O'Donnell Surges In Polls. Sex Scandal Fails. Coons Backs Out Of Last 2 Debates.

Wouldnt surprise me if she does win.

Tell me, why are President Obama and vice President Biden campaigning in Delaware for Coons, if Coons is assured victory?

If O'Donnell is such a bad opponent, wouldn't it be wiser to put the time and resources behind a candidate who needs it and just let her implode?

My buddy and I were just discussing that at work today...

Interesting, huh?
Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

Voting for somebody because who may or may not win over principle is why we're in this situation in the first place.
uh- huh

So you want conservatives to do write ins. It's been decades since a write in won. got another excuse?

Actually, I'd want people to always seriously look at third party candidates. Especially if they are the superior candidate for that office.

Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

It's this collective thought, and this collective thought ALONE, that hands the bastards our asses on a silver platter every election.

Things will never change as long as you and everyone else keeps thinking like that.

All it takes is waking the fuck up.
This woman strikes me as not the best candidate. The reason she's surging is the left is failing to read what's before their eyes. The voters are tired of smear, especially voting games and paid smears. They went after and paid for a non-story, thinking that would draw the 'crazy right' against her, well they were too cute by half. Now the independents and some left of center women may just put her in office.

Of course she's not the 'best candidate'. We don't have the 'best candidates' running for anything purely because the 'best people' aren't willing to subject themselves, their friends, associates, family, and colleagues to the massive invasions of privacy into all aspects of their lives, smears, lies, half lies, and outright demonization that is part and parcel of the politics of personal destruction these days.

Is Coons the best candidate for the left? Not in my book.

So ultimately it comes down to one thing:

If you want more of Marxist tinged socialism , invasion of privacy, massive deficits, unsustainable national debt, an increasing misery index, and more and more personal options, choices, and freedoms taken away, you vote for Coons.

If you want less of all that, you vote for O'Donnell.
Anyone who wants O'Donnell to be elected is truly not a real Conservative. The usual USMB suspects who are faux-Conservatives are making themselves heard in this thread thus far.

But you are not a faux MODMORN that's for sure.
Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

Voting for somebody because who may or may not win over principle is why we're in this situation in the first place.

The best example of a third party was with Ross Perot. It split the republican vote, and Ross took enough away that Clinton won the race. Prime example of a new third party.
This woman strikes me as not the best candidate. The reason she's surging is the left is failing to read what's before their eyes. The voters are tired of smear, especially voting games and paid smears. They went after and paid for a non-story, thinking that would draw the 'crazy right' against her, well they were too cute by half. Now the independents and some left of center women may just put her in office.

I would need to have a laughectomy on Nov. 3rd if both Angle and O'Donnell won their races...:lol:
i'll be happy if Reid loses, the GOP takes a 1 seat majority in the house, and that asshole Grayson in FL loses
RCP Average 10/11 - 10/27 --
Coons 53.3
O'Donnell 37.5
Coons +15.8

If she can turn that around in six days, she must also be able to walk on water and deserves to win.
Actually, I'd want people to always seriously look at third party candidates. Especially if they are the superior candidate for that office.

Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

It's this collective thought, and this collective thought ALONE, that hands the bastards our asses on a silver platter every election.

Things will never change as long as you and everyone else keeps thinking like that.

All it takes is waking the fuck up.

You see it that way, Paulie...fact is, what is....is. We could get a third party that's conservative and have the liberals run the government for the next 50 years. Look what has happened in just 18 months with a runaway liberal government.
This woman strikes me as not the best candidate. The reason she's surging is the left is failing to read what's before their eyes. The voters are tired of smear, especially voting games and paid smears. They went after and paid for a non-story, thinking that would draw the 'crazy right' against her, well they were too cute by half. Now the independents and some left of center women may just put her in office.

Of course she's not the 'best candidate'. We don't have the 'best candidates' running for anything purely because the 'best people' aren't willing to subject themselves, their friends, associates, family, and colleagues to the massive invasions of privacy into all aspects of their lives, smears, lies, half lies, and outright demonization that is part and parcel of the politics of personal destruction these days.

This isn't true.

Maybe in your state it is, but where I vote, I usually have 1 or 2 great candidates on the ballot during a primary election.

It's not that they don't exist, it's that they don't get enough money to compete.

They need the help of the individuals on the ground canvassing and getting their name out. Some get pretty far with it, and others go completely unnoticed.

It all falls on us to use our brains and give our support to the best candidate available.

Or we can just sit on our asses and wait until everyone else does it for us, and just pick our party during the general. That always works out great.
Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

Voting for somebody because who may or may not win over principle is why we're in this situation in the first place.

The best example of a third party was with Ross Perot. It split the republican vote, and Ross took enough away that Clinton won the race. Prime example of a new third party.

That's what's happening in Fla. That asshole Crist quit the Republican party, took the campaign funds with him. lies like a dog and is killing all chances for Meeks. Senator Rubio is the man with a plan.
The best example of a third party was with Ross Perot. It split the republican vote, and Ross took enough away that Clinton won the race. Prime example of a new third party.

A prime example of people letting their voices be heard. Don't blame Ross Perot for the Republicans lack of a good candidate in Bush Sr. Especially when that point is false.

Ross Perot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A detailed analysis of voting demographics revealed that Perot's support drew heavily from across the political spectrum, with 20% of his votes coming from self-described liberals, 27% from self-described conservatives, and 53% coming from self-described moderates. Economically, however, the majority of Perot voters (57%) were middle class, earning between $15,000 and $49,000 annually, with the bulk of the remainder drawing from the upper middle class (29% earning more than $50,000 annually).[29] Exit polls also showed that Ross Perot drew 38% of his vote from Bush, and 38% of his vote from Clinton, while the rest of his voters would have stayed home had he not been on the ballot.[30]
This woman strikes me as not the best candidate. The reason she's surging is the left is failing to read what's before their eyes. The voters are tired of smear, especially voting games and paid smears. They went after and paid for a non-story, thinking that would draw the 'crazy right' against her, well they were too cute by half. Now the independents and some left of center women may just put her in office.

I would need to have a laughectomy on Nov. 3rd if both Angle and O'Donnell won their races...:lol:
i'll be happy if Reid loses, the GOP takes a 1 seat majority in the house, and that asshole Grayson in FL loses

Gridlock, Baby! Gridlock!
You see it that way, Paulie...fact is, what is....is. We could get a third party that's conservative and have the liberals run the government for the next 50 years. Look what has happened in just 18 months with a runaway liberal government.

This wasn't a Liberal government either, another falsehood.
Not in this day and age. It's still a two party system and if a third party emerges, it's just going to split the vote of one of the two other parties.

It's this collective thought, and this collective thought ALONE, that hands the bastards our asses on a silver platter every election.

Things will never change as long as you and everyone else keeps thinking like that.

All it takes is waking the fuck up.

You see it that way, Paulie...fact is, what is....is. We could get a third party that's conservative and have the liberals run the government for the next 50 years. Look what has happened in just 18 months with a runaway liberal government.
And look at what has happened so far...completely unknown people won major party primaries.

We've gotten to the point where people are DYING for something different.

The more the liberals fuck things up, the more willing people will be to try something new.

Let me ask you this...if the repubs get YET ANOTHER shot at redeeming themselves, and they hoodwink us again like they did during Bush and show their true colors, will you continue giving them your vote next time, or will you try something new?

How long are you willing to play this back and forth game with the dems and repubs while they both rob our children's and grandchildren's piggy banks in perpetuity?
I bet 10K and give 2 to 1 odds she loses.
I bet 50K she never wins any national office ever.
Any takers?

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