You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Caught what? Suggesting that Ukraine assist us in accordance with our mutual defense treaty and that the Biden stuff looks really bad, and it does, and that they might want to look into it? He released the aid without ANY conditions, you want to impeach him because you claim you can mind-read him and you claim he thought about doing doing something wrong?

And you wonder why folks think the Left is nuts and wants to criminalize "wrong thoughts"?

PHOTO EMERGES of Anti-Trump CIA ‘WhistleLeaker’ Eric Ciaramella in Oval Office with Barack Obama

It's called Thought Police. It's from their favorite book.
Did Hillary pay Fusion GPS to fabricate phony dossiers on her political opponent? Yes or no?


Why do you ask such stupid questions? You're just displaying what a brainwashed partisan shill you are.

Again, when my point is that trump cultists always lie, telling stupid lies is a really bad strategy for you.
Fuck you commie, the SOB got a few scratches and was back on duty the same damn day.
Uh, the only commie I see is the couch dwelling pussy who was pulling his own taffy to comic books while Vinland was dodging bullets for his country, only to try to nip at his ankles later when he says something that reflects poorly on his great orange Vozhd .That would be you.

I have a service star on my NDSM, what about you commie? Didn't see one on Vindman either.

This testimony would not be allowed in a court proceeding

It's not a court proceeding.

And no, you don't get to subpoena witnesses based on your flagrantly dishonest conspiracy theories. And we don't care if you cry about that. It just makes you look even dumber and more dishonest.

I understand why you're so upset. Schiff won't let you lie and deflect. If you can't do that, you're helpless, and you know it.
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration

No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?


Stop letting Tramp lie to you, it is a summary. Why won't he release the real transcript.

That is the real transcript. Since the Nixon administration, presidential phone calls are no longer recorded. They are transcribed by a stenographer. Much like in the court of law, the stenographer tries to capture the highlights and most important factors of a discussion, and Trump has nothing to do with that.
Oh yes she did! Using Kremlin sourced disinformation to first try to affect the election and then in an attempt by the Obama Leftovers to overturn the election.

The Trump cult has the most interesting myths.

Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

_After_ the whistleblower busted him. So it means nothing.

And he still _asked_. that makes him guilty. If you hire a hit man, you're not innocent just because the hit didn't go down.
No one has any first hand evidence that Trump hired a hit man. Nobody has any first hand information that Trump committed any crimes at all. This is your hail mary after Dirty Bob Mueller came up with zero indictments for Russian Collusion, of not just Trump, but of ANYONE! All the spying, all the lying, all the investigations the Democrats engaged in, all the promises that the very next turn of events "prove it all" was just lies and wish-casting.

You guys fool no one.

Schiff allows all these folks with no first hand information to testify, to what they read in news reports in some cases, hell, you or I could "testify" to that!

But Ohr? Can't testify at the Dems kangaroo court.

Ohr was a researcher at Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research arm that produced the bogus Steele dossier.

She testified in a 2018 House investigation that Fusion’s informants included Ukrainian parliamentarian Serhiy Leshchenko – an overt Clinton supporter.

In late 2018, a Ukrainian court found the Leshchenko and an official of Ukraine’s anti-corruption police meddled in the 2016 American election by, among other things, leaking information damaging to Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort – who was forced to resign. Leschchenko was reportedly also a source for Chalupa, a Ukrainian-born DNC consultant and Hillary Clinton supporter.

Ohr was a researcher at Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign opposition research arm that produced the bogus Steele dossier.

Andrew McCarthy: Schiff games Trump impeachment show – In legitimate proceedings, you can't have it both ways
what does the transcript says
Need a link for this. Kilroy2
Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.
I just gotta wonder. Has anyone asked how all of this aid and terrible need with Ukraine that Trump so horribly disrupted with a few weeks delay might all have been different today had not Hillary and Obama pulled that Eastern Europe missile defense shield a few years ago???

what has that plan has to do with trump and Ukraine.

That plan was shelved 10 years ago as the decision was made that it is not needed.

Trump says that Russia is our friend so a missile defense shield is not needed.

The cold war was over If US places missile silos then Russia will place missile silos

Sounds like OB did the right thing. It was Bush's plan but seems like with Bolton on the payroll, hardliners like a missile defense shield but it serves no purpose. Bush said the threat was from Iran yet why would missiles need to be placed in those 2 eastern Europe nations.

10 years later where is the concern for not doing it

Show me where Trump ever said Russia was our friend.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing
You just admitted that it was released without any pre-conditions. Even though there is nothing wrong with pre-conditions, you still don't have any.

Obama withheld this same aid and NEVER released it, and you guys didn't say squat.

LIGHTS OUT – Sondland: ‘President Trump Never Told Me Military Aid Was Tied to Investigation Into Bidens’
Ummmm, what I'm saying is that it was Durbin's timing for the release, not Trump's.
Everybody says Trump released it because he was caught, that's not it at all.
You are engaging in mindless mind-reading. It's your imagination, imagine what you wish, but don't expect anyone else to find your imaginations compelling.

Schiff has denied Republicans the opportunity to call these witnesses, just as he has denied the GOP the ability to ask questions about the so-called whistleblower who instigated the Ukraine impeachment push (a CIA official who is known to have consulted with Schiff’s staff while preparing his complaint).

According to Schiff, the Republicans must not be permitted to question their preferred witnesses because possible Biden corruption and Ukrainian interference in the election for the benefit of Hillary Clinton are not relevant topics. The only matter in focus is President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine’s government – i.e., the slow-walking of defense aid to pressure Kyiv to conduct investigations “that would benefit Trump politically.”

This, of course, is absurd. In their tunnel vision, what Democrats call the investigations that “would benefit Trump politically” are precisely Biden corruption and Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Schiff & Co. mulishly insist that Trump was motivated by nothing other than his political fortunes in the 2020 campaign. Obviously, if the fact-finding inquiry is legitimate, the president and Republicans must be entitled to try to demonstrate that Trump had proper motivations.

Contrary to Schiff’s deceptive claim at the start of the inquiry (in his “parody” version of the July 25 Trump-Zelensky phone call), the president was not asking Ukraine to “make up dirt on my political opponent.” There was abundant good-faith reason to suspect self-dealing by the Bidens.

Andrew McCarthy: Schiff games Trump impeachment show – In legitimate proceedings, you can't have it both ways
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration

No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?


Stop letting Tramp lie to you, it is a summary. Why won't he release the real transcript.

I guess reading comprehension isn't big with you, feel free to point where I said it wasn't a summary. I simply said it was accurate according to Vindman.

Trump is absolutely right. There is a bounty of evidence of Ukrainian interference in the election. The president reasonably contends that his interests were not so much in the politics of 2020 as in accountability for election-meddling in 2016 – a matter Democrats purport to be interested in when the country at issue is Russia and the bottom line helps them politically.

While Schiff claims that Biden corruption and Ukrainian election meddling have no relevance to the inquiry, he is not conducting the hearings that way. To the contrary, Democrats are raising these matters at will … with witnesses of their choosing, who have no relevant information.

Democrats then use the witnesses’ professions that they’ve heard nothing of Biden corruption or Ukrainian collusion as if it were evidence that these things did not happen.

In a legitimate proceeding, you can’t have it both ways.

Andrew McCarthy: Schiff games Trump impeachment show – In legitimate proceedings, you can't have it both ways

The Dems are running a very obvious kangaroo court and the Electorate is not impressed.
No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?


Stop letting Tramp lie to you, it is a summary. Why won't he release the real transcript.

That is the real transcript. Since the Nixon administration, presidential phone calls are no longer recorded. They are transcribed by a stenographer. Much like in the court of law, the stenographer tries to capture the highlights and most important factors of a discussion, and Trump has nothing to do with that.

Ray it says at the top it is NOT a verbatim transcript. Thus a summary, try again.
No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?


Stop letting Tramp lie to you, it is a summary. Why won't he release the real transcript.

I guess reading comprehension isn't big with you, feel free to point where I said it wasn't a summary. I simply said it was accurate according to Vindman.


It is STILL a summary.
There was abundant good-faith reason to suspect self-dealing by the Bidens.
Apart from the complete lack of evidence as stated by Ukrainian officials.

Ukraine’s top prosecutor unaware of evidence against Hunter Biden

“I have no such information,” General Prosecutor Ruslan Ryaboshapka told Reuters when asked whether he had evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden.
what does the transcript says

Need a link for this. Kilroy2

Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question...
Obama delayed it and NEVER released it, you have not answered that one question.

Obama delayed it because of corruption within the Ukraine government. The money was released and probably after the prosecutor general was fired 3 or 4 months later after Biden's visit in December.

The prosecutor general at that time did not do a thing about corruption within the Ukraine government

They were concern that money given to Ukraine would not be used for the specific purpose that it was sent there for

Ukraine was widely believed by almost everyone including European governments including the IMF to be corrupt

IMF threaten to withhold money if Ukraine did not clean up there act

OB, Europeans, IMF did not ask for anything in return other than having the Ukraines become serious about corruption in their government. This mostly centered around the prosecutor general and his office. They only wanted Ukraine government to clean up their act.

Since 2016 the prosecutor general was fired and replaced.

Elections were held and a new government is in place

Pointing to OB withholding money as if it was the same reason that Trump was withholding aid ignores the reasons that each used for withholding money.

The difference is Trump wanted an investigation into Biden and his son

Trump even talked about a server that belong to the DNC and Cloudstrike

All things that were political issues in the US not in Ukraine

that is the difference

Obama did not have his private lawyer go to Ukraine to find dirt on a political opponent
I have a service star on my NDSM, what about you commie? Didn't see one on Vindman either.

Then why are you shitting on other vets just because some politician told you to do it?

You should know better.

I saw his testimony, I have many questions about his admitted conduct. Just being in uniform doesn't give you a pass on misconduct. And I don't appreciate being accused of shitting on anyone just because I have legitimate questions. Also an officer serving in a combat zone is virtually guaranteed a Bronze Star if for nothing but meritorious achievement, he doesn't have one. That raises further questions, in my mind, about the quality of officer he is.

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