ODC protesters hit by car that sped up to hit them

These Occupy people are domestic terrorists
Why Shouldn't they join the list as fronted by Janet Napalitano?

After all? She stated that Military Veterans are...

A month ago, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano advised law enforcement to be on the lookout for right wing extremists (of which I am one), in case they were preparing for acts of domestic terrorism. This was in the lead-up to the tax revolt tea parties on April 15. Some of those extremists included:
  • military veterans
  • pro-lifers
  • white supremacists
  • devout Christians



Even though she apparently apologized for it? Hey? Since she's in the mood for list making...why not? These people are impeding the liberty of other citizens...shutting down the fifth largest port that is already on shakey ground....impeding normal commerce with one purpose...

Making others suffer when they have no right to do so.

Put them ON the list...instead of being like Obama and supporting them.
Interesting attitude from the cops and the demonstrators. Also interesting who the demonstrators went after.

That one guy in the stocking white stocking cap was everywhere. Where there was someone hurt, he was involved.
Dueling versions... No surprise that TM chooses to title her thread with the version that best fits her narrative... Which, based on her own link, makes it a lie...

I looked through the thread and noticed that Truth Splatters hasn't been back (might have missed page 4 though).

Tough to stay with a thread when it is being shoved down your throat.

If the little old lady had hit them a little harder, they could have been arrested for leaving the scene of an accident.
If ONLY due to union thuggery, the people need to be armed at all times and willing to defend themselves.

Ohhh....we were mostly all armed too. Had he tried to pull a gun he would have been VASTLY outgunned.
True story: When I was driving through Glastonbury, just after the famous music festival, on a glorious Monday morning, with the top down.... some dude jumped out in front of my car too. I too sped up. He moved - fast. LMAO. I then spotted two police officers parked at the side of the road, both leaning on their car watching. I slowed down, they applauded, I laughed, they laughed and I drove on.

Lesson: do not jump out in front of me. If you die, I will not care. LMAO

Another true story. We had a similiar situation on our picket line 11 years ago. There was a scab driving through it and deliberately swerved at a couple of our union brothers. It was good for him that he didn't hit them. However, it was bad for him that one of our brothers knew who he was and where he lived.

To this day I still cannot reveal what happened to him, his car and his house. :eusa_hand: Suffice it to say he'll never do it again.

You get between a mob of the entitled and their entitlements, very bad things will happen to you. There is no defense, there is no appeal, there are no extenuations. Just swift, sure and merciless "justice".

Just like SS there was no entitlements. Unless you mean we are entitled to what we work and pay for. Then you would be correct. And then yes, don't get in the fucking way of getting what we earned and paid for. That wouldn't be healthy.
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LOL Yes you are real anonymous tough guys. :lmao:

He learned a tough lesson. Problem solved. You can't argue with success.
Yeah like those jobs were yours to begin with. YOU are another asshole that thinks companies exist just to give jobs, and throw fits when things don't go your way.

Get over yourself asswipe. YOU are part of the problem...you and ALL yer Union buddies.

Nope. We don't have to kneel down and swallow like you to get our pay and benefits.
If ONLY due to union thuggery, the people need to be armed at all times and willing to defend themselves.

Ohhh....we were mostly all armed too. Had he tried to pull a gun he would have been VASTLY outgunned.

Oh, for heaven's sake. Do you realize just how silly you're making yourself look? Seriously, take a look at your post. Do you and your buddies measure the size of your penises too?

Another true story. We had a similiar situation on our picket line 11 years ago. There was a scab driving through it and deliberately swerved at a couple of our union brothers. It was good for him that he didn't hit them. However, it was bad for him that one of our brothers knew who he was and where he lived.

To this day I still cannot reveal what happened to him, his car and his house. :eusa_hand: Suffice it to say he'll never do it again.

You get between a mob of the entitled and their entitlements, very bad things will happen to you. There is no defense, there is no appeal, there are no extenuations. Just swift, sure and merciless "justice".

Just like SS there was no entitlements. Unless you mean we are entitled to what we work and pay for. Then you would be correct. And then yes, don't get in the fucking way of getting what we earned and paid for. That wouldn't be healthy.

How is it that you are entitled to a paycheck and he is not? How is it you are allowed to apply rough justice to his house and his person because of what may have been an imagined slight? How are you are entitled to beat him up and trash his house because he needs money and you feel he might have planned something that did not happen? You gather together enough of a mob to substitute for courage and destroy him utterly. And you are proud of this.
So are the shitters planning to demolish/burn/ and crap all over east LA next? hey, fine with me, isn't it the Gang Capital of the world?

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