Of all the candidates, who would you vote for in the General Election?

I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"
Plenty of people, including Obama. I think it's made her fight more, because I think she honestly believes she's just as smart as anyone in the room.
When in actuality, she's really quite incompetent. I think you are right about being told no makes her fight more, though.

Yes! Hillary Clinton is incompetent! That's awesome. Keep repeating it.
In my perspective, she was incompetent. He first duty as SOS was to purchase new stemware for the State Dept while everyone else was waiting to see what foreign task she was going to take on as a first priority. It was reported more than ponce that foreign leaders refused to meet with her and she literally chased after them to talk. They were not interested in talking with her. Or maybe it was who she represented. The buck stopped with her after the Benghazi fail. Just more security. That is all they asked.
And the email mess. First she chose two unsecured servers and could not identify top secret documents when she saw them! Then she refused to turn over the servers in March when she was subpoenaed and lied about that. Five months later she finally gave one server and said it was "wiped clean." My wasn't that convenient. Her aides may be her downfall yet.

Our country deserves competent leaders with integrity. Hillary is not one of them.
I still say the only Republican who scares me is Kasich. He's by far the most capable of beating the Democrats.
what do you think about Trump? He beats Hillary in many polls. Although it is very early yet.
I love his Democratic positions! And coming from him, conservatives love them, too, which tells me they aren't really against Democratic ideas, just Democrats proposing those ideas.

I also love that he talks about Saudi Arabia, who I believe is a much bigger enemy to the U.S. than Iran.

But his economic plan is ridiculous, and favors him, not the average American.
It's funny how Christie was the Republican darling in 2008 and now he's in the dirt. What a bridge scandal did to him and the email server hasn't affected Hillary nearly as much...including Benghazi! Go figure.
Fat boy committed the unpardonable sin, he hugged Obama. Therefore, to Republicans, he's now the devil.

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Just like Charlie Crist.
Democrat, Republican, Independent or even Biden who is not in the race, who would you vote for if the General Election was tomorrow?

Maybe Trump.
Robert Whitaker-American Freedom Party
Donald Trump-Republican

In that order and its the ONLY 2 I would consider and IF I vote it will be one of those 2.
Right now my order of my preference it would be: Kasich, Christie, Bush, Rubio, Rand Paul, abstain. I didn't vote for the amateur we have in there now and Trump, Carson and Fiorina don't even have Obama's experience. On the other side, I make above minimum wage and so any of the Democrats are out. In a class by himself (in regards to my dislike) I put Lindsey Graham even below the Democrats.

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