Ocean acidification

Dude, you're so beyond the edge you're no longer cogent. I see why you lost your previous screen name, psycho.

LOLOLOL....such a typical response from moronic denier cultists when they get their asses handed to them in a debate.
What's to debate?
I would sort of expect someone like you, bigfritz, who never adds anything of substance to any debate, to say something like that when your pathetic nonsense is repeatedly debunked. You obviously have little idea what the debate is even about.

You post articles. Gslack, Westwall and Crusader Frank consistantly
fail to post anything but worthless drivel without any scientific backing or evidence.

You are the definition of insane, and there is nothing more for me to do but mock the shit out of you.
That's funny, that's just what I say about you and your pathetic posts.
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You know what? I've had better conversations with my cat. You're not even worth the time to deride your insanity anymore. So congrats, you made it to the ignore list faster than Crocks. At least he makes a cogent point on occasion instead of reposting the same bullshit thread after thread after thread. If it weren't for the occasional change in insult I'd swear you were a bot.
So the forum resident retard, the slack-jawed-idiot, pops up again and, like always, demonstrates that he is completely unable to understand basic science. It doesn't matter how much evidence you show him, he will deny anything that doesn't agree with his politically determined delusions.

The pH of the oceans is dropping - observed reality.

Skeletal structures and shells of ocean lifeforms are already being affected - observed reality.

But ol' slack-jawed imagines that his theoretical constructs based on a woefully inadequate knowledge of science somehow trump observed reality. LOL. He is a true retard.

Only a placating liar tries to speak to everyone else when his argument is with a person... Quick lesson I learned years ago when i was trained for my job... A truthful person will address a PERSON because he is open and all laid out. There is no corner to hide in or veil to pull and he knows this... A dishonest or lying person will try and appeal to PEOPLE or a mass rather than the person because it leaves a lot of wiggle room and interpretive speculation. He needs that place to hide or veil to pull still...

So no more placating and begging people to believe you oldsocks or chris, or whoever sock you may be. Address me, im right here coward.....

Shall I re-post your lies as well tool? Busted this sock lying as well.....:lol:
You know what? I've had better conversations with my cat.
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

You're not even worth the time to deride your insanity anymore. So congrats, you made it to the ignore list faster than Crocks.
So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.
You know what? I've had better conversations with my cat.
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

You're not even worth the time to deride your insanity anymore. So congrats, you made it to the ignore list faster than Crocks.
So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.

dont talk about me and then post around me to everyone else you little coward im right here.....
You know what? I've had better conversations with my cat.
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

You're not even worth the time to deride your insanity anymore. So congrats, you made it to the ignore list faster than Crocks.
So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.

Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You know what? I've had better conversations with my cat.
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

You're not even worth the time to deride your insanity anymore. So congrats, you made it to the ignore list faster than Crocks.
So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.

Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.

Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.

hey trolling blunder.... you know that little white spec on the top of chicken shit? Well thats chicken shit too.....:lol:
LOL. After you finished, your cat was probably thinking that he has had better conversations with his catbox. I'm sure your cat regularly beats you at debate too.

So, in troll-speak, that translates to you being unable to handle having your pathetic drivel debunked every time you post some new nonsense.

I've had trolls like you promise to leave before but you little shits never actually stop posting.

Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.


You don't seem to understand (no surprise there) WE don't have to do ANYTHING. You made the statements and all we had to do was blow holes in your tripe (quite easily done because as has been mentioned before you are a mindless troll) we did that, you were proven a moron. End of story, now hit the road. Old Fraud is more fun to play with as he at least has a little iota of brainpower (he can insult just slightly better than you) so you're done. C'ya later boyo you bother us.
Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.

hey trolling blunder.... you know that little white spec on the top of chicken shit? Well thats chicken shit too.....

Insulting of family members is off limits.

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Game over Rolling Turd. You have been here quite a little while now and you have yet to demonstrate any scientific understanding. Trottting out the old and tired talking points of the faithers doesn't make you anything but a mindless follower.

You get fooled by simplistic experiments and have your life ruled by fear pedaled by crooked science whores. Your a broken record that has the potential to do real harm to others.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.
Troll, You don't seem to understand (no surprise there) WE don't have to do ANYTHING. You made the statements and all we had to do was blow holes in your tripe (quite easily done because as has been mentioned before you are a mindless troll) we did that, you were proven a moron. End of story, now hit the road. Old Fraud is more fun to play with as he at least has a little iota of brainpower (he can insult just slightly better than you) so you're done. C'ya later boyo you bother us.

Oh I understand just fine, walleyedtroll. It's a good thing you feel that you don't have to "do anything" because you don't do ANYTHING but recite debunked denier cult pseudo-science and myths. You have all proved yourselves unable to legitimately dispute anything I've posted with any real evidence or science. You and the other deniers are stupid enough to believe each other's nonsense but no one with any intelligence or knowledge is fooled by your tripe.
You're another brainless troll, savelunacy. You have yet to post any actual evidence to support your idiotic denial of reality.

hey trolling blunder.... you know that little white spec on the top of chicken shit? Well thats chicken shit too.....

Insulting of family members is off limits.


My mom is dead now douchebag..... She grew up in the great depression, raised 13 kids, and did it all with more poise and grace than you could ever hope to see, so you haven't earned the right to speak of my mother...

Next time you want to troll, stick with me... My mother is not an option for you shithead....

You fucked up socko.... now everyone just saw what a true POS you are.... THX for playing, but when im done letting people around here know what a useless waste of breath you are with this, you will have to go back to your other sock....

Look............make no mistake..................

These environmental k00ks??? Ever notice that there is a tone of misery in their presentation???!!!

These people embrace hysteria and its no accident. It provides meaning to their lives, but is a glimpse into the level of misery in these people. You got some damage going on. These people have made hideous personal decisions in their lives and want to blame it on somebody. The target is the capitalist, thus, they embrace this green ecomomy which is nothing more than a fcukking hoax!! Its the perfect scheme..........take a highly inexact "science" and try to make it a science...........a FCUKK the capitalist in the process!!! Its the green guy's vengence and has nothing to do with "science".!!!
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Hmmm...... Interesting site that you posted. Did you even bother to read it?

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

What the science says...
Volcanoes emit around 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. This is about 1% of human CO2 emissions which is around 29 billion tonnes per year.

Volcanoes emit CO2 both on land and underwater. Underwater volcanoes emit between 66 to 97 million tonnes of CO2 per year. However, this is balanced by the carbon sink provided by newly formed ocean floor lava. Consequently, underwater volcanoes have little effect on atmospheric CO2 levels. The greater contribution comes from subaerial volcanoes (subaerial means "under the air", refering to land volcanoes). Subaerial volcanoes are estimated to emit 242 million tonnes of CO2 per year (Morner 2002).

In contrast, humans are currently emiting around 29 billion tonnes of CO2 per year (EIA). Human CO2 emissions are over 100 times greater than volcanic CO2 emissions. This is apparent when comparing atmospheric CO2 levels to volcanic activity since 1960. Even strong volcanic eruptions such as Pinatubo have little discernable impact on CO2 levels. In fact, the rate of change of CO2 levels actually drops slightly after a volcanic eruption, possibly due to the cooling effect of aerosols.
Hmmm...... Interesting site that you posted. Did you even bother to read it?

Do volcanoes emit more CO2 than humans?

What the science says...
Volcanoes emit around 0.3 billion tonnes of CO2 per year. This is about 1% of human CO2 emissions which is around 29 billion tonnes per year.

Volcanoes emit CO2 both on land and underwater. Underwater volcanoes emit between 66 to 97 million tonnes of CO2 per year. However, this is balanced by the carbon sink provided by newly formed ocean floor lava. Consequently, underwater volcanoes have little effect on atmospheric CO2 levels. The greater contribution comes from subaerial volcanoes (subaerial means "under the air", refering to land volcanoes). Subaerial volcanoes are estimated to emit 242 million tonnes of CO2 per year (Morner 2002).

In contrast, humans are currently emiting around 29 billion tonnes of CO2 per year (EIA). Human CO2 emissions are over 100 times greater than volcanic CO2 emissions. This is apparent when comparing atmospheric CO2 levels to volcanic activity since 1960. Even strong volcanic eruptions such as Pinatubo have little discernable impact on CO2 levels. In fact, the rate of change of CO2 levels actually drops slightly after a volcanic eruption, possibly due to the cooling effect of aerosols.

BLAH BLAH BLAH....Be afraid!!!!! Then end is near.....

Take your sock with ya on your way out...
Look............make no mistake..................

These environmental k00ks??? Ever notice that there is a tone of misery in their presentation???!!!

These people embrace hysteria and its no accident. It provides meaning to their lives, but is a glimpse into the level of misery in these people. You got some damage going on. These people have made hideous personal decisions in their lives and want to blame it on somebody. The target is the capitalist, thus, they embrace this green ecomomy which is nothing more than a fcukking hoax!! Its the perfect scheme..........take a highly inexact "science" and try to make it a science...........a FCUKK the capitalist in the process!!! Its the green guy's vengence and has nothing to do with "science".!!!

So true. This particular individual is a prime example of a useless individual with a worthless life all of which is most likely self inflicted. Sad.
gslack sez:
LOL and this is an example of dancing even after the music has stopped.....

Well if I can't use the past as a a template than neither can your side if we use your own logic....

I don't use the past as a template for the future. I use present day knowledge and facts. Where do I go past "the advent of the Industrial Revolution" in my logic? THAT'S the important time range, NOT millions of years before humans even walked the earth. Sometime in the future, due to plate tectonics, it may be possible to walk from NYC to London. It hardly bears considering it as a viable transportation mode today, however, and talking about it would be as silly as comparing today's climate to the Cambrian.

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