O'Donnell blames disgruntled former aides for funds probe

yeah. the point is: sarah palin could at least try to escape the spotlight. she doesn't.

as soon as the spotlight is on someone else, a new facebook entry appears. e.g.
really? so how long would have needed to be "out of the spot light" before the attackers left her alone?
a month? 2?

how am i supposed to know?

but if she stayed away and she was attacked anyway, then my position on this would shift.

but we both know that won't happen soon.

btw, i still remember palin chastising hillary for not adequately handling the attacks on her, and blaming her for playing the victim.

that was when palin still tried to play the pitbull/barracuda number. and i think it was before she was chosen.

now she attacks, and then plays victim. and she does it well.
she didnt get the chance to "stay away"
really? so how long would have needed to be "out of the spot light" before the attackers left her alone?
a month? 2?

how am i supposed to know?

but if she stayed away and she was attacked anyway, then my position on this would shift.

but we both know that won't happen soon.

btw, i still remember palin chastising hillary for not adequately handling the attacks on her, and blaming her for playing the victim.

that was when palin still tried to play the pitbull/barracuda number. and i think it was before she was chosen.

now she attacks, and then plays victim. and she does it well.
she didnt get the chance to "stay away"

bah, she had it, and STILL has it.
The left didn't choose her as John McCain's running mate. The Republicans did.

The left can't be held accountable for the 15 minutes of fame that McCain gave her, nor her decision to extend that 15 minutes by remaining front-and-center in rightwing politics and the media.
if the radical left had left her alone as gov of AK, she would still BE gov up there and virtually non-existent on the national scene
as she was before McCain picked her(not the GOP as a whole)

So....why didn't McCain just leave her alone up there? Virtually no one had heard of her prior to McCain making her his running mate.
....Except the LOCALS!!!!!

December 26, 2008

Todd Palin - Alaska's Biggest FUCKUP Dad

"I don't subscribe to some of the rumors and myths surrounding the Palin family. Although I've watched Sarah Palin since she was on the Wasilla Planning Commission, it was usually from afar, as we never lived in the city limits. But all along, we've had close friends who watched Sarah and her family very closely.

One of my best friends was Palin's first mentor, Wasilla mayor John Stein. We watched as she turned on him and on his wife.

I was close to Palin's second mentor, ex- Alaska Representative, Vic Kohring, when she climbed aboard his libertarian fantasy machine, that, for Kohring, ended in Federal prison.

I kept my own interests in her political activities, though, mostly to keeping track of her whenever her role in helping creationists get positions in local politics - particularly the Mat-Su District School board - came into play. And when Palin was chosen to be Sen. John McCain's 2008 presidential race running mate, I initially kept my involvement in Sarah Palin and her family's local past to my knowledge on that set of issues. Partially, it was a promise I made to my wife and kids, as we've always felt there was more than enough on Sarah and the family to bring her political future to an end, should it be brought out, without my having to jump in there.

I still feel that way. But thinking about the way Sherry Johnston's "bust" came down, in the ambience of the Palin's relationship with that family, begs some scrutiny."

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btw, "troopergate" was on its way before palin got picked.

of course that got more attention after she was picked. but that's how it is.
how am i supposed to know?

but if she stayed away and she was attacked anyway, then my position on this would shift.

but we both know that won't happen soon.

btw, i still remember palin chastising hillary for not adequately handling the attacks on her, and blaming her for playing the victim.

that was when palin still tried to play the pitbull/barracuda number. and i think it was before she was chosen.

now she attacks, and then plays victim. and she does it well.
she didnt get the chance to "stay away"

bah, she had it, and STILL has it.
do you know some media jerk moved into the house right next door to them?
and watches them 24/7?
so NO, she has not
if the radical left had left her alone as gov of AK, she would still BE gov up there and virtually non-existent on the national scene
as she was before McCain picked her(not the GOP as a whole)

So....why didn't McCain just leave her alone up there? Virtually no one had heard of her prior to McCain making her his running mate.

He believed her to be a good pick as a running mate.
....And, was the last to hear-about-it!!!!!!

bah, she had it, and STILL has it.
do you know some media jerk moved into the house right next door to them?
and watches them 24/7?
so NO, she has not

he watches them 24/7, how do you know? did palin tweet that?

you will find no sympathy for palin here.
there was a news report on it when he moved in
and then you can see it on her TLC show
you really should watch that
you will see she really has no desire for elected office again
i think shes done with that
and the scenery in the show is enough to warrant watching
Bristol Palin deserved better than a mother who would prefer to promote her political career than protect her pregnant unwed teenage daughter from national scrutiny and the subsequent evolving "soap-opera" with the father and his family!
well hell ya, I'm SURE the Palin Children ASKED to be included in you all throwing those stones at her glass house.

like the rumor the father impregnated the daughter, that is why the baby has Downs syndrome.

Lefties are a some sick twisted freaks.
If Palin didn't know better, surely John and Cindy McCain should have - after all, it was they who attempted to protect THEIR young adopted daughter from the racial slurs of the 2000 South Carolina Republican Primary.

Before she proceeds to lecture "lefties ..... some sick twisted freaks," perhaps "Ms Stephanie" should take the time to refresh her memory about the Bush Campaign's "take-no-prisoners" attempt to personally destroy John McCain's reputation, in South Carolina!

Anything the Democrats have said about Palin "pales" in comparison to what Karl Rove and the Bush supporters did to a member of his own Party - not to mention his family!
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do you know some media jerk moved into the house right next door to them?
and watches them 24/7?
so NO, she has not

he watches them 24/7, how do you know? did palin tweet that?

you will find no sympathy for palin here.
there was a news report on it when he moved in
and then you can see it on her TLC show
you really should watch that
you will see she really has no desire for elected office again
i think shes done with that
and the scenery in the show is enough to warrant watching


she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
He believed her to be a good pick as a running mate.
He was wrong and he suffered for it.

The democratic party believed Dukakis to be the best candidate to run for President.
They were wrong and they suffered for it.

Crap happens

Based on what? What did McCain see in Palin that more than 50% of American voters did not, and still do not?

Her unusually high approval rating as a governor certainly played a role I am sure.


August 31, 2008

"But over the weekend, while the MSM press first string is usually gone from the job in Alaska, a challenge to our veracity, professionalism, memory and intelligence that dwarfs even the Ted Stevens indictment, has occurred.

Reporters from around the country are interviewing Rick Steiner, the UAA professor whose battle against the Palin administration last year over state correspondence on the status of Polar bears, the Anchorage Daily News consigned to the Alaska Ear column. A reporter is flying here from the UK to - among other things - interview John Stein, the Wasilla Mayor who built the city government structure Palin got credit for. A blogger named Jane Hamsher is getting into more details about Palin's past vindictiveness than our local reporters have yet scratched since the Monegan fiasco began. Sam Stein, a Huffington Post columnist, was able to determine from a few hours of basic research, that the McCain team had not investigated Palin's Wasilla administration's history in the Frontiersman. I was thinking of checking on that Tuesday, but Stein had it figured out by Friday!

I've already written that I feel this choice of Palin is dangerously irresponsible. I'll continue to fight it. With the truth.

In a way it is scary. I've been critical, upset, angry, goddam mad and over the top about a lot of Alaska politicians, talk show personalities and editors, in the 10 months of Progressive Alaska. But, I have to say, there's something about Sarah Palin that makes some nutty people in the Valley way more nutty, in what they would do to stick up for her."

poor o'donnell.

this thread was about her shenanigans, and we are all talking about palin. :(
O'Donnell, the tea party favorite who scored a surprise primary victory this year only to lose badly in the November general election, suggested the accusations were being driven by her political opponents on the right and left, including Vice President Joe Biden.

Maybe O'Donnell is simply terminally stupid. How could this be politically motivated? She got her ass handed to her in the midterms. Hence, she is not IN politics???

O'Donnell blames disgruntled former aides for probe - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

Then why did you assholes keep going after Palin?

Why is there a DAILY thread on her?

It's b/c most of you lack character. You won, but you need to rub a persons face in it until they break down.

Hey, Two Dumbs Don't Make You Right..............the posts you quoted HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PALIN. They are all about O'Donnell.

Yeah......I know she's a Palin wannabe clone, but shit man, please try to keep your wingnuts straight.
he watches them 24/7, how do you know? did palin tweet that?

you will find no sympathy for palin here.
there was a news report on it when he moved in
and then you can see it on her TLC show
you really should watch that
you will see she really has no desire for elected office again
i think shes done with that
and the scenery in the show is enough to warrant watching


she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
ah, afraid to learn something
You know.......this is gonna be funny when the bitch gets convicted and fined.

Who's gonna pay her rent then?
there was a news report on it when he moved in
and then you can see it on her TLC show
you really should watch that
you will see she really has no desire for elected office again
i think shes done with that
and the scenery in the show is enough to warrant watching


she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
ah, afraid to learn something

ah, the afraid strategery.

do you think it will work?
there was a news report on it when he moved in
and then you can see it on her TLC show
you really should watch that
you will see she really has no desire for elected office again
i think shes done with that
and the scenery in the show is enough to warrant watching


she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
ah, afraid to learn something

You know, Ice Road Truckers, Flying Alaska, as well as other shows on the History Channel and Discovery Channel can teach me MUCH MORE about Alaska than that drivel that Palin has on TLC.

Palin can't shoot very well, doesn't really appear to be much of an outdoorsperson and can't spell for shit. Repudiate became "refudiate", and then we found out on her show that she was actually trying to spell "redudiate".

No wonder Palin picked O'Donnell as her protege'. She's as stupid as Palin!

she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
ah, afraid to learn something

You know, Ice Road Truckers, Flying Alaska, as well as other shows on the History Channel and Discovery Channel can teach me MUCH MORE about Alaska than that drivel that Palin has on TLC.

Palin can't shoot very well, doesn't really appear to be much of an outdoorsperson and can't spell for shit. Repudiate became "refudiate", and then we found out on her show that she was actually trying to spell "redudiate".

No wonder Palin picked O'Donnell as her protege'. She's as stupid as Palin!
have you watched the show?
simple question, simple answer, yes or no?

she cannot escape the attention and informs everyone via facebook and tweets and her own TV show?


i will never watch it.

if i want to see Alaskan scenery (i know it is spectacular, and it is on my list of to do sights), then i know of better ways to do it.
ah, afraid to learn something

ah, the afraid strategery.

do you think it will work?
well, it sure looks like it
you wont get political stuff from what i have seen
but then i dont hate her, even though i wouldnt vote for her in a primary
ah, afraid to learn something

You know, Ice Road Truckers, Flying Alaska, as well as other shows on the History Channel and Discovery Channel can teach me MUCH MORE about Alaska than that drivel that Palin has on TLC.

Palin can't shoot very well, doesn't really appear to be much of an outdoorsperson and can't spell for shit. Repudiate became "refudiate", and then we found out on her show that she was actually trying to spell "redudiate".

No wonder Palin picked O'Donnell as her protege'. She's as stupid as Palin!
have you watched the show?
simple question, simple answer, yes or no?

Yes. I have. How else do you think I know it took her 4 shots to pull down an animal, that she'd misquoted Mrs. Obama about dessert and that she doesn't really know how to camp all that well, as well as is fucking STUPID for getting that close to a brown bear (which she called a "momma grizzly" when it clearly wasn't).

Her show stinks on ice.

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