Of course the right celebrated the shooting within hours

The Dark Parts Of The Internet Are Celebrating The Capital Gazette Slayings

This is how despicable the right has become; either that or simple minded Trump pawns. A cult leader can be quite powerful.

The MAJORITY of the Right do not go to the Dark Parts of The Internet, the MAJORITY of the Right are on the Mainstream Parts of The Internet and I have seen NOBODY celebrating this shooting and nobody cares what some Far Left Unhinged Moron With Trump Derangement Syndrome who writes for The Huffington Post thinks.

What we did though witness last night was MASSIVE amounts of The Unhinged Left taking to Twitter to call for open violence against Trump Supporters and Conservatives in general.
The Dark Parts Of The Internet Are Celebrating The Capital Gazette Slayings

This is how despicable the right has become; either that or simple minded Trump pawns. A cult leader can be quite powerful.

not gonna lie, I got a massive hardon when I heard about journalists being killed

You're a horrible person who should be shamed. . But I kinda sorta agree with you.

Things like this shootup of a press room may give ideas to a certain class of fed up individuals. Start small and work up to bigger targets. Lying journalists who seem bent upon a mounting a coup d'état against our duly elected President Trump need to watch their six. People sense a new civil war is in the making.
The shooter who shot Scalise does represent the left.
If the leftist shooter was successful, it would have upset the balance of the House and Pelosi would be Speaker. To say that prospect didn't occur to the Salivating Left is ludicrous. The tears would last only 5 seconds. The Left plays for keeps.

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