Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

Of the current Democratic Candidates, who would make the best President?

  • Biden

  • Sanders

  • Harris

  • O'Rourke

  • Buttigieg

  • Warren

  • Booker

  • Klobuchar

  • Yang

  • Castro

  • Hickenlooper

  • Ryan

  • Gillibrand

  • Gabbard

  • Delaney

  • Inslee

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Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

Its not that hard guys. IF you don't like any of the candidates you pick whatever is the least worst option for you. I'm sure everyone here is smart enough and mature enough to do that.
Everyone of them is a lackey for Poll approval.
Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

I would say Joe Biden. He has by far the most experience. 36 years as a Senator from Delaware. 8 years as Vice President. He also tends to be one of the more moderate Democratic candidates when it comes to several policies. He is also more knowledgeable when it comes to foreign police and defense policy than any of the other candidates.

Sad for the Democratic party, you pick someone that isn't a candidate.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce his presidential bid on Thursday morning with an online video, two sources close to Biden with direct knowledge of the planning confirmed to NBC News.

Biden will then appear in Pittsburgh on Monday for an event at a local union hall, NBC News has learned. Biden will then embark on a tour of the four early voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — in the following weeks.

The former vice president finds himself atop many early primary polls. The RealClearPolitics polling average has him at just above 29 percent, with Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders in second place at about 22 percent.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

And, is it Thursday?
Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

I would say Joe Biden. He has by far the most experience. 36 years as a Senator from Delaware. 8 years as Vice President. He also tends to be one of the more moderate Democratic candidates when it comes to several policies. He is also more knowledgeable when it comes to foreign police and defense policy than any of the other candidates.

Sad for the Democratic party, you pick someone that isn't a candidate.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce his presidential bid on Thursday morning with an online video, two sources close to Biden with direct knowledge of the planning confirmed to NBC News.

Biden will then appear in Pittsburgh on Monday for an event at a local union hall, NBC News has learned. Biden will then embark on a tour of the four early voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — in the following weeks.

The former vice president finds himself atop many early primary polls. The RealClearPolitics polling average has him at just above 29 percent, with Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders in second place at about 22 percent.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

And, is it Thursday?

Video to announce run on Thursday morning.
There is no one on that list that stands up for The Constitution, The Rule of Law, Putting American Citizens First, Fixing a Serious Immigration Crisis, and putting American Jobs first over Globalist and Socialist Tyrannical Aspirations.


If they all boarded a plane together and it went down in flames, America would not miss a single one of these people, and America would actually be better off without them.
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Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

Its not that hard guys. IF you don't like any of the candidates you pick whatever is the least worst option for you. I'm sure everyone here is smart enough and mature enough to do that.

I like Mike Avenatti, he really embodies the sleaziness of the Democrat Party and no other candidate out there
Everyone of them is a lackey for Poll approval.

Biden can't win and everybody, including the DNC, knows it.

Sanders is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The DNC knows that, too.

The others? The clueless misfits running on the dimocrap ticket right now? Losers. Every last one of them.

dimocrap scum will try hard to pick someone we've never heard of or, at the very least, know very little about.

The only time dimocrap scum can win a Presidential Election (when they're not the incumbent) is with an unknown -- The Peanut, The Rapist and The Lying Cocksucker.

Every time they run a well-known dim, they get their asses handed to them.

They have to run somebody we don't know very well so they can lie about who he/she/it is.

Fauxcahontas? We know that scabby, crusty scrunt all too well. Buttplug? No chance. Beto is yesterday's breakfast. Kamal Toe? She'd carry Kalifornication and that's really about it.

Gillibrand? Heard about the Sex Cult scandal? Didn't think so. They're gonna try to bury that one but it won't work. She's done.

Who will it be? No clue. None. But it won't be one of the current frontrunners, IMHO

dimocrap scum will try to bring in someone we don't much about. The less we know about whoever they bring in, the better they'll like.

That way, they build him/her/it up into whatever they want to make him/her/it into.

Because if one of the current clowns wins the nomination, they can NOT win.

And they know it.

They can't win anyway so they should just go home and hide under the couch for the next 5 years.

Try to rebuild their party into something other then Scumbags R Us

but they won't

because that's what they are
Of the current Democratic candidates, who would make the best President?

I would say Joe Biden. He has by far the most experience. 36 years as a Senator from Delaware. 8 years as Vice President. He also tends to be one of the more moderate Democratic candidates when it comes to several policies. He is also more knowledgeable when it comes to foreign police and defense policy than any of the other candidates.

Sad for the Democratic party, you pick someone that isn't a candidate.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce his presidential bid on Thursday morning with an online video, two sources close to Biden with direct knowledge of the planning confirmed to NBC News.

Biden will then appear in Pittsburgh on Monday for an event at a local union hall, NBC News has learned. Biden will then embark on a tour of the four early voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — in the following weeks.

The former vice president finds himself atop many early primary polls. The RealClearPolitics polling average has him at just above 29 percent, with Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders in second place at about 22 percent.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

And, is it Thursday?

Video to announce run on Thursday morning.

Yup, still not Thursday, it's Tuesday...I know, they both start with T and can be confusing.
There is no one on that list that stands up for The Constitution, The Rule of Law, Putting American Citizens, Fixing a Serious Immigration Crisis, and putting American Jobs first over Globalist and Socialist Tyrannical Aspirations.


If they all boarded a plane together and it went down in flames, America would not miss a single one of these people, and America would actually be better off without them.

So you can't tell us whether you would prefer Biden or Sanders if the two were head to head? The fact that you would never vote for any of them is besides the point. Seems a bit odd that you can't take a list of candidates and rate them.
I would say Joe Biden. He has by far the most experience. 36 years as a Senator from Delaware. 8 years as Vice President. He also tends to be one of the more moderate Democratic candidates when it comes to several policies. He is also more knowledgeable when it comes to foreign police and defense policy than any of the other candidates.

Sad for the Democratic party, you pick someone that isn't a candidate.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

Former Vice President Joe Biden will announce his presidential bid on Thursday morning with an online video, two sources close to Biden with direct knowledge of the planning confirmed to NBC News.

Biden will then appear in Pittsburgh on Monday for an event at a local union hall, NBC News has learned. Biden will then embark on a tour of the four early voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada — in the following weeks.

The former vice president finds himself atop many early primary polls. The RealClearPolitics polling average has him at just above 29 percent, with Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders in second place at about 22 percent.

Biden set to announce presidential run in Thursday video

And, is it Thursday?

Video to announce run on Thursday morning.

Yup, still not Thursday, it's Tuesday...I know, they both start with T and can be confusing.

I don't see anything in the article that says Tuesday. But at least you understand that Biden is a candidate now.
They're all clowns.

So, of the "Clowns", who would make the best President?
Not the Orange one.

We already tried that flavor.

We tried the brown one too. Dems need a transgender, half black, half white, half gay, part goat, 1/3 lesbian, shemale and they'll be good .

Can you at least rate who you would think is best out of the list for this poll, or is that too difficult for you to do?
They're all clowns.

So, of the "Clowns", who would make the best President?
Not the Orange one.

We already tried that flavor.

We tried the brown one too. Dems need a transgender, half black, half white, half gay, part goat, 1/3 lesbian, shemale and they'll be good .

Can you at least rate who you would think is best out of the list for this poll, or is that too difficult for you to do?

The difficult part is caring. Granted, those of us who don't, shouldn't be posting in your thread (sorry).

I've actually been keeping an ear out for ANY Democrat candidate I could vote for. I sure don't want Trump to win again. There are a few on your list I haven't heard of, and I intend to check them out. But I'm not hopeful. The entire zeitgeist of the party seems be, at worst, converting us socialism, or at best, preserving corporatism. I can't support either "ambition".

I'd like to see a Democrat that actually has some respect for individual rights. I don't think that's too much to ask.

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