That's something of value in exchange for favor or fealty. It is exactly an impeachable offense.

I see. So what you're saying is that any VP can conduct themselves in an illegal way, and nobody can even look into it in the next administration if they are running for President? Where is that written by the way?

It wasn''t Bidens decisions to hold up, cancel or approve the funds. He just let the Ukranian Leader know see the hand writing on the wall. Had they not fired the corrupt prosecutor, then there was a good chance that Congress and the President would have canceled the funds. You can say anything you wish but that was Statesman at it's finest.

Meanwhile, Rump was playing lose without Congressional assistance with congressional approved funds trying to get a political public favor from the new Ukranian Leader. Rump didn't have the power to do so but he tried. And he finally backed off AFTER the incident was reported in public. Then he tried to cover it up. Then he tried to and still tries to, intimidate witnesses and obstruct.

The Justice Department just finished busting Stone for similar crimes. The only difference is, Stone isn't the President. The President is supposed to be above such actions and this should not have EVER become an issue. But we have a Criminal for a President. And if Stone thinks that Rump will pardon him, Stone has another thing coming. Rump has already thrown Stone to the dumpster.

If Stone has been found guilty then Rump needs to be found guilty for the same crimes.

Repeating typical MSM garbage.

Trump never intimidated anybody. Who are you talking about with intimidation?

If Biden wasn't in charge of holding up funds, why did he say he was? When officials in Ukraine asked about it, he told them to call DumBama and see what happens.

Just because Congress approves funds doesn't mean the President has to release them unconditionally. And how did Trump try to cover it up when it was only days he released the transcript?

For one, I don't watch MSN. I am too much of a tighwad. Same goes for all the other so called "Political Motivated" News outlets (including Foxnews) that you keep harping about. I go by what I see on the local news which actually reports the news. In fact, if anything, the news around here is center right. Sor your claim that I am repeating MSN is a lie. But what else is new.

So Rump never intimidates. His routine on the Ambassador shows different. His treatment of anyone that doesn't exactly toe the line shows different. He uses his office for his own personal uses. Much like trying to get the name of the Whistle Blower. With Rumps history, that's akin to a death sentence. Or he uses his intimidation to force elected officials to overlook his serious escapades that only a despot would do. He tries to operate the office of the President of the United States like the head of a Mob Boss.

Biden wasn't in charge of the funds. Congress was in charge of those funds and could rescind them anytime. The President could ask Congress to reject the funds or release those funds in a timely manner as per the agreement from the Congress. Biden did a great statesman's way of telling them that if they didn't get rid of the corrupt prosecutor that they were going to lose those funds. He gave than a 6 hour ultimatum with the backing of Congress and the President. Biden was the messenger. Since it force Ukraine to go against Putin, I can understand why you would find fault in this, Comrade.

Rump released the funds AFTER the whistle blower approached the NSA IG who in turn turned it over to the congress. Rump was bagged. Yes, it was days before the transcript was released to congress but it was AFTER he instructed that the transcript and conversation was buried in a secret server that was never meant to house that information. In affect, Rump was trying to bury it. Rump tried to use his position to force another head of state to contribute to his reelection campaign by what is in affect, bribery or blackmail. If I am in the process of doing an armed robbery of a bank and the bank gets surround by the cops can I just give the money back and say, "I never really did Rob the Bank, therefore, there is no crime". You and Rump may very well have rewritten criminal law for everyone else. No, you don't want it for everyone else, just Rump. And even a President is not above the law.

The NSA IG? Who the fudge is that? The whistleblower works for the NSC, not the NSA, dumbass!

You can't even get one simple fact straight!

Actually the WB hasn't been in the NSC since 2017, he's a CIA rat and filed his report to the ICIG who has no jurisdiction, so he is not a legit WB. It's all commie bullshit.

Poor short bus, are you going to have to wait till Monday to ask your special ed teacher what "Trump Continues" means? You quoted Trump and then in your own lying words said "Trump continues", which he didn't. You got caught in your commie lie, just man up and admit it, short bus.


Poor, dumbfuck cuck, can't get anything right.

View attachment 290221

... recommence or resume after interruption, like Zelensky speaking after Trump asked him a favor to look into CrowdStrike and the DNC server -- and then Trump continued with "the other thing" by asking another favor of Zelensky to also look into the Bidens.


Wrong again short bus, he spoke about the former prosecutor and the ambassador before he mentioned "The other thing", discussing other topics is not continuing as your LIE insinuated. Sorry short bus, another fail in a long string of failures. LMAO


Your derangement is noted at laughed again.

He asked Zelensky if he would look into CrowdStrike/DNC server and then he asked Zelensky if he would also look into the Bidens. Both requests were separated by Zelensky speaking, inline with the definition I gave for "continue"...

recommence or resume after interruption

It must suck for you to continually get schooled by someone you refer to as, "short bus."


Poor little short bus, Trump discussed other topics before he asked for cooperation on quid pro joe and baby biden, did he resume after interrupting himself, or did he just move to another topic apart from the fist two he mentioned after Zelensky spoke. Poor thing, another short bus fail. LMAO


Poor, lying, dumbfuck cuck. Trump went from talking about Ukraine's involvement in the 2016 election to Biden's role in getting Shokin fired. There was nothing else he talked about in between.

Trump: but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible.

Trump: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that's really unfair.

And Trumps next sentence was?

uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?

Because he is covering up his real reason for getting her out of office. Next week, it comes very clear. It's not going to be a good month for Rump.

He doesn't have to have a reason, dumbass!

For someone who claims to be so smart, you really are a dumb MF!

Not once have I claimed to be that bright. Meanwhile, you are calling everyone around you a dumbass. Does that mean you are claiming to be Gods gift to bright boys? But it's pretty clear Rump had to get rid of her to get his lapdog into that position to get his bribery or blackmail to begin. The Ambassador was asked point blank if she would have supported any of this and she answered point blank, "No". And if you haven't noticed, the diplomatic community did NOT fire her. They sent her to train new Diplomats. Her support was so powerful that she received a standing ovation and loud applause as she left the chambers. Rump is in for a rough week starting next Wednesday when they start looking into what they have already opened up with the Professional Diplomats. If the Political Appointees try what Rump demands of them now, they go to prison. So look for them to come clean for a change. And Rump to go deeper and deeper.


OK, dumbass! You have prove yourself to be stupid more times than we can count.

She received applause because she gave them nothing? That is what you are claiming because she shot down every attempt by the Shiff-Show to find anything on Trump.

DemonRAT STAFF MEMBERS....ROTFLMFAO....Who else would be REQUIRED to be there, you dumbfuck!
Wow, short bus, according to you no natural born citizen over 35 can't be investigated during a presidential election year. Did your special ed teacher tell you that?


Moron, I said nothing of the sort. How the fuck do you keep getting this wrong?? I never said a candidate for president can't be investigated. You only think that's what I said because you're a flaming imbecile. What I said was.... a president running for re-election is not allowed to solicit a foreign national to help find dirt on another candidate running for that same office.

Maybe you like having a lawless dictator run a banana republic where they can use he power of their political office to eliminate their competition, but most don't.

Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Wrong again short bus, he can ask for cooperation on anyone, remember, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". Isn't that what you commies have been chanting for the last 3 years?


Deranged, dumbfuck cuck. I didn't say what you hallucinated me saying, exactly how rightarded are you to not understand that?

It must suck to continually get schooled by someone who you refer to as, "short bus."


What ever short bus, repeating your lies over and over in your special ed class might work, not so much in the real world. Is that you at the bottom having that spastic fit?


He doesn't have to have a reason, dumbass!

For someone who claims to be so smart, you really are a dumb MF!

Not once have I claimed to be that bright. Meanwhile, you are calling everyone around you a dumbass. Does that mean you are claiming to be Gods gift to bright boys? But it's pretty clear Rump had to get rid of her to get his lapdog into that position to get his bribery or blackmail to begin. The Ambassador was asked point blank if she would have supported any of this and she answered point blank, "No". And if you haven't noticed, the diplomatic community did NOT fire her. They sent her to train new Diplomats. Her support was so powerful that she received a standing ovation and loud applause as she left the chambers. Rump is in for a rough week starting next Wednesday when they start looking into what they have already opened up with the Professional Diplomats. If the Political Appointees try what Rump demands of them now, they go to prison. So look for them to come clean for a change. And Rump to go deeper and deeper.


OK, dumbass! You have prove yourself to be stupid more times than we can count.

She received applause because she gave them nothing? That is what you are claiming because she shot down every attempt by the Shiff-Show to find anything on Trump.

Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.

It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.
Could you say that numbo jumbo again? What about all that illegal money and tax breaks that Trump and his family has made and gotten! You were saying?
DemonRAT congress makes tax laws...another dumb mother fucker!...Damn, they must have given out DIMB PILLS with Dimwit talking point this morning....ROTFLMFAO!!!
Not once have I claimed to be that bright. Meanwhile, you are calling everyone around you a dumbass. Does that mean you are claiming to be Gods gift to bright boys? But it's pretty clear Rump had to get rid of her to get his lapdog into that position to get his bribery or blackmail to begin. The Ambassador was asked point blank if she would have supported any of this and she answered point blank, "No". And if you haven't noticed, the diplomatic community did NOT fire her. They sent her to train new Diplomats. Her support was so powerful that she received a standing ovation and loud applause as she left the chambers. Rump is in for a rough week starting next Wednesday when they start looking into what they have already opened up with the Professional Diplomats. If the Political Appointees try what Rump demands of them now, they go to prison. So look for them to come clean for a change. And Rump to go deeper and deeper.


OK, dumbass! You have prove yourself to be stupid more times than we can count.

She received applause because she gave them nothing? That is what you are claiming because she shot down every attempt by the Shiff-Show to find anything on Trump.

Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.

It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!
Poor little short buy, I highlighted exactly what you said, being eligible to run for office is not an exemption from investigation. You commies are proving that on a daily basis. You're doing exactly what you're accusing Trump of doing. Don't think your short bus status excuses your hypocrisy.

You're fucking demented, dumbfuck cuck -- I never said Biden couldn't be investigated. I never said he shouldn't be investigated. You only think I said that because you're totally fucked in the head (i.e., typical conservative). I said Trump can't ask a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Wrong again short bus, he can ask for cooperation on anyone, remember, "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW". Isn't that what you commies have been chanting for the last 3 years?

No, he cannot ask a foreign country to investigate his political opponents.

Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation? If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty.

"Are you saying running for office makes one immune form investigation?"


Literally no one is saying that, ya dumbfuck. That you keep thinking that's what's being said reveals how brain damaged you are.

"If not, we have a treaty with Ukraine on criminal investigations, I haven't seen where politicians are exempted form that treaty."

Great, show where that treaty authorizes the president of the U.S. to make requests to the president of Ukraine to open up new investigations....

How about you show where the president is prohibited form introducing his AG, or asking for cooperation with his AG to the NEW president of Ukraine? Poor little short bus, your desperation is showing. ROFL


Get through this.

Libs will bypass it like shit through their goose before it's cooked.


They could have Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, John Kerry and Junior and this Archer guy all running a train on a 5 year old girl caught on 4k video and the media and Democrats would claim it's proof that Trump needs to be impeached.

Yes, but Joe, Hunter, Kerry and son, Pelosi and son don't want to be called up.

While the 'squad' don't care if they are. Schiff sure doesn't want to be called up.

OK, dumbass! You have prove yourself to be stupid more times than we can count.

She received applause because she gave them nothing? That is what you are claiming because she shot down every attempt by the Shiff-Show to find anything on Trump.

Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.

It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!

Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?

Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.

It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!

Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?

Well dearly when you get EVERYTHING WRONG, What is there to discuss....her FEELINGS were idiots slay call him everything from an idiot and HITLER, and one of you fairy's have HURT FEELINGS, when he told the truth...You fuckers ARE INSANE!
Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.
It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!
Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?
Well dearly when you get EVERYTHING WRONG, What is there to discuss....her FEELINGS were idiots slay call him everything from an idiot and HITLER, and one of you fairy's have HURT FEELINGS, when he told the truth...You fuckers ARE INSANE!
Yes, I got it that her feelings were hurt. That was not her only point and I brought that up. And you went into bot mode and you're still in bot mode.
Why would we do that or care?

Yovanovich was supposed to hit the grand slam that was set up by Taylor. Damning information about Trump. Swing and a miss. So then the shift was about how Trump had no right firing her, that was until we brought proof that DumBama fired every single ambassador a week before he even entered the White House. So the shift went again, this time to how bad her feelings were hurt.

This was supposed to be an impeachment inquiry; a inquiry about illegal and impeachable acts, not if somebody was offended or not.

The room was full of Democrats, so it's really not too much of a surprise that bug eyes got applause.
It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!
Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?
Well dearly when you get EVERYTHING WRONG, What is there to discuss....her FEELINGS were idiots slay call him everything from an idiot and HITLER, and one of you fairy's have HURT FEELINGS, when he told the truth...You fuckers ARE INSANE!
Yes, I got it that her feelings were hurt. That was not her only point and I brought that up. And you went into bot mode and you're still in bot mode.
Do I need to post the video of Nunes asking her if he did anything wrong or ILLEGAL and after 5 seconds says....hold on to your hat....NO
It was damning. She showed us all that Trump is on the side of the corrupt oligarchs. He was saying how "unfair" it was that the universally agreed corrupt prosecutor was fired. He and his friends started unfounded rumors about her that later had to be retracted. He couldn't just recall her, he had to rake her over the coals publicly. Why? I'll tell you why. He knew she didn't approve of his happy horseshit and he wanted to make sure she was discredited before she opened her mouth.

Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!
Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?
Well dearly when you get EVERYTHING WRONG, What is there to discuss....her FEELINGS were idiots slay call him everything from an idiot and HITLER, and one of you fairy's have HURT FEELINGS, when he told the truth...You fuckers ARE INSANE!
Yes, I got it that her feelings were hurt. That was not her only point and I brought that up. And you went into bot mode and you're still in bot mode.
Do I need to post the video of Nunes asking her if he did anything wrong or ILLEGAL and after 5 seconds says....hold on to your hat....NO
Yes. Because I sure don't remember that.
After Rep. Elise Stefanik Highlights Ambassador Yovanovitch False Statement – Stefanik Becomes a Target…

On March 20th, 2017, New York Representative Elise Stefanik first made a name for herself when she questioned FBI Director James Comey about why he purposefully did not inform congressional oversight, Gang-of-Eight, about the FBI investigation of candidate Donald Trump in 2016. Ms. Stefanik caught Comey off-guard and his only response, albeit stuttered, was: “because of the sensitivity of the matter?” {LINK}

Fast forward to November 15th, 2019, yesterday, and Rep. Stefanik again showed her acumen when she asked Ambassador Yovanovitch to reconcile her opening statement about not ever discussing Hunter Biden or Burisma against evidence Ms. Yovanovitch previously admitting to an extensive briefing session specifically about Hunter Biden and Burisma. Once again, Stefanik caught a political operative in their network of lies. {LINK}

Having watched events closely it is obvious Elise Stefanik is a smart young representative with serious skills to see through the chaff, countermeasures and false narratives advanced by political left.

Hence, as if on cue, the entire apparatus of the political left began attacking their #1 new enemy. Today the unholy alliance of corrupt political operatives and the allied media went on the attack.

Rising serpent@rising_serpent

Guess what was on the Democratic talking points memo today?


3:26 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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They even started posting fake pictures in an effort to make Stefanik look bad.


There is a fake picture of @EliseStefanik flipping the bird. This is the original without the photoshop.


3:27 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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Rising serpent@rising_serpent

This is the original video of Rep Elise Stefanik that was altered by to make it seem that she was giving the middle finger (see next post).
George Conway retweeted it and called her trash.


3:44 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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Svetlana Lokhova@RealSLokhova

Hilary Clinton campaign manager (and friend of Avenatti) started the attack on Congresswoman Stefanik. This is the first tweet. Then it gets worse. …

Adam Parkhomenko


Elise Stefanik is a great reminder that it isn’t just trump. All republicans are awful.


5:16 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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512 people are talking about this

Svetlana Lokhova@RealSLokhova

Clinton hit on Stefanik and Nunes in action—see below. Parkhomenko was Hillary’s advisor. …

Adam Parkhomenko


Is there anything sadder than Elise Stefanik wanting to be Devin Nunes? Like who looks at that bumbling kiss ass and thinks now that’s who I want to be like? …


5:19 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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It is always easy to see who the left really fears by the approach they take to smearing strong and articulate people.

Indeed Ms. Stefanik is a threat to the political left and has now become their enemy.

Svetlana Lokhova@RealSLokhova

George Conway and Schiff publicly attacked a talented and beautiful Congresswoman @EliseStefanik. This means she is over the target. Good on you, Congresswoman! Keep going!


4:10 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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1,556 people are talking about this

Elise Stefanik


It's VERY Clear. Far-left Dems & Never Trumpers CANNOT handle the Truth. That's why they are launching disgusting smears & doctoring photos of me in a sick attempt to intimidate me. Thx for proving that our side is WINNING. Donate NOW to help me fight back …

Elise Stefanik for Congress
They will stop at NOTHING to impeach our President. Donate today to help us FIGHT BACK!


3:54 PM - Nov 16, 2019
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22.9K people are talking about this

After Rep. Elise Stefanik Highlights Ambassador Yovanovitch False Statement – Stefanik Becomes a Target…
Obama-Kerry State Department engineered Biden-Burisma cover up

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/17/19 | David Singe

America’s national interest?...... please dumbasses THINK what you wtite!
Have you got anything to say about what I posted, or are you just on full-auto with the Trumptard apologia?
Well dearly when you get EVERYTHING WRONG, What is there to discuss....her FEELINGS were idiots slay call him everything from an idiot and HITLER, and one of you fairy's have HURT FEELINGS, when he told the truth...You fuckers ARE INSANE!
Yes, I got it that her feelings were hurt. That was not her only point and I brought that up. And you went into bot mode and you're still in bot mode.
Do I need to post the video of Nunes asking her if he did anything wrong or ILLEGAL and after 5 seconds says....hold on to your hat....NO
Yes. Because I sure don't remember that.
You dont remember what YOU don't want to remember....stop your bullshit!
So why wasn't Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Eisenhower not impeached but Nixon would have been if he had not resigned?
Ummmmm. I wonder why?

Is it because Nixon was a crook? Just like your orange buddy?
There was this thing called......EVIDENCE that they had on Nixon.
More than just a bunch of sore losers making stuff up as they go along
trying to get rid of a duly elected president.

donny is blocking all the evidence from being turned over to congress in addition to blocking witness' too chicken shit to defy & show up. those that are testifying are doing it outa loyalty to the constitution & not to a man who wants to rule like an autocrat.
Of course, because we all know that this isn't a witch hunt. :laughing0301:

well i know that if it were & president tinkles had the evidence to show it was, he sure as hell would do EVERYTHING he could to show the witch hunters how wrong they were. he would hold a televised 'event' with spotlights, a red carpet, & probably make it a pay per view so he could make $$$ off it.

but none of that is gonna happen. & we both know why.

Then maybe we can make a trade: Ask the President for those witnesses, and in return, we get to question the whistleblower and the person he or she got their information from; the person that was listening on the phone.

Sound like a good deal to you???

Fair enough. The person that heard the conversation was questioned in the Basement because he has a sensitive position. He was questioned by both Dems and Reps. His account was verified. Wed, they talk openly with the person that Rump was talking with. You got that one already. The Whistle Blower is due to testify using voice only with voice altering electronics to hide his identity. To figure out who he really is is a death sentence. But that's just the justification for the probable cause and doesn't really mean anything anymore. When dealing with a Mob Boss, there is just too many death sentences involved. And make no doubt, Rump thinks of himself as a Mob Boss. There really isn't any other way to explain his behavior. So when dealing with him, that's how you have to react.

What's ironic is, like Al Capone, the biggest thing they are going to bag Rump for is on Taxes like they have MOST other Modern Mob Bosses. The similarities are striking.
Because he is covering up his real reason for getting her out of office. Next week, it comes very clear. It's not going to be a good month for Rump.

He doesn't have to have a reason, dumbass!

For someone who claims to be so smart, you really are a dumb MF!

Not once have I claimed to be that bright. Meanwhile, you are calling everyone around you a dumbass. Does that mean you are claiming to be Gods gift to bright boys? But it's pretty clear Rump had to get rid of her to get his lapdog into that position to get his bribery or blackmail to begin. The Ambassador was asked point blank if she would have supported any of this and she answered point blank, "No". And if you haven't noticed, the diplomatic community did NOT fire her. They sent her to train new Diplomats. Her support was so powerful that she received a standing ovation and loud applause as she left the chambers. Rump is in for a rough week starting next Wednesday when they start looking into what they have already opened up with the Professional Diplomats. If the Political Appointees try what Rump demands of them now, they go to prison. So look for them to come clean for a change. And Rump to go deeper and deeper.


OK, dumbass! You have prove yourself to be stupid more times than we can count.

She received applause because she gave them nothing? That is what you are claiming because she shot down every attempt by the Shiff-Show to find anything on Trump.

Someone on PBS said they were applauding Schiff. I dunno, that was confusing, except that the Republicans were trying to wash away the butt hurt President's tweets about her.

You mean the tweet shitt passed along during the testimony to intimidate the witness, so he could claim Trump was trying to intimidate the witness? If not for shitt, no one in the room would have know about the damn tweet.


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