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"Occupy" shows true colors, real tactics

This spring here in Chicago we have G8+OWS...

I hope the cops and protesters kill one another.

This will be Armageddon...

I will be there - not as a protester but as an observer.
Yes sir to observe the reactions of others is exactly how one controls them. It was that which the evil of Hitler thrived, I believe it was once stated by him his success was achieved by simply knowing the mood of the people. Enjoy the show!
Nobody has any right to disrupt and stopbthe conducting of normal business,protesting is one thing,but when they start threatening lives,i have a right to defend my family,especially garbage that burns my flag.

No one has the right to protest? You really love the constitution dont cha?

There is a difference in petitioning your government for redress of grievance and out right destroying private property and fighting with police and breaking the law. The constitution protects free speech, it does not give anybody the right to break the law while speaking.

Sure there is a difference and sometimes they isnt. A protest isnt what you want it to be it's meant to get attention. If you dont like the way they get attention, you dont agree with the notion of "protesting". Plenty of Protestors throghout history have "broken the law" or cause people to be late or slow traffic or whatever your newest complaint is. I'm glad they did because if they protest the way you want them too wouldnt shit get done.
No one has the right to protest? You really love the constitution dont cha?

There is a difference in petitioning your government for redress of grievance and out right destroying private property and fighting with police and breaking the law. The constitution protects free speech, it does not give anybody the right to break the law while speaking.

Sure there is a difference and sometimes they isnt. A protest isnt what you want it to be it's meant to get attention. If you dont like the way they get attention, you dont agree with the notion of "protesting". Plenty of Protestors throghout history have "broken the law" or cause people to be late or slow traffic or whatever your newest complaint is. I'm glad they did because if they protest the way you want them too wouldnt shit get done.
That makes sense. If a protest causes no inconvenience it is not effective. I do not agree with such actions as those of the OLD Teamsters union where they exercised very violent actions to stress a view point. Law enforcement has demonstrated little control when dealing with protesters but it is isolated just as protesters breaking the laws are isolated. I refuse to judge an entire group by the actions of a few.
There is a difference in petitioning your government for redress of grievance and out right destroying private property and fighting with police and breaking the law. The constitution protects free speech, it does not give anybody the right to break the law while speaking.

Sure there is a difference and sometimes they isnt. A protest isnt what you want it to be it's meant to get attention. If you dont like the way they get attention, you dont agree with the notion of "protesting". Plenty of Protestors throghout history have "broken the law" or cause people to be late or slow traffic or whatever your newest complaint is. I'm glad they did because if they protest the way you want them too wouldnt shit get done.
That makes sense. If a protest causes no inconvenience it is not effective. I do not agree with such actions as those of the OLD Teamsters union where they exercised very violent actions to stress a view point. Law enforcement has demonstrated little control when dealing with protesters but it is isolated just as protesters breaking the laws are isolated. I refuse to judge an entire group by the actions of a few.
Freedom of speech is one of our basic tenants.
However, these rights are limited so that they are NOT used to usurp the rights of others.
So your premise that protest is permitted to be inconvenient for other is false.
For example , if your group decides for whatever reason to protest my next door neighbor, you do not get to disturb my home, property or me. Once you do that, you in violation of my rights and thus open to being told to disperse or face arrest.
Your business is with my neighbor, not me.
Don't like it? See your local representatives and ask them to change the law.
There is a difference in petitioning your government for redress of grievance and out right destroying private property and fighting with police and breaking the law. The constitution protects free speech, it does not give anybody the right to break the law while speaking.

Sure there is a difference and sometimes they isnt. A protest isnt what you want it to be it's meant to get attention. If you dont like the way they get attention, you dont agree with the notion of "protesting". Plenty of Protestors throghout history have "broken the law" or cause people to be late or slow traffic or whatever your newest complaint is. I'm glad they did because if they protest the way you want them too wouldnt shit get done.
That makes sense. If a protest causes no inconvenience it is not effective. I do not agree with such actions as those of the OLD Teamsters union where they exercised very violent actions to stress a view point. Law enforcement has demonstrated little control when dealing with protesters but it is isolated just as protesters breaking the laws are isolated. I refuse to judge an entire group by the actions of a few.

Isolated?? The actions of a FEW? Are you deaf AND dumb? This doesn't look isolated to me.....

OccupyArrests.com - Sources. How many have been arrested during Occupy protests
Little wonder why OWS and the Tea Party movement terrifies some of the tools here.

Even a hint that the people are finally waking up and won't play by the rules of the game that is rigged against them terrifies the MASTERS and their pathetic LAPDOGS.
You know what the funny thing is? Because of all the talk about Saul Alinsky, I actually found an E-book version of "Rules for Radicals" on the internet. I threw it on my Kindle just to see what all the hub-bub was about.

I'm only about 10% into it and one of the first things he mentioned was that in order for any particular "Revolution" to happen, it must be something that many people can eventually get behind. He particularly mentioned burning the Flag. He said that not only will such actions turn a lot of people off...people who may even agree with your message, but because of the actions involved in getting that message across, you've lost a potential supporter....the American Flag is a symbol of our country. Perhaps the country in it's current form and function isn't to your liking, but it is still your country. He said to let the flag be a symbol of the America you want to live in and respect it.

The reason I bring this up? It's pretty obvious that anyone who would burn a flag isn't a Saul Alinsky type radical.

And just as an aside... if you actually read Alinsky's book... it's not a left/right book. It's a book that is politically neutral(other than using examples of the time...Vietnam War era). So far, it's a book that does not emphasize one political viewpoint or another... it's very much a Change vs. Status Quo book.

Change vs Status Quo can be right or left and that's the way he purposely wrote the book.

The reason I mention that is that I personally believe that the Conservative movement and the Tea Party are the real Saul Alinksy Radicals in this country. OWS(and I could be wrong) is more of a bunch of very angry people without much direction. The passion is there, it's just scattershot and disorganized....the opposite of the Tea Party(except the passion part).
This is a shell game. Cons like to pretend they are for protests only if they don't look or sound like a protest. Which is like being a cat lover but not liking fur, claws and meows.

Ask a righty if they can name One protest they agree with or agree with their tactics. You'll find that they can't name one except maybe the tea party sponsored by Freedomworks. So not really a protest, more like an assembly. Other than that they dislike ALL protests. Go ahead, ask them.
Nobody has any right to disrupt and stopbthe conducting of normal business,protesting is one thing,but when they start threatening lives,i have a right to defend my family,especially garbage that burns my flag.

You are a horribly mis guided willfully ignorant man. The conducting of "normal business" by Wall street has already robbed you and your family of much of it's potential future and made you much less safe.

If "your flag" was made in China you should probably burn it yourself. But a dumb fuck like you probably shops at wallmart where you personnally do more damage to America than anyone in the street breaking a window.

Thanks for playing...fool.

So explain to me how ordinary small business owners being forced to close their legitimate businesses by OWS protesters has jack shit impact on the 'evil' Wall Street?

Seems to me the horribly misguided, willfully ignorant one is you.

I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.
You are a horribly mis guided willfully ignorant man. The conducting of "normal business" by Wall street has already robbed you and your family of much of it's potential future and made you much less safe.

If "your flag" was made in China you should probably burn it yourself. But a dumb fuck like you probably shops at wallmart where you personnally do more damage to America than anyone in the street breaking a window.

Thanks for playing...fool.

So explain to me how ordinary small business owners being forced to close their legitimate businesses by OWS protesters has jack shit impact on the 'evil' Wall Street?

Seems to me the horribly misguided, willfully ignorant one is you.

I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.

Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.
So explain to me how ordinary small business owners being forced to close their legitimate businesses by OWS protesters has jack shit impact on the 'evil' Wall Street?

Seems to me the horribly misguided, willfully ignorant one is you.

I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.

Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

So what you are saying is BIG=GOOD. Tell that to all the mom and pops that Wal-Mart shut down. But I see how it is, You don't mind Tyranny as long as it's private sector tyranny.
I get it. The strength of the American middle class is of no concern to you. Yes. I am saying that a downtown store being disrupted for a day or two is nothing like a family business being closed permanently. Also the kind of buisnesses that exist in a downtown environment are not the same as the mom and pop businesses that are impacted by a Walmart.

The damage a Walmart does to Amerca extends a lot farther into the fabric of our country as it adds to the trade deficit and the jobs it offers are not paying living wages. Local businesses send kids to colleges. Small business affords the purchase of houses. Small business owners spend their profits in thier community further strengthening the community.

I get it. You are happy to support a race to the bottom as long as it doesn't affect rich girls that don't live here.

Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

So what you are saying is BIG=GOOD. Tell that to all the mom and pops that Wal-Mart shut down. But I see how it is, You don't mind Tyranny as long as it's private sector tyranny.
Walmart does not "shut down' anyone. Walmart is simply a big general store.
Walmart represents progress.
BTW, we have a Walmart here in town. Not a mile away is a hardware store which is always busy. Why? Because the hardware store sells items not available at Walmart.
Question: Why is it no one on your side of the aisle bitches about Dicks Sporting Goods, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy, HH Gregg, KMart, Sears, JC Penney, Macy's... All big box stores. All essentially non-union...
It's not tyranny. You should look up the definition of the word.
Newsflash...When government is involved, there is no choice. Government relies on and requires a captive scenario because the government cannot tolerate competition.
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Riot police clash with Oakland Occupy protesters, 400 arrested | WORLD News
Almost 400 arrested in Oakland Occupy protests - Inside Bay Area

These people are fucking savages. The only thing keeping them alive is our propensity to dispense justice in a merciful manner.
What separates us from places like China, Egypt and Syria for example is our respect for the US Constitution.
The "Occupiers" should be thankful they are living in a country that tolerates their existence.

The OWS is just Obama's version of the Arab Spring.
Read overseas news agencies,like FARS,and others islamics lijening OWS to their arab spring,calling them kin to them....scary....
This is a shell game. Cons like to pretend they are for protests only if they don't look or sound like a protest. Which is like being a cat lover but not liking fur, claws and meows.

Ask a righty if they can name One protest they agree with or agree with their tactics. You'll find that they can't name one except maybe the tea party sponsored by Freedomworks. So not really a protest, more like an assembly. Other than that they dislike ALL protests. Go ahead, ask them.

We dont go around,burning,killing,tenting and shitting in the wide.open,or interfere in the everyday persons right to go to work,or their safety. Unlike the commie supported bums,we make change.
Yer kidding right?. First NO business should be forced to close for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES to accommodate these OWS bums.
Second, WalMart( notice again how successful business is singled out as evil) is the world's largest company. It also the nation's largest private sector employer. However, the sheer size of Walmart is dwarfed by......The US Federal government..
So if your hatred for WalMart is no justification for the criminal actions of OWS you're blowing a lot of hot air.

So what you are saying is BIG=GOOD. Tell that to all the mom and pops that Wal-Mart shut down. But I see how it is, You don't mind Tyranny as long as it's private sector tyranny.
Walmart does not "shut down' anyone. Walmart is simply a big general store.
Walmart represents progress.
BTW, we have a Walmart here in town. Not a mile away is a hardware store which is always busy. Why? Because the hardware store sells items not available at Walmart.
Question: Why is it no one on your side of the aisle bitches about Dicks Sporting Goods, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy, HH Gregg, KMart, Sears, JC Penney, Macy's... All big box stores. All essentially non-union...
It's not tyranny. You should look up the definition of the word.
Newsflash...When government is involved, there is no choice. Government relies and requires a captive scenario because the government cannot tolerate competition.

We do... it's all part of the "wal-martization" of America... be it Lowe's or the rest you mentioned.... it's all Wal-Mart to me.

I call you out to prove that Wal-Mart and their ilk haven't shut down small businesses across the country.... C'mon... make me a believer.
This is a shell game. Cons like to pretend they are for protests only if they don't look or sound like a protest. Which is like being a cat lover but not liking fur, claws and meows.

Ask a righty if they can name One protest they agree with or agree with their tactics. You'll find that they can't name one except maybe the tea party sponsored by Freedomworks. So not really a protest, more like an assembly. Other than that they dislike ALL protests. Go ahead, ask them.

We dont go around,burning,killing,tenting and shitting in the wide.open,or interfere in the everyday persons right to go to work,or their safety. Unlike the commie supported bums,we make change.

Nahh... you guys are more organized and insidious than that. You guys are the masters of deceit and division. You plot and plan to crumble our country's people to support and expand the Plutocracy that our country has become. You fight, deflect and disown anyone who does not agree with your tyrannical plans. You use words like "Commie" because you know it's strikes fear in the hearts of anyone who was alive during the Cold War...and even greater fear for those who weren't born yet...because they've heard the stories about it.

Once you peel back the layers of your deception and hatred, you are nothing more than bullies...Cowards who are so insecure that they need to bring others down to make themselves feel better.
This is a shell game. Cons like to pretend they are for protests only if they don't look or sound like a protest. Which is like being a cat lover but not liking fur, claws and meows.

Ask a righty if they can name One protest they agree with or agree with their tactics. You'll find that they can't name one except maybe the tea party sponsored by Freedomworks. So not really a protest, more like an assembly. Other than that they dislike ALL protests. Go ahead, ask them.

We dont go around,burning,killing,tenting and shitting in the wide.open,or interfere in the everyday persons right to go to work,or their safety. Unlike the commie supported bums,we make change.

I noticed you ignored the question. Check and Mate
This is a shell game. Cons like to pretend they are for protests only if they don't look or sound like a protest. Which is like being a cat lover but not liking fur, claws and meows.

Ask a righty if they can name One protest they agree with or agree with their tactics. You'll find that they can't name one except maybe the tea party sponsored by Freedomworks. So not really a protest, more like an assembly. Other than that they dislike ALL protests. Go ahead, ask them.

We dont go around,burning,killing,tenting and shitting in the wide.open,or interfere in the everyday persons right to go to work,or their safety. Unlike the commie supported bums,we make change.

I noticed you ignored the question. Check and Mate

I re-read your post.. what exactly was the question?
We dont go around,burning,killing,tenting and shitting in the wide.open,or interfere in the everyday persons right to go to work,or their safety. Unlike the commie supported bums,we make change.

I noticed you ignored the question. Check and Mate

I re-read your post.. what exactly was the question?

Can you name ANY protest that the right ever supported or any protest where you agreed with the tactics besides the tea party? All my time here I've never gotten an answer from the right.
So what you are saying is BIG=GOOD. Tell that to all the mom and pops that Wal-Mart shut down. But I see how it is, You don't mind Tyranny as long as it's private sector tyranny.
Walmart does not "shut down' anyone. Walmart is simply a big general store.
Walmart represents progress.
BTW, we have a Walmart here in town. Not a mile away is a hardware store which is always busy. Why? Because the hardware store sells items not available at Walmart.
Question: Why is it no one on your side of the aisle bitches about Dicks Sporting Goods, Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy, HH Gregg, KMart, Sears, JC Penney, Macy's... All big box stores. All essentially non-union...
It's not tyranny. You should look up the definition of the word.
Newsflash...When government is involved, there is no choice. Government relies and requires a captive scenario because the government cannot tolerate competition.

We do... it's all part of the "wal-martization" of America... be it Lowe's or the rest you mentioned.... it's all Wal-Mart to me.

I call you out to prove that Wal-Mart and their ilk haven't shut down small businesses across the country.... C'mon... make me a believer.
"shut down" is not passive. It is an action. Therefore a person or persons must have physically gone to the alleged victim's place of business and locked them out of their businesses.
Now, that is literal. Obviously you are being figurative. Ok, you have the noose around your neck....What you call an unfair shut down, I call progress. No one in business is entitled perpetuity in business.
When you use terms such as "it's all Walmart to me" you lose all credibility.
Your participation in the debate becomes pure emotion and without logic.
Question....is it your premise that the technology and methodology of retail should remain static?

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