Of those who boycotted the NFL, more did so to support Trump than to support Colon Krappernick


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Poll: 33% of NFL fans 'purposely stopped watching' this season

Throughout this 2017 NFL season, television ratings have declined and fans, TV pundits, and reporters have speculated as to the biggest cause. On social media, many people railed that players protesting during the national anthem led outraged Americans to boycott.

A new survey from SurveyMonkey and Ozy Media, shared first with Yahoo Finance, finds that 33% of NFL fans boycotted the league this year—but not entirely because they were outraged by the player protests. Nearly equal proportions boycotted in support of Colin Kaepernick or the protests as boycotted in support of President Trump, who vocally opposed the protests.

The survey, conducted from Dec. 8—11 of 2017, polled a national sample of 1,726 adults ages 18 and up. It found that 1,233 of those people identifed as football fans.

The survey then asked the football fans: “Did you purposely stop watching or attending NFL games this season for any reason?” 33% of respondents said yes.

 Note: Respondents were allowed to select multiple answers; they were not asked which was the biggest factor, just which factors contributed. " data-reactid="19">That group, which the survey labeled as “boycotting,” was asked why, and was given multiple options. Note: Respondents were allowed to select multiple answers; they were not asked which was the biggest factor, just which factors contributed.

They answered as follows: 32% said they stopped watching or attending NFL games “in support of Donald Trump”; 22% said “in solidarity with players kneeling”; 13% said “no interest in the teams playing”; 12% said “in support of Colin Kaepernick”; and 11% said “news about traumatic brain injuries among players.” Another 8% said “games are boring.” 46% chose “some other reason.”...

I hear they're going to start having team circle jerks after the anthem in support of the gays and what they do. The last fan in the stands is catcher.
I boycotted it because I don't like football, unless the Packers or Cowboys are playing.

My wife who's a die-hard Packers fan quit watching all NFL football because she supports Trump too.

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