Odessa shooter had previous contact with police, the FBI knew him, he failed gun background check

We already have laws on the books that will arrest straw buyers providing guns to criminals...why aren't they enforced...because when the baby momma is on the stand stating her baby daddy, gang banger boyfriend threatened to beat her if she didn't get him the gun, juries tend not to convict and prosecutors don't go forward with those cases.....

We already capture straw buyers using current law enforcement techniques....the problem is they refuse to prosecute straw buyers...real straw buyers....

One more time. We lock up 2 million people. We don't have enough room in the jails for the real criminals, much less the people you want to lock up to try to put a boot on the necks of people of color.

I promise you, this guy didn't get his gun from an abused baby mama. He got his gun from some private seller working out of his house.
Never any proof to your filthy lies are there, traitor?

Another known nut, who the police failed to deal with...

Gunman in Texas shooting previously failed background check: Here's what we know

John Wester, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, confirmed the gunman had previously failed a federal background check for a firearm. Wester did not say when or why the check was failed.

Gutierrez said the man would shoot rabbits and other animals at all hours of the night.

"We were afraid of him because you could tell what kind of person he was just by looking at him," Gutierrez told the news agency. "He was not nice, he was not friendly, he was not polite."
This is the Democrats want background check on private gun sales. but it would be impossible to effectively enforce.
It would just be more worthless gun control widow dressing.
Yep....... and they would still get those guns from private sellers without background checks.....You have two......out of all the mass shooters who got their guns....you must be proud...just like when a baby makes a crap in a diaper......

12 mass public shootings in 2018....

10,982 gun murders in 2017..... the criminals in those shootings used straw buyers who can pass any background check, and I would say all of the 12 mass shooters got their guns legally with background checks....

you have no point...you have infantile emotion...
....UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc etc gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--plain and simple --easy for everyone to understand except obsessed idiots

....hahahha --MORE bullshit:
10,982 gun murders in 2017..... the criminals in those shootings used straw buyers who can pass any background check
no gifting/no private sales/etc
there will always be some that will get through--but we want to keep it down--DUH

Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...

The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.

Wrong...dumb ass....the ones selling to known criminals already know it is against the law and can already be arrested.......we have those laws already....

Is it illegal to privately sell a gun without a background check? REALLY? REALLY?

Please share the law... because I'd love to see it and know why every fucking news channel and politician in the entire country is talking about needing laws for gun shows and private sales.

No, you can sell your private property to whoever you want......at a gun show, a home, a parking lot....but if you are a licensed gun dealer you have to do a background check.....

It is still illegal for a prohibited person to buy a gun, no matter where they buy it.....so that law is already on the books, criminals already know this but do it anyway......and besides...of the 10,982 gun murders, the majority of the illegal guns were bought by straw buyers....people who can pass any background check for any sale of a gun.....you dumb ass..........so that means requiring a background check for private sales gets you nothing.......actual criminals already get past federal background checks with straw buyers......and mass shooters either buy their guns legally or steal them.....you have one guy who got one from a private sale......

You are using private sales to get gun confiscation...you fascist pig.

12 mass public shootings in 2018..... total 93 killed.

Animals, bees and wasps?

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.

There should be background checks for ALL GUN SALES. It makes ZERO sense that a person can get turned down on a background check to purchase a gun, but then hop on a site like Craigslist and buy a gun that they can use to go shoot and kill 20 people.

The only dumbass here is the one that is brainwashed by the NRA and when faced with common sense gun control answers, responds with, "But after this... THEN LATER ON YOU GUYS WILL WANT TO..." That's bull shit. You don't own a crystal ball. The United States has more mass shootings than any other "developed country" BY FAR, and you think the solution is more guns and looser gun laws despite the fact that all the countries with less mass shootings have stricter gun laws.
Yep....... and they would still get those guns from private sellers without background checks.....You have two......out of all the mass shooters who got their guns....you must be proud...just like when a baby makes a crap in a diaper......

12 mass public shootings in 2018....

10,982 gun murders in 2017..... the criminals in those shootings used straw buyers who can pass any background check, and I would say all of the 12 mass shooters got their guns legally with background checks....

you have no point...you have infantile emotion...
....UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc etc gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--plain and simple --easy for everyone to understand except obsessed idiots

....hahahha --MORE bullshit:
10,982 gun murders in 2017..... the criminals in those shootings used straw buyers who can pass any background check
no gifting/no private sales/etc
there will always be some that will get through--but we want to keep it down--DUH

Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...

The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.

Wrong...dumb ass....the ones selling to known criminals already know it is against the law and can already be arrested.......we have those laws already....

Is it illegal to privately sell a gun without a background check? REALLY? REALLY?

Please share the law... because I'd love to see it and know why every fucking news channel and politician in the entire country is talking about needing laws for gun shows and private sales.
I bought a gun at a gun show a few years ago, and I had to undergo a background check to complete the sale, so clearly no new law in that regard was necessary. However, none of this is relevant to preventing violent crime. If violent criminals can't buy a gun legally, they will purchase them illegally, just a people who can't buy drugs legally purchase them illegally.

That is not a nationally mandated program.
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.

You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun? When someone complains about how many people are killed by guns... the argument then always goes to the number of people killed by cars. Well cars are registered and the cops know who was driving the car when they kill people with it. Do you have a problem with the cops knowing who killed someone with a gun?

You can go register yours " Moon bat"! The government has no need to invade the privacy of Law abiding citizens. Go invade the privacy of known criminals who get guns illegally, and make the penalty for illegal possession or use so severe it will deter the violence on it's own.

Why do you have no problem registering your car? I bet you have no idea how much the government already knows about you. If you aren't going to shoot up a School, Walmart, or festival why do you have a problem with people registering their guns?

Do you understand that if they pass background checks... that means they will essentially KNOW the people that own guns the same as having guns registered?

Yes...you moron...we know this...which is why we oppose it, you dumb ass....... universal background checks are the Trojan Horse for gun registration....

You oppose more background checks so that the government doesn't know who has guns...

You are such a fucking sociopath. You don't give a flying fuck if some nut job can buy a long rifle with a 100 round drum and kill 22 people in 32 seconds, because you don't want the government to know you own any guns.

Way to have your priorities in order. Enjoy that air conditioner in hell. :thup:
....UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc etc gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--plain and simple --easy for everyone to understand except obsessed idiots

....hahahha --MORE bullshit:
no gifting/no private sales/etc
there will always be some that will get through--but we want to keep it down--DUH

Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...

The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.

Wrong...dumb ass....the ones selling to known criminals already know it is against the law and can already be arrested.......we have those laws already....

Is it illegal to privately sell a gun without a background check? REALLY? REALLY?

Please share the law... because I'd love to see it and know why every fucking news channel and politician in the entire country is talking about needing laws for gun shows and private sales.

No, you can sell your private property to whoever you want......at a gun show, a home, a parking lot....but if you are a licensed gun dealer you have to do a background check.....

It is still illegal for a prohibited person to buy a gun, no matter where they buy it.....so that law is already on the books, criminals already know this but do it anyway......and besides...of the 10,982 gun murders, the majority of the illegal guns were bought by straw buyers....people who can pass any background check for any sale of a gun.....you dumb ass..........so that means requiring a background check for private sales gets you nothing.......actual criminals already get past federal background checks with straw buyers......and mass shooters either buy their guns legally or steal them.....you have one guy who got one from a private sale......

You are using private sales to get gun confiscation...you fascist pig.

12 mass public shootings in 2018..... total 93 killed.

Animals, bees and wasps?

Afraid of Snakes? Wasps and Dogs Are Deadlier

Of the 1,610 people killed in encounters with animals between 2008 and 2015,

478 were killed by hornets, wasps and bees,

and 272 by dogs, according to a study published in Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. Snakes, spiders and scorpions were responsible for 99 deaths over the eight years.

There should be background checks for ALL GUN SALES. It makes ZERO sense that a person can get turned down on a background check to purchase a gun, but then hop on a site like Craigslist and buy a gun that they can use to go shoot and kill 20 people.

The only dumbass here is the one that is brainwashed by the NRA and when faced with common sense gun control answers, responds with, "But after this... THEN LATER ON YOU GUYS WILL WANT TO..." That's bull shit. You don't own a crystal ball. The United States has more mass shootings than any other "developed country" BY FAR, and you think the solution is more guns and looser gun laws despite the fact that all the countries with less mass shootings have stricter gun laws.
Political bullshit. There is nothing common sense about creating a black market for guns in America. If the demand for guns cannot be met legally, then criminal enterprises arise to supply that demand.
....UK, France, Germany, Japan, etc etc gun control and murder rates MUCH lower than the US--plain and simple --easy for everyone to understand except obsessed idiots

....hahahha --MORE bullshit:
no gifting/no private sales/etc
there will always be some that will get through--but we want to keep it down--DUH

Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...

The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.

Wrong...dumb ass....the ones selling to known criminals already know it is against the law and can already be arrested.......we have those laws already....

Is it illegal to privately sell a gun without a background check? REALLY? REALLY?

Please share the law... because I'd love to see it and know why every fucking news channel and politician in the entire country is talking about needing laws for gun shows and private sales.
I bought a gun at a gun show a few years ago, and I had to undergo a background check to complete the sale, so clearly no new law in that regard was necessary. However, none of this is relevant to preventing violent crime. If violent criminals can't buy a gun legally, they will purchase them illegally, just a people who can't buy drugs legally purchase them illegally.

That is not a nationally mandated program.
Which means the people of most states, 32 to be exact, have decided that they don't want or need background checks for private sales. If most Americans did want such laws, there would be no need for a national mandate since there would be state laws to that effect. In any case, there is no basis in fact or logic for claiming that crazies like Ator or violent criminals wouldn't but guns illegally if they couldn't buy them legally. Indeed, Ator may have purchased his gun illegally for all we know.
Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...
The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.
How will the state prove the seller sold the gun?
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.
If you couldn't blow smoke and deflect, your comments would be reduced by 90 percent.

Ever notice how progressives, who claim to be all for the common man, want to do things that make it easier for the one percent to exploit the common man? Funny how that works.

Ever notice that ALL laws and regulations that exploit the common man were all written by Republicans to benefit the wealthy?

You might want to check on that little silly person. The overwhelming majority of tax laws that have benefited the wealthy, were written by DEMOCRATS. I have a 1932 American Communist Party newspaper, and therein they accurately state that 2% of this country's population controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took over BOTH Houses of Congress for the next 40 continuous years. They also controlled the presidency for the majority of that time as well. The net result of virtual one Party rule, and that Party being the Dems, was 1% controlling 90% (according to the Congressional Record presented during Bill Clintons presidency) of this nations wealth.

So tell me, dumb ass. Who were the Dems working for.....'cause facts in evidence pretty convincingly say it wasn't the common man.

You seem to have overlooked that the Democrats prior to the mid 60's were today's right wing.
You mean they were pro-America, right?

They embraced the fuck the middle class values that the Republicans of today embrace.
If you couldn't blow smoke and deflect, your comments would be reduced by 90 percent.

Ever notice how progressives, who claim to be all for the common man, want to do things that make it easier for the one percent to exploit the common man? Funny how that works.

Ever notice that ALL laws and regulations that exploit the common man were all written by Republicans to benefit the wealthy?

You might want to check on that little silly person. The overwhelming majority of tax laws that have benefited the wealthy, were written by DEMOCRATS. I have a 1932 American Communist Party newspaper, and therein they accurately state that 2% of this country's population controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took over BOTH Houses of Congress for the next 40 continuous years. They also controlled the presidency for the majority of that time as well. The net result of virtual one Party rule, and that Party being the Dems, was 1% controlling 90% (according to the Congressional Record presented during Bill Clintons presidency) of this nations wealth.

So tell me, dumb ass. Who were the Dems working for.....'cause facts in evidence pretty convincingly say it wasn't the common man.

You seem to have overlooked that the Democrats prior to the mid 60's were today's right wing.

Whiiiiich is pretty hard to believe when you claim that all the bad laws were written by repubs when the repubs were basically non entities as far as legislation goes. Can't have it both ways dumbass. The DEMS controlled our government for 40 continuous years and the net result was the wealthy turned into the hyper wealthy.

Blows your bullshit claim right out of the water.

ALL laws and regulations since 1970 dividing the middle class and wealthy were written and sponsored by Republicans. If you disagree, name one that isn't.
Yep... if they make it mandatory that there are background checks even for private sales, and people sell them anyway and idiots go out and kill a bunch of people...
The first seller that gets life in prison for accessory to an act of domestic terrorism, guess what? People will quit doing that shit.
How will the state prove the seller sold the gun?
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.
Look like one percenter fled, as usual when he gets his ass handed to him.

I'm right here. Unlike you, my life doesn't revolve around the USMB.

Nor does mine, right now I am taking a break from air race prep, and I just got back from the Monterey Classic races where I bought a new vintage race car.

Unlike your fantasy life though, I have pics!
I made an offer on the Lancia.


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How will the state prove the seller sold the gun?
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.

It doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a check on government power and abuse. Thus they have no right to know what we have.
Ever notice how progressives, who claim to be all for the common man, want to do things that make it easier for the one percent to exploit the common man? Funny how that works.

Ever notice that ALL laws and regulations that exploit the common man were all written by Republicans to benefit the wealthy?

You might want to check on that little silly person. The overwhelming majority of tax laws that have benefited the wealthy, were written by DEMOCRATS. I have a 1932 American Communist Party newspaper, and therein they accurately state that 2% of this country's population controlled 76% of the nations wealth. Democrats took over BOTH Houses of Congress for the next 40 continuous years. They also controlled the presidency for the majority of that time as well. The net result of virtual one Party rule, and that Party being the Dems, was 1% controlling 90% (according to the Congressional Record presented during Bill Clintons presidency) of this nations wealth.

So tell me, dumb ass. Who were the Dems working for.....'cause facts in evidence pretty convincingly say it wasn't the common man.

You seem to have overlooked that the Democrats prior to the mid 60's were today's right wing.

Whiiiiich is pretty hard to believe when you claim that all the bad laws were written by repubs when the repubs were basically non entities as far as legislation goes. Can't have it both ways dumbass. The DEMS controlled our government for 40 continuous years and the net result was the wealthy turned into the hyper wealthy.

Blows your bullshit claim right out of the water.

ALL laws and regulations since 1970 dividing the middle class and wealthy were written and sponsored by Republicans. If you disagree, name one that isn't.

How about you name one that does. That was written by repubs.
How will the state prove the seller sold the gun?
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.
Most people drive their cars on roads....
Nothing here addresses the salient point:
There's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Most people drive their cars on roads, and to do so you have to register yourself and get a driver's license.

The whole "it is a slippery slope so I don't want to do it" trope is bullcrap because the government already knows most of the stuff about most people, and most of the people who say they don't want to register their guns, actually register stuff and share their personal information all the time without even realizing it.

It doesn't matter. The 2nd Amendment is a check on government power and abuse. Thus they have no right to know what we have.

You have the right to bear arms. It does not say the government does not have the right to know if you own any guns. Feel free to show me where I'm wrong.
Well people will be registering their guns.
Ah... there you go.
Universal background checks are a vehicle for universal gun registration.
No one wonders why you want universal registration.
You have to register your car. Why are you complaining about having to register your gun?
You only have to register your car f you drive it on the roads, and there's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.
Most people drive their cars on roads....
Nothing here addresses the salient point:
There's no demonstrable necessity for the state to know who owns what gun.

Sure there is. Ask the families of the people killed in Dayton, El Paso, Las Vegas, Orlando, Sandy Hook, Charleston,... I could go on and on. It's a way to catch people that slip through the cracks like the guy in Texas who shouldn't have had his guns after his discharge from the military. Unfortunately the military was so backed up he wasn't put on the list and he passed the background check and then got the guns to shoot up the church.

So tell me again, why does it matter? Do you REALLY think the are going to go door to door and start taking your guns? Do you realize that if they wanted to, and that was the government's goal, they could just go door to door and search people's houses and take their guns NOW without you having all your guns registered. There is not a single reason you can give that would be negative enough to the issue of registering guns to outweigh the positives of registering them.
20,000 laws already on the books say that you are a moron.

Yawn, Guy, most of those laws on the books are things like, "Don't fire your gun up into the air during New Years".

How about laws like,"If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, you can be held criminally and civilly responsible".

That would be a good law. We actually had that good law on the books until the DC Snipers' victims sued the people who sold them guns they weren't entitled to. (One was a minor, the other a felon). Then the NRA whined to congress, and they denied victims that avenue of redress.

Or better yet…you register the gun like you do your car and to transfer the title, you have to go to the court house where the buyer can be checked out to see if he is dangerous to himself or others?

Guns are a Right, cars are not......governments throughout history have registered guns so they can be confiscated, and we have seen those same governments commit mass murder.....the vaunted Europeans murdered 12 million men, women and children after they confiscated guns.....

So no, cars and guns are not the same apple....

You’re paranoid to the core.
The police knew about him, I heard a report that where he lived he used a gun to fire shots into the air, the police were called, and they did nothing......the FBI knew about him because he had called them quite a few times over the years, and he failed a background check to buy a gun...they don't know where he actually got the gun he had....his employer was afraid of him.....

Information still coming in..

So guns are too easy for the wrong people to get. We've already established that.

You get denied in the store because you’re a paranoid psychopath…you go out to the parking lot of the same store and can buy as many weapons as you want from some guy who doesn’t care that you’re a paranoid psychopath.

That is the system the NRA and Trump supporters have created; both ranks are full of paranoid psychopaths.


No, moron....that is called freedom to sell your private property......the failure to pass the background check should have been investigated by the feds...they failed.......

It’s also called the reason we have monthly if not weekly massacres

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