike protests themselves...the tactics are an excuse.
Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

You can tell I'm kidding when I use an :lol: Here is a clue for ya Sport. You are a bully. You have always been a bully. You are unhappy ...few people genuinely like or respect you. Me..I like bullies. I've been kicking thier asses since I was in grade school. I do it to get thier attention. Then I hang out with them for a while and point out how they can be happier when they are such dickheads. I've done it hundreds of times in my life.

I'm not telling you how to be here on the internet but I read some of your posts.

What business was "forced" to close? You sound like the kind of asshole that doesn't have the sense to leave ten minutes earlier for a destination then honks his horn like a buthurt little girl and gives everyone the finger if you wind up running 5 minutes late.

It is clear you don't have a fucking clue who is doing the protesting. Bums? How do you know that? You don't.

I am serious about Walmart..and yes..All retail giants that buy cheap crap overseas and pay rock botttom wages...offer zero benefits and are at war with unions and the middle class.

Minimum wages don't help the economy. They barely help the individuals that work for them. What drives a thriving economy is customers. That means disposable income. People on minimum wage do not have any extra money to be anyones customer.

If you want to discuss my posts and point out our differences I will be happy to reply to you. If you are here to try to bully a 62 year old with more experience dealing with assholes than most I will ignore you.

Oh ya OWS.. It is made up of all kinds of people. They are protesting many problems but mostly accountability in government, media and predatory capitalism.

They are not an organised movement. You cannot blame 99% of the people there for the actions of a handfull of idiots. If 1000 people show up to make some kind of a statement in public which is a specifically protected constitutional right and 10 people infiltrate the gathering with the intention of causing destruction it is not the responsibility of the 1000 to "police" the 10. Disagree with thier point of view..OK...Try to say they are all destructive assholes...?? No sir they are exercising thier constututional rights and it is you that is the anti constitutional asshole.
Sarcasm. Then again, no rational person would post what you did in a serious manner.
A bully? That's an opinion. Fine. I call it not kowtowing to your point of view. A particular manner of thinking you lefties cannot handle. The proof is in your response.
As for your glory days in grade school and beyond, your resume is of no interest to me.
Your chest puffery is a waste of keystrokes.
I "sound"...Newsflash, we've never spoken. Get it right.
Yes, what businesses were "forced to close"? Most small businesses eventually fail. Long term small business exists for two reasons. One is no local competition. Second is the ability to adjust to competition. Again, the hardware store I mentioned earlier.
I love that place. Good selection, helpful people. Competitive prices. Can't ask for anything else in a retailer. BTW, the store is non union. So your "no unions, no benefits, rock bottom wages" argument sets sail with the fart in the wind.
OWS people ARE bums. They are lazy entitled assholes who believe their cause is noble. They believe they have been given the shaft. They are actually close minded people.
They are unproductive. They are just a reprise of the 60's anti-establishment crowd.
Most of whom actually saw the light and joined the real world when they realized no one was going to give them the free ride they wished for.
Minimum or entry level wages are paid to unskilled entry level workers. Workers who show potential are likely to move beyond those low wages. No one who wants to is ever stuck making low wages.
This is an anonymous forum. I had no idea your age. And to be frank, I do not care.
So please don't play the "beating up on an old man" card.
You mentioned government, media and "predatory capitalism"...Hmm..Government with it's insatiable desire to spend more and more of our money in a foolish and wasteful manner is NOT predatory?...Please. I can think of nothing more predatory as an entity that by law and the threat of sanctions can at any time decide to gobble up more of the people's hard earned money. Predation cuts across all fronts.
Umm judging from the behavior of OWS in Washington, Charlotte and of course Oakland, the problem is not just a few bad apples. In fact the violence was not only anticipated but expected. There was no infiltration. If the OWS movement had any credibility it's leaders would have denounced and condemned the actions of the OWS Oakland. Instead we hear deafening silence.
The right of assembly is guaranteed in the US Constitution. Once again that right is not absolute. No person or group of people has the right of assembly if that assembly or actions of a small group in that assembly usurp the rights of others.
The Framers were very careful in defining this.

Sorry...just not feeling it. It's like trying to reason a cartoon thought bubble with a drunk. You just keep rambling the same old tired anger. Your deep dissatisfaction with your life clouds your thinking. Like "Fables"? I like fables... You bring to mind the "Dog in the manger" fable.

Aesops Fables... The Dog In The Manger

"A Dog looking out for its afternoon nap jumped into the Manger of an Ox and lay there cosily upon the straw. But soon the Ox, returning from its afternoon work, came up to the Manger and wanted to eat some of the straw. The Dog in a rage, being awakened from its slumber, stood up and barked at the Ox, and whenever it came near attempted to bite it. At last the Ox had to give up the hope of getting at the straw, and went away muttering."

Any good patriotic American should err on the side of ALL citizen protest. There is a reason why our founders offered free speach and the right to assemble for the purpose of redressing our elected leaders as the very first Ammentment in our constitution. That means it is the MOST important plank in the foundation of who we are as Americans. It is more important than any business of any business day. It is we the people declare a holiday from business as usual to make a statement..a point...in public.

We do not have to or are expected to agree with the greivance being delivered to the streets.

Keep THIS in mind. Thier right being exercised is YOUR right being exercised. There may come a day when god for bid you have the guts to go out in the street to air a dissatisfaction in "business as usual". You can count on me and many other patriots to have YOUR back should that day arise.
Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
It is not a question of support. Rather, the issue here is the actions of those individuals collectively.
There is no comparison issue here.
The OWS Oakland people committed acts of riot and anarchy. THAT is the only point that counts in this thread.
You people on the Left have for several pages felt backed into a corner so much that you've tried very hard to deflect the thread away from the issue at hand.
I suggest you stay on point.

:clap2: See? Cons will disagree with any tactic used by protestors because they dislike protests themselves...the tactics are an excuse.

Really? How about a March for Life Protest? Tens of thousands of participants. Didn't hear about it? Don't feel bad. You're not alone.

For the fifth year in a row, there was no story in the Times print edition on the annual March for Life against abortion in Washington, D.C., which every year draws massive crowds in unpromising weather on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion. …

Meanwhile, about 50,000 people participated in the West Coast March for Life and, according to a tweet from Michelle Malkin, not even the local media turned out to cover it.

As a reminder to journalists who’ve forgotten, in general, the bigger the size and scope of the event, the more newsworthy it is. That means a protest of 100,000 is generally more newsworthy than a protest of 10.

The media’s silence on the March for Life « Hot Air
Steelplate-skull-head only has ideas that are emotionally based. Nothing he says is directly linked to the constitution or Bill of Rights - it's all knee-jerk emotional bullshit.
Steelplate-skull-head only has ideas that are emotionally based. Nothing he says is directly linked to the constitution or Bill of Rights - it's all knee-jerk emotional bullshit.

Mr Dick-head dresses in women's underwear and dances to Lady Gaga. let's call each other names... that's fun.

Your narrow view of the Constitution is that of an infant.... It's all "See Dick Run" to you... totally literal, totally resolute... let me tell you something Daisy...The reason we HAVE a third branch of our government is to interpret the Constitution.

To pretend that You are the Spokesperson of the Constitution is mighty self aggrandizing, don't you think?
Steelplate-skull-head only has ideas that are emotionally based. Nothing he says is directly linked to the constitution or Bill of Rights - it's all knee-jerk emotional bullshit.

Mr Dick-head dresses in women's underwear and dances to Lady Gaga. let's call each other names... that's fun.

Your narrow view of the Constitution is that of an infant.... It's all "See Dick Run" to you... totally literal, totally resolute... let me tell you something Daisy...The reason we HAVE a third branch of our government is to interpret the Constitution.

To pretend that You are the Spokesperson of the Constitution is mighty self aggrandizing, don't you think?

No...The reason for the judicial branch is a forum where the people make seek redress.

OWS can be summed up in one simple word...............


And is the expression on this cheesedicks face not classic? Every time I see it ( from 3 motnhs ago) I laugh my balls off. The poor fcukk..........thought he'd go down and be a hero and got his noggin split open!! The only thing that would make it better is if the cops in the background were laughing their balls off as well.

Will you look at the expression on that face???!!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
So funny, reading the liberal defense of these people yet many called me a criminal in my thread.

So many two faced faggots on here.

Ummm... being arrested doesn't necessarily make you a criminal... funny how that works... but you have no problem calling OWS people criminals for the actions of a few.

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