How did it pan out for me? Clinton lost the election because her corrupt behavior was exposed.

Interesting. Conservatives see self-worth as being about winning, no matter how vile and disgusting they had to act to win. In contrast, liberals see self-worth as being about being being a good person.

It worked out rather well for me. How did it work out for you?:26:

As I won't burn in Hell for eternity, pretty damn good.

This is absolute, 100% bullshit. Not the burn in hell part, this part: Conservatives see self-worth as being about winning, no matter how vile and disgusting they had to act to win. In contrast, liberals see self-worth as being about being being a good person.

When it comes to being vile and disgusting, the Repubs are no match for the Dems. It wasn't the Repubs who installed an unauthorized and unprotected email server in her basement and used it for official correspondence, including classified data, and lied about it. Numerous times. It wasn't a Repub who looked the families of the dead Americans who died in Benghazi and lied about why they died. It wasn't the Repubs who paid for an opposition hit piece and then used it to spy on the other party's nominee. It wasn't the Repubs who constantly said they had incontrovertible proof of Trump's guilt with respect to Russian collusion in he 2016 election. It wasn't the Repubs who lied over and over again about evidence of quid pro quo, or bribery. It wasn't the Repubs who waited until the last minute of a Senatte Committee hearing to smear Justice Kavanaugh with unfounded claims of a 35 year old sexual assault. Again and again it has been the DEMOCRATS who have been vile and disgusting, looking for anything they can use against Trump, true or not, fake news or not. And in the process, all but destroying the credibility of many of our investigative services, other agencies, (IRS, ATF, etc.), and even Congress itself.

"liberals see self-worth as being about being being a good person." Bull fucking shit.
Oh, so you're not interested in the truth. You just want your ORANGE MAN BAD fantasies validated.

Why not subpoena the child molestor pizza parlor owner too? Oh, that's right, because it's just one of your fraudulent retarded conspiracy theories.

Why is it you cult sheep can't grasp that your conspiracy babbling is not a justification for subpoenas? Oh wait, I just answered that, with the 'cult sheep' thing.
Dood, you project more than a 24-screen cineplex.
Lordy, it just keeps on getting better.

NUNES: “We need to subpoena Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower for closed door depositions as well as relevant documents from the DNC, Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca and the Whistleblower.”

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If the Rs hadn't changed the rules during the Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi circus, he could have subpoenaed anybody he wanted.
There was an impeachment proceeding?

Rs changed the rules giving Committee chairmen control over subpoenas across the board in any kind of investigation. Thanks Nunez.
That's why Nunes has to force Schiff to recuse himself like Schiff forced Nunes to do during the Mueller investigation=The Boomerang!

Could be why Nunez wants to try to do that, but I doubt it will work.
Because fascist like him don't like to step down easy-see Meduro for example. You have to admit if someone did what he's doing to someone on your side of the isle the word fascist would come to mind.
It's like one of those movies where the town car repair service owner you break down at is also the town
sheriff and town judge.
I learned two things today.

The democrats can’t even win a rigged trial. No counter witnesses allowed, limited questions allowed, no due process... and you still can’t win a case.

Adam Shitt should be hung. We could probably do it with a fruit loop if we can figure out how to get it over that balloon head and massive eye balls.
This is absolute, 100% bullshit

Looks like I've triggered a cultist. Pointing out the depravity of their cult tends to do that.

It wasn't the Repubs who installed an unauthorized and unprotected email server in her basement and used it for official correspondence, including classified data, and lied about it. Numerous times.

As my point was that conservatives will proudly engage in any and all sleazy and vile behavior to win, posting a long list of big lies about Democrats was not your best choice of action. You just confirmed my point for me.

We do understand why you hate us so. People of relative morals hate people of absolute morals. The shining light of liberal moral absolutism causes physical pain to moral relativist conservatives, much like sunlight burning a vampire. In an attempt to stop the pain, they lash out at the source of the pain.

It's so good to be a liberal, because liberalism is reality-based. If the facts contradict liberalism, we change liberalism. To "win", we only need to tell the truth and point to reality. We don't need to lie. Unlike the Trump cultists, we don't need to change our positions based on the talking point of the day, which usually contradicts the previous day's talking points. If you just ell the truth, you don't get tangled in a web of lies.

Links and the statement of one of Vidman's supervisors has been included in this thread, so no, it's not bullshit.


Yes, it is bullshit. Most of what comes from alt-right media is bullshit. Anybody can create a website.

The statement posted was from Col Hickman who commanded Vindman in Europe. So no, it's not bullshit. It's just not convenient to your propaganda.

‘Bro-like’: Schiff aide was White House friend of alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.

Alleged Ukraine whistleblower Eric Ciaramella was close friends at the White House with an official who is now a key aide to Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman leading the Democratic push to impeach President Trump.

Sean Misko, 37, was the director for the Gulf States at the National Security Council from 2015 until the first half of 2018. Ciaramella, 33, a career CIA analyst, was Ukraine director on the NSC from at least 2016 until the summer of 2017. Both officials arrived during the Obama administration and left during the Trump administration.

In September, the whistleblower accused Trump of abusing the presidency by asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, who sat on the board of a Ukrainian gas company. The complaint is now the focus of Democratic-led impeachment proceedings.

Schiff initially denied he had any knowledge about the complaint prior to its filing in mid-August, saying on Sep. 17: “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to.” But it was later found that this statement was false and a member of his staff had spoken to the whistleblower before the complaint was filed on Aug. 12.
Another fact based entanglement and affiliation that libs will dismiss as “conspiracy theory”
There are great at this. They still pretend that Obama didn't lock children up in cages despite complete certainty that he did, but, their denials fool no one. The Electorate is wise to them.

HE PRESUMES A LOT: Amb. Sondland Admits He Has No Evidence Trump Tied Ukraine Military Aid to Investigations Other Than His ‘Own Presumption.’

The same law firm that represent Vindman and Fiona Hill also represents... Burisma?

Burisma Partners

Ambassador Sonland just put this whole charade in its grave.. No QUIDPROQUO and Trump told him that he wanted NOTHING.... Sonaland just killed SCHITT's moment by stepping on it...

And the schitty kitty likes to eat shit..
I learned two things today.

The democrats can’t even win a rigged trial. No counter witnesses allowed, limited questions allowed, no due process... and you still can’t win a case.

Adam Shitt should be hung. We could probably do it with a fruit loop if we can figure out how to get it over that balloon head and massive eye balls.

That's what gets you about these people. Even when the game is rigged for their side, they still complain when they lose.

The media and polls all tried to convince people that Hillary had it in the bag. When they lost, they complained that Trump won unfairly.

Trump offered Hillary a trade: He would release his tax returns, if Hillary agreed to release the transcripts of her speech to Wall Street. Hillary never came through, and then they complained for the next couple of years that Trump never released his tax returns.

A two year, 45 million dollar investigation was launched against Trump with no evidence of wrong doing. The man in charge packed his administration with Trump haters and Hillary supporters. When he concluded no Russian collusion, they not only dragged Mueller to testify to Congress, but cried foul because the report was properly redacted to protect the innocent. When the un-redacted report was released under strict supervision to their members of Congress, nobody came to read it.

The game has been tilted in their favor since before Trump took office, and they're still complaining.
His language skills is what got him many jobs in the military,
Yeah, that knowledge was especially helpful in Iraq, when he was getting blown up by IEDs. :rolleyes:

What skills got the draft dodger president out of all those jobs? None, as he has none. Only daddy's friendship with Ben Franklin.

Fuck you commie, the SOB got a few scratches and was back on duty the same damn day. You commies are such drama queens. LMAO

Fuck you commie, the SOB got a few scratches and was back on duty the same damn day.
Uh, the only commie I see is the couch dwelling pussy who was pulling his own taffy to comic books while Vinland was dodging bullets for his country, only to try to nip at his ankles later when he says something that reflects poorly on his great orange Vozhd .That would be you.
define obstruction. defense of oneself is not obstruction.
Sure it is. If the house subpoenas peoples and documents you are obstructing their investigation. It was in the articles for impeachment for Nixon and Clinton too. You defend yourself by speaking the truth, let other people tell the truth and delivering documents if asked. If you don't you aren't defending yourself but obstructing justice.
oh someone isn't allowed to defend themselves in your fked up brain? too funny. son, you're in the wrong country. go back to russia.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the

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Trump needs no witnesses

The transcript reveals no impeachable offense

So the Donald is already holding a pat hand

Except it is not a transcript, it is Tramps summary of the call. Tramp refuses to release the call off of a top secret server it was wrongly stored on. Why is that?
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration

No meathead it is a summary.

And Vidman said in private and public that it is an accurate summary.


It is still a summary, not a transcript. No matter how you cut it it is a summary.

So long as it's accurate, who gives a crap?

what does the transcript says


we do ·a lot for Ukraine. We spend a lot of effort and a lot.of time.
the United States has been very very good to Ukraine. He talks about some server that belongs to the DNC that somehow ends up in Ukraine and Crowdstrike. Clearly he is watching to much FOX news and reading repub bloggers. Why would Ukraine have that server? He then moves on to an investigation and the Bidens

He has laid out what the US does for them and also casting doubt on the Europeans wanting to do things for Ukraine thus who can you count on

Trump and the Ukraine Prez admits in the transcript that US is more of an important player than the EU

given the fact that Ukraine is up against Russia in Crimea and we know Russia has way more resources. Ukraine needs this aid. Yet we know that the aid is already on hold. Trump does not mention this.

The Ukrainian president even mentions the need for more Javelin missiles

clearly this is laying out what Ukrainian needs (the aid)

I would like you to do us a favor though
because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a
lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with
this whole situation with Ukraine

Trump is asking for a favor after setting up the guy with how much they need the US

The transcript clearly says that Trump he want him to meet with Rudy G

Rudy G is not a government official and is Trumps personal lawyer

Trump then talks about Biden and Biden's son and how Biden supposedly stop an investigation in Ukraine

Thus suggesting an investigation and then casually throws in the Biden's

This is what you can do for me restart an investigation that wasn't about Biden or Biden son but about this Ukrainian energy company being corrupt but he clearly mentions Biden

Repubs want to hold out that they eventually got the money and there was no quid pro quo

well part of the quid pro quo was them getting the money and assistance

and trump getting an investigation not because he is worried about some some Ukrainian energy company but dirt on the Biden's

Time line

April 25, 2019 Joe Biden announces he is running for president

July 3 the aid was on hold

July 10
A meeting at the White House with Ukrainian officials is cut short when Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, says he has an agreement with the acting White House chief of staff that Ukraine’s president would get a meeting with Trump if Ukraine agreed to launch investigations.

July 18
In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the White House Office of Management and Budget announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.

Presidential order

July 25th the phone call to Ukraine's president

So he has already frozen the money yet he is bragging about the aid that the US provides

Catherine Croft, the special adviser for Ukraine at the State Department, says two Ukrainians reach out to her to ask about the status of the military assistance. She told lawmakers she couldn’t recall the exact dates, but believes the outreach took place before the Aug. 28 publication of a Politico article detailing the hold.

A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from congress.

late Aug
Politico publishes details that the military aid to Ukraine is on hold, setting off a scramble among diplomats in Ukraine and the United States.

The lid is coming off
William Taylor, the acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, testified that he did not know the aid had been withheld until after the Politico article appeared, when he started receiving “desperate” calls from Ukrainian officials.

“The minister of defense came to me,” he said. “I would use the word ‘desperate,’ to try to figure out why the assistance was held.”

Taylor said the minister thought if he spoke to Congress, or the White House, he could find out the reason and reassure them of whatever was necessary to get the aid. If the money wasn’t provided by Sept. 30, it would be lost.

Sept 9 the investigation begins
allegations that Trump, his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and possibly others, tried to pressure the Ukrainian government to help the president’s reelection campaign by digging up dirt on a political rival.

All of the sudden on Aug 11 the release on the aid is lifted
The funds are suddenly released. Senate Republicans said that happened in part because Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, threatened to block $5 billion in Pentagon spending for 2020 if the aid wasn’t given to Ukraine. They said the aid was held up while Trump looked into whether Zelenskiy was serious about fighting corruption. Taylor and other diplomats involved in Ukraine were not
given a reason for the aid being released.
Taylor said Ukraine’s president was planning to do an interview with CNN in which he would make a public statement on the investigations that Trump had pushed for.

Taylor was concerned about the interview and its potential to play into “domestic U.S. politics,” and on Sept. 13 asked Ukrainian officials about it.

The interview never happens and was cancelled by Ukraine's president

So they were about to announce an investigation that Trump had suggested in prime time in the US media. Yet since the aid being withheld, the call for a favor and the investigation were now in the spotlight. Oh never mind.

I thought trump was interested in this investigation about corruption and was withholding the aid.

But here we are in November and no investigation.

So clearly what happen Trump and his crew knew what he was going to be said and to prevent a total disaster they released the money.

Well I suppose NO quid pro quo would be a better argument for repubs

instead of the more serious issues of campaign finance law violations, bribery, extortion, and conspiracy
You want to impeach the President based on your mind-reading? Never going to happen. Oh well, you might impeach him, but the American People will never support removal based on hear-say and Democrat mind-reading and no treason, bribery or high crimes.

Not to mention an inherently unfair process. Even if you had crimes you would need an unquestionable bipartisan process and you guys have the Schiff Kangaroo Court. You're screwed, it now comes down to how you will face up to that and extricate yourself from this tar baby.

Oh sorry not a repub so do not buy it

U were probably on the clinton impeachment bandwagon when the shoe was on the other foot

If there is anything that I wrote that is incorrect please state what it is instead of kangaroo court

Trump is guilty as there was no reason to withhold funds except that it was the deal he talked about on the call
If the Rs hadn't changed the rules during the Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi circus, he could have subpoenaed anybody he wanted.
There was an impeachment proceeding?

Rs changed the rules giving Committee chairmen control over subpoenas across the board in any kind of investigation. Thanks Nunez.
That's why Nunes has to force Schiff to recuse himself like Schiff forced Nunes to do during the Mueller investigation=The Boomerang!

Could be why Nunez wants to try to do that, but I doubt it will work.
Because fascist like him don't like to step down easy-see Meduro for example. You have to admit if someone did what he's doing to someone on your side of the isle the word fascist would come to mind.
It's like one of those movies where the town car repair service owner you break down at is also the town
sheriff and town judge.

Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word fascism, because this doesn't even slightly resemble that, However, the words corrupt and unfair did come to mind when Republicans changed the rules to what they are now. Your party demanded that committee chairmen should have complete control of subpoenas, and changed the rules during the Benghazi hearings to give themselves that unfair advantage. It's a little late for you to get upset at the fairness of the rules at this point, don't you think? You should have considered all that before you did it.
what does the transcript says

Need a link for this. Kilroy2

Both Volker and Morrison said the less than two month delay of the aid had no effect on Ukraines defensive capabilities. And the Javelin missile sale was apart form that aid.


Still why was it delayed you have not answered that one question

Trump has been president for 3 years and there was no previous delays or concerns so why all of the sudden he delays it by presidential order

When Rudy was globe trotting looking into Ukraine matters

Is Rudy a state official or is he Trumps private lawyer

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