"Of the bad actors in the Obama gang, John Brennan probably has the most to answer for."

Yet we continue to omit where the rendition and torture program began....
That wouldn't be too surprising.
Slick Willy was deep in the shit with Poppy and the whole
Nicaragua drugs for guns operation, the sanctions on Iraq that killed
half a million people after Poppy had taken out the infrastructure.... Americans tend to feel it all
changed after 9/11, which is partly true but the stage had already been set. Nobody knew Saddam and Osama
were actually CIA assets gone rogue.
Yet we continue to omit where the rendition and torture program began....
That wouldn't be too surprising.
Slick Willy was deep in the shit with Poppy and the whole
Nicaragua drugs for guns operation, the sanctions on Iraq that killed
half a million people after Poppy had taken out the infrastructure.... Americans tend to feel it all
changed after 9/11, which is partly true but the stage had already been set. Nobody knew Saddam and Osama
were actually CIA assets gone rogue.

You're right. Lest we forget Bin Laden's first attack on the World trade Center in 1993, the simultaneous attacks on two American Embassies in Africa, Khobar Towers and the attack on the USS Cole.... Clinton swept these Al Qaeda attacks


You're right. Lest we forget Bin Laden's first attack on the World trade Center in 1993, the simultaneous attacks on two American Embassies in Africa, Khobar Towers and the attack on the USS Cole.... Clinton swept these Al Qaeda attacks


As bad as Clinton was , he was just the scapegoat for foreign policies, as were Bush and Obama most likely.
You're right. Lest we forget Bin Laden's first attack on the World trade Center in 1993, the simultaneous attacks on two American Embassies in Africa, Khobar Towers and the attack on the USS Cole.... Clinton swept these Al Qaeda attacks


As bad as Clinton was , he was just the scapegoat for foreign policies, as were Bush and Obama most likely.
WHOSE foreign policies....?

WHOSE foreign policies....?

The Heritage Foundation, the Counsel on Foreign Relations the defense contractors, the Pentagon, The CIA, the NSA, the folks at PNAC , and their neocon players - Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and CIA director Bush to name a few...
WHOSE foreign policies....?

The Heritage Foundation, the Counsel on Foreign Relations the defense contractors, the Pentagon, The CIA, the NSA, the folks at PNAC , and their neocon players - Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and CIA director Bush to name a few...

Sorry....IMO if 'you' are the President its YOUR foreign policy.
WHOSE foreign policies....?

The Heritage Foundation, the Counsel on Foreign Relations the defense contractors, the Pentagon, The CIA, the NSA, the folks at PNAC , and their neocon players - Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and CIA director Bush to name a few...

Sorry....IMO if 'you' are the President its YOUR foreign policy.

Personally, I believe that every president since Johnson has been vetted and
on arrival at the White House taken to a room and shown a tape of the JFK murder nobody else has seen
and signs an NDA. Then he's told who will be Sec of Treasury, Sec of State, etc....in the case of Clinton, Bush Jr and Obama, I believe they were all 3 being blackmailed for various things...
I'm slightly paraphrasing in the title but that was more or less part of her
answer to a reporter's question earlier today.
@ 15:30

That lying bitch has no credibility - already. That didn't take long at all. Basiscally, she lost all credibility when she started off promising the press corps that she wouldn't lie to them, and then proceeded to lie to them.
Yet we continue to omit where the rendition and torture program began....
That wouldn't be too surprising.
Slick Willy was deep in the shit with Poppy and the whole
Nicaragua drugs for guns operation, the sanctions on Iraq that killed
half a million people after Poppy had taken out the infrastructure.... Americans tend to feel it all
changed after 9/11, which is partly true but the stage had already been set. Nobody knew Saddam and Osama
were actually CIA assets gone rogue.

Why do you continue to use fake news websites as sources: "Tin foil hat quackery" is no recommendation at all.

Overall, we rate Rense an extreme right-wing Conspiracy and quackery level Pseudoscience website based on frequently publishing unsubstantiated claims. We also rate them Very Low for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks, the use of very poor sources, and 3rd party labeling as a hate group.
When can we expect the indictments? Anyone want to go on record with a prediction?

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