actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

Is that what you think? Did you always think that, or did you have a change of heart simply because it's Trump?

The incoming Obama administration has notified all politically-appointed ambassadors that they must vacate their posts as of Jan. 20, the day President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office, a State Department official said.

The clean slate will open up prime opportunities for the president-elect to reward political supporters with posts in London, Paris, Tokyo and the like. The notice to diplomatic posts was issued this week.

So did he smear all of them when he fired them?
No smear, just the ordinary ambassador switch around and the crybaby woman advanced her smear narrative which is as always-emotive and fake

His tweet yesterday shows that wasn't the case.
There was no "Ukrainian One" sale.

And not an ounce of U.S. mined uranium left U.S. territory.

But your other bullshit still gives everyone a good indication as to the benighted state you are in.
^This is why Hillary lost.

Actually, yes. Too few who know whereof they speak, and way, way too many know-nothing goofs, such as you, who have yet to see a competent woman without erupting in scathing resentment.

So, for the first time ever I saw you getting anywhere near the truth. Accident, I suppose?

Trump hasn't broken any rules.
He sets policy.
State, intelligence, military all work for him.
They follow his policy, resign, or get fired.
It is tough to reason with stupid. Read our Constitution.

I've read it many, many times.. Which part do you want me to reread?
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
It is tough to reason with stupid. Read our Constitution.

I've read it many, many times.. Which part do you want me to reread?
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.
Mods, move to the conspiracy section please.
Back in the day when I was new here, threads like this would within an hour or two find it's way into the conspiracy theory section Mods must be sleeping
Attempted bribery as a possible reason for impeachment is a conspiracy theory? You have to be kidding. It is a key argument of the impeachment inquiry and a specific reason for impeachment as stated in the Constitution. That is a "conspiracy"? You are beyond stupid. If you make an argument for not impeaching at least use cohesive thoughts.
I've read it many, many times.. Which part do you want me to reread?
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

Well, like I said, that's not going to happen.
What's plan B? ROFLMAO
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

Well, like I said, that's not going to happen.
What's plan B? ROFLMAO
A majority of people did not think he would get elected.Never say never.
And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

Well, like I said, that's not going to happen.
What's plan B? ROFLMAO
A majority of people did not think he would get elected.Never say never.

The odds are now there will never be a vote in the House.

Do you really want the idiots in your party to send a wholly partisan impeachment to the Senate?
It will be tossed.
I've read it many, many times.. Which part do you want me to reread?
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

You have been trying to impeach him before he was even sworn in, just admit it already
The main reasons for this try at impeachment is, if anyone ever deserved it Trump does ,,and while pigs will fly when it gets past the ah's in the senate ,America will know what scum trump and his senate is AND don't be surprised if you lose the senate too
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

You have been trying to impeach him before he was even sworn in, just admit it already
That is true, but it still doesn't excuse a criminal act or abuse of power.

The right has hit HRC with about 100 fake scandals and every single one had no merit including the fake email investigation that the independent IG and Trump's own DOJ exonerated HRC.
Talk about a political coup, democrats keep moving the freaking goalposts and changing rules but they are still losing.. I forget, what did we get for the biggest bribe in freaking history when Obama sent plane after plane loads of a billion U.S. taxpayer cash and euros to Iran? Did democrats get free cocaine when Hussein sent 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels? What bribes?
The main reasons for this try at impeachment is, if anyone ever deserved it Trump does ,,and while pigs will fly when it gets past the ah's in the senate ,America will know what scum trump and his senate is AND don't be surprised if you lose the senate too

What's plan B?

Need a rope?
The main reasons for this try at impeachment is, if anyone ever deserved it Trump does ,,and while pigs will fly when it gets past the ah's in the senate ,America will know what scum trump and his senate is AND don't be surprised if you lose the senate too

What's plan B?

Need a rope?
Let America digest this crap trump has been trying to pull Then vote the scum out
And everyone knows that's not going to happen.
The lunatic dems can't even find an impeachable offense.
Are they going to go back to the focus groups again?

Changing foreign policy is the President's prerogative.
Recalling and appointing ambassadors is withing the power of the President.
Making sure corrupt foreign countries are not misusing the aid we give them is the job of the President, no one else's.
Differences of opinion are not impeachable offenses.

You cannot be this stupid. The President has the power to appoint ambassadors and set foreign policy within the limits of the Constitution but motivation that is not in the best interest of the US is an abuse of power, an impeachable offence.
Bribery is specifically mentioned in the impeachment clause. Trump has shown he was bribing the Ukranians for a personal need not a need of the US.

You don't think uncovering a corrupt family, with it's crooked, POS, patriarch attempting to become leader of the US is good for our country?
Yes I do, that is why Trump should be impeached.

You have been trying to impeach him before he was even sworn in, just admit it already
That is true, but it still doesn't excuse a criminal act or abuse of power.

The right has hit HRC with about 100 fake scandals and every single one had no merit including the fake email investigation that the independent IG and Trump's own DOJ exonerated HRC.

Wait it doesn't seem odd to you that so many people died connected to Hillary?

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