Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.
i thought by now Florida was supposed to be under water.
Is Guam still level?
I'm still interested in someone explaining the physics of how atmospheric CO2 heats the ocean now all the way down to 6,500m. That must take A LOT of energy. How hot must the atmosphere be to add heat to a column of water 6,500m deep?
That's why you can't name just 5 data points,
of course, any child could go copy paste five data points out of the research paper. That includes you.
Proceed, my child.
No, you little fool. I am not your mommy.
You have no clue as to when, where, how they conducted their research. You just swallow it blindly because it meets your Marxist agenda narrative.
I'm still interested in someone explaining the physics of how atmospheric CO2 heats the ocean now all the way down to 6,500m. That must take A LOT of energy. How hot must the atmosphere be to add heat to a column of water 6,500m deep?
Bingo. But you have to understand science to know that, and the left have no clue as to what you just said.
Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.
i thought by now Florida was supposed to be under water.
That is disingenuous. No one predicted that at this time. Try again.
global warming, climate change, fuck this weather sucks...

that is disingenuous. if the liberals would have been around during continental drift, they'd want to drill steel poles down into the ground and try to stop it. i don't deny we have an effect on our world and need to take care of it, but al gore did predict doom and gloom by now that simply has not happened.
Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.
Sorry-too many people arguing this to believe any one person especially if the UN or Berkeley Earth is involved.. How about we get a panel from EACH side of the issue to take readings and come to consensus? I'd be more likely to accept that.
Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.
Sorry-too many people arguing this to believe any one person especially if the UN or Berkeley Earth is involved.. How about we get a panel from EACH side of the issue to take readings and come to consensus? I'd be more likely to accept that.
That’s the thing. The Left want no debate because science is not on their side.
Earth has been warming and cooling for a LONG time. Settle down spaz.
What an idiotic comment. Never this fast. Get an education.

Not true...the chicxulub event changed the climate in less than six hours... So did the Yellowstone caldera break through. The ocean may be dying a death induced by chemical pollution.... That has not been ruled out. If you really believe that it's all anthropogenic then I guess you better start blowing up power plants in China, Russia, India, both Viet nams and Korea. Between them they are putting one 2500 megawatt Coal fired plant a week online.

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Oh, oceans, right. Here you go. Contradict this.


Study Ties Global Warming ‘Hiatus’ to Pacific Cooldown

They measured joules? Awesome!
How'd they do that again?
Scientists say the warming of the world’s oceans is accelerating more quickly than previously thought, a finding with dire implications for climate change because almost all of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases ends up stored in oceans.

A new analysis, published Thursday in the journal Science, found that the oceans are heating up 40 percent faster on average than a United Nations panel estimated five years ago. The researchers also concluded that ocean temperatures have broken records for several straight years.

“2018 is going to be the warmest year on record for the Earth’s oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, an energy systems analyst at the independent climate research group Berkeley Earth and an author of the study. “As 2017 was the warmest year, and 2016 was the warmest year.”

As the planet has warmed, the oceans have provided a critical buffer, slowing the effects of climate change by absorbing 93 percent of the heat trapped by human greenhouse gas emissions. But the escalating water temperatures are already killing off marine ecosystems, raising sea levels and making hurricanes more destructive.

Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds

Just more evidence of the undeniable, irrefutable, uncontestable, indisputable, incontrovertible and unquestionable proof of global warming.

The usual suspects will come here and tell us not to believe our lying eyes or to deny the overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change.

They will spout the same shit I have heard for the past 50 years starting with the clean air and water acts and going through tobacco, acid rain and cfcs, i.e the science is unsettled, it will destroy industry, etc. One thing all these opponents of these laws had in common was that these obstructionists were all proved wrong as they are today.

Remember do not vote for anyone any one that denies the science of climate change. Future generations are depending on you.

I've been hearing these apocalyptic bullshit stories since the 1970's, john. By now, to listen to Environmentalist Whackos, the world would be over by now. The late theologian Harold Camping had the decency to finally admit he was wrong in his predictions, when will Camping's secular equivalents, the leaders of the Climate Change movement- Ira Einhorn, Al Gore and Ted Danson- admit their errors as well?

Global Warming theory would just be an amusement, if the devotees weren't demanding destruction of our economy to presumably "save the planet".But the entire idea that buying indulgences ("carbon credits") will somehow appease Mother Gaia and stop catastrophe has nothing to do with science.
given sunspot activity has been dropping for 8+ years at this point, we're heading into a cooling cycle anyway. all those worried about the world melting will start bitching around 2025 on a big freeze and we need to save the world from itself.

given sunspot activity has been dropping for 8+ years at this point, we're heading into a cooling cycle anyway. all those worried about the world melting will start bitching around 2025 on a big freeze and we need to save the world from itself.


They are also totally overlooking solar input.The sun about middle aged for its type and at a point where the changing hydrogen~helium balance begins to act on the structure of the Star... One of the variances is greater heat projection due to expansion even though the overall energy is decreasing. Eventually good old sunny boy will roast us to death....
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given sunspot activity has been dropping for 8+ years at this point, we're heading into a cooling cycle anyway. all those worried about the world melting will start bitching around 2025 on a big freeze and we need to save the world from itself.


They are also totally overlooking solar input.The sun about middle aged for its type and at a point where the changing hydrogen~helium balance begins to act on the structure of the Star... One of the variances is greater heat projection due to expansion even though the overall energy is decreasing.

mankind is a part of all this. i have never heard anyone deny that. but to what degree? do we have a greater impact than cow farts? (an actual issue) sun spots? normal earth cycles?

when people say DOOM WE ARE DOOMING OURSELVES then that is just their schtick and trigger. doesn't mean its going to happen and so far, it hasn't happened despite being prophesied hundreds of times to date.
given sunspot activity has been dropping for 8+ years at this point, we're heading into a cooling cycle anyway. all those worried about the world melting will start bitching around 2025 on a big freeze and we need to save the world from itself.


They are also totally overlooking solar input.The sun about middle aged for its type and at a point where the changing hydrogen~helium balance begins to act on the structure of the Star... One of the variances is greater heat projection due to expansion even though the overall energy is decreasing.

mankind is a part of all this. i have never heard anyone deny that. but to what degree? do we have a greater impact than cow farts? (an actual issue) sun spots? normal earth cycles?

when people say DOOM WE ARE DOOMING OURSELVES then that is just their schtick and trigger. doesn't mean its going to happen and so far, it hasn't happened despite being prophesied hundreds of times to date.

Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.

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