Apparently winning the election as a Republican President is an impeachable offense. Good luck losers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That ignores Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush the Lesser. None of them were impeached.

Getting an intern blow job is also an impeachable offense, don't forget that. I don't imagine that will be an issue for Trump because he has to pay for sex and interns don't get paid enough for that horror.

The blowjob was not an impeachable offense. Are you so much of a dumbass that you cannot read the Articles of Impeachment for Bubba Clinton?

He lied under oath.
About an intern blow job.

Did you read the articles of impeachment? Obviously not, you incredible dumbass!
High crimes and misdemeanors involving a BLOW JOB!

Is it true he made it delayed by thinking about hilly?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So to summarize last week-two men who heard other men say what other men had said and a lady who feels jilted
No illegality otherwise, not even close.
I’m trying to project what ace the Dems have next week; gonna guess something along lines of Trumps poultry deal with the Chinese is actually an attempt to allow the Chinese to infiltrate our media. I know that makes no sense but thats why it’s perfect conjecture.
Why don't you try mentioning what they say Trump did?
All they said Trump did was not in keeping with how they think think things should be done
A complete and total non issue and nowhere in the realm of impeachability.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.
It maybe tired, and it maybe old, but the truth does get old.
And, the truth doesn't change like all the fluid yarns from the left.

So to summarize last week-two men who heard other men say what other men had said and a lady who feels jilted
No illegality otherwise, not even close.
I’m trying to project what ace the Dems have next week; gonna guess something along lines of Trumps poultry deal with the Chinese is actually an attempt to allow the Chinese to infiltrate our media. I know that makes no sense but thats why it’s perfect conjecture.
Why don't you try mentioning what they say Trump did?
All they said Trump did was not in keeping with how they think think things should be done
A complete and total non issue and nowhere in the realm of impeachability.
REALLY? What things? Like siding with Shokin? Like making it clear to Ukraine that it won't get the aid until Zelensky makes a public statement about an investigation into Biden on television?
Those aren't non issues.
it will go to trial. being removed is a whole other animal - but he'll get a trial.

Don't bet the farm on it child. LMAO

McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles, Says Senate Will ‘Have to Have a Trial’
By Mairead McArdle
November 13, 2019 4:10 PM
Trump Impeachment -- Mitch McConnell Shuts Down Early Dismissal Option for Impeachment Articles | National Review

is devon nunes' cow on that there farm?



At this point I don't see the house even voting on articles. They don't want to commit political suicide.


then you need to take them blinders off pussy cat.


Perhaps you should learn what "blinders" are before trying to use it in a sentence. Your ignorance is showing. LMAO



have blinders on
have blinders on
To be oblivious to something that exists or is happening right around one. ("Blinders" are pieces of leather that are used to limit a horse's peripheral vision.) I must have blinders on when I walk around town because I didn't notice any of those new businesses that are opening.
have blinders on

"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.

Here is the only actual obstruction of justice and treason:

Cocaine-pusher Obama......

The stuff that Obama demanded Hezbollah be allowed to sell in the USofA.

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of an enemy, Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.


People are most conservativ
They have evidence on Trump. That is why Trump is refusing to respect the subpoenas. That is why he won't let staff testify.
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.

Hard to keep up with their 'plans.'

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

The impeachment inquiry into the behavior of President Donald Trump has reached a public phase, giving the American people their first chance to reach their own judgments.

Two witnesses testified Wednesday before a House panel, including one who told of a cellphone call during which the president allegedly pushed to use America’s national security apparatus to do his own political dirty work.

Eight other witnesses have been scheduled. These include the U.S. diplomat on that call with Trump, at least one other person at the table listening in, and a decorated Army officer working for the National Security Council. But many others aren’t coming because the Trump administration is engaged in what could only be categorized as stonewalling.

The stonewalling can only contribute to the perception that the administration knows it did wrong and is trying to hide that fact as much as it can. Ultimately, refusal to cooperate with congressional subpoenas might itself be impeachable conduct.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

Will he be impeached and removed?

Will he be re-elected?

Will you ever get over the hatred you have for all things American?

That's no-yes-no.

See ya'
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.
Trump has broken laws, violated ethics and his oath of office. And you know that. So stop repeating what Trump tells you to think. Last night another democrat beat a Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate in a state Trump won. Democrats stomped republicans in the mid terms. And Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016. He is president by fluke.

Here is the only actual obstruction of justice and treason:

Cocaine-pusher Obama......

The stuff that Obama demanded Hezbollah be allowed to sell in the USofA.

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of an enemy, Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.


People are most conservativ
Bless your heart PC
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???

the WB is insignificant now. on the streets, he would be the informant. now pay close attention, ray ray & see if this makes sense.

A) if someone calls in a fire on 9-1-1 & the firemen show up & there indeed is a blaze, their job is to put out the fire; not go looking for who called it in.

B) the WB went thru proper protocol & gave all pertinent info - including the names of the people who gave him/her the lowdown to the IG who testified that the info was credible.
"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.
It maybe tired, and it maybe old, but the truth does get old.
And, the truth doesn't change like all the fluid yarns from the left.


The TDS runs strong in your blood Playtime. At the end of the day
this attempt like all the others is going to fall flat, and again, the dems
will have egg on their faces.
Oh sorry, I thought you watched the testimony yesterday.
I did. I watched Schiff and Yovanovitch claim that Trump smeared her.

actually she said that rotten rudy smeared her & trump agreeing that she was 'bad news' is enough. btw, there NEVER was a reason given for her dismissal, even if idonny just didn't like her. no reason at all.

She wasn't dismissed, she was reassigned. And the president doesn't need a reason.


uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself - was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?

Perhaps because she didn't support the incoming Ukraine admin or our president.


Damn, there's not suppose to be opposition within the administration, loyal or otherwise. These fuckers are hired to carry out the policy of their elected boss, not try implement their own policy.

"Their own policy" is the policy of the United States as it had been for the past several years, supporting Ukraine's efforts to clean out the corrupt oligarchs subverting attempts at a fair and democratic government. It was also the policy of the United States to support Ukraine militarily in its fight against Russian aggression.
If the "boss" didn't like this policy, for whatever reason, he had every right to stand up and tell the State Department why and what he wanted done instead. But Trump didn't do that, did he? He got his private attorney and a bunch of thug friends to do it "under the table" and for the most part the current officials around the President closed their eyes to it and let it happen. I'm grateful to the whistleblower and to the people who have testified to what happened. Not because I couldn't cope with not having "my guy" elected, but because Trump is a crook.

Imagine, had Trump had the 'whistleblower' arrested as a spy.....

Obama did just that.

The Obama administration had 8 whistleblowers. President Obama handled each one the same way - he had the FBI bust into their home, arrest them, and he then prosecuted them for espionage. Of course the biased media kept quiet and looked the other way. Their were a few exceptions. Here's one news report on it:

War on whistleblowers?

Bet you didn't know that.

What did they blow the whistle on? I watched the video and it never said.

The whistleblower claimed Donald Trump solicited a foreign country to help intervene in the 2020 election and that the White House sought to cover it up.

And to date there has been no evidence presented to support that claim. The evidence that has been presented so far shows Obama was just as worried about the Bidens' involvement in corruption in Ukraine but tries to hide the facts from the public and President Trump is determined to expose the facts to the public.

Obama officials wary of Hunter Biden’s big-money job, ousted Ukraine ambassador admits

There is plenty of impeachment worthy evidence. The White House memo recording Donald Trump’s July phone conversation with Volodymyr Zelenskiy is damning enough even without witnesses. The witnesses we have heard so far have provided details following the phone call and leading up to the firing of the Ukraine ambassador without cause to clear the way for Juliana. We heard the response of administration staff to the phone conversation. Over the next couple of weeks we will hear from people in the White House. A staff member in the OMB will testify as to the reason for freezing the military funds. Sondland's testimony will confirm the Taylor testimony. Others will testify to the securing of the memo of the conversation, the lack of required notification to congress of freezing of the funds, and possible witness tampering. Potentially, the most damning witness may be Bolton.
Ukraine Knew of Aid Freeze by Early August, Undermining Trump Defense

Top officials were told in early August about the delay of $391 million in security assistance, undercutting a chief argument President Trump has used to deny any quid pro quo.

To Democrats who say that President Trump’s decision to freeze $391 million in military aid was intended to bully Ukraine’s leader into carrying out investigations for Mr. Trump’s political benefit, the president and his allies have had a simple response: There was no quid pro quo because the Ukrainians did not know assistance had been blocked. the freeze was directly linked to Mr. Trump’s demand. That did not deter the president, who on Wednesday approvingly tweeted a quote by a congressional Republican saying neither Mr. Taylor nor any other witness had “provided testimony that the Ukrainians were aware that military aid was being withheld.”

In fact, word of the aid freeze had gotten to high-level Ukrainian officials by the first week in August, according to interviews and documents obtained by The New York Times.

weeks earlier than acknowledged.

Ukraine Knew of Aid Freeze by Early August, Undermining Trump Defense

Ukraine Knew Trump Was Freezing Aid Over Biden

Ukrainian officials knew for months that President Donald Trump was withholding key military aid to their country over demands that Ukraine investigate Trump’s political rival and 2020 candidate Joe Biden, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

The report, based on interviews and documents the Times obtained, directly contradicts Trump’s claim that there could not have been an improper quid pro quo arrangement because Ukrainian officials did not know the United States was withholding $391 million in military aid.

Instead, top Ukrainian officials reportedly knew of the aid freeze as early as the first week of August ― just days after Trump requested Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Biden during a July 25 phone call.

Ukraine Knew Trump Was Freezing Aid Over Biden, New York Times Reports | HuffPost

So he didn't know when the call was made, got it. Great unbiased sources I might add. LMAO

NYT doesn't publish without confirmation of facts. Their opinions may not please you but they wouldn't be publishing something like this, which is news, not op ed, if it hadn't been corroborated. Now, I know that you folks will just continue to find a Ukranian official who says they didn't know. You go for it. The truth continues to come out; you can't drown it out forever.

Remind us again how many stories the NYT has had to retract. BTW early Aug is still AFTER the July call.

Who cares about the phone call anymore? It's gone way beyond that.

Yet you idiots keep bringing it up, go figure.

"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

It is against the law to ask a foreign government to investigate your political rival. Get that through your think skulls Trumpers. Stop being disingenuous.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.
It maybe tired, and it maybe old, but the truth does get old.
And, the truth doesn't change like all the fluid yarns from the left.


The TDS runs strong in your blood Playtime. At the end of the day
this attempt like all the others is going to fall flat, and again, the dems
will have egg on their faces.

that's all you got. no real debate on how trump can be defended. thanx for the giggles as this is unraveling before donny's white goggled eyes.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.
It maybe tired, and it maybe old, but the truth does get old.
And, the truth doesn't change like all the fluid yarns from the left.


The TDS runs strong in your blood Playtime. At the end of the day
this attempt like all the others is going to fall flat, and again, the dems
will have egg on their faces.

that's all you got. no real debate on how trump can be defended. thanx for the giggles as this is unraveling before donny's white goggled eyes.
Yeah....unraveling just like the Russia Hoax unraveled. Thanks for noticing.
They have evidence on Trump. That is why Trump is refusing to respect the subpoenas. That is why he won't let staff testify.
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.

Hard to keep up with their 'plans.'

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

The impeachment inquiry into the behavior of President Donald Trump has reached a public phase, giving the American people their first chance to reach their own judgments.

Two witnesses testified Wednesday before a House panel, including one who told of a cellphone call during which the president allegedly pushed to use America’s national security apparatus to do his own political dirty work.

Eight other witnesses have been scheduled. These include the U.S. diplomat on that call with Trump, at least one other person at the table listening in, and a decorated Army officer working for the National Security Council. But many others aren’t coming because the Trump administration is engaged in what could only be categorized as stonewalling.

The stonewalling can only contribute to the perception that the administration knows it did wrong and is trying to hide that fact as much as it can. Ultimately, refusal to cooperate with congressional subpoenas might itself be impeachable conduct.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

And now for actual obstruction of justice:

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.


Poor, dumbfuck cuck, can't get anything right.

View attachment 290221

... recommence or resume after interruption, like Zelensky speaking after Trump asked him a favor to look into CrowdStrike and the DNC server -- and then Trump continued with "the other thing" by asking another favor of Zelensky to also look into the Bidens.


Wrong again short bus, he spoke about the former prosecutor and the ambassador before he mentioned "The other thing", discussing other topics is not continuing as your LIE insinuated. Sorry short bus, another fail in a long string of failures. LMAO


Your derangement is noted at laughed again.

He asked Zelensky if he would look into CrowdStrike/DNC server and then he asked Zelensky if he would also look into the Bidens. Both requests were separated by Zelensky speaking, inline with the definition I gave for "continue"...

recommence or resume after interruption

It must suck for you to continually get schooled by someone you refer to as, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, Trump discussed other topics before he asked for cooperation on quid pro joe and baby biden, did he resume after interrupting himself, or did he just move to another topic apart from the fist two he mentioned after Zelensky spoke. Poor thing, another short bus fail. LMAO


Poor, lying, dumbfuck cuck. Trump went from talking about Ukraine's involvement in the 2016 election to Biden's role in getting Shokin fired. There was nothing else he talked about in between.

Trump: but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Trump: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair.

And Trumps next sentence was?

Dumbfucking cuck, Trump's next sentence was to continue talking about the prosecutor Biden got fired.

"A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved."

WTF is wrong with you??
Again....conjecture, IM2. You don't know, you are assuming

noooooooooooooo... ambassador taylor testified that he took extremely detailed notes - in real time - that pompeo won't release. the REAL transcript is hiding in a super secure server & trump refuses to release. AND several people called to testify are defying subpoenas

john bolton, mick mulvaney, mike pompeo, don mcgahn; just to name a few that came to me right away, but there are others.
Wow! Sounds good...but, then again, the Russia Hoax sounded good too.

Hard to keep up with their 'plans.'

First collusion, collusion, collusion failed

Russia, Russia, Russia failed.

Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction failed.

Racist, Racist, Racist failed.

Impeach, Impeach, Impeach failed.

Recession, Recession, Recession failed.

Emoluments, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’one after another lead balloons.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

The impeachment inquiry into the behavior of President Donald Trump has reached a public phase, giving the American people their first chance to reach their own judgments.

Two witnesses testified Wednesday before a House panel, including one who told of a cellphone call during which the president allegedly pushed to use America’s national security apparatus to do his own political dirty work.

Eight other witnesses have been scheduled. These include the U.S. diplomat on that call with Trump, at least one other person at the table listening in, and a decorated Army officer working for the National Security Council. But many others aren’t coming because the Trump administration is engaged in what could only be categorized as stonewalling.

The stonewalling can only contribute to the perception that the administration knows it did wrong and is trying to hide that fact as much as it can. Ultimately, refusal to cooperate with congressional subpoenas might itself be impeachable conduct.

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

This is obstruction. Nothing has failed.

And now for actual obstruction of justice:

This was the only obstruction of justice: Hussein Obama enforcement from arresting Hezbollah agents selling cocaine in the USA.
Iran told Obama to allow Hezbollah to sell cocaine ....$1 billion the he prevented the government from arresting and charging them.....

"Project Cassandra is an effort led by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to undercut Hezbollah funding from illicit drug sources.[1]Launched in 2008, the project was said to be investigating the terrorist organization's funding.[2] According to the DEA, Hezbollah has become increasingly involved with drug trafficking and organized crime as a method of funding its activities.[3][4] The investigation was tracking how large sums of money were being laundered from the Americas, through Africa, and to Lebanon into Hezbollah's coffers.[5]

An investigative report published by Politico in December 2017, described how, during the Obama administration, concerns regarding the Iran nuclear deal took precedence over the DEA project."
Project Cassandra - Wikipedia

"The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran.

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, ….”
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

There is no disputing the facts: Hussein Obama obstructed justice in the service of Iran and Hezbollah.

Hussein effectively gave them $1 billion dollars in drug money.



Biden’s boasts on video in no uncertain terms of his quid pro quo threats yet Dems are trying to meticulous weave how Trump did it.

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