At some point either a Republican or the US AG has to declare that 4 years of this non-stop undermining, lying, false accusations, attacks, foreign collusion, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason.
Cry to Republicans who started the two year Mueller investigation.

Does soros give you a treat when you lie like that?

Serious question fawn, have you had your IQ tested? Can I take a guess? 35, right? Am I right? Come on, it's 35, isn't it?
I've been explaining it to you for a week, and you still don't get it.
Spits the forum's lying fucking moron who admits he doesn't understand the meaning of, "in accordance with the provisions of this treaty."

What don't I understand, shit for brains?
Already stated. There really is no need for the forum's lying fucking moron to reiterate that.
In other words, you are afraid to say because then everyone will know what a moron you are.

Everyone already knows what a moron fawn is.

I would BET he has the lowest IQ of anyone on USMB - INCLUDING Pogo.

My IQ is no less 60 points higher than yours, Fruitcake.
At some point either a Republican or the US AG has to declare that 4 years of this non-stop undermining, lying, false accusations, attacks, foreign collusion, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason.
Cry to Republicans who started the two year Mueller investigation.

Does soros give you a treat when you lie like that?

Serious question fawn, have you had your IQ tested? Can I take a guess? 35, right? Am I right? Come on, it's 35, isn't it?
Yes, I took a test. I went head-to-head with martybegan with an online test. He topped off at 111-121; while I measured at 131 or higher. The top range of IQ's being measured at around 230.
At some point either a Republican or the US AG has to declare that 4 years of this non-stop undermining, lying, false accusations, attacks, foreign collusion, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason.
Cry to Republicans who started the two year Mueller investigation.

Does soros give you a treat when you lie like that?

Serious question fawn, have you had your IQ tested? Can I take a guess? 35, right? Am I right? Come on, it's 35, isn't it?
Yes, I took a test. I went head-to-head with martybegan with an online test. He topped off at 111-121; while I measured at 131 or higher. The top range of IQ's being measured at around 230.

You measured at 31?
At some point either a Republican or the US AG has to declare that 4 years of this non-stop undermining, lying, false accusations, attacks, foreign collusion, Conspiracy, Sedition, and Treason.
Cry to Republicans who started the two year Mueller investigation.

Does soros give you a treat when you lie like that?

Serious question fawn, have you had your IQ tested? Can I take a guess? 35, right? Am I right? Come on, it's 35, isn't it?
Yes, I took a test. I went head-to-head with martybegan with an online test. He topped off at 111-121; while I measured at 131 or higher. The top range of IQ's being measured at around 230.

You measured at 31?

That you see that reveals just how low your IQ is.

So now a formal investigation, announced: Does get underway!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!:
(Some will say that something similar actually did not happen as consequence of the phone call: With basis in a seriously weakened President, known even in North Korea.)
Please quote the line where it says Giuliani can't do his own investigating.
Who said Giuliani can't? Although Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, can't solicit a foreign national to contribute to his client's campaign.
When did Giuliani do that? Snowflakes believe everything the president does is an illegal campaign contribution.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.

How? Biden wasn't running against Trump in 2018. He didn't even announce he was running for President until April 25th, 2019. So your point is moot.

So no matter how you word it, Biden running for president now does not put a cloak of invulnerability around him for behavior he engaged in while Vice President.
The Obama Administration is mostly on-record supporting non-lethal support for Ukraine. The loan guarantees that appear in reporting about Biden were a part of the policy.The policy was in writing, and is in the link below. Down toward the bottom is the US Policy agenda regarding corruption in Ukraine.

FACT SHEET: U.S. Support for Ukraine

The Vice-President had a policy mandate, widely public, to work with. Ukraine Law Enforcement mainly did the famous corruption of the Donald Trump people at the time--notably the Manafort creature now a convict--a pont-man for the Trump organization.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23:19-23 a policy agenda--probably of Pharoah--in writing is alleged to be deity directed economic agenda for all the people's of the world. In the matter of the tiny Sinai tribes, the profit, in that case would accrue to Israel, not the Royal Family of Egypt. Both groups could pillage, enslave, and subjugate all peoples. Black and White clergy alike: Like to follow it along!)
So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.
Last edited:
Who said Giuliani can't? Although Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, can't solicit a foreign national to contribute to his client's campaign.
When did Giuliani do that? Snowflakes believe everything the president does is an illegal campaign contribution.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.

How? Biden wasn't running against Trump in 2018. He didn't even announce he was running for President until April 25th, 2019. So your point is moot.

So no matter how you word it, Biden running for president now does not put a cloak of invulnerability around him for behavior he engaged in while Vice President.
Biden announces in April, Trump solicits campaign help to defeat him in July. Yeah, I see your point.
When did Giuliani do that? Snowflakes believe everything the president does is an illegal campaign contribution.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.

How? Biden wasn't running against Trump in 2018. He didn't even announce he was running for President until April 25th, 2019. So your point is moot.

So no matter how you word it, Biden running for president now does not put a cloak of invulnerability around him for behavior he engaged in while Vice President.
Biden announces in April, Trump solicits campaign help to defeat him in July. Yeah, I see your point.
If Biden announced it, then it must be a fact. Is that your theory?
ROFL! To what end? You can't be serious. They will destroy him when they interrogate him, and thereby show what a bunch of frauds and con artists the Dims are,

Destroy him?
Again. Why? To what end? How does that help Trump or otherwise erase the corroborating testimony of more than a half a dozen others, dope?

You obviously haven't thought this through.
"To what end?" A moron who is supporting a coup against Trump is asking why would Republicans want to destroy the so-called whistleblower?

Are you actually trying to convince us that this charade is legitimate? There is no "corroborating testimony, moron, and none of that reveals that the so-called whistleblower conspired with Schiff for Brains to invent this entire smear. I know you assholes don't want the public to know the facts leading up to this circus. The will be electoral armageddon for Dims.

Believe me when I tell you that the last thing Dims want is Republicans interrogating this guy on national TV for a week or two.
ROFL! To what end? You can't be serious. They will destroy him when they interrogate him, and thereby show what a bunch of frauds and con artists the Dims are,

Destroy him?
Again. Why? To what end? How does that help Trump or otherwise erase the corroborating testimony of more than a half a dozen others, dope?

You obviously haven't thought this through.
"To what end?" A moron who is supporting a coup against Trump is asking why would Republicans want to destroy the so-called whistleblower?

Are you actually trying to convince us that this charade is legitimate? There is no "corroborating testimony, moron, and none of that reveals that the so-called whistleblower conspired with Schiff for Brains to invent this entire smear. I know you assholes don't want the public to know the facts leading up to this circus. The will be electoral armageddon for Dims.

Believe me when I tell you that the last thing Dims want is Republicans interrogating this guy on national TV for a week or two.
Are you actually trying to convince us that this charade is legitimate? There is no "corroborating testimony, moron, and none of that reveals that the so-called whistleblower conspired with Schiff for Brains to invent this entire smear.

Oh, it's legit alright and has been corroborated by testimony from at least six witnesses whether you choose to believe it or not, dope.

None of them contradicted the transcript, moron.

While I techically agree, only because the memo clearly shows the ask made by Trump and is what started the whole thing. The better way to phrase it is they corroborated the claims of the WB.

Try reading the transcripts of their testimonies and stop being a dope.
They didn't corroborate jack shit. We have the transcript, so there's nothing to corroborate. All they did is say "Orange man bad."
What don't I understand, shit for brains?
Already stated. There really is no need for the forum's lying fucking moron to reiterate that.
In other words, you are afraid to say because then everyone will know what a moron you are.
Stop lying, ya lying fucking moron.

I already stated what you don't understand in post 140

Stating again what you failed to understand before is futile.
Please spare me. I'm not searching back through 20 pages of your mindless gibberish.

Like it matters to anyone that you still don't understand what YOU posted.

I obviously understand what the treat says. I had to explain it before you switched tracts and started agreeing with me.
Please quote the line where it says Giuliani can't do his own investigating.
Who said Giuliani can't? Although Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, can't solicit a foreign national to contribute to his client's campaign.
When did Giuliani do that? Snowflakes believe everything the president does is an illegal campaign contribution.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.
Wrong, asshole. Investigating corrupt politicians is not a campaign contribution, any more than investigating a corrupt banker is a campaign contribution.
You gutless Dem clowns do something about it DO IT impeach Trump. :auiqs.jpg:

Figures you nut jobs would call fof his impeachment before the hearings are over. Of course, that reveals how nervous you are about what's coming out that you want him impeached before it does.


Nut jobs? Than what do you call those on the left that are calling for impeachment for three years now?
The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those offices: In the Treaty. So from the New York Times, about the phone--Barbarous Anti-American sentiment is apparently what the White House has documented.

"A Justice Department official said that Mr. Barr had no knowledge of the call until the director of national intelligence and the intelligence community’s inspector general sent the department the whistle-blower’s criminal referral late last month, and that Mr. Trump has not spoken with the attorney general “about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son.”

Political interference is not considered cause, stated in the Treaty provisions.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Red-Hatter waving takes on a new appearance. "Banzai! Surprise!" Attack on the USA apparently is supported--or on Ukraine, or Crimea!)
Investigate why Biden used military aid
to have the AG of a foreign country dismissed
So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.

It will be a Press circus and Dems will be even more dishonest and arrogant than when they attacked Kavanaugh.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

Being a political rival does not mean Trump cannot investigate his behavior WHEN HE WAS VICE PRESIDENT.
No matter how you want to word it -- it's illegal to solicit a foreign national to help with a campaign. Having a foreign national investigate a Trump political rival is helping Trump's campaign.

How? Biden wasn't running against Trump in 2018. He didn't even announce he was running for President until April 25th, 2019. So your point is moot.

So no matter how you word it, Biden running for president now does not put a cloak of invulnerability around him for behavior he engaged in while Vice President.
Biden announces in April, Trump solicits campaign help to defeat him in July. Yeah, I see your point.
If Biden announced it, then it must be a fact. Is that your theory?
Oh, lying fucking moron? Now you're denying Biden declared in April he was running for president??

Joe Biden Announces 2020 Run for President, After Months of Hesitation

^^^ 4.25.2019

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Already stated. There really is no need for the forum's lying fucking moron to reiterate that.
In other words, you are afraid to say because then everyone will know what a moron you are.
Stop lying, ya lying fucking moron.

I already stated what you don't understand in post 140

Stating again what you failed to understand before is futile.
Please spare me. I'm not searching back through 20 pages of your mindless gibberish.

Like it matters to anyone that you still don't understand what YOU posted.

I obviously understand what the treat says. I had to explain it before you switched tracts and started agreeing with me.

Lying fucking moron, if you actually understood it, you'd understand why it doesn't apply to Trump calling Zelensky to ask for help with investigating a political rival of his.
About the Treaty: Signed at Kiev in 1999, referred to the Senate, approved October, 2000.

What matters is that by-passing the law--The Attorney General is authorized in the proceedings, and in writing it must be: By-Passing the law Is beyond High Crimes and just possibly an Act of War. If other means are used, than those in writing, then Attorney General has to put the details in writing within 10 days!

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Red-Hatters Not the Law, but a group of goons in all the advertising, even!
Please quote the line where it says Giuliani can't do his own investigating.
Who said Giuliani can't? Although Giuliani, the president's personal attorney, can't solicit a foreign national to contribute to his client's campaign.
When did Giuliani do that? Snowflakes believe everything the president does is an illegal campaign contribution.
He solicited a foreign national to investigate one of Trump's political rivals...

Former Ukraine prosecutor says he saw no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden

KYIV, Ukraine —

Ukraine’s former top law enforcement official says he repeatedly rebuffed demands by President Trump’s personal lawyer to investigate Joe Biden and his son, insisting he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that he could pursue.

In an interview, Yuri Lutsenko said while he was Ukraine’s prosecutor general he told Rudolph W. Giuliani that he would be happy to cooperate if the FBI or other U.S. authorities began their own investigation of the former vice president and his son Hunter but insisted they had not broken any Ukrainian laws to his knowledge. Lutsenko, who was fired as prosecutor general last month, said he had urged Giuliani to launch a U.S. inquiry and go to court if he had any evidence but not to use Ukraine to conduct a political vendetta that could affect the U.S. election.

“I said, ‘Let’s put this through prosecutors, not through presidents,’ ” Lutsenko told The Times.

“I told him I could not start an investigation just for the interests of an American official,” he said.

You keep repeating over and over that Ukraine has no evidence of Biden breaking the law.

Ukrainian law.

We're not talking about Ukrainian law here, don't we?

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