Of all the candidates, who would you vote for in the General Election?

I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"
Plenty of people, including Obama. I think it's made her fight more, because I think she honestly believes she's just as smart as anyone in the room.
I can tell you who is unqualified to even be considered for president, based on their lack of intelligence or lack of character:

Huckaminajad - smarts
Cruz - character (maybe also smarts)
Carson - smarts
Graham - character
Jindal - character
You're saying all these candidates lack smarts and/or character? Let's put them in comparison with Hillary...then they appear to have great character and very competent. Just saying...
I don't think Huck is a smart man at all. In fact, I think he's a real dumbass.

Cruz is either too dumb to know that the Constitution prescribes that "9 unelected Justices" get to decide what is Constitutional, or he is of such low character that he is willing to blatantly lie to rubes who don't know the difference.

Carson is clearly an idiot. He may be a brilliant surgeon but that only means he's a brilliant surgeon. It's a learned skill, like being a concert pianist. Would you assume a concert pianist would be an intelligent president? I wouldn't. And just as an example, the other day Carson proved conclusively that he hasn't a clue what the debt ceiling is.

Graham is also of low character. A review of his lies and ever-changing positions while lying about those is enough to determine that. His answer to Wolf Blitzer last week regarding his vote on Superstorm Sandy aid cemented that view of him.

Jindal has the same character deficiencies as Cruz. He's a Rhodes Scholar, just like Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow, so he's obviously intelligent. But he says things that are egregious lies, that he knows are lies. Low character.
What lies have Graham and Jindal said?
I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"
Plenty of people, including Obama. I think it's made her fight more, because I think she honestly believes she's just as smart as anyone in the room.
When in actuality, she's really quite incompetent. I think you are right about being told no makes her fight more, though.
I can tell you who is unqualified to even be considered for president, based on their lack of intelligence or lack of character:

Huckaminajad - smarts
Cruz - character (maybe also smarts)
Carson - smarts
Graham - character
Jindal - character
You're saying all these candidates lack smarts and/or character? Let's put them in comparison with Hillary...then they appear to have great character and very competent. Just saying...
I don't think Huck is a smart man at all. In fact, I think he's a real dumbass.

Cruz is either too dumb to know that the Constitution prescribes that "9 unelected Justices" get to decide what is Constitutional, or he is of such low character that he is willing to blatantly lie to rubes who don't know the difference.

Carson is clearly an idiot. He may be a brilliant surgeon but that only means he's a brilliant surgeon. It's a learned skill, like being a concert pianist. Would you assume a concert pianist would be an intelligent president? I wouldn't. And just as an example, the other day Carson proved conclusively that he hasn't a clue what the debt ceiling is.

Graham is also of low character. A review of his lies and ever-changing positions while lying about those is enough to determine that. His answer to Wolf Blitzer last week regarding his vote on Superstorm Sandy aid cemented that view of him.

Jindal has the same character deficiencies as Cruz. He's a Rhodes Scholar, just like Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow, so he's obviously intelligent. But he says things that are egregious lies, that he knows are lies. Low character.
What lies have Graham and Jindal said?
I'll find you some another time. Too late tonight.
I still say the only Republican who scares me is Kasich. He's by far the most capable of beating the Democrats.
what do you think about Trump? He beats Hillary in many polls. Although it is very early yet.
I can tell you who is unqualified to even be considered for president, based on their lack of intelligence or lack of character:

Huckaminajad - smarts
Cruz - character (maybe also smarts)
Carson - smarts
Graham - character
Jindal - character
You're saying all these candidates lack smarts and/or character? Let's put them in comparison with Hillary...then they appear to have great character and very competent. Just saying...
I don't think Huck is a smart man at all. In fact, I think he's a real dumbass.

Cruz is either too dumb to know that the Constitution prescribes that "9 unelected Justices" get to decide what is Constitutional, or he is of such low character that he is willing to blatantly lie to rubes who don't know the difference.

Carson is clearly an idiot. He may be a brilliant surgeon but that only means he's a brilliant surgeon. It's a learned skill, like being a concert pianist. Would you assume a concert pianist would be an intelligent president? I wouldn't. And just as an example, the other day Carson proved conclusively that he hasn't a clue what the debt ceiling is.

Graham is also of low character. A review of his lies and ever-changing positions while lying about those is enough to determine that. His answer to Wolf Blitzer last week regarding his vote on Superstorm Sandy aid cemented that view of him.

Jindal has the same character deficiencies as Cruz. He's a Rhodes Scholar, just like Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow, so he's obviously intelligent. But he says things that are egregious lies, that he knows are lies. Low character.
What lies have Graham and Jindal said?
I'll find you some another time. Too late tonight.
Have a nice evening!
Too early to say. Who I consider the best options for each party from what I have seen so far, not that I would necessarily vote for them: Republican: Rubio and Kasich. Democratic: Sanders, O'Malley, Biden(if he runs).

If it came down to choosing a "Dynasty", aka Clinton or Bush; I would vote Clinton. Not a big fan but I would vote for almost anyone over the complete disaster that "W" was. His presidency set the country back years and made problems worse than they were to begin with. The Bush family and their cronies should never be anywhere near the presidency ever again.
You've mentioned the Dynasties and the problems with them. I agree that Jeb couldn't be considered due to GW but I feel the same way with the Clinton "trust" issue.

You are the first to say they would vote for Biden if he ran. I wonder if there are others.

I'm sure there are others, look at how he polls. I would vote for Biden. Wish he was in the debate, if he was I bet he would have done well.
He's a fantastic debater. He probably would've won. But he can only be President for 4 years. It would be a bad idea for him to jump in.
Why only 4 years?
Because he was Vice President for 8. The max he can be involved is 12 years.

51 years old and I have never heard that before. Did anyone tell George HW Bush?
I can tell you who is unqualified to even be considered for president, based on their lack of intelligence or lack of character:

Huckaminajad - smarts
Cruz - character (maybe also smarts)
Carson - smarts
Graham - character
Jindal - character
You're saying all these candidates lack smarts and/or character? Let's put them in comparison with Hillary...then they appear to have great character and very competent. Just saying...

Awwwwww.....look at you. You took the pukingly pleasant thread in which you asked everyone such vapid questions in such a sweet manner.....and fucked it up with stupid. Aren't you special!

Tell me, why do you like having breakfast in the morning? Do you prefer cream or milk in your coffee? Do you think it will rain today? Did you know that every gay person is evil and attracted to little children?
I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"

Oh! Another one. Zing! Take every negative aspect about the guy you like.....and attribute it to the person you don't like. It's so easy, a retard can do it!
I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"
Plenty of people, including Obama. I think it's made her fight more, because I think she honestly believes she's just as smart as anyone in the room.
When in actuality, she's really quite incompetent. I think you are right about being told no makes her fight more, though.

Yes! Hillary Clinton is incompetent! That's awesome. Keep repeating it.
It's funny how Christie was the Republican darling in 2008 and now he's in the dirt. What a bridge scandal did to him and the email server hasn't affected Hillary nearly as much...including Benghazi! Go figure.
Fat boy committed the unpardonable sin, he hugged Obama. Therefore, to Republicans, he's now the devil.

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Democrat, Republican, Independent or even Biden who is not in the race, who would you vote for if the General Election was tomorrow?

Maybe Trump.

Trump. Unless he goes full retard he's still better than a bunch of political dicksucks.
I'd vote for Webb, Biden or Sanders. I'll probably sit this one out, go third party or write someone in if none of them get that far.
If you were to write someone in, who do you think you would be thinking about?

Jay Bulworth.

I have no idea. The fact that I'd write in a candidate pretty means that I'm not really taking it seriously, so I think I'd be just as likely to write in a fictional character as an actual person.

Hold on, this is actually an interesting train of thought. If I had to pick a real person that I honestly thought would be a good President, out of anyone in the world...

Give me a second to think about this.

Why not Bernie sanders? He understands the problems the rich have caused our nation...What exactly do you want in a candidate?

Can you tell me ONE Problem the rich have caused our nation?
  • Sixty-seven percent of high-net-worth Americans are self-made millionaires, according to the survey.
  • Only 8 percent inherited their wealth.
  • One third of the millionaires surveyed were women and
  • half of them made their own fortunes.
  • One third of the wealthy respondents were born outside the U.S. or were first-generation U.S. citizens.
  • The wealth is skewed toward older generations, with one quarter of the millionaires under 40 years old, according to the report.
  • The wealthy are also well educated, with 54 percent possessing a college degree.
  • Only 8 percent have just a high school diploma.
The report by the Chicago-based bank was based on a survey of 482 American adults with at least $1 million in investable assets.

Democrat, Republican, Independent or even Biden who is not in the race, who would you vote for if the General Election was tomorrow?

Maybe Trump.

The amount of damage he will do to the country in such a short time will cause all Americans to finally see the truth behind the dnc and destroy it once and for all.
I can tell you who is unqualified to even be considered for president, based on their lack of intelligence or lack of character:

Huckaminajad - smarts
Cruz - character (maybe also smarts)
Carson - smarts
Graham - character
Jindal - character
You're saying all these candidates lack smarts and/or character? Let's put them in comparison with Hillary...then they appear to have great character and very competent. Just saying...

Awwwwww.....look at you. You took the pukingly pleasant thread in which you asked everyone such vapid questions in such a sweet manner.....and fucked it up with stupid. Aren't you special!

Tell me, why do you like having breakfast in the morning? Do you prefer cream or milk in your coffee? Do you think it will rain today? Did you know that every gay person is evil and attracted to little children?
One poster says 5 candidates have no or low character and smarts and I respond with one. Sorry that insulted you so much.
I think Trump is smart enough to get the best advisers but will he take their recommendations seriously if they oppose one of his own policies.
When has anyone ever told him no? That's the downside of a billionaire. They are surrounded by yes-men. And even when someone disagrees with him, once he has laid down his decision no one will further argue for fear of no longer being inside that billionaire circle and all the perks and luxury that come with it.

It leads to someone believing they are always right.

I also think it would be a major lifestyle step down for Trump, and he may not like it at all. And he will be surrounded by Secret Service, basically, for the rest of his life, whether he wants them or not. He will lose a ton of personal freedom.

Frankly, I don't think he has thought about this angle nearly enough.
Could be. But then how many people have tried to tell Hillary "No?"

Oh! Another one. Zing! Take every negative aspect about the guy you like.....and attribute it to the person you don't like. It's so easy, a retard can do it!

I see you are not an advocate of honesty. Why is it everyone on this thread can have an opinion except for me? I have already agree that Trump might not easily take the recommendations of his advisers.

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