O'Donnell Surges In Polls. Sex Scandal Fails. Coons Backs Out Of Last 2 Debates.


May 29, 2010
And also the womens group NOW (National Organization For Women) has come out to defend her because of the Sex Scandal saying O'Donnell had a one night sexless stand with some guy who has all of the sudden backtracked on his story and Gawker paid for it. Now her opponent Coons has decided to back out of the last two debates against her. Now why would he do that? Not one debate but two? Remind me again how many points Christine was down against Mike Castle a few days prior to the primaries? This also reminds me how many points Scott Brown was down against Martha Coakley a few days prior to the Massachusetts Senate elections? Brown was down 15 points in a Boston Globe poll one week before the election and yet, he won by a comfortable margin (I believe 52-48). No reason the same can’t happen in Delaware. Since it's Halloween, it looks like the libs on SNL are going to be working overtime this weekend shifting their scorched earth blitzkrieg to destroy O’Donnell into full gear. Regardless of the outcome, Christine O'Donnell did her job, and she did it well. And she did it it one of the deepest BLUE states in the country.

Poll shows surge for O’Donnell in Delaware – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

(CNN) - A surprising new Senate poll in Delaware shows Republican Christine O'Donnell may be in striking distance of Democrat Chris Coons.

According to the new survey from Monmouth University, the surprise Republican nominee is only 10 points behind Coons, drawing 41 percent of the vote. In a previous Monmouth poll conducted two weeks ago, O'Donnell trailed by 19 points.


In the past two weeks, Republican Christine O'Donnell has narrowed Democrat Chris Coons' lead in Delaware's US Senate Race from 19 points to 10 points. The latest Monmouth University Poll finds Coons has the support of 51% of likely voters to 41% for O'Donnell. Two weeks ago, the race stood at 57% to 38%.

~ snip ~

O'Donnell has also made gains among independent voters, now leading Coons 47% to 42% among this voting bloc. Two weeks ago, she trailed in the independent vote by 51% to 41%.

On The Trail Of "Anonymous," Christine O'Donnell's Sex-Free Pal | The Smoking Gun
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If Delaware is one of the bluest states in the country, then how come Castle was a heavy favorite to win against the Democrat before O'Donnell won? Nice spin USArmyMoron.
Come on, Delaware. Don't give Obama two more years of all the rock stars he can book in the White House while you slip further into poverty.
I keep telling people not to count her out just yet. Does Delaware really want a Marxist Democrat creep? I think this race is a lot closer than many think. This latest pathetic Democrat smear will likely propel her numbers. I guess we'll see though.
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.
So what kind of people want her elected then............Modbert?
I keep telling people not to count her out just yet. Does Delaware really want a Marxist Democrat creep? I think this race is a lot closer than many think. This latest pathetic Democrat smear will likely propel her numbers. I guess we'll see though.

I think you're right.

Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.

What is it about her that's not Conservative?
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.

That's the dumbest thing I have heard today. Truly this will not be surpassed for weeks to come.

Conservatives shouldn't vote for her b/c she's not a true conservative, so we should vote for the far left prog b/c he's a true far left prog.

good lord, maybe you should re-read what you write before posting.
I think the thread disappeared but I knew the sex story was bullshit as soon as I read it and I posted here

"Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me..."
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That's the dumbest thing I have heard today. Truly this will not be surpassed for weeks to come.

Conservatives shouldn't vote for her b/c she's not a true conservative, so we should vote for the far left prog b/c he's a true far left prog.

good lord, maybe you should re-read what you write before posting.

You're assuming you can only vote for two people, that's the lack of logic on your part. Not mine.
At Intrade, the odds of Hottie Christine winning is 5%-10%.
That's the dumbest thing I have heard today. Truly this will not be surpassed for weeks to come.

Conservatives shouldn't vote for her b/c she's not a true conservative, so we should vote for the far left prog b/c he's a true far left prog.

good lord, maybe you should re-read what you write before posting.

You're assuming you can only vote for two people, that's the lack of logic on your part. Not mine.

uh- huh

So you want conservatives to do write ins. It's been decades since a write in won. got another excuse?
If Delaware is one of the bluest states in the country, then how come Castle was a heavy favorite to win against the Democrat before O'Donnell won? Nice spin USArmyMoron.

Because Castle is a huge RINO...

Please educate yourself...
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.

I love silly statements like these...:lol:

Makes me keep coming back to USMB for the laughs...
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.
so now you get to decide whats best for the people of Delaware?
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.

I love when leftists try to tell non-leftists what they should do in order to be good non-leftists.

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