actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.
One more hero bashed

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Trump threatens smear campaign against Alexander Vindman, the Purple Heart recipient who said the White House left out some phrases from its Ukraine call memo
President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence that Vindman is a "Never Trumper," referring to a GOP movement against Trump.

If it walks like a duck....
Not close Bashing heroes seems to be a new mode of republican attacks Maybe not so new but renewing it

Past performance doesn't make one sacrosanct or immune from counter punches.

You scumbag leftists can't stand it that we have a President who when hit, hits back.
And now that my fellow Republicans are seeing how well it works they are doing the same.

I can't wait for it to get real.
Our government is set up for the administrative, judicial and legislative branches have equal power and all can have the same power to to back their punches. Trump is breaking the rules and purpose of our Constitution to give the President excessive power.
There are very stupid people like you that cannot think for yourself and let Trump define your world. You appear to be a loser who is looking to revenge those who make you feel like a loser. That is why you have an image of a gun in your bio and you like hard punches Trump lands in support of losers like you.

Trump hasn't broken any rules.
He sets policy.
State, intelligence, military all work for him.
They follow his policy, resign, or get fired.
It is tough to reason with stupid. Read our Constitution.
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
Yep, that Russia helped the trump campaign, that his campaign had 140 meetings with Russians and he obstructed justice.
There were no 140 meetings, you fucking moron.

actually it was more than that you little asswipe.

Dispatch, Explainers, Reports April 30, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

now go ahead & lie that there's a paywall on this site too.
The election was three years ago. Get over it!

get a new excuse as to why donny will be held accountable.
Try that without the modal verb.
Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.
What a stupid demand. So, the trump cult talkong point is that people aren't guilty, unless they confess or explicitly state their crime, as they commit it. Got it. Boy, you guys sure are embarrassing yoirselves.

You're right, that is stupid. What we should depend on is not facts, but what Democrats "think" Trump did. Is that what you are saying?
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.
Please tell me something that Obama achieved.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

So did he smear all of them when he fired them?
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.

Don't try to backpedal. You said that Trump had no reason for firing her. She did nothing wrong. Yet when Ears did that only tenfold, you have no problem with that. Such hypocrites you leftists are.
Yep, that Russia helped the trump campaign, that his campaign had 140 meetings with Russians and he obstructed justice.
There were no 140 meetings, you fucking moron.

actually it was more than that you little asswipe.

Dispatch, Explainers, Reports April 30, 2019
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 272 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

A total of 272 contacts between Trump’s team and Russia-linked operatives have been identified, including at least 38 meetings. And we know that at least 33 high-ranking campaign officials and Trump advisers were aware of contacts with Russia-linked operatives during the campaign and transition, including Trump himself. None of these contacts were ever reported to the proper authorities. Instead, the Trump team tried to cover up every single one of them.
Trump’s Russia Cover-Up By the Numbers – 251 contacts with Russia-linked operatives

now go ahead & lie that there's a paywall on this site too.
The election was three years ago. Get over it!

get a new excuse as to why donny will be held accountable.
Try that without the modal verb.


That's not what the transcript says.
Of course it is....

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.
Trump continues...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You're a liar, Zelensky spoke at length between the two requests, so did Trump.

Ain't no lie. It's not my problem you lack the intelligence to understand the meaning of, "the other thing..."

Are you still here short bus? Trump didn't "continue" as your LIE indicated, Zelensky spoke next. Perhaps your special ed teacher can explain what "continued/continues" means.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

So did he smear all of them when he fired them?

Is this about getting rid of her or smearing her? Hussein had no ability to smear anybody because he didn't even get a chance to meet them. He probably didn't know who any of them were.
Then please point out where or when Trump said he's holding up the money for political reasons. It's all we are asking.
What a stupid demand. So, the trump cult talkong point is that people aren't guilty, unless they confess or explicitly state their crime, as they commit it. Got it. Boy, you guys sure are embarrassing yoirselves.

You're right, that is stupid. What we should depend on is not facts, but what Democrats "think" Trump did. Is that what you are saying?

Except Democrats are dealing with facts. You are the ones talking about what you think.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

So did he smear all of them when he fired them?

Is this about getting rid of her or smearing her? Hussein had no ability to smear anybody because he didn't even get a chance to meet them. He probably didn't know who any of them were.

You read the question I asked david duke.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.

Don't try to backpedal. You said that Trump had no reason for firing her. She did nothing wrong. Yet when Ears did that only tenfold, you have no problem with that. Such hypocrites you leftists are.

who's backpeddling? an ambassador - ANY ambassador 'serves at the pleasure of the prez' - any ambassador can be dismissed for any reason at all. there's no argument - never said there was. that is the way it is. SHE even said that. what she couldn't understand is why THEY SMEARED HER.

obama dismissed whoever he wanted - because that is the way it is constitutionally written. but you are failing to answer how many did OBAMA SMEAR. i'll answer that for you ray ray, - zilch. zero. none. so you see, ray ray - you just shot yerself in the foot for shooting off yer mouth.
The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.

Lying about whether or not Biden is a political rival of Trump's reveals your desperation.

It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.
Please tell me something that Obama achieved.

Did Obama make you move to Prague? If so, that was his best accomplishment.
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.

Don't try to backpedal. You said that Trump had no reason for firing her. She did nothing wrong. Yet when Ears did that only tenfold, you have no problem with that. Such hypocrites you leftists are.

who's backpeddling? an ambassador - ANY ambassador 'serves at the pleasure of the prez' - any ambassador can be dismissed for any reason at all. there's no argument - never said there was. that is the way it is. SHE even said that. what she couldn't understand is why THEY SMEARED HER.

obama dismissed whoever he wanted - because that is the way it is constitutionally written. but you are failing to answer how many did OBAMA SMEAR. i'll answer that for you ray ray, - zilch. zero. none. so you see, ray ray - you just shot yerself in the foot for shooting off yer mouth.

I swear, only a leftist could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him.

I just quoted what you said, and that was Trump had no business getting rid of her, and now that you've been proven wrong, you now say you have no problem with it. Which is it? Are you lying now, or did you lie the previous post???
actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

please provide all the names of ambassadors that obama has smeared. thank you in advance for you cooperation, raymond.

Don't try to backpedal. You said that Trump had no reason for firing her. She did nothing wrong. Yet when Ears did that only tenfold, you have no problem with that. Such hypocrites you leftists are.

who's backpeddling? an ambassador - ANY ambassador 'serves at the pleasure of the prez' - any ambassador can be dismissed for any reason at all. there's no argument - never said there was. that is the way it is. SHE even said that. what she couldn't understand is why THEY SMEARED HER.

obama dismissed whoever he wanted - because that is the way it is constitutionally written. but you are failing to answer how many did OBAMA SMEAR. i'll answer that for you ray ray, - zilch. zero. none. so you see, ray ray - you just shot yerself in the foot for shooting off yer mouth.

I swear, only a leftist could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him.

I just quoted what you said, and that was Trump had no business getting rid of her, and now that you've been proven wrong, you now say you have no problem with it. Which is it? Are you lying now, or did you lie the previous post???

nooooooooooo, dummy - i said that he gave no reason. no explanation. not that he couldn't or that it wasn't justified. it's justified for whatever reason - but for fuck's sake - tell HER what it was, cause i think she or anybody else in her position should know why.
  • Thanks
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The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1). What did Trump personally gain? Spell it out. Did he get a whistle in his Fruit Loops?
2). Suspending social security causes deaths. Limited food stamps causes deaths. Healthcare to a cost causes deaths. All of the bills sitting in congress languishing while they fuck around yet again with this dog and pony show is causing deaths!
3). Yeah, right. Mueller investigated Biden. That was part of the russian investigation into Trump? You're a fucking idiot.
4). Biden stands about as much chance being the DNC nominee as my grandmother sprouting wheels and being a go cart. But I hope he does end up your candidate. You deserve him. Obumma 2.0 - 5.
Dumbfuck, Biden could still be in the hunt for the 2020 presidential election even if he loses the Democratic nomination. :cuckoo:

Oh short bus, his competition is growing, not shrinking. But hey, his war chest is shrinking and he's laying off staff, not indications of a viable campaign. The two time loser has a lower chance of being nominated than beta boy.


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