October 26th 1980

Gallup? Who is looking to Gallup in 2016 to gauge the election?
The candidates for one. Polls tell a candidate how well he or she is doing at a point in time and where more work is needed. Gallup is an excellent polling service but I doubt it's the best. As far as predicting the outcome of an election the polls closest to election day are the most accurate. Gallup has picked the winner in 14 of the last 16 elections. There are polls with better records but they haven't been around as long. Gallup started in 1935.

Polling services may make a name for themselves predicting election victories but they make their money doing market research.

1935 means nothing when it comes to 2016.

My point was that the OP is cherry picking one election with one pollster when nobody looks at only a single poll. I wouldn't just look at PPP or Pew either. The OP dismisses a virtual wall of polling data to go all the way back to 1980 to declare you can't trust polls because of a single polling company. His exception proves the rule.
I agree with what you're saying. I'm just saying that Gallup is a good polling service with a good record of forecasting presidential elections being right in 14 of the last 16 elections.

I can go along with that.
Gallup Poll had Carter up 47-39 over Reagan....need I remind ANYONE of what happened? Reagan won by 10. :)

We can hope.......whatever you do make sure you go and vote for Trump...

Vote for Trump, save the country.
Oh I am. I ALWAYS vote on election day. Its an exciting time. Trump wins and America is saved,Clinton wins and its a matter of time before it crashes and burns and we get to fighting a civil war.
Trump is Reagan?
He's sure closer than HilLIARy.
At least Reagan and Clinton both had the experience to do the job. I doubt even Trump would hire someone with his resume.
Why does he need someone? He has run billion dollar empire for 40 years! We have seen what politicians have done in DC....not a damn thing to help us or fix things.
I didn't say Trump needed anyone. It's a well know fact Trump will save America with no help from anyone. It's so simple just vote for Trump and a wall will appear on the southern boarder paid for by Mexico. 11 million illegals will disappear. Our national debt will shrink. Our enemies abroad will quake in fear of the mighty Trump tweets. Haven't you been paying attention at your Trump rallies.

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