Ocean Warming Accelerating Quicker than Thought

Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.

Is that supposed to be a big scary number?
Again.....evidence the public cares?:bye1:
The public does not care about a lot of issues until they do. Paradigms shift.

And as there continues to be that Climate (weather to you) changes NATURALLY all the time, and no evidence of Man's involvement people will continue to NOT CARE. None of the predictions Al Gore lied about in his movie have come true, and he said they would decades ago.

Alarmists, extortionists, and LIARS. That is all Man Made climate change advocates are.

Correct.....all the climate bozos can do in 2019 is take bows in front of their THE SCIENCE IS DECIDED banner. Well good for the....but that hasn't transcended dick. The public policy makers could not possibly be more disinterested.

When people tell me that the "debate is over", and "the science is settled", then call me names like "denier", tells me they are SCAMMING me. It if very easy to see.
name 1 person who has said it has no effect.

you keep making up mythical people to get mad at cause people don't agree on "how much" of an effect it has. but to date i've heard very few to none say "no effect".

things like this make talking with you difficult because you don't address counter points, you keep repeating EXTREME STANCE on both sides that you seem to be focused on.
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
so now we're moving the goalposts.

we breath it out, plants breath it in and breath out oxygen.

would you call this necessary?

You're deflecting. Answer the question.

I AM deflecting? you're the one who went from WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE to "so what do you think of CO2?

OF WHICH i fucking answered.


Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.

Is that supposed to be a big scary number?
Yes, it is a big scary number because it is a big scary number.
Yes, it is a big scary number because it is a big scary number.

Yet nothing bad ever happens, but government continue to try to use it for extortion, and they are succeeding in Europe. Well, except for France, and the yellow vests. LOL!
No, I point to the evidence of climate change as per scientific reports as they come out. There are on those on this board and other places that bizarrely argue that there is this vast conspiracy out there. There are none except in their heads.

I had a discussion with some bankers a few weeks ago and I asked them outright if they thought climate change was a hoax. They all said no. They are closely monitoring what insurance companies are adjusting there rates. Coastal communities are preparing for rising sea levels.

How can nearly a trillion tons of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere over the past century have no effect?

The evidence is overwhelming of an effect. Melting ice caps, rising seas, warming oceans, increasing acidity of the ocean, migration of species not to mention the empirical evidence we see around us of more extreme weather patterns, all point to one culprit.
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
so now we're moving the goalposts.

we breath it out, plants breath it in and breath out oxygen.

would you call this necessary?

You're deflecting. Answer the question.

I AM deflecting? you're the one who went from WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE to "so what do you think of CO2?

OF WHICH i fucking answered.


Please find my post where I said everyone was going to die..
but are they arguing you're taking it too far, or that man has zero impact on the environment?

you and many in these discussions seem to mix that up quite a bit.

"i don't agree the climate is changing like you say it is"


"not what i said..."

that's how a bulk of these convos go when you strawman up some middle man to fit your fears vs. who you're talking to.
So what impact do you think all that CO2 has on the environment?
so now we're moving the goalposts.

we breath it out, plants breath it in and breath out oxygen.

would you call this necessary?

You're deflecting. Answer the question.

I AM deflecting? you're the one who went from WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE to "so what do you think of CO2?

OF WHICH i fucking answered.


Please find my post where I said everyone was going to die..

well i'm glad we're not deflecting and focused more on how we respond to each other than the issue at hand.

again, i responded to your "so what do you think of CO2". my questions to you just get questions in return.

done playing. have a day.
given sunspot activity has been dropping for 8+ years at this point, we're heading into a cooling cycle anyway. all those worried about the world melting will start bitching around 2025 on a big freeze and we need to save the world from itself.


They are also totally overlooking solar input.The sun about middle aged for its type and at a point where the changing hydrogen~helium balance begins to act on the structure of the Star... One of the variances is greater heat projection due to expansion even though the overall energy is decreasing.

mankind is a part of all this. i have never heard anyone deny that. but to what degree? do we have a greater impact than cow farts? (an actual issue) sun spots? normal earth cycles?

when people say DOOM WE ARE DOOMING OURSELVES then that is just their schtick and trigger. doesn't mean its going to happen and so far, it hasn't happened despite being prophesied hundreds of times to date.
Here is an excerpt from one of the more popular skeptical science sites. This particular postulate is the entire pivot upon which the modern theory of global warming exists. It posits that for mellenia the earth kept a delicately balanced carbon cycle of production and absorption with absolutely no room for any extra Co2....that would justify the accusation that the tiny anthropogenic contribution was the straw that broke the camel's back.

So what’s going on? It is true that human emissions of CO2 are small compared with natural sources. But the fact that CO2 levels have remained steady until very recently shows that natural emissions are usually balanced by natural absorptions. Now slightly more CO2 must be entering the atmosphere than is being soaked up by carbon “sinks

The sheer hubris of this postulate finds no equal in any other field of science that I know of for being just about 100% bunko-crap. The idea that the Earth's carbon cycle was balanced like a Swiss watch for tens of thousands of years argues against every other field of natural history that we currently accept as valid. In fact all the evidence is to the contrary to indicate that the Earth's carbon production swings wildly from heavy to light based on many arbitrary factors beyond our control. It's probably true that the Earth's CO2 concentration stayed between 180 and 300 parts per million for a long period of time.

Though many pretend they know why that is the truth is nobody really does. They make all the best assumptions that prop up their preferred theories. The one that seems to make the most sense is that the oceans are actually the biggest regulator of CO2 concentration with the ocean temperature having a direct bearing on how much CO2 gets pushed into the atmosphere.

Since the sun is the largest single source of energy for the oceans it makes more sense to look at the sun as the ultimate source of the heat and not some kind of mechanism here on Earth. If as is expected the sun is slowly getting warmer it would make perfect sense that the oceans would respond by forcing more CO2 out into the atmosphere.

Of course the same people who've done all the measuring will be quick to tell you that they have measured solar energy and discovered no such rise in its intensity. Is it any surprise that those who advocate for anthropogenic global warming not only cannot find evidence to the contrary but actually refuse to find it? I think not.

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No one predicted a 0.01 degree C rise in surface ocean temperature over 60 years?
That is not the surface temperature rise.

Sea surface temperature increased during the 20 th century and continues to rise. From 1901 through 2015, temperature rose at an average rate of 0.13°F per decade (see Figure 1). Sea surface temperature has been consistently higher during the past three decades than at any other time since reliable observations began in 1880 (see Figure 1)
Climate Change Indicators: Sea Surface Temperature | US EPA
I'm still interested in someone explaining the physics of how atmospheric CO2 heats the ocean now all the way down to 6,500m. That must take A LOT of energy. How hot must the atmosphere be to add heat to a column of water 6,500m deep?
Now you're getting it.
I think it's great

Why the other day I threw a couple of eggs in the ocean and just like that, hard boiled eggs.

It's like magic!
I'm still interested in someone explaining the physics of how atmospheric CO2 heats the ocean now all the way down to 6,500m. That must take A LOT of energy. How hot must the atmosphere be to add heat to a column of water 6,500m deep?
Now you're getting it.

Getting what, that you have no answer? Just think about it. Not a dig, I'm not being glib, just think it through
Start a thread about Global Warming & it fires up the stupid, ignorant, uneducated deniers.

They should all be charged with child abuse as they condemn their children to a more difficult life.
Every year humans throw out 40,000,000,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That is 40 billion tons each and every year and increasing. Everything has a cause and effect. You really do have to be special kind of dumb to think this would not effect the environment.

Is that supposed to be a big scary number?
To those with a brain. To the ignorant, it means nothing.
Yes, it is a big scary number because it is a big scary number.

Yet nothing bad ever happens, but government continue to try to use it for extortion, and they are succeeding in Europe. Well, except for France, and the yellow vests. LOL!

It is happening.

Insects moving north killing off trees, apple orchards moving out of PA heading upstate NY, Lower crop production in some areas, more intense wild fires, areas with more severe flooding.

You are like the cigarette smoker.

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