There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

They were ALMOST ready to make the purchase, they have since done so. So what's your point?

July 18
The OMB annouced a freeze on the military aid

July 25
Trump asks Zelensky for the favor of an investigation into Biden

Aug 12
Whisleblower address his complain to congress of the July 25 phone call

Aug 28
Politico publishes details of freeze and the president request for an investigation

Sept 9
The House investigation begins

Sept 11
Military Aid released.

The point is Military Aid was only released after, the whistle was blown, the news media picked up the story and the House began it's investigation. The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.

Timeline: The curious release of military aid to Ukraine

And, they could have held it another 18 days and it wouldn't have made any difference. And how do you bribe someone whey they have no idea they have anything to lose? Zelensky wasn't aware of the hold till Aug 29.

Whether or not the military aid would have made any difference is not the point. Trump using US military aid as an induce to investigate his political adversary is. That is a blatant misuse of executive power.
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But you're cool with Biden putting the screws to Ukraine forcing them to fire the prosecutor that was going to fry his son, right? No whistleblower needed, Biden not only admits it, he brags about it.
Notice that you even admit that Biden's son WASN'T under investigation.

Your claim (and that of the corrupt prosecutor that Biden helped get rid of) was that he was "going to" investigate Biden or Burisma...or something.

Again...Biden's actions regarding Shokin (the corrupt prosecutor) were supported by virtually the entire international community. The IMF, the EU, the World Bank, The Ukrainian Parliament, the G7, and a bunch of GOP Senators...notably Ron Johnson among them
In other words the elite globalists wanted to keep the status quo of corruption going.
Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
Asking is not bribing. Bribing is when you have negative information about somebody, and threaten to expose them if they don't do your bidding. No evidence Trump ever did that.

Terrible comparison. A better one would be taking money out of the bank. If you withdraw cash from your savings account, and your neighbor sees you have a lot of cash, which you tell him you got from the bank, and he assumes you robbed the bank, that's not grounds to arrest anybody if he calls the cops.

Trump openly stated he had several good reasons for the withholding of money, including one of his campaign promises which was pressure the rest of the UN members to pony up a bit. The Democrats, the liars they are, ASSUMED it had to do with Slow Joe's candidacy, and they probably didn't even do that. Since they are looking for ways to try and get rid of Trump, they are using that as a cheap excuse. Like I said, you can't impeach somebody based on mind reading, because nobody can read minds on this planet.

The better question is can you read? Instead of just Googling links, try opening up the story for yourself.

And that's not an impeachable offense either.

Bribery is impeachable.

You just admitted Trump did it.

No, I said bribery is an impeachable offense. Trump didn't bribe anybody.

He basically told the President of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden or lose their military aid.

Nooooooo that's not bribery. Of course not. Can't be.

He did? Can you point which page and paragraph in the transcript where he said that? Thank you.
In the transcript: "I would like you to do us a favor though".

Witness testimony points to bribery.
John Bolton called it a "drug deal".
William B Taylor Jr. says that aid was withheld until Zelensky announced new investigation of Bidens. Sondland also said that such a deal being arranged.
None of them are actual witnesses to anything.
Of course it is....

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.
Trump continues...

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."

You're a liar, Zelensky spoke at length between the two requests, so did Trump.

Ain't no lie. It's not my problem you lack the intelligence to understand the meaning of, "the other thing..."

Are you still here short bus? Trump didn't "continue" as your LIE indicated, Zelensky spoke next. Perhaps your special ed teacher can explain what "continued/continues" means.

Wut? Zelensky spoke??? I guess that means Trump didn't also ask Zelensky to look into "the other thing" after asking him to look into the DNC server.

Are you ever not a retard??
Transcript: Robert O'Brien on "Face the Nation," November 10, 2019

National Sec Adviser: Top Impeachment Probe Witness Will Be Removed From WH Council

It's like weeding a garden.

The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1) Yes, he can suspend funds for that reason, and Trump laid out several. It's the Democrats who claim to be able to read minds, and mind reading should not be grounds for impeachment.

2) Again, no evidence that Trump suspended anything for political reasons. Ukraine officials had no idea the funds were suspended until a month after the phone call. Obviously, they didn't drastically need them at the time. What Trump provided to them in the past was sufficient.

3)Yes, Biden was investigated by his bosses team. What did you really expect, a conviction?

4) The election is a little less than a year away. Trump nor anybody knows who the nominee will be. What is evident is that Biden has been losing ground since spring.
It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.

Lying about whether or not Biden is a political rival of Trump's reveals your desperation.

It matters not whether or not Biden wins the Democrat's nomination as he's still eligible to run in the election even if he loses their nomination.
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.
The president getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and then backing off does not excuse him of using his power as president to bribe a foreign power for his own political gain.
  1. Since when do we owe Ukraine anything especially for nothing in return?
  2. Every foreign deal comes with elements of benefit to both sides. Except this one?
  3. How is trying to investigate a crime committed years ago by a top US official, especially one involving trying to tamper with an election, "getting caught with your hand in a jar?"
  4. What was the political gain for Trump in any of this? Biden's not even his opponent in next year's election! Just a very unlikely one.
WON'T IT BE FUNNY NOW after Hillary, Biden and the Democrat's using help from both Ukraine and Russia trying to smear Trump failed in 2016, that Trump is removed from office for trying to expose what went on only to have Biden then go on to become the new president anyway?! :auiqs.jpg:

Our conversion to Full Banana Republic will have been complete.
1) congress approved military aid to Ukraine. "power of the purse" belongs to congress. The president can suspend this aid for purpose to benefit the country, but not for personal gain.
2) Suspending aid causes deaths. If a foreign government acts to benefit a political party and the expense of another, it hurts foreign relations.
3) Biden was already investigated prior to the July 25th phone call. Tampering with election? Mueller investigated this.
4) Biden is at the top of many polls for the 2020 presidential race.

1). What did Trump personally gain? Spell it out. Did he get a whistle in his Fruit Loops?
2). Suspending social security causes deaths. Limited food stamps causes deaths. Healthcare to a cost causes deaths. All of the bills sitting in congress languishing while they fuck around yet again with this dog and pony show is causing deaths!
3). Yeah, right. Mueller investigated Biden. That was part of the russian investigation into Trump? You're a fucking idiot.
4). Biden stands about as much chance being the DNC nominee as my grandmother sprouting wheels and being a go cart. But I hope he does end up your candidate. You deserve him. Obumma 2.0 - 5.
Dumbfuck, Biden could still be in the hunt for the 2020 presidential election even if he loses the Democratic nomination. :cuckoo:

Oh short bus, his competition is growing, not shrinking. But hey, his war chest is shrinking and he's laying off staff, not indications of a viable campaign. The two time loser has a lower chance of being nominated than beta boy.

And yet, despite your hollow post, he's still ahead of the rest....

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination
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You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

I copied and pasted Trump's words verbatim.

You posting only a portion of the transcript is an epic fail.

You, shitstain, copied paragraphs out of context. I gave you an image of his transcript and you are calling me deranged?

Out of context? You are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Zelensky revealed he was almost ready to buy more Javelins, which Trump made contingent upon Zelensky lookinging into CrowdStrike/DNC server and the Bidens.

Read the transcript.

That's not what the transcript says.
Of course it is....

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.
Every president elected these days faces the call for impeachment. Obama wasn't halfway through his first term when republicans in congress began talking about impeachment. In 2004, there was a resolution in the House to impeach G. W. Bush. The first call for impeachment of Clinton came less than two years after he took office. In 1991, a resolution calling for impeachment of H.W. Bush was introduced in the House. Whether we're talking about republicans or democrats, impeachment is put on table the day after losing the election. The difference with Trump is that the war with democrats only intensified after the election. Almost as soon as he was elected, he promised to lock up Clinton, not exactly the right move if he was seeking any bi-partisan support, which apparently of he wasn't.
i already said that doesn't matter at this point - but i hope you aren't betting on a rock solid united front from all the (R)s, are you?

At this point, yep, with some defections from the Ds. Right now I don't even see this crap making it to the senate. Like I said before, this is nothing but a commie campaign trick, pulling anything they can to try to effect public opinion.



it will go to trial. being removed is a whole other animal - but he'll get a trial.

Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles, Says Senate Will ‘Have to Have a Trial’
By Mairead McArdle
November 13, 2019 4:10 PM
Trump Impeachment -- Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles | National Review

is devon nunes' cow on that there farm?



At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.


You really need to stop watching fox.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Yes... He exonerated Trump.

But we knew there was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.

Just like the newest fakiest fad of Quid Pro Quo.
So you agree that Mueller did an exemplary job, right?

No short bus, he didn't. He had tunnel vision on Russia and ignored other countries that interfered.


Dumbfuck.... that's because Mueller was instructed to look into the Russian hacking and folks connected to the campaign with Russian connections. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a retard??
There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
According to you they will be embarrassing themselves.

According to me, it will be entertaining as fuck. Best election cycle evah!

The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way, but yesterday's revelation by Marie Yovanovitch that the Obama administration was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine as President Trump is may very well end Biden's chances for the nomination even before Deval Patrick enters the race and takes the black vote away from Biden.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch revealed at an impeachment hearing Friday that Hunter Biden’s job at a Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holding was a major issue for the Obama White House.

She acknowledged that the Obama State Department included coaching her to answer questions about former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter when she faced Senate confirmation hearings for the ambassador post in 2016.

“It wasn’t just generally about Burisma and corruption. It was specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Elise Stefanik, New York Republican.

Yes it is,” Ms. Yovanovitch responded.

President Trump’s request for an investigation of alleged corruption involving the Bidens and Burisma is at the heart of Democrats’ impeachment case that the president abused his office for personal political gain.

“For the millions of Americans watching, President Obama’s own State Department was so concerned about potential conflicts of interest from Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma that they raised it themselves while prepping this wonderful ambassador nominee before her confirmation,” Ms. Stefanik said. “And yet our Democratic colleagues and the chairman of this committee cry foul when we dare ask that same question that the Obama State Department was so concerned about. But we will continue asking it.”

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

The difference is that while Obama tried to hide the facts of the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine from Congress and the American people, President Trump is determined to expose them.
"The fact that President Trump's job approval ratings continue to grow while the Democrats are holding the Pelosi-Schiff production of Impeachment Theater, suggests that this nonsense will not harm President Trump in any way"


According to one Republican-leaning poll which is almost always higher than every other poll.
You wish, but the RCP average shows the President's job approval ratings have been going straight up while the Democrats have their gossip fest.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

President Trump's average job approval ratings, 44.2% is higher than Obama's rating (according to Gallup) of 43% at this point in his first term.

Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama
Mueller was mainly focused on Trump. Biden was not in the cross hairs of his investigation. Mueller's investigation did not look at any "Tampering with (the) election" if it had democrat fingerprints. Hell, he didn't even recognize the name Fusion GPS when he testified before congress.
Mueller was a joke. It was an investigation looking for a crime, same as this Adam ScHITt show impeachment inquiry, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME.

Democrats are the party of TRASH. They are corrupt to the core, along with their DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING that carries the water and covers for them.
Mueller did the job he was supposed to do -- find the truth. Do you disagree he found the truth?
Mueller produced nothing we didn't already know.
So? How were we to confirm it unless it was investigated?

Hey short bus, are you going to apply that same standard to Ukraine and the Bidens?


Looks like I got under someone's skin.

You, shitstain, copied paragraphs out of context. I gave you an image of his transcript and you are calling me deranged?

Out of context? You are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Zelensky revealed he was almost ready to buy more Javelins, which Trump made contingent upon Zelensky lookinging into CrowdStrike/DNC server and the Bidens.

Read the transcript.

That's not what the transcript says.
Of course it is....

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

DO US A FAVOR, had to do with Crowdstrike. and yes from Trumps point of view, he had been wrongly set up, so of course given the opportunity he can mention that if he wants. Do us a favor means just that, unless you can prove otherwise. Doing us a favor in no way says We are withholding anything from them as Democrats would like it to mean,.... which is why Schiff stood up there and embellished out of his ASS... he had to make the conversation something that it wasnt. WHY? because the Democrats have planed to impeach Trump from the day he was elected and are looking for anything they can lie about.
They are a damn disgrace. In any other time what they are doing would be called treason but they have the entire news media on their side, and that is a powerful thing.
Every president elected these days faces the call for impeachment. Obama wasn't halfway through his first term when republicans in congress began talking about impeachment. In 2004, there was a resolution in the House to impeach G. W. Bush. The first call for impeachment of Clinton came less than two years after he took office. In 1991, a resolution calling for impeachment of H.W. Bush was introduced in the House. Whether we're talking about republicans or democrats, impeachment is put on table the day after losing the election. The difference with Trump is that the war with democrats only intensified after the election. Almost as soon as he was elected, he promised to lock up Clinton, not exactly the right move if he was seeking any bi-partisan support, which apparently of he wasn't.
That and the fact he actually violated laws.
Talk about a political coup, democrats keep moving the freaking goalposts and changing rules but they are still losing.. I forget, what did we get for the biggest bribe in freaking history when Obama sent plane after plane loads of a billion U.S. taxpayer cash and euros to Iran? Did democrats get free cocaine when Hussein sent 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels? What bribes?
Are you referring to the Iran Nuke deal that gave up virtually nothing (we owed Iran that money with interest and paid it back WITHOUT 30 years of interest) in which they gave up virtually all their nuclear materials and stopped enriching?

The deal that netted Obama NOTHING personally?

Trump however was trying to bribe the Ukrainians with military aid appropriated by Congress into publicly opening a bogus investigation of his political rival. That's personal gain my friend

THAT is actual bribery
I get the drifting you are doing to avoid answering the question. Why is Alexandra Chalupa important? Trump is the one asking Ukraine to investigate the Bidens.

Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
If Articles of Impeachment pass in the House, the Senate is going to hold a trial.
I sure hope so.

Why wouldn't they?
Hunter Biden profited in Ukraine. He profited off of his father being VP...

That's going to reach the senate.

There will be articles of impeachment that will be tried. Hunter Biden didn't ask the Ukrainian president to investigate a political opponent. Furthermore the Bidens didn't do anything illegal. The Trump kids are profiting off their fathers presidency. Maybe that needs to go to the Senate also.
You have no idea of what the senate is going to do, then.
If Articles of Impeachment pass in the House, the Senate is going to hold a trial.
I sure hope so.

Why wouldn't they?

First witness: Adam Schiff
Second witness: Joe Biden
Third witness: Hunter Biden

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