Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
Johnny's bar for getting hysterical is real low....like most of the climate k00ks. Nobody is sitting down to dinner tonight talking about an ocean that's getting warmer by a fraction of a degree...I mean, c'mon now!:cul2:

The climate nutters have been lobbing bombs like this for 2 decades and has resulted in how much climate action?:bye1:

It hasn't led to dick!:hello77:
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
as for "evidence" -

As arctic ice melts, South Pole ice grows

seems more shifting.

also -
What Antarctica Looked Like Before the Ice

wow. you mean it wasn't always frozen? mankind wasn't around to screw it up and make it freeze, must have been a natural event, ya think? this was a million years ago, ya know.

we can point through history thousands of times where the earth changed due to natural reasons. it wasn't until mankind didn't feel guilty enough that we started to say we're killing our own planet. those who get that drama'd up tend to do so over many things.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
Carbon dioxide is the foundation of all life on this planet. Without it everything would die.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?

It allows corrupt politicians and their bought and paid for Far Left "scientists" to extort yet more money from average people to grow government even larger.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
so now we're moving the goalposts.

we breath it out, plants breath it in and breath out oxygen.

would you call this necessary?
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.

Okay let's use your reasoning. If you think the 40 billion tons that mankind produces is so important what do you think of the 3.88 Trillion tons of co2 that gets produced naturally? Does it also count?

Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
so now we're moving the goalposts.

we breath it out, plants breath it in and breath out oxygen.

would you call this necessary?

You're deflecting. Answer the question.
Again.....evidence the public cares?:bye1:
The public does not care about a lot of issues until they do. Paradigms shift.

You are correct s0n......if next winter, we see pics of babes in bikini's jet skiing in Alaskan lakes in mid -January for 3 straight weeks, people will care. But not a nano-second sooner.:2up:. Oh.....or if Miami is 10 feet under water this summer!:2up:
Again.....evidence the public cares?:bye1:
The public does not care about a lot of issues until they do. Paradigms shift.

And as there continues to be that Climate (weather to you) changes NATURALLY all the time, and no evidence of Man's involvement people will continue to NOT CARE. None of the predictions Al Gore lied about in his movie have come true, and he said they would decades ago.

Alarmists, extortionists, and LIARS. That is all Man Made climate change advocates are.

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