So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.
Ignorance is Bliss huh?
Why would I watch a hoax conducted by Idiots & Traitors who know less about the law, and this situation than I do?
Yes, willfully blind monkeys. Don't watch the hearings. Just listen to your propagandists and parrot what you are told to parrot. For God's sake don't watch the hearings and think for yourselves!
So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.

It will be a Press circus and Dems will be even more dishonest and arrogant than when they attacked Kavanaugh.
And like The Kavanaugh Assaults, The American People will end up distrusting and despising The DemNazi party more than when they first planned this treachery.
Yes, willfully blind monkeys. Don't watch the hearings. Just listen to your propagandists and parrot what you are told to parrot. For God's sake don't watch the hearings and think for yourselves!
I can read the Transcript. It's in ENGRISH, something you struggle with, so I can understand why you never read it.
Should be less than interesting and I'm wondering what Trump and his attorneys will make of it all especially when they get to speak with all the so called witnesses.

Another steaming pile of horse shit brought to you by the Dems who are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

This is what Trump was doing on the phone call, reliant on people talking(?), (e.g., underneath the mattress in the Lincoln Bedroom): clear error of judgment; an action not based upon consideration of relevant factors and so is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law or if it was taken without observance of procedure required by law.

The link is supportive of what the Vice President was lawfully doing in the several visits, and hours of phone calls, in Ukraine. There is something clear to reference.
FACT SHEET: U.S. Support for Ukraine

Then the validation of the successful prodding leading to the ouster of the corrupt prosecutor--Then other alleged corruption sought cover by retaining the offspring of a prominent U. S. Official. That tends to be supportive of the foreign policy success--making Ukraine credible.

The Republicans jumped in with the Treaty Basis. The observance of procedure required in the Law didn't happen. The relevant basis of the prosecutor ouster was created by nations worldwide--not with basis in voices in the bedroom.

The Biden family activities are light-years different from the Trump activity of the Banzai Surprise Attack on US National Security in the phone call transcript..T

The Banzai Surprise Attack on US National Security in the Trump phone call transcript is light years distant from the Biden family activities,

Anyone is likely to start making the comparisons, even as soon as tomorrow!

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(It is, after all, just arithmetic: The International Usury Economics computing not provided much remedy since the invention of farming, maybe 5000 years ago. The Republicans created the per child tax credit in equal amounts--a remedy in Matthew 20:1-16--as a deliberate offset to the regressive payroll tax, the usury computed raise in Matthew 25:14-30. The Ford Administration remedy was follow in the Reagan Administration when the Democrats came on board with equal amount raised, and even indexed: Personal Exemptions and Standard Deduction in the 1986 Tax Reform. Obama created the Refundable Equal Amount Make Work Pay Tax Credit in 2009--taken away by the Republicans, ASAP, after the first mid-terms. What is "Left" is from 1986. Not just one, but two entire Bush Administrations were oblivious to it all(?) See Sentence One!)
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Should be less than interesting and I'm wondering what Trump and his attorneys will make of it all especially when they get to speak with all the so called witnesses.

Another steaming pile of horse shit brought to you by the Dems who are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

My opinion, since The Democrats are refusing to allow The Republicans any Witnesses of their own, that this is going to be extremely boring. There won't be any back and forth. There won't be any counter narrative, or a lot of cross examining of the Witnesses. All the KEY people are not allowed to testify or are being kept secret from The American People.
Should be less than interesting and I'm wondering what Trump and his attorneys will make of it all especially when they get to speak with all the so called witnesses.

Another steaming pile of horse shit brought to you by the Dems who are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

My opinion, since The Democrats are refusing to allow The Republicans any Witnesses of their own, that this is going to be extremely boring. There won't be any back and forth. There won't be any counter narrative, or a lot of cross examining of the Witnesses. All the KEY people are not allowed to testify or are being kept secret from The American People.

Sounds like a whole lot of nothin to me.
Oh, it's legit alright and has been corroborated by testimony from at least six witnesses whether you choose to believe it or not, dope.

None of them contradicted the transcript, moron.

While I techically agree, only because the memo clearly shows the ask made by Trump and is what started the whole thing. The better way to phrase it is they corroborated the claims of the WB.

Try reading the transcripts of their testimonies and stop being a dope.
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
Oh hell, I’m watching it for sure! The democrat clowns on live TV making themselves look even worse? Not missing that.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.

Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them.
Damn, you get dumber by the post.
The president has no such duty, dope. The president cannot prosecute anyone.
There was nothing arbitrary or capricious about it. Biden is a corrupt politicians who took bribes from a foreign government.
Prove it. What did Biden get our of it.
He got an $83,000/month job for his son.
So you say, but cannot prove. Not to mention, but I will anyway.... Hunter got that job years before Shokin was fired, so that also had nothing to do with it.

So what? The crackhead got the job as a favor to Biden, who was Barry's "point man" for Ukraine.

When Shokin started investigating billions of previously released US aid to Ukraine, connected to the bank owned by the same guy who owns Burisma, the ground started shaking and Biden intervened. First they asked to end the investigation, but when Shokin refused, Biden did what every corrupted leftist does, he accused prosecutor of being corrupted and demanded his firing. That simple.
Giving Hunter Biden that job because his father was VP is not a crime. That wasn't a crime by Hunter. That wasn't a crime by Joe. That wasn't a crime by Burisma Holdings.

And there was active investigation when Shokin was sacked, so no crime by Biden, threatening to hold up the funds, which was actually Biden doing that under Obama's authorization.

Correct, getting job in Ukraine, regardless of father being VP, or being crackhead, is not a crime. Ukrainian company can give job to whoever they wanted. No law broken... in Ukraine.

When did Hunter got the job? Just two weeks after Joe visited in Kiev for high-level meetings with Ukrainian officials. He spearheaded the effort to invest $1 billion from the U.S. and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into Ukraine. They got $3 billion over three years.

What you're ignoring is that there was another investigation into US aid money that disappeared in Ukraine. Under Biden's leadership, $3 billion in aid went to Ukraine, and Burisma Holding and PrivatBank were implicated in the disappearance of $1.8 billion of that money. The same month that British froze Burisma accounts in UK, they appoint Hunter to board of directors, and PrivatBank owner, who was on visa ban list, suddenly got US visa. The investigation continued until Joe demanded firing of Shokin.

Using political influence for financial gain to his family is against the US law. Using office of VP to prevent investigation into company that hired Hunter, to prevent the investigation in his involvement in Ukrainian corruption, that is against the law.

If you still don't understand how they played their game, I suggest you go back to your crayons and coloring book, that would be suited better to your level.
The mainstream USA financial press reporting offers no such timeline, Americano posted. The events timeline is in Forbes. The investigations of the Biden family activities in Ukraine closed without findings of wrongdoing.

Here’s What Happened With The Bidens And Ukraine

"Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But the investigation had been inactive for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster."

So whereas Americano poster appears to support the extortion of the people of the Ukraine by Donald Trump, the possible--even likely--attempted extortion by the former prosecutor is not a subject raised. That investigation had likely not been lucrative for the Shokin individual personally(?). It went inactive for a year or more.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Robbing from federal deficit--to fund the already prosperous--became the law in the Reagan Administration!)
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None of them contradicted the transcript, moron.

While I techically agree, only because the memo clearly shows the ask made by Trump and is what started the whole thing. The better way to phrase it is they corroborated the claims of the WB.

Try reading the transcripts of their testimonies and stop being a dope.
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
Still purely opinion......
The mainstream USA financial press reporting offers no such timeline, Americano posted. The events timeline is in Forbes. The investigations of the Biden family activities in Ukraine closed without findings of wrongdoing.

Here’s What Happened With The Bidens And Ukraine

"Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But the investigation had been inactive for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Robbing from federal deficit--to fund the already prosperous--became the law in the Reagan Administration!)
So basically this destroys the claims against Trump.
If Biden did nothing wrong neither did Trump.
None of them contradicted the transcript, moron.

While I techically agree, only because the memo clearly shows the ask made by Trump and is what started the whole thing. The better way to phrase it is they corroborated the claims of the WB.

Try reading the transcripts of their testimonies and stop being a dope.
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
You obviously have not read them.

Try this one, dope and report back.

READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist

In other words "orange man bad."

No. Not in any way, dope.
More like first hand corroboration of the WB's complaint.
How could they possibly corroborate lies?
Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.
Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
Investigating Biden is providing a service for Trump. Services have value. Trump can't break one law to enforce another.

Lock him up!
Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them. Apparently you believe Trump isn't allowed to prosecute any Democrats.

Don't lie. We all know that's what douchebags like you believe.

Wrong, moron. It's enforcing the law. See, when people break the laws of this country, as Biden did by taking bribes, then it's the official duty of the President to prosecute them.
Damn, you get dumber by the post.
The president has no such duty, dope. The president cannot prosecute anyone.
The DOJ prosecutes scum like Biden, moron, and Trump is their boss.

You have to be brain damaged not to understand such simple concepts.
Since the Vice President, Biden--acted in the context of known policy, with concurrence of allies--then the contrast is with the Banzai Surprise Attack on the United States, (of an alliance partner needing aid)--not a comparison of similar events and circumstances. Mostly, maybe a former New York City Mayor was able to detect something no else could detect. Mostly everyone else seems to think that Mayor Rudy--is not in fact too up on things. The phone call event will likely be regarded arbitrary and capricious in any charging documents. There is zero timeline of events on which to rely in the matter of what Trump wanted done.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Outcome of usury economics, shown in Matt 25:14-30--mostly has itself escaped he attention of the planet, even in the recent foreclosure crisis(?)!)
Prove it. What did Biden get our of it.
He got an $83,000/month job for his son.
So you say, but cannot prove. Not to mention, but I will anyway.... Hunter got that job years before Shokin was fired, so that also had nothing to do with it.

So what? The crackhead got the job as a favor to Biden, who was Barry's "point man" for Ukraine.

When Shokin started investigating billions of previously released US aid to Ukraine, connected to the bank owned by the same guy who owns Burisma, the ground started shaking and Biden intervened. First they asked to end the investigation, but when Shokin refused, Biden did what every corrupted leftist does, he accused prosecutor of being corrupted and demanded his firing. That simple.
Giving Hunter Biden that job because his father was VP is not a crime. That wasn't a crime by Hunter. That wasn't a crime by Joe. That wasn't a crime by Burisma Holdings.

And there was active investigation when Shokin was sacked, so no crime by Biden, threatening to hold up the funds, which was actually Biden doing that under Obama's authorization.

Correct, getting job in Ukraine, regardless of father being VP, or being crackhead, is not a crime. Ukrainian company can give job to whoever they wanted. No law broken... in Ukraine.

When did Hunter got the job? Just two weeks after Joe visited in Kiev for high-level meetings with Ukrainian officials. He spearheaded the effort to invest $1 billion from the U.S. and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) into Ukraine. They got $3 billion over three years.

What you're ignoring is that there was another investigation into US aid money that disappeared in Ukraine. Under Biden's leadership, $3 billion in aid went to Ukraine, and Burisma Holding and PrivatBank were implicated in the disappearance of $1.8 billion of that money. The same month that British froze Burisma accounts in UK, they appoint Hunter to board of directors, and PrivatBank owner, who was on visa ban list, suddenly got US visa. The investigation continued until Joe demanded firing of Shokin.

Using political influence for financial gain to his family is against the US law. Using office of VP to prevent investigation into company that hired Hunter, to prevent the investigation in his involvement in Ukrainian corruption, that is against the law.

If you still don't understand how they played their game, I suggest you go back to your crayons and coloring book, that would be suited better to your level.
The disappearance of that money had nothing to do with Burisma Holdings.

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