Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows


Jul 19, 2011
The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga
Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?
I'd rather have this one question answered:

If we do away with capitalism, what is it to be replaced with and how will this be implemented?

I suspect the real answer is damning to the movement.
It is the same lamers as always. The first weekend of protests was lamer and smaller than usual. So when we get a normal protest, it is like four times the size of the first protest. So the movement grows from lame to pathetic they feel as if they are on a roll.
Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?

The answer you keep getting from the protest supporters, and will go on getting until you stop using this fraud, is that there are no eleven demands. That's bogus, a hoax, fake, bullshit, nonsense, not affiliated with OWS, garbage -- at very best, one person's individual opinion and not representative of the movement as a whole, and at worst, a right-wing disinformation job, but in either case nothing to even bother about.

You want to know what the protesters want, ask them, and please note that "them" is a plural pronoun not a singular one.
Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?

The answer you keep getting from the protest supporters, and will go on getting until you stop using this fraud, is that there are no eleven demands. That's bogus, a hoax, fake, bullshit, nonsense, not affiliated with OWS, garbage, nonsense -- at very best, one person's individual opinion and not representative of the movement as a whole.

You want to know what the protesters want, ask them, and please note that "them" is a plural pronoun not a singular one.

But there is a list - from the protesters - or are you saying that that list is so fucking ridiculous that you're trying to disassociate yourselves from it now?
Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?

The answer you keep getting from the protest supporters, and will go on getting until you stop using this fraud, is that there are no eleven demands. That's bogus, a hoax, fake, bullshit, nonsense, not affiliated with OWS, garbage, nonsense -- at very best, one person's individual opinion and not representative of the movement as a whole.

You want to know what the protesters want, ask them, and please note that "them" is a plural pronoun not a singular one.

But there is a list - from the protesters - or are you saying that that list is so fucking ridiculous that you're trying to disassociate yourselves from it now?
yes. He is.
Occupy Wall street! Yep its a movement alright...Just like someone taking a shit on the side walk! Bunch of hippie loser Obama-crats! They are all for spreading the wealth until it comes time to spread theirs!!! Those evil rich people have in one way or another earned their money! So get over it!!! I mean how old are most of these losers!? they all look like college pukes that probably still live with Mommy and Daddy! And even if it was through loop holes and tax breaks OUR Govt. (both) sides have made it possible!!! Their own f***ing President is one of those rich! but they do not seem to see that!!! Communist bastards!!!
The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga

Are they mad at Obama too for giving billions to these banks and wall street?

Just curious.
It is the same lamers as always. The first weekend of protests was lamer and smaller than usual. So when we get a normal protest, it is like four times the size of the first protest. So the movement grows from lame to pathetic they feel as if they are on a roll.
I bet you can find many of these protesters with a pedigree that goes back to protesting in Selma, Alabama with the Freedom Riders, not quite sure that it isn't even 1970 anymore.
I think Dragon gets his meds from Michael Jackson's doctor, he is crazy. The protester seem a lot like what we got by in Chicago about 40 years ago. Lots of noise no solutions, just like congress.
But there is a list - from the protesters - or are you saying that that list is so fucking ridiculous that you're trying to disassociate yourselves from it now?

I am saying that the list you are talking about IS NOT from "the protesters." It is from one single person posting somewhere or other under a banner that is also used by a semi-official site (there is no real-true official site). I have gone to that semi-official site and not found that page with the list of demands anywhere. If it's there at all, it's on the forum somewhere buried deep down. That could be. Or it could be that someone ripped off the masthead and is using it to create a hoax.

Either way, it is NOT a list of demands by the movement.
But there is a list - from the protesters - or are you saying that that list is so fucking ridiculous that you're trying to disassociate yourselves from it now?

I am saying that the list you are talking about IS NOT from "the protesters." It is from one single person posting somewhere or other under a banner that is also used by a semi-official site (there is no real-true official site). I have gone to that semi-official site and not found that page with the list of demands anywhere. If it's there at all, it's on the forum somewhere buried deep down. That could be. Or it could be that someone ripped off the masthead and is using it to create a hoax.

Either way, it is NOT a list of demands by the movement.

so you say got any proof?
It is the same lamers as always. The first weekend of protests was lamer and smaller than usual. So when we get a normal protest, it is like four times the size of the first protest. So the movement grows from lame to pathetic they feel as if they are on a roll.

Why do they think they "deserve" anything other than what they work for? Thats my question! Hell I bet half of them arent even out of Mommy and daddy's nest yet! Bunch of cry babies!
But there is a list - from the protesters - or are you saying that that list is so fucking ridiculous that you're trying to disassociate yourselves from it now?

I am saying that the list you are talking about IS NOT from "the protesters." It is from one single person posting somewhere or other under a banner that is also used by a semi-official site (there is no real-true official site). I have gone to that semi-official site and not found that page with the list of demands anywhere. If it's there at all, it's on the forum somewhere buried deep down. That could be. Or it could be that someone ripped off the masthead and is using it to create a hoax.

Either way, it is NOT a list of demands by the movement.

So, let me get this straight. When some idiot TEA Partier says something dumb, it's acceptable to consider that statement as representative of TEA Partiers. BUT.... and it is a Big BUTT.... the same standard does not apply to a left wing group.

Is that right?
so you say got any proof?

Burden of proof is on the one making the allegation. The allegation has been made that these eleven demands were made by "the movement." So far, all I've seen is a list of demands made by one person under a masthead used by a semi-official web site.

Where is the evidence that most of the protesters are making these demands or believe in them?
There has been a VERY - VERY - VERY successful protest movement against Wall Street interest for well over a year now.
It is called - The Tea Party.

Yep. Just imagine the message if this bunch of fools had worked that out and joined the TEA Parties? We could have had a real message to DC.... but the fucking morons aren't smart enough to work that out.

Damn, these people are embarrassingly stupid.

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