You've got one candidate asking for the truth to be've got the other one paying for lies to be told to the electorate right before the election! Now which of THOSE do you think "undermines" an election! Duh?
what does the transcript says

Need a link for this. Kilroy2

Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.

That's not what all those witnesses at the hearings are saying.
Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.

The statement posted was from Col Hickman who commanded Vindman in Europe. So no, it's not bullshit. It's just not convenient to your propaganda.


It's bullshit because he's working as National Security staff and if what Hickman said was true, it would be reflected on his record since Hickman was his CO. I don't think you become NS staff working in DC with a security clearance and a foreign portfolio if what Hickman said was true,

His language skills is what got him many jobs in the military, people tend to overlook minor infractions for people with those skills. You've never been in the military have you? I've seen many people fuck up and move up.


You don't work at that level if he was anything like Hickman described. I'm not going to be arguing with people who use fox news and alt- right media for sources. If this guy would have praised Trump this Hickman guy would not exist.

That's based on 26 years of personal military experience, dummy. BTW I have more and higher awards that that O5 has.

Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Did ANY of that undermine a US Presidential election?
Wait, that's not what you asked. You said, "vile and disgusting". So, I gave you "vile and disgusting", did I not? Now you want to change the question. I will try to keep up.

You don't think Trump inviting Russian assistance, while they were interfering in our elections, undermined the election?

You mean Trump asking the Russians to release Hillary's emails that she'd destroyed so the country couldn't see just how corrupt she that the "assistance" you're referring to? That doesn't undermine the election, attempts to reveal just how sleazy and corrupt one of the candidates IS!
Hillary had long before bleachbitted the subpoenaed hard drives and beat her smart phone with hammers long before Trump suggested that Russia, if they had them, turn loose her missing 30,000 emails. And if Russia did have them, it would be in our National Interest to know what they had.
They were investigating Burisma until Joe put a stop to it, bribing them with $1.2 billion of our tax dollars. How is reopening that investigation with a new government in place “fraudulent”?
They were not. Whatever investigation there was had ceased when Joe gave his ultimatum. That is why the ultimatum was issued by Joe.

There are issues with Giuliani and Shokin’s accounts of what happened. According to former Ukrainian official Vitalu Kasko, the case against Zlochevsky had been “shelved” by Ukranian prosecutors in 2014. “There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky. It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015,” Kasko said during an interview in September. Evidence backing Kasko’s claim comes from the British court who unfroze Zlochevsky’s accounts in 2015 after Ukrainian prosecutors failed to provide needed information. Kasko claims that after Shokin took office in February 2015 he took no action to pursue the Zlochevsky case throughout 2015. Kasko resigned in February 2016 citing corruption and lawlessness inside the prosecutor general’s office.
Details Of The Burisma Investigation Debunk Claims From Rudy Giuliani
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Except it is not a transcript, it is Tramps summary of the call. Tramp refuses to release the call off of a top secret server it was wrongly stored on. Why is that?
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration

No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?


Stop letting Tramp lie to you, it is a summary. Why won't he release the real transcript.
Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Caught what? Suggesting that Ukraine assist us in accordance with our mutual defense treaty and that the Biden stuff looks really bad, and it does, and that they might want to look into it? He released the aid without ANY conditions, you want to impeach him because you claim you can mind-read him and you claim he thought about doing doing something wrong?

And you wonder why folks think the Left is nuts and wants to criminalize "wrong thoughts"?

PHOTO EMERGES of Anti-Trump CIA ‘WhistleLeaker’ Eric Ciaramella in Oval Office with Barack Obama
Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing
You've got one candidate asking for the truth to be've got the other one paying for lies to be told to the electorate right before the election! Now which of THOSE do you think "undermines" an election! Duh?
They don't care. Look at how their story constantly changes. The American Electorate is unfooled. They have never accepted the election, and they to this very day, are still trying to undo it.

Schiff’s Latest Impeachment Witness Laura Cooper Uses Second-Hand Info to Testify About Trump’s Hold on Military Aid For Ukraine
Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.

That's not what all those witnesses at the hearings are saying.
They were investigating Burisma until Joe put a stop to it, bribing them with $1.2 billion of our tax dollars. How is reopening that investigation with a new government in place “fraudulent”?
They were not. Whatever investigation there was had ceased when Joe gave his ultimatum. That is why the ultimatum was issued by Joe.
Trump was right again!

UPDATE — Head of Burisma Holdings Linked to Hunter Biden Is Indicted in Ukraine – THEN GOES MISSING
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing
You just admitted that it was released without any pre-conditions. Even though there is nothing wrong with pre-conditions, you still don't have any.

Obama withheld this same aid and NEVER released it, and you guys didn't say squat.

LIGHTS OUT – Sondland: ‘President Trump Never Told Me Military Aid Was Tied to Investigation Into Bidens’
...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing
You just admitted that it was released without any pre-conditions. Even though there is nothing wrong with pre-conditions, you still don't have any.

Obama withheld this same aid and NEVER released it, and you guys didn't say squat.

LIGHTS OUT – Sondland: ‘President Trump Never Told Me Military Aid Was Tied to Investigation Into Bidens’
Ummmm, what I'm saying is that it was Durbin's timing for the release, not Trump's.
Everybody says Trump released it because he was caught, that's not it at all.
You think that Ukraine is the only country where there was delays?

Ask Pakistan about it, and if that's not good enough ask Lebanon if they are still waiting.

...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing

Lol, you must have been watching Laura too. I was going to try and find a link to that revelation.
...and neither of them were tied to extortion by the president for dirt on his political foe.
Nor was the delay with the Ukraine, no matter how you try and frame it.
Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

BOOM! Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Under Secretary Hale to Admit US Aid was Withheld in Pakistan, Lebanon, Honduras and Other Countries… Not Just Ukraine!

He released the aid 2 days after he got caught.
Actually, it was released due to Durbin putting on the pressure for the funds to be released.
Yeah, I know the timing was terrible....but this just came out this evening. it wasn't Trump timing

Lol, you must have been watching Laura too. I was going to try and find a link to that revelation.
Yup, I was. lol
Then I guess the Republicans were either too stupid to do something about it or just didn't fucking care, huh?
Gotta love those arguments. Hillary is still guilty even though repubs had 2 years of full control and she didn’t get locked up. The right is delusional...
My question has been, what really did Trump do differently from what the Hillary Haters complain Hillary did? (And I'm pretty sick of Hillary post 2008 behavior)

Hillary said "you want to contact the SoS for a meeting, you have to donate to my charity." Trump said "you want me to recoginize your govt and help you stop Russian aggression in your country, you have to help me cook up evidence to destroy my persona enemy"

To me that's the entire point of the dems impeachment strategy.

The problem with Clinton is there were several investigations and they all proved nothing. The republicans just kept on repeating investigations until the end of the 2016 election.

Hillary took money for meetings but the money went to her "charity." The gop didn't prove "illegal," but they proved she was crooked.

And Trump isn't going to jail or being kicked out of office. But he's a pig of a person morally and he's a crook.

Clinton's Charity - the Clinton Foundation is a 5 star rated charity with all charity review organizations in the world, and is responsible for 75% of the AIDS drug being administered to adults in the Third World, and 100% of the children in the Third World. The audited finanical statements are publically available and they show a charity which spends close to 90% of the moneys they raise on the programs, which is a very high ratio indeed. The Clintons all donate a large portion of their speaking income to the Charity and they funds are all accounted for.


Trump is proven to lie, proven to have committed illegals acts, and you continue to defend him. There is no cure for stupid.

Trump's charity was shut down by the state of New York for illegal fundraising, and misuse of the funds raised. Trump has been barred from any charitiable work in future.

Whatever happen to the Huber investigation its been over 18 months and what have they got to show.

Where is HUBER?

Where is the proof?

yet it was Trump who was fined
Oh yes she did! Using Kremlin sourced disinformation to first try to affect the election and then in an attempt by the Obama Leftovers to overturn the election.

The Trump cult has the most interesting myths.

Trump released the aid without any requirements at all, even though the requirements considered were certainly justifiable.

_After_ the whistleblower busted him. So it means nothing.

And he still _asked_. that makes him guilty. If you hire a hit man, you're not innocent just because the hit didn't go down.
This testimony would not be allowed in a court proceeding under rules of evidence and due process, where witnesses are permitted to address only matters about which they have direct knowledge. If they only know what they’ve read in the papers, their testimony isn’t any more reliable than ours would be.

This is why, for all the formal trappings and somber tones, Democrats are running a kangaroo court.

The hearings are taking place under one-sided rules that enable Chairman Adam Schiff, a fierce partisan, to determine which witnesses are permitted to testify.

Republicans have asked to call such witnesses as Hunter Biden, Nellie Ohr, and Alexandra Chalupa. Biden the younger was lavishly compensated by a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, while his father was running Obama administration Ukraine policy and demanding that Kiev fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

Andrew McCarthy: Schiff games Trump impeachment show – In legitimate proceedings, you can't have it both ways

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