Of course Bush's decision to invade Iraq was wrong you clown. Obama knew it before he did it.

Obama knew it was wrong, still did it. He engaged in far more armed conflicts than Bush ever did. He even had to reengage (sort of) the enemy in Iraq.
I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee
Arab states fall under the curse. Thats why they're fighting each other
MrH 11333769
Ask your fellow Democrats who voted for it, Brotch.

Ask them what? Can't you read? I said Democrats were correct in 2002 to vote to force Saddam Hussein to let inspectors in or face war. Iraq did let the inspectors back in - but it was Bush the decider who kicked them out. It was not Democrats that decided to kick the inspectors out and invade Iraq instead. Where is your evidence for that?
Not only are you rancorous, but you are cantankerous.

Read the fine print you idiot. :slap:
How the hell was she fooled, her husband being the former president and herself as former First Lady and all?

If you have to asked how was Senator Clinton fooled by the Bush Administration you are accepting that Bush lied to her when he told her he would let the inspections complete their work before deciding to invade.

A president' word should be good - Bush' word was not. But ultimately HRC was not fooled because her vote to use the threat of force to get inspections underway in Iraq actually worked. It was not Saddam Hussein who kicked inspectors out - it was no one other than GW Bush who decided to do that. Bush was going to invade Iraq anyway - getting inspections resumed was the only possible way at the time to stop it.
MrH 11333879
Read the fine print you idiot.

There is no fine print to read. Why do you make something up, call someone an idiot and then run away from the discussion?

I realize you had it run away, but I'll ask what forced you to run again to be certain that you can't possibly answer my point and question;

"Ask them what? Can't you read? I said Democrats were correct in 2002 to vote to force Saddam Hussein to let inspectors in or face war. Iraq did let the inspectors back in - but it was Bush the decider who kicked them out. It was not Democrats that decided to kick the inspectors out and invade Iraq instead. Where is your evidence for that?"
Why did it take Rand Paul so long to figure it out?

. Overthrowing Saddam Hussein was wrong says U.S. presidential candidate. By Abdelhak Mamoun - Apr 29, 2015

Iraq news the latest Iraq news by Iraqi News

(IraqiNews.com) on Tuesday, US presidential candidate of the Republican Party Rand Paul considered the ouster of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein as a wrong decision, stressing that the divisions between Sunni and Shia turned Iraq into a “vassal state” of Iran.

The British newspaper ‘The Observer’ quoted Paul during an interview in a Hebrew school in the U.S. city of Brooklyn, New York: “The overthrow of Saddam was a wrong decision because he was a bulwark against Iran.”

How far does Senator Paul go in the GOP primary by throwing Lil Dubya under the bus and recognizing Obama's prediction that invading Iraq would be a dumb war and detract the military from the real war on terror in Afghanistan?
I don't recall obuthole being in a position to matter then.
HWGA 11341445
Tell that to the Kurds.

The Kurds were doing quite well prior to the US invasion. Saddam did not mess with them. They ran their own government, economy and military. Once sanctions were lifted following the completion of peaceful UN inspections, the rest of Iraq and the Kurds would have benefitted in many ways. The Kurds surely understand that the US bungled invasion and occupation of Iraq is what created ISIS.

Here is a good summary:

History and origin of ISIS
WMD’s were not the only incriminating object that was unfounded prior to ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’; there were no Al Qaeda or ISIS either. The proto-ISIS group, Jam’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (TJ) led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was born out of the Iraq war, as part of a coalition of Sunni resistance groups fighting the occupying forces. TJ changed its name on multiple occasions during its evolution to becoming ISIS. In late 2004, TJ officially joined Al-Qaeda, after Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and became known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). In 2006, AQI became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), which later became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) when it branched into the Syrian civil war.

TJ made a number of strategic errors which worsened as time progressed, and eventually became the hallmarks of the group we know as ISIS. Firstly, it was the adoption of the un-Islamic methodology of classifying civilians as acceptable targets in war. Secondly, TJ declared war on Iraqi Shias in response to many of their prominent leaders collaborating with US forces in attacking predominantly Sunni villages and towns, under the justification of fighting Al Qaeda. The US’s relationship with Shia leaders, who were now the new stakeholders in post-Saddam Iraq, was arguably the sole factor which led to the “unintended consequences” that facilitated the emergence of ISIS.

TJ’s sectarian war against Iraq’s Shia population discredited the wider resistance against Western forces, and became so destructive that the general Sunni populous faced the brunt of the vengeful blowback that followed from the government of Nouri al-Maliki. The untold horror and misery that Iraqis faced from TJ and state-backed Shia death squads allowed the US to extend their occupation as they now portrayed themselves as the ‘lesser of two evils’, who were safeguarding the country from sectarian strife, and ensuring that Iraq would become a “beacon of democracy”.

By 2006, ISI’s (formerly TJ) relationship with other Sunni resistance groups also fell apart due to their inability to understand the nuances of Islamic laws pertaining to warfare and governance. The group considered themselves as a ‘state’, and the people residing in the areas they controlled as their citizens, who were forced to abide by their rigid interpretation of Shari’ah law. ISI perceived any genuine criticism from Iraqi Sunnis as an act of rebellion and apostasy, which led to the summary execution of numerous Sunni tribal chiefs, and assassinations of fellow resistance leaders.

US policymakers witnessed the besieged Sunnis of Iraq, who were suffocated between the harsh vigilante rule of ISI, the state sanctioned Shia militias, and the occupying military forces, until an opportunity arose.

Read more: ISIS The unintended consequences of the US-led war on Iraq Foreign Policy Journal

There would be no a ISIS in Iraq if Sunnis were in control in a Baghdad. The Kurds have to know that.
HWGA 11341445
Tell that to the Kurds.

The Kurds were doing quite well prior to the US invasion. Saddam did not mess with them. They ran their own government, economy and military. Once sanctions were lifted following the completion of peaceful UN inspections, the rest of Iraq and the Kurds would have benefitted in many ways. The Kurds surely understand that the US bungled invasion and occupation of Iraq is what created ISIS.

Here is a good summary:

History and origin of ISIS
WMD’s were not the only incriminating object that was unfounded prior to ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’; there were no Al Qaeda or ISIS either. The proto-ISIS group, Jam’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (TJ) led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was born out of the Iraq war, as part of a coalition of Sunni resistance groups fighting the occupying forces. TJ changed its name on multiple occasions during its evolution to becoming ISIS. In late 2004, TJ officially joined Al-Qaeda, after Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and became known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). In 2006, AQI became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), which later became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) when it branched into the Syrian civil war.

TJ made a number of strategic errors which worsened as time progressed, and eventually became the hallmarks of the group we know as ISIS. Firstly, it was the adoption of the un-Islamic methodology of classifying civilians as acceptable targets in war. Secondly, TJ declared war on Iraqi Shias in response to many of their prominent leaders collaborating with US forces in attacking predominantly Sunni villages and towns, under the justification of fighting Al Qaeda. The US’s relationship with Shia leaders, who were now the new stakeholders in post-Saddam Iraq, was arguably the sole factor which led to the “unintended consequences” that facilitated the emergence of ISIS.

TJ’s sectarian war against Iraq’s Shia population discredited the wider resistance against Western forces, and became so destructive that the general Sunni populous faced the brunt of the vengeful blowback that followed from the government of Nouri al-Maliki. The untold horror and misery that Iraqis faced from TJ and state-backed Shia death squads allowed the US to extend their occupation as they now portrayed themselves as the ‘lesser of two evils’, who were safeguarding the country from sectarian strife, and ensuring that Iraq would become a “beacon of democracy”.

By 2006, ISI’s (formerly TJ) relationship with other Sunni resistance groups also fell apart due to their inability to understand the nuances of Islamic laws pertaining to warfare and governance. The group considered themselves as a ‘state’, and the people residing in the areas they controlled as their citizens, who were forced to abide by their rigid interpretation of Shari’ah law. ISI perceived any genuine criticism from Iraqi Sunnis as an act of rebellion and apostasy, which led to the summary execution of numerous Sunni tribal chiefs, and assassinations of fellow resistance leaders.

US policymakers witnessed the besieged Sunnis of Iraq, who were suffocated between the harsh vigilante rule of ISI, the state sanctioned Shia militias, and the occupying military forces, until an opportunity arose.

Read more: ISIS The unintended consequences of the US-led war on Iraq Foreign Policy Journal

There would be no a ISIS in Iraq if Sunnis were in control in a Baghdad. The Kurds have to know that.

Yeah...the Kurds actually liked the sarin gas,it cleared their sinuses.
And of course the swamp people were overjoyed when SH drained the swamp so he could more easily kill them. It was getting a little crowded anyway.
HWGA 11348757
Yeah...the Kurds actually liked the sarin gas,it cleared their sinuses

That was what year about three decades ago? And what did the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 do to bring the dead back to life or benefit them. If you could pay attention we are discussing the potential better future for the Kurds had Bush not stupidly decided to kick UN inspectors out and start an invasion instead.
AF 11341243
I don't recall obuthole being in a position to matter then.

I don't recall making the argument that Obama's prediction and commentary that if Bush decided to invade Iraq it would be a dumb war mattered "then". I am arguing that it matters now because it shows the current president is much wiser than the preceding one at resolving the current foreign policy issues. You people carry the dead weight of GW Bush around your neck

And another point would be that if Obama's viewpoint 'mattered then'.. in early March 2003 there would be 4484 American troops not dead and 40,000 not wounded and Al Qaeda in Iraq transformed into ISIS would not exist. Kurds would not be fighting them.
HWGA 11348757
Yeah...the Kurds actually liked the sarin gas,it cleared their sinuses

That was what year about three decades ago? And what did the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 do to bring the dead back to life or benefit them. If you could pay attention we are discussing the potential better future for the Kurds had Bush not stupidly decided to kick UN inspectors out and start an invasion instead.

The guy was a brutal dictator and his sons were worse.
In fact his republican guard is now a big part of ISIS.
But you probably support them as well...at least your consistent.
TD 11332274
I've always wondered what the Middle East would look like today if Saddam had remained in power long enough to pass Iraq on to his lunatic sons.
There would not likely be the Daesh situation in Iraq that exists today and perhaps no Daesh at all. So Bush took out Saddam and 2 lunatic sons and what did we get... 30,000 Daesh lunatics from all around the world and some of them terrorizing Iraq. Saddam in compliance with his WMD disarmament obligations with the UN would not have been a threat to US national security.. And his lunatic sons would not be a threat to the US at all. The invasion of Iraq was dumb. There is no ifs or buts about it.
HWGA 11352570
In fact his republican guard is now a big part of ISIS.

Prior to the US invasion the Republican Guard was a secular minded fighting force that would have kicked the living shit out of any AQ or ISIS type Jihadists that tried to make inroads or gain influence in Iraq. You argument supports mine. Bush and his decision to invade Iraq instead of allowing inspections to continue is what turned some of Iraq's Sunnis and former Baathists into AQ type terrorists. You should condemn Bush for instigating the tragic Daesh history that toppling Saddam Hussein put in motion.

I didn't support Saddam Hussein, never did and never will. I didn't support the Republican Guard, never did and never will. What I like about Obama is that he has ordered the killing of more AQ and Taliban and Daesh terrorists than Bush could have ever dreamed of. Bush let al Douri go. al Douri is dead now..... have you seen the pics.

EXCLUSIVE: Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Saddam Hussein’s VP, has been killed according to Governor of Salah al-Din
By Abdelhak Mamoun -
Apr 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri Saddam Hussein s VP has been killed according to Governor of Salah al-Din - Iraqi News

Al Douri when Bush was in office ... very much alive.

Izzat al-Douri, former Iraqi Vice President

Al Douri when Obama is Commander in Chief:

The body of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri being examined in a mortuary
HWGA 11352570
In fact his republican guard is now a big part of ISIS.

Prior to the US invasion the Republican Guard was a secular minded fighting force that would have kicked the living shit out of any AQ or ISIS type Jihadists that tried to make inroads or gain influence in Iraq. You argument supports mine. Bush and his decision to invade Iraq instead of allowing inspections to continue is what turned some of Iraq's Sunnis and former Baathists into AQ type terrorists. You should condemn Bush for starting putting this tragic Daesh history in motion.

I didn't support Saddam Hussein, never did and never will. I didn't support the Republican Guard, never did and never will. What I like about Obama is that he has ordered the killing of more AQ and Taliban and Daesh terrorists than Bush could have ever dreamed of. Bush let al Douri go. al Douri is dead now..... have you seen the pics.

EXCLUSIVE: Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Saddam Hussein’s VP, has been killed according to Governor of Salah al-Din
By Abdelhak Mamoun -
Apr 17, 2015

EXCLUSIVE Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri Saddam Hussein s VP has been killed according to Governor of Salah al-Din - Iraqi News

Al Douri when Bush was in office ... very much alive.

Izzat al-Douri, former Iraqi Vice President

Al Douri when Obama is Commander in Chief:

The body of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri being examined in a mortuary

So I guess this means you were fooled by these guys...
Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea
So I guess this means you were fooled by these guys...

Can't you read. They voted in 2002 when Saddam did not have or allow any UN inspectors in Iraq. I agree with their vote and I agreed with Bush confronting the fact that Saddam Hussein was in violation of his WMD disarmament agreement with the UN Security Council. But the situation changed after November 2002. Iraq did let the inspectors in and cooperated more fully than they ever did before. Those guys did not order up an invasion after kicking the inspectors out.

And prior to October 2002 when those guys voted.... Bush had already stepped up a war with Iraq by increasing bombing runs as part of the No Fly Zones. Bush was going to go to war with Iraq it appeared until Colin Powell convinced him to that going through the UN was a way to avoid war. That is what the AUMF was about. Getting inspections resumed. It was not an automatic edict for a 250,000 ground invasion and followed up with a messed up occupation.
AF 11341243
I don't recall obuthole being in a position to matter then.

I don't recall making the argument that Obama's prediction and commentary that if Bush decided to invade Iraq it would be a dumb war mattered "then". I am arguing that it matters now because it shows the current president is much wiser than the preceding one at resolving the current foreign policy issues. You people carry the dead weight of GW Bush around your neck

And another point would be that if Obama's viewpoint 'mattered then'.. in early March 2003 there would be 4484 American troops not dead and 40,000 not wounded and Al Qaeda in Iraq transformed into ISIS would not exist. Kurds would not be fighting them.
The current PoTUS is a disgrace. The retarded dimwits that mattered then voted to invade Iraq, so your point is retarded like most libtards are. Bleeding heart commie liberals.
So I guess this means you were fooled by these guys...

Can't you read. They voted in 2002 when Saddam did not have or allow any UN inspectors in Iraq. I agree with their vote and I agreed with Bush confronting the fact that Saddam Hussein was in violation of his WMD disarmament agreement with the UN Security Council. But the situation changed after November 2002. Iraq did let the inspectors in and cooperated more fully than they ever did before. Those guys did not order up an invasion after kicking the inspectors out.

And prior to October 2002 when those guys voted.... Bush had already stepped up a war with Iraq by increasing bombing runs as part of the No Fly Zones. Bush was going to go to war with Iraq it appeared until Colin Powell convinced him to that going through the UN was a way to avoid war. That is what the AUMF was about. Getting inspections resumed. It was not an automatic edict for a 250,000 ground invasion and followed up with a messed up occupation.
Wa wa wa, bleeding heart commie libtard.
But you probably support them as well...at least your consistent.

I am happy about this, how about you?

Senior al Qaeda operative killed by airstrike in Yemen
By Hakim Almasmari, for CNN
Updated 4:11 PM ET, Mon May 7, 2012

Senior al Qaeda operative killed by airstrike in Yemen - CNN.com

Why would you think I support terrorists - I support Bush and Obama killing every last one of them. Trouble is I didn't support Bush diverting away from killing terrorists by the stupidest move ever to send US ground troops and much of our intelligence assets into Iraq where there were no AQ terrorists at the time of the invasion.

Republicans seem to be flabbergasted at the developing story in Iraq where Daesh terrorist scum won't be able to take over Iraq and be able to blame it all on Obama. For the past year I swear Rightwingers have been cheering Daesh terrorist scum on to take over Baghdad and the rest of Iraq for political reasons at home.

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