The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

WB complaint finally gets to Congress (because the ICIG forced it over the blocking of Barr and Trump) on Sept 9. Two days later the aid is released

Trump isn't going to be impeached.
Wanna bet?

You lose and we never have to read your stupid posts again. I lose and I never post again.

You're foolish to make a bet with rightards... they never pay up when they lose.
I sure hope so.

Why wouldn't they?

First witness: Adam Schiff
Second witness: Joe Biden
Third witness: Hunter Biden
View attachment 290211
So you agree with me then that the Senate will hold a trial, right?


I'm hoping with you. I hope you're right.

Well I asked you why they wouldn't but you don't seem to have an answer.


You just want plausible deniability... but it's not possible let alone plausible.

Bribery is impeachable.

You just admitted Trump did it.

No, I said bribery is an impeachable offense. Trump didn't bribe anybody.

He basically told the President of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden or lose their military aid.

Nooooooo that's not bribery. Of course not. Can't be.

He did? Can you point which page and paragraph in the transcript where he said that? Thank you.
In the transcript: "I would like you to do us a favor though".

Witness testimony points to bribery.
John Bolton called it a "drug deal".
William B Taylor Jr. says that aid was withheld until Zelensky announced new investigation of Bidens. Sondland also said that such a deal being arranged.
None of them are actual witnesses to anything.
Sondland isnt a first hand witness.
he is a zero hand witness, aka, participant.
Vindman was on the call.
Mulvaney and Rick Perry need to be allowed to testify.

David Holmes summary:

  • Not only did he hear Sondland talking to the President about investigations, and Sondland made clear to him afterwards he had just talked to the President.

  • Sondland made clear that Trump didn't "give a shit about Ukraine" except for "big stuff" like "Biden investigations".

  • Holmes immediately debriefed superiors at the embassy, so there are more witnesses.

  • Holmes initially thought his testimony was pointless, because witnesses like Taylor and Yovanovitch are so consistent and unimpeachable. It was only when Republicans started the laughable "hearsay" defense that he realized his direct witness to the Trump phone call was significant.

  • Holmes has new details about Lutsenko's conspiracy with Giuliani and Parnas/Fruman to oust Yovanovich, which SDNY has explicitly indicated is a core subject of their investigation and existing indictments.

  • Not mentioned in this article, but Holmes was present as the embassy meeting at which they received the shocking news that OMB had placed a hold on aid in the days leading up to the Zelensky call, and were informed that "the order had come from the President".
DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.
Trump continues...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You're a liar, Zelensky spoke at length between the two requests, so did Trump.

Ain't no lie. It's not my problem you lack the intelligence to understand the meaning of, "the other thing..."

Are you still here short bus? Trump didn't "continue" as your LIE indicated, Zelensky spoke next. Perhaps your special ed teacher can explain what "continued/continues" means.

Wut? Zelensky spoke??? I guess that means Trump didn't also ask Zelensky to look into "the other thing" after asking him to look into the DNC server.

Are you ever not a retard??

Poor short bus, are you going to have to wait till Monday to ask your special ed teacher what "Trump Continues" means? You quoted Trump and then in your own lying words said "Trump continues", which he didn't. You got caught in your commie lie, just man up and admit it, short bus.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Considering that the withholding of the Javelins would predictably result in (additional) Ukrainian wounded and dead, you might even call it "exaction".

There is another aspect that I find is widely overlooked. Nothing yells "anti-corruption crusade" like removing a widely admired anti-corruption crusader from her office. Oh, wait, there is one better than that:

Nothing yells "anti-corruption crusade" as loudly as urging your counterpart to bring the power of the state to bear on a political opponent in an obviously politically motivated "investigation". That's going to teach them Ukrainians a lesson, doesn't it?

That's the U.S. of A. under Trump in a nutshell, teaching the world a lesson in corruption. Devastating though this is, the number of folks who would go along with all that is worse, still.

It is behavior that cannot be defended. To allow this type of bastardization of our foreign policy, to allow the executive to attack the loyal opposition in this manner, is an attack on the Republic.

Damn, there's not suppose to be opposition within the administration, loyal or otherwise. These fuckers are hired to carry out the policy of their elected boss, not try implement their own policy.

"Their own policy" is the policy of the United States as it had been for the past several years, supporting Ukraine's efforts to clean out the corrupt oligarchs subverting attempts at a fair and democratic government. It was also the policy of the United States to support Ukraine militarily in its fight against Russian aggression.
If the "boss" didn't like this policy, for whatever reason, he had every right to stand up and tell the State Department why and what he wanted done instead. But Trump didn't do that, did he? He got his private attorney and a bunch of thug friends to do it "under the table" and for the most part the current officials around the President closed their eyes to it and let it happen. I'm grateful to the whistleblower and to the people who have testified to what happened. Not because I couldn't cope with not having "my guy" elected, but because Trump is a crook.
Trump didn't give two hoots about cleaning up corruption in the Ukraine. What he did care about was getting dirt on the Biden for next year's election. Thus began the plan to get the new president of the Ukraine to announce an investigation of Burisma. If only the Ukraine would announce an investigation, Trump and his allies could easily spin a story of Hunter Biden using his fathers influence for gain. The announcement needed to come from the Ukraine president and should not appear to be due to pressure from the US.

The Ukraine president was encourage to work thru Juliana, since Trump had fired the Ukraine ambassador just days before. This would give Trump inside information into the upcoming investigation without going through the state dept.

So Trump does what he always does. He uses a big stick, withholding US military aid, and a carrot, a visit to the white house to get what he wants. It probably would have worked if it wasn't for the whistleblower.
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According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
i already said that doesn't matter at this point - but i hope you aren't betting on a rock solid united front from all the (R)s, are you?

At this point, yep, with some defections from the Ds. Right now I don't even see this crap making it to the senate. Like I said before, this is nothing but a commie campaign trick, pulling anything they can to try to effect public opinion.



it will go to trial. being removed is a whole other animal - but he'll get a trial.

Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles, Says Senate Will ‘Have to Have a Trial’
By Mairead McArdle
November 13, 2019 4:10 PM
Trump Impeachment -- Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles | National Review

is devon nunes' cow on that there farm?



At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.


At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.

There seems to be quite a lot you don't see.
The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN

I'm not trying to go over your head. That's just how you might feel. I'm assuming that you are capable at reading comprehensively at my level of composition. It's not a great thing to understand the words of another when simply given and that's what I do...

I'm enjoying the impeachment show and watching what's going on behind it.


You're a fucking idiot, there was nothing partisan about Barrs speech. He cited the law, Constitution and the founder throughout it. You might want to go back and actually watch the speech, you might learn something. If maobama had given the same speech you be clapping and saying what a fucking genius he was. So would the piece of shit huffy post.

According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Dumbfuck, the public hearings began just 3 days ago and there have been only two pollsters out with approval ratings since then. Rasmussen, which has Trump increasing to 50%; And Reuters, which has him at 40%, same as the last time they released a poll.

So yeah, as I said, you're basing your observations on one poll historically favorable to Trump. That's not as revealing as you fool yourself into believing.

As far as comparing Gallup's poll numbers on Obama with all polls on Trump, that's very dishonest of you. A valid comparison would be all polls for both or just Gallup for both. The reason you don't want to compare both is because:

Approval / disapproval
Obama ... 43% / 48%
Trump .... 41% / 57%
In fact, RCP lists six polls since the Pelosi announced the official opening of her impeachment show and the RCP link I gave you shows the average of all the major polls of President Trump's job approval ratings has been steadily climbing despite all the posturing of the Democrats in Congress. Obama is of no importance but his poll numbers at this point in his in his first term compared to President Trump's shows that voters are not being influenced the hearings.

You're a fucking idiot, there was nothing partisan about Barrs speech. He cited the law, Constitution and the founder throughout it. You might want to go back and actually watch the speech, you might learn something. If maobama had given the same speech you be clapping and saying what a fucking genius he was. So would the piece of shit huffy post.



He's using that speech as a touchstone. He's watching how others respond to it.
It is this simple, if Trump was concerned about the Bidens, he uses US government agencies to investigate. If he was so concerned with corruption in Ukraine he works with his state department to get it done. His first call as read by Nunes did not mention corruption. He released money to the Ukraine in prior years. The time has come for Trump and he will face the full measure of his corruption.
The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama

You Trump people are extremely stupid. OK, Trumps approval rating is one point higher than Obamas. And you think this insures his reelection. In your simple mind it means he's done better than Obama. And that's as simple as it is for you.

The problem with you being simple minded is Trump has a 44 percent approval rating with low unemployment and a strong economy. He's 1 point ahead of a man that had 9-10 percent unemployment and a severe recession.

Trump is in trouble and this impeachment inquiry is not helping him.
My point, which apparently went right over you head, is that the Democrats' impeachment farce is having now effect on the public's approval of President Trump. The only people paying attention to these gossipy hearings are rabid Democrats like yourself and their supporters in left leaning media outlets. The polls show voters are paying no attention. Obama is irrelevant. I only pointed his ratings to put President Trump's current rise in the polls in perspective and to demonstrate how futile the impeachment show is.
You are incapable of going over my head if you are repeating Trumps talking points. There is no increasing approval of Trump and 55 percent of the people support this inquiry. More than 13 million people watched day 1.

Here's how many people watched the first day of public impeachment hearings - CNN
The average of the major polls clearly show the President's job approval ratings have been steadily climbing despite the hearings.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Dumbfuck, the public hearings began just 3 days ago and there have been only two pollsters out with approval ratings since then. Rasmussen, which has Trump increasing to 50%; And Reuters, which has him at 40%, same as the last time they released a poll.

So yeah, as I said, you're basing your observations on one poll historically favorable to Trump. That's not as revealing as you fool yourself into believing.

As far as comparing Gallup's poll numbers on Obama with all polls on Trump, that's very dishonest of you. A valid comparison would be all polls for both or just Gallup for both. The reason you don't want to compare both is because:

Approval / disapproval
Obama ... 43% / 48%
Trump .... 41% / 57%
In fact, RCP lists six polls since the Pelosi announced the official opening of her impeachment show and the RCP link I gave you shows the average of all the major polls of President Trump's job approval ratings has been steadily climbing despite all the posturing of the Democrats in Congress. Obama is of no importance but his poll numbers at this point in his in his first term compared to President Trump's shows that voters are not being influenced the hearings.

Try talking after all the witnesses have testified.
You don't need a defense when there is no crime. The hearings are a sham and the Democrats look like TDS obsessed idiots.

They look like obsessed idiots to be sure. But it's worse than a bunch of fuzzy nuggets acting the fool, imo. These people are corrupt to the nth degree and some of the top fungus brained twats should lose their job. Minimum.
The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline

WB complaint finally gets to Congress (because the ICIG forced it over the blocking of Barr and Trump) on Sept 9. Two days later the aid is released

Trump isn't going to be impeached.
Wanna bet?

You lose and we never have to read your stupid posts again. I lose and I never post again.

You're foolish to make a bet with rightards... they never pay up when they lose.

Funny, I challenged every libtard on the board that Mueller would come up with zilch and would not impeach. The bet was to self-ban depending on if President Trump was impeached or not.

Not one lib took up the bet.

Are YOU willing to put your money where your mouth is?
“Republicans spent much of the week complaining about how the people testifying in the impeachment hearings weren’t firsthand witnesses. Well, here was an actual transcript furnished by the White House and a firsthand witness to what Sondland was saying about Trump’s interest in Ukraine. Both suggest Trump wasn’t all that keen on Ukrainian good governance.” ibid


Trump was only keen to ‘get dirt’ on Biden, at the expense of Ukrainian good governance.

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