Odds on 2020 as of now

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
Your thoughts?

As a Trump "hater" (I don't really hate him personally but think he is badly unqualified), I think the odds are heavily in his favor right now, unfortunately. The democrats have done a terrible job of connecting with regular Americans and have instead made themselves seems equally as wide-eyed, unhinged, and unqualified as Trump himself. He has the advantage of being the devil we know, as opposed to ... whatever the left is these days. Some bizarre freakshow amalgamation consisting of The Real World characters who can't keep their big mouths shut for 5 seconds.
Democrats aren't trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. As for "connecting with regular Americans" - it's a little hard to connect with the "poorly educated" and low-information voters.

Until Satan Trump, the "devil we know" was just an expression - not it's a reality.
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Your thoughts?

As a Trump "hater" (I don't really hate him personally but think he is badly unqualified), I think the odds are heavily in his favor right now, unfortunately. The democrats have done a terrible job of connecting with regular Americans and have instead made themselves seems equally as wide-eyed, unhinged, and unqualified as Trump himself. He has the advantage of being the devil we know, as opposed to ... whatever the left is these days. Some bizarre freakshow amalgamation consisting of The Real World characters who can't keep their big mouths shut for 5 seconds.
In almost every election, the incumbent is favored before the public knows the opposition. The old saying, "Better the devil you know, than one you don't" seems to hold true.

Like it or not, Trump has made some changes in campaigning. In future presidential races, the perception of morality, experience, honesty, and civility will be less important. The ability to sell themselves, willingness to use crude language and tactics, and most of all convince the voters that there is nothing they will not do to accomplish their goals will be most important. Trump has shown that being "a prince and a gentlemen" is not the way to win a presidential race.
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Democrats aren't trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. As for "connecting with regular Americans" - it's a little hard to connect with the "poorly educated" and low-information voters.

Lakhota, you are walking, talking evidence of "poorly educated" that suffers from "low information" syndrome.
Your thoughts?

As a Trump "hater" (I don't really hate him personally but think he is badly unqualified), I think the odds are heavily in his favor right now, unfortunately. The democrats have done a terrible job of connecting with regular Americans and have instead made themselves seems equally as wide-eyed, unhinged, and unqualified as Trump himself. He has the advantage of being the devil we know, as opposed to ... whatever the left is these days. Some bizarre freakshow amalgamation consisting of The Real World characters who can't keep their big mouths shut for 5 seconds.

Even incredibly biased Rasmussen has him polling at only 47%. And the economy appears to be getting weaker - not stronger.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

And you think the odds are 'heavily in his favor'?

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I think Trump's failure to deliver on his most important campaign promises will bleed off some of his base but I don't think the democrat's coalition of crazy fringe elements who can barely stand to be in a room together is doing much to woo disillusioned Trump people to their side. Most brown people will vote democrat because the other guys are RAYSIS NATZEES and most white people will vote Trump because the other guys hate us.

I think it will turn out very similar to 2016, Trump will win again.
Your thoughts?

As a Trump "hater" (I don't really hate him personally but think he is badly unqualified), I think the odds are heavily in his favor right now, unfortunately. The democrats have done a terrible job of connecting with regular Americans and have instead made themselves seems equally as wide-eyed, unhinged, and unqualified as Trump himself. He has the advantage of being the devil we know, as opposed to ... whatever the left is these days. Some bizarre freakshow amalgamation consisting of The Real World characters who can't keep their big mouths shut for 5 seconds.
Right so the Dems took back the House by the biggest win margin in the party’s history and for some reason that is irrelevant?
About 5 swing states will decide the 2020 election

Trump won Florida with the mid terms election and trumps number 1 supporter gov desantis has become very popular in Florida just in 2 months

So that locks up Florida for trump

And the stampede of conservatives out of New York and California to the SWING states will lock up the 2020 election for trump
Oh Trump will win in 2020.

The Dems have a couple of retreads and some really whacky people who are backing that green shit the dingbat is pushing.

That won't go over well with voters since if implemented it would bankrupt the country. Anyone with a working brain cell, besides the Dems pushing it, knows this.

Trump will win in 2020.
Democrats aren't trying to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. As for "connecting with regular Americans" - it's a little hard to connect with the "poorly educated" and low-information voters.

Lakhota, you are walking, talking evidence of "poorly educated" that suffers from "low information" syndrome.

Your thoughts?

As a Trump "hater" (I don't really hate him personally but think he is badly unqualified), I think the odds are heavily in his favor right now, unfortunately. The democrats have done a terrible job of connecting with regular Americans and have instead made themselves seems equally as wide-eyed, unhinged, and unqualified as Trump himself. He has the advantage of being the devil we know, as opposed to ... whatever the left is these days. Some bizarre freakshow amalgamation consisting of The Real World characters who can't keep their big mouths shut for 5 seconds.

The Democratic Party was gifted four years to get their shit together. It's unfortunate they couldn't manage that. When I hear people talk about "connecting" and "relatable" then we are still looking at selling the same line of bullshit but making it more palatable. It's all about the packaging and nothing about the product.

For example, Corry Booker is in deep with pharmaceutical companies. Do you think he gives two shits about whether or not regular Americans can afford medication? No. Naturally, he is against Americans getting medication from other countries. He will continue to say that it's for Americans own good and these countries don't have the same regulations and in conversation will throw out a few horror stories about other countries and feign shock and act like a bunch of self righteous douche nozzles.
Corry Booker is a neo-liberal. Does the rest of society really care about connecting with Corry Booker? Not a chance in hell.

When you look at H1B visas and it's impact in the US or immigration legal and illegal and the conflict that it creates between African Americans and undocumented or legal immigrants, do you see any way to "connect" with regular Americans? Not a chance in hell.
I dont want trump to win.
But the democrats have no one except a bunch of fringe dumbasses.
I will probably be writing in again
The betting odds have Bernie and Kamala as Trump's closest rivals with Biden a close 3rd.
Trump is still 3x as likely to win in 2020 than any democrat.
Those are the betting odds, if you disagree put your money where your mouth is.

Odds Suggest that Sanders, Harris Are Trump’s Biggest Threats

what were Trump's odd of winning in March of 2015?

Trump's odds were 1 in 20 on election day, so maybe 1 in a million in March of 2015?
The difference now is that he is the incumbent, which makes him a prohibitive favorite.
Hell, even Obama won re-election.

No wall + "More immigration than we have ever seen before".

Yang Gang:

No wall + $1000 bucks.

Trump better start taking that wall seriously.

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